Hellobee Boards


March Mamas & Babies: 2/3 Done!

  1. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: For real! At least she goes back to sleep by herself but I am so tired. Getting 10 mins of sleep off and on makes me so tired. I wish that I could fall back asleep so easy like DH.

    That stinks about your alarm. It really does throw you off when that happens. Drive safe!!!

  2. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: I'm the same as you - it's sooooooo hard for me to fall back asleep once it's been interrupted! That's why the newborn stage was sooooooooo hard. Hubs would fall back immediately, but I'll be up for an hour!

    I'm a little nervous about my drive home, but I'm hoping it stops snowing and they get some salt on the roads - then it should be fine. Though it's making me wonder if I need new tires...

  3. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Will work let you leave early if the roads are bad? New tires suck.

    DH went to go meet a friend for dinner last night and his car wouldn't start I am praying it is the battery and that is all. He needs a new one but we can't afford two car payments right now. We are waiting till mine is paid off in April.

  4. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Yeah, work is usually pretty good about that. Plus my boss is on vacation, so it's not like he cares. And my team lead is leaving early today anyway. So I don't really think anyone cares if I stick around, haha.

    Yikes! I hope the only issue with your husband's car is the battery! I had that issue a few years ago with my old car and I ended up replacing the battery, the starter, and the alternator! It was such a pain!!! Hopefully that's NOT the case for you guys!

  5. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: That would suck so bad if it was all that stuff. I don't want to put any money into his car.

  6. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: HOPEFULLY it's just the battery! My car was over 10 years old and I hit a string of bad luck with it!

  7. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: his is 10 years old

  8. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Uh oh, I hope I didn't jinx you!

  9. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    Hi! Popping in during a rare little bit of down time! DH is with L at the ENT this morning and I am nervously waiting to hear what he says. As I said yesterday, we haven't been getting any sleep with this craziness lately. He won't let us put him down. We take turns spending the night holding him but right now DH is sick so I have been doing the bulk of it. I hope we find some answers via this ENT.
    On a positive note, L has become an adventurous eater. He has been doing so well with feeding himself actual food. We have done carrots, brocolli (so messy!!), green beans, cheese, puffs and crunchies/mumums, egg whites, strawberries, toast, bagels, mango, baked apples.... I know there is more but you get the drift Yesterday at school they had a Thanksgiving feast and they all sat together wearing turkey hats and eating puffs, cheese and bananas! SOOOOOO Cute! They said he gobbled everything up and made a huge mess. That's my boy! They also said he kept his hat on even though they had voted that he would be most likely to rip it right off LOL.

  10. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Smurfette: Hope the car just needs a quick and repair!

    @Adira: The weather is certainly going to be wild this week! Drive safely!!

    @travellingbee: What a great eater!! I love the image of the babies eating their Thanksgiving feast in festive hats!

    I am counting down the minutes until school is over and I can go home to spend five days with my little love bug! Sleep has been consistent this week. He's gone to bed around 6:50pm every night and wakes up at 5:15am on the dot. I wish I could convince him to sleep an hour later in the morning because I don't think 10 hours is enough sleep for him but at least there are no more MOTN wake ups so I won't complain. I just want to make sure he's rested.

    I can no longer eat my breakfast in peace anymore. As soon as Pete spots my cinnamon raisin Ezekiel english muffin, he starts reaching for it and throws a fit if I don't give him pieces of it. I may have to start toasting a second muffin for him because I'm hungry in the morning and I don't like to share!

  11. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @travellingbee: Wow!!! His eating is impressive!!! Xander's still disgusted by finger foods and hasn't tried ANYTHING yet!

    Awww, I'm sorry about your rough nights! I hope you get some info at the ENT!

  12. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    So update from the ENT: He needs tubes. We will be getting them on 12/11. He has fluid in his ears and he will just constantly be getting ear infections if we don't do the tubes. He doesn't currently have an infection but he does have pressure from the fluid. I don't know what we do about sleep in the meantime. That is over 2 weeks until we get some relief. I'm going to lose my mind!! I can't hold this baby all night for 2 weeks!!!!!!

  13. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @travellingbee: Aww, poor baby!! But at least now you know and hopefully once he gets the tubes, he'll start feeling a lot better! That sucks though you won't be getting it done for a couple weeks! Did they have any suggestions for in the meantime???

