Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Baby Thread!!

  1. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @winniebee: shut the front door! that's an awesome nap!
    @cvbee: so cute! I'm tempted to let M go now and see if she'll "sit"
    @lisa1783: welcome! My husband and I have been living between two houses as well since LO was born. Unfortunately because we're doing a gut renovation it's been mainly my husband fixing it up. Hopefully in another week or two it'll be in a state I can come over with the baby and start cleaning/organizing. It is so hard having a new baby and a new house. The renovations and the many nights alone while my husband is working at the new house. Not to mention he feels guilty for being over there when all he wants to do is spend time with the baby. But the end is in sight~!

  2. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @lisa1783: Welcome, and another MA bee at that

  3. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    At 32 pages and over 1000 comments is it time to start a new thread?
    maybe we can start anew with updates?

  4. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @lisa1783: Welcome! Yay, another Boston mama! (Live in Brookline work in Boston)

  5. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    Hi Ladies - just did a little catching up after being away for 2 weeks.

    @cvbee - cutest picture of your little tripod!

    @LAGS - my husband and I seem to be bickering a lot lately too and I feel bad because I know I am being cranky and tired but at the end of the day, I know he understands how hard and emotional this is for me. And honestly, even though I know he loves our daughter, I definitely know her better and seem to know what she needs more than he does. He always thinks she is hungry and passes her to me the second she starts crying. He also tends to watch t.v./ipad when he is with her and I never do that, so I get annoyed that he can't focus on her for an hour a day when he is home. end rant.

    @winniebee - congrats on that 12+ hour stretch. have there been any more?

    @pastemoo - yay for finally feeling well rested. it is amazing what one great night can do to make an entire week better.

    @goldilocks - has starting solids helped her sleep longer? we are debating introducing formula at night to see if that affects sleep.

    We had a ten day trip to Germany and I am super happy to report that Lulu did great on both plane trips and the whole time we were away. She adjusted very quickly to the time change on the way there and was an absolute angel the whole time. The way home was a bit more difficult, I have a feeling the time change on the way home and the resulting 30 hour day messed up her sleep a bit more than we had planned for. We are trying to get her adjusted and do some nap and bedtime training this week too. We are trying to start a better routine, with naps around 10, 2 and 4 and bedtime around 9. So far so good, but everything really revolves around when she wakes up in the morning which is still less predictable.

    I am beginning to wonder if I will ever get a handle on the sleep issues! Sometimes it feel like we are getting a pattern down and other days it feels like none of us will ever get a good night of sleep again.

    Love all the info about your babies getting interested in food! Very curious about BLW and trying to figure out if we will try that approach even though we are a few months away. She is not very interested in our food yet. At 4 months + 1 week, our little chubs weighs 14 pounds. And all she wants to do lately is stuff her feet into her mouth - so cute! Breastfeeding is still going well so I am going to try to make it to 6 months and start weaning then. And I am not feeding her at night anymore. Her Ped said she only nurses in the middle of the night for comfort/habit so I can stop. She still wakes up from habit, but has been falling back asleep quickly when I don't go in her room.

    4 month old are just so cute and fascinating. Part of me wants her to stay this age and the other part of me can't wait to see what comes next.

    Looking forward to a new thread and seeing everyone's updates!

  6. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @winniebee: I love Brookline! I interviewed for a few positions there about 4 years ago when I was considering moving to the area.

    @winniebee: I'm so happy that Tyler is sleeping better today! YAY!

    @shortcake: Welcome back!

    @regberadaisy: I agree that we should start a new thread

    What a stressful ordeal having to go between two houses with a little one. It will pay off in the end though.

  7. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @lisa1783: Welcome to the group! The ladies here are helpful and very nice!

    @cvbee: haha that's so cute! I'm impressed with his sitting skills!

  8. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    Thanks for the warm welcomes!

    @REGBERADAISY: I definitely understand about the guilt thing. Initially we would go with the intention of me helping out while taking short breaks to feed/soothe the baby but the change in environment was too much because I always had to hold him. My husband is doing the same thing as your husband where he just goes straight to the new house right after work and sometimes he even heads out there for a few hours BEFORE work. For a while he only had a few minutes with our baby when he was awake and I know this killed him. I'm so happy that you're almost in! We severely underestimated how much renovations would cost so when we got initial estimates from general contractors we had to keep looking and change what we wanted done to the house.

    @WINNIEBEE: thanks! I love Brookline - I used to live between Coolidge and Washington Square and it was so awesome. The Coolidge Corner Trader Joes will be our closest Trader Joes so I'm anticipating lots and lots of trips there. My new house is in West Roxbury which is as suburban as Boston can get and I'm sure over half of the people in Boston have never even been there or heard of it. =P

  9. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @cvbee: Cutest picture ever!! I dunno how I missed that??

    @ Lisa1783: Welcome! I love that you fell for a fixer upper thanks to Property Brothers. I fell for the same trick thanks to all the DIY home reno blogs out there! We're nearing the end of our renos though and its totally worth it!

    @bpcmarj: You hit the jackpot! Gotta love Ocean State, yay!

