Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Baby Thread - Part 2!

Hey all May 2012 (April or June etc) mommas!

The original thread was getting quite long so here's a new one!
For those wishing to catch up here's the link:

Why don't we start off with baby updates?!

  1. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    M is now 4.5 months old
    She is quite a chatter monkey! Loves to smile a big gummy grin, laugh deep from her belly, especially with daddy!
    Not rolling over yet still just a lot of rocking
    No solids yet but def showing an interest
    I've been back at work since 6 weeks so she's been at daycare for a while. Today her teacher told us her and another boy were sitting across from each other and they were talking and laughing! That little flirt!!
    Sleep = horrendous
    She's def teething I think but no whites yet.
    Her bebepod flex plus came today and we lOve it! She's been sitting in the bumbo at daycare so she did pretty good!

    @shortcake: wow 10 days in Germany with a 4 month old? I'm impressed and jealous!!

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