  14. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @travellingbee: I am so sorry about the tubes. But on the bright side, it is in the same year as you gave birth, so you already met our deductible for the year. Silver lining?
    I wish that there was something I could suggest for the sleep issue. Will he sleep if you put him in the bed with you? Have you tried elevating the crib so he isn't laying flat?
    What a great eater!! I feel so behind on regular foods. I really need to step it up and try more stuff with her. She just loves bananas and puffs. She would eat puffs all day if we let her.

  15. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Smurfette: Actually, no. Because my year starts in August we have a new deductible. Boo. But my husband has an HSA so that helps. He sleeps OKish in bed with me. Still wakes often but doesn't scream his head off. I, however, don't sleep great with him in bed with me. I haven't elevated the crib but I can try it. I don't know how that works because he moves all around and turns and stuff. Then wouldn't he end up with his feet elevated??
    @Adira: No, because I didn't go and my husband didn't know what to ask. I couldn't take more time off so my DH took him. I have put in a call to the pediatrician to see if they have suggestions.

  16. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @travellingbee: Aww, that bites big time. Yeah I guess if he moves a lot it wouldn't help. I was just thinking if he likes sleeping on you, maybe that takes the pressure of his ears. Is he napping ok? Does Tylenol help?

  17. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Smurfette: Yeah I am going to try. Can't make it worse LOL. The nurse at the pediatrician's office suggested benedryl so we will try that tonight. I might write a general post about it and see if anyone else has been through it and has suggestions...

  18. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    OK... trying to catch up best I can...

    @QueensBee: @Smurfette: @ALV91711: @travellingbee: Wow! You guys are so adventurous with the foods! Are they actually chewing before swallowing? K still gags on some thicker purees. She loves to gnaw on breads, but will start gagging if she gets some crumbs down. I tried letting her suck on some chicken breast meat yesterday, but she managed to rip the big (hand-sized) piece I gave her in half, and it was all in her mouth. Had to go fish it out.

    @QueensBee: I saw your hair on IG. Looks great! But I know a change is just so different. Takes some getting used to.

    @NaturallyCathy: K also loves to pull my hair. She's actually more like grasping it, but I can have it all pulled back and she'll manage to find one strand I've missed or pull my bangs. lol These kiddos...

    @sheskrafty: Sounds like your sleep training is going well!

    @dojo: I think immobile baby is not a bad thing. I've been clamoring to baby-proof things as she's getting into them!

    K's naps have been good for the most part, dare I say?!?! It's amazing how she seems to be following the Wonder Weeks thing so closely most of the time! Yesterday we had 2 x 40 min. naps - 1 in the car! Last weekend we went to Palm Springs (~1.5 hr away) and she slept most of the way there and home.

    We're still on 2 feedings a night (when she had gone to 1 or 0 when she was younger), but I think she is actually really hungry. She's so excited all day and I think burning a lot more calories trying to stand and move around. She even seems to be slimming down a bit in the cheeks and thighs. I don't mind too much, but I am hoping I can get it back down to just 1 MOTN feeding soon.

    It's been harder to keep up on HB because she is go-go-go these days. Yesterday she fell and cried more times than I can count. But it's exciting to see her so excited.

  19. silver1

    apricot / 338 posts

    So much to catch up. We are moving out of this place this weekend and back into our new home I am so excited!! Finally I get to do J's nursery!
    @travellingbee: Oh no poor baby!! I guess this is only a problem when napping /sleeping as he is fine otherwise? Maybe you could try sleep in carseat so hez more in sitting position? Love your LO is eating all sorts of foods. I just have this image of chunky babies feasting on thanksgiving dinner
    @Smurfette: Hope your car keeps going atleast until April!!
    @QueensBee: Aww thatz so cute hez reaching for your breakfast. And thatz great stretch of sleep!!
    @shopaholic: same here LO gags when i try feeding him finger foods. I am thinking maybe he just needs more practice to gum the food rather than just trying to swallow. Wow that sounds like really good naps and hope she is sleeping better at night. When are the wonder weeks? Is there one at 8-9 months?

  20. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @Smurfette: Hope it is just the battery for the car. I just had to replace mine and they are expensive! Cars just love to suck money.

    @Adira: How was the weather? Did you get to leave work early for the drive home. Last winter was the first year they let us go early a few times and it was basically because DH insisted I leave early a couple times in really bad weather, so they let everyone have the choice.