  10. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @shortcake: That's good that at least your husband is understanding of how trying this can be on a Mom. My husband does the same, when he wakes up in the mornings (after us) I give him A because I know he likes to spend time with her before work. Next thing I know she's strapped in her swing and he's on the laptop or watching tv... some quality time. Glad to hear you're home safe from Germany, that's so amazing that you guys went for such an amazing trip with the baby. Hope you had a fantastic time!

  11. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    Here's the new thread: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/may-2012-baby-thread-part-2?replies=1#post-293814

    @mrbee: to avoid posting confusion can we close this one?

    P.s. to reply to any posts here you can hit reply and copy paste to new thread or I believe just typing @username: works too?

  12. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    @regberadaisy: Sure, but do we need a new thread? We can generally go up to at least 99 pages of posts with no problems...

  13. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @mrbee: oh wow really? I didn't think we could go that much so I was afraid of crashing! Oops I already started one..

  14. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    @regberadaisy: Yah no worries, threads can get really long! We do a lot of work to keep the database fast.

    I will close your other thread, and move your post over here!

  15. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    M is now 4.5 months old
    She is quite a chatter monkey! Loves to smile a big gummy grin, laugh deep from her belly, especially with daddy!
    Not rolling over yet still just a lot of rocking
    No solids yet but def showing an interest
    I've been back at work since 6 weeks so she's been at daycare for a while. Today her teacher told us her and another boy were sitting across from each other and they were talking and laughing! That little flirt!!
    Sleep = horrendous
    She's def teething I think but no whites yet.
    Her bebepod flex plus came today and we lOve it! She's been sitting in the bumbo at daycare so she did pretty good!
    @shortcake: wow 10 days in Germany with a 4 month old? I'm impressed and jealous!!

  16. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cvbee: I could try a nipple shield! I have just been wincing through it and hand expressing a lot...
    The cut is healing up--some lovely scabs (two parallel lines from the darn wood top of the dresser) but it's only a little sore. It is *always* sore but it is not as painful as a bad latch so I'm doing ok.
    @regberadaisy: Glad M cleared up the duct! WIN! And it's good to know that your whole office is PT not just you.
    @calsmom:I suck at watching the clock, but I think he wakes at 6 or 7 and goes to nap #1 at 8, 9, or 10...
    Glad he slept so much--how cool!
    @winniebee: LOL like aunt pol has time to keep up with this insanely fast paced thread anymore. I hope she's ok! Volksgirl,too.
    @cvbee Such a cutie!!
    @winnniebee G gags himself on his hands, too.
    @lisa1783 Welcome! Owen is maybe even bigger than Gabriel! He was 8lbs 2 oz and 21 in at birth and 16+ lbs at 3 months and 25 3/4" (not an exact number because it wasn't for a well baby visit). Although... I just tried to measure him myself and he's the same size??
    @bpcmarj: Gnocci is yummy but nothing like ravioli. Do you like it?
    @regberadaisy: What? so soon?
    @shortcake: Huh... I wonder if I should stop feeding G at night. I'll ask the ped next week.
    Give yourself time--the jetlag is probably part of the sleep issues but usually wears off in a week.

  17. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mrbee: 99 pages!?

    No 3rd nap for T today....outright refusal. Yikes! We was last awake at 3:30 and we started bedtime routine at 6:30 and he's almost out. Seems like he fought us less than ever tonight. DH is on duty though b/c I'm going out to dinner with some girlfriends - yay!

  18. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    So, we have been struggling with eczema here for a while, and I am getting at the end of my rope. My poor baby has patches all over his head, behind his ears, and on his arms and legs. We have tried switching to unscented shampoo, using calendula oil after bathtime, cool baths, hydrocortisone on the bad spots and scrubbing his head at bathtime.

    I know he would sleep so much better unswaddled, but his head is so itchy he claws himself in his sleep. He has been breaking out of his swaddle at night to scratch, and pulls mittens off of his hands. He has scratch marks on his head because I must have missed a nail clipping his nails yesterday :(.

    I just dropped a bunch of cash on Aveeno eczema care stuff today, I hope it works. I looked at some anti-itch cream, but it isn't for children under 2, unfortunately. I might be going in for our next check up early (it should be at 6 months) so I can get some more recommendations.

    @lisa1783: Welcome! You have one big baby! You will have to post a pic so we can see all the chubby, rolly goodness! I can't imagine trying to renovate for with a baby, we suspended finishing our lower level when Sawyer was born!

    @LAGS: It is a Dria cover (but they retail about $80) you can get poncho style ones off of Etsy for about $30.

    @cvbee: The tripod sit is so cute! I haven't tried it with no diaper, but I might have to, because Sawyer can *almost* balance himself for a sit with the diaper on ...

    @pastemoo: Woo hoo for getting some rest! It is amazing how much better you can feel with some rest on your side.

    @regberadaisy: I am feeling totally great, actually. Whatever was making me sick has passed, and Sawyer doesn't seem to have been effected.

    @winniebee: That is some awesome sleep! Good luck with bedtime tonight.