    @travellingbee: Wow, he sure has had a lot of food. That is awesome! Glad that they are going to do the tubes and hopefully they help. That sucks that you have to wait two weeks though. Sleep deprivation is just no fun!

    @QueensBee: That is going to be nice to have 5 days off! It is hard sometimes having started sharing some food and now they want to share it all. Some things I won't even eat in front of Isaac anymore if I don't feel like sharing.

    @shopaholic: Isaac chews his food. He gags once in a while as he doesn't chew it up enough or takes too big of a bite. Although he is learning if he takes too big of a bite to just spit it out. I hope that she gets back to 1 night feeding.

    We had another rough night last night. Up 2:30 to nurse, back to bed and a few minutes later woke up. I checked him and then left him to cry himself and it was almost an hour and a half. He would put himself to sleep and then a couple minutes later start again. Then he woke up at 5 hungry again and didn't get back to sleep until almost 6:30. Thankfully he stayed asleep until just after 8.

    I took him to our family doctor today as I thought he may have an ear infection as he is acting the same way as last time. But no, just a bit of a cold. So tonight we gave Tylenol before bed and tomorrow I'm going to get a humidifier.

    We've had a few rough nights in the last week but nothing compared to you, @travellingbee:, I can only imagine how exhausted you feel.

  21. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @silver1: That is so exciting that you are moving and you will get to do the nursery!

  22. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @travellingbee: I just saw your news about the ear infection! Poor family! I mean, it's good to know that in two weeks you will both have some relief but that does feel like a long time away! Did they said that benadryl could help in the meantime?

    @silver1: Great news about the house!! My MIL is literally convinced that DH and I will divorce if we purchase a house that needs renovations. So, I consider the fact that you guys have lived to tell the tale a true accomplishment! Can't wait to see nursery pics! Do you have a theme in mind?

    @ALV91711: I found that the humidifier helps Pete's colds a lot. It's just a pain to clean every week! I'm sorry that LO isn't sleeping well this week.

    @shopaholic: Pete does chew his food pretty well actually. However, he still has no idea how to use a straw or sippy cup! Maybe K and Pete can exchange lessons! I think we may end up going Montessori style and have him drink out of an open cup because he really can't seem to grasp the cup idea. Glad the naps have been a success this week! Maybe she'll finally start to tucker out with all the go-go-go movement!

  23. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @shopaholic: Yeah he chews pretty well but tonight he was gagging himself on acorn squash chunks. He ended up throwing a bunch up. Apparently gagging is normal and very different from choking. They are learning about the feeling involved in eating.
    And @QueensBee: just in the last week, L got the hang of the straw cup. He seems to do better with it than the sippy. The open cup he will drink out of but I have to hold it.

    We put his mattress at a bit of an incline with a towel underneath. We'll see how that works...

  24. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @shopaholic: At least K can use a sippy cup!! I bought yet another to try. I tried a straw cup and she just chews on them. R does chew her food. But really she doesn't have much interest except for bananas and puffs.
    Glad that you had better naps! I hope R naps good in the car like K did Thursday and Saturday. We have a 4+ hour drive. Eventually they fall and it doesn't phase them. Guess that is when that diaper comes in handy, all that padding.

    @silver1: so exciting! I hope everything goes smooth!!! @ALV91711: @silver1: DH jumped his car and it started and then he turned it off and it started again. So not sure what happened Monday night.
    @ALV91711: sorry you had a rough night. The humidifier is great. I think that it really helps R when she has a cold. We use it just about every night. She seems to always be stuffy.
    @travellingbee: Let us know how tonight goes with elevating the crib!

  25. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Urg, she woke up at 5 again Why, why does she think that is an ok time to wake up.
    I slept like crap last night, feel like I am going to throw up, I just want this day over with.

  26. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @QueensBee: Isaac loves taking sips of water out of our glasses and he is actually not too bad at it.

    @travellingbee: How did the inclined mattress work? Were you guys able to get a bit better of a sleep? I really hope so.

    @Smurfette: I'm sorry she woke so early again. What is with this girl? Hope your feeling better. Is your DH home or coming home early this week?

    Last night was a much better sleep. 6:30pm - 7:30am. Up twice to nurse and right back to sleep and the first time he got up was 3:15. Mama and papa feel better today. Poor little dude is coughing and sneezing up a storm but at least he is not super tired.

    I'm so excited, my little sister found out this week that she is having a girl!! I can't wait to have a niece! Now I just wish that we lived closer.

  27. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Smurfette: Ugh another early morning for you! I hope you're feeling better today!

    Pete was up at 5am too but since I didn't have to work, I was able to give him his bottle in bed and then he slept with me for another 2 1/2 hours there. I wish I could do that every morning with him!

    I am annoyed because I officially hate my hair color! So I am using my precious day off to go back to the salon for a 1pm appointment to fix it. i'm going to drop Pete off at daycare once he wakes from his morning nap. I wanted like Kate Middleton brown, not Kim Kardashian brown and I just need it fixed asap! There are just so many other things I wish I could use this day for. Oh well, here's hoping it comes out better the second time around!

  28. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @ALV91711: Yay! A niece will be so fun. Glad you had a better night.

    @QueensBee: What is with this 5am crap? Glad that you were able to get him back asleep. I might try it tomorrow morning.
    That is super annoying about your hair. Hopefully they can fix it.

    When do you think we just adjust to getting less sleep? I would love to not go to bed at 930 every night. DH and I just can't handle the 5am or 6am wakeups on the weekends.

  29. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @ALV91711: A little girl cousin for Isaac! How wonderful! When is your sister due?

  30. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @QueensBee: She is due mid April. I hope they can fix your hair colour.

    @Smurfette: I don't think I'll ever get used to less sleep! I feel so old that 9:30 is a late night for us.

  31. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    Isaac had an hour morning nap and so far has been asleep for 70 min. He must not feel well, he never gets this much daytime sleep.

  32. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @ALV91711: Didn't seem to make much of a difference unfortunately.
    The problem isn't really just him waking-- it's that he won't go back to sleep!! He goes down the first time in his crib just fine, but after he wakes up he only wants to be held.

  33. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @travellingbee: That is rough. Poor little guy and poor mama too. You must be burnt out. I hope these next two weeks fly by and the tubes will help him out.

  34. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @ALV91711: Maybe it's a growth spurt? Hope he's feeling okay!

    Hair came out better the second time around! It's still very dark but it's decidedly brown, not black, which is what I wanted. And, it didn't take too long so I still had plenty of time to run my errands before picking Pete up from daycare! So my earlier whine-fest wasn't really necessary.

    Pet's very into goat cheese this week! I put some on toast yesterday and he loved it. Today, I mixed it in with mashed sweet potatoes and he gobbled that up faster than I could feed it to him! My little gourmand, lol.

  35. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @ALV91711: Poor guy, hopes he feels better soon. But yah for naps!

  36. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @QueensBee: OMG, you are doing so much food. I need to get on the ball. So glad your hair is better!!

  37. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    I'm totally behind, but wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  38. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!

    R was so excited she woke up at 5! I fed her oatmeal for breakfast. Then out some Cheerios in her tray to see if she would eat this time, and girlfriend went to town on them. Then she saw me eating a banana and dropped the Cheerios and panting for some banana. It was so cute I had to share. We just got on the highway, so hopefully she takes a long nap since we have a 4+hr drive.

  39. silver1

    apricot / 338 posts

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
    @Smurfette: Thatz so cute shez wants your food. Hope she naps well and you have a fun trip!!
    @travellingbee: Sorry thatz rough. Hope you are able to get a bit of break over the weekend.
    @QueensBee: No theme yet I am kind of taking ideas from everywhere for now. DH loves looking at houses and renovations so it takes his mind off all the sleepless nights with baby. But he already said next house we are buying fully renovated!!

  40. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!!
    We are going to leave for a 1.5 hour trip to my Uncle's house in CT, just for the day, once Pete wakes up from his morning nap. Pete's been sleeping so well this week, I hope the car seat naps don't ruin his nighttime sleep!

    @Smurfette: Safe travels! And that's what Pete is like with my food- he drops his baby stuff and lunges for real food, so now I just make him meals out whatever we have in the fridge!

    @travellingbee: I hope you guys had a better night of sleep last night! Maybe the turkey will help him sleep tonight? I've heard turkey has a natural sedative in it that's supposed you make you sleepy!

    @Adira: Loved Xander's festive outfit this morning! Hope the ILs appreciate getting to spend the day with him! How is your husband feeling?

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