  19. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: Oh so nice, have a fun night!!

    @regberadaisy: So cute! It'd be so amazing seeing your LO interacting with another baby too bad they didn't have a video for you!

    @MsMini: Poor Sawyer I hope he gets from relief soon. Thanks for the cover info, I'll have to look for some on Etsy.

    Today dealing with A was the first day I just really wanted to give up. I feel so defeated. Every nap was a fight, she screamed just to sleep 30 mins and be up again and not content. Putting her down she screams and arches her back now and just generally seems like she wants nothing to do with me (this is obviously crazy talk... but I feel like I'm going crazy so meh). I feel I spend more time rocking her, trying to soothe her from hysterics and getting her down than she even sleeps... well I know I have been and of course on top of this the tension between me and DH doesn't help at all. Its days like these I wish our family or friends were near by so I could have a little support. I feel like a single Mom today, I don't know how they do it.

  20. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @pastemoo: I haven't tried the gnocchi yet...probably for lunch tomorrow. I have been working on a HUGE pot of salsa chicken that I made sunday night, pre-no dairy, that luckily I can still eat. I guess I am just hoping for a similar satisfaction to ravioli with gnocchi and marinara:)
    @MsMini: I am sure you have read this somewhere like me, but I understand eczema can be due to a food allergy or intolerance, too. One way or another, I hope he starts feeling better soon!

  21. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @LAGS: I am sooo sorry that you are having a tough day. I totally understand and empathize with you about it all (fussy baby, DH who doesn't always get it, feeling like a single parent). My family is far away and I have very few friends nearby so I know exactly how you are feeling. I hope everything improves soon. Do you video chat with fam? I use oovoo to talk to my sisters and it helps so mich on days like that. Hugs to you!

  22. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @MsMini: my nephew had really bad eczema as well when he was an infant. Aveeno oatmeal bath was one of the few things that soothed him. And not all the time either so his shin doesn't get dried out. Hope he grows out of it soon!

    @LAGS: I'm so sorry you're having a tough time right now. Do you BF? Have you considered something you are eating is causing this hysteric? Was she like this before? I ask because that's how M was before I went on a MSPI diet.

  23. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @lags I'm sorry you had a rough day Lil will do that now too for naps and it does get super frustrating! I always tell Lil "you are just lucky you are darn cute missy!"
    @bpcmarj glad you had a good milk protein free find! A friend of mine bought me lunch at a special diets bakery, she bought these spinach pesto/dairy free cheese pockets and they were amazing and completely dairy free, soy free and gluten free! She also got dairy free brownies, also amazing!
    @msmini aw poor little man with an itchy head.....how does clipping his nails go? We still file Lily's but that's starting to not be enough! I'm nervous for nail clipping
    @winniebee yay for dinner with girlfriends have fun!
    @pastemoo ouch! How is your cut doing with feedings?
    @regeberadaisy yay for gummy smiles and belly laughs! What a sweetie! This age is way cute for that!
    @lisa1783 welcome
    @shortcake wow I'm impressed your peanut did well on a trip that long! How wonderful! I agree that this age is adorable and fascinating!

    Lily is 4.5 months:
    -she is eating cereal and mostly loving it! I smashed some bananas and added them today, and she wasn't wild about that, but we will try again maybe in a week or two! She does like to suck on big chunks of banana, but I hold onto it for her because I swear she would try to shove the whole thing in her mouth!
    - was rolling from back to belly like a champ but won't this week, just seems to have no interest!
    - chatters and blows raspberries constantly!
    - smiles almost everytime I look at her! Laughs when I laugh and it completely melts my heart!
    - can tripod sit for up to 5 seconds
    - is reaching and grabbing everything! Especially loves paper and plastic bags to crinkle!

    I've heard other ladies starting kinder music and lap sits, we were supposed to go to our 2nd lap sit class yesterday but missed it due to napping, we go again on Monday and I cannot wait! lily is fascinated by the other kids and babbles the whole time! She is the youngest in her class, so it's also interesting to see what is up and coming

  24. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @calsmom I think you had asked about which jumperoo we use a couple pages back, sorry for late reply! We have the baby Einstein one. We actually got it at this big consignment sale, it's this one
    Lily loves it! It's the only place I can set her down for more than 5 minutes. She will play in it for up to 20 minutes!

  25. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I just had to pop on and post that, although Sawyer won't roll when you want him to, when I had my back turned doing the dishes, he moved at least 3 feet! I think it must have been a combo of scooting and rolling. It is kind of scary that he can move like that.

  26. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @calsmom: We have him on cereal right now. i seem to be the only one that can feed him though. he gives everyone else a problem. next week or so we are gonna start on some veggies and see how he likes those :o) i hate bananas(even the smell/look of them) so i don't know if he'll ever get those haha. i said at his grandparents house he can have those

    @MsMini: a woman i work with(her son was also born this may) has ecsema really bad and the doc had her put hydrocortisone cream on him, i guess it worked. but i would ask the doc about that if you try. his was really bad i guess too. all over his body.

    so the last 2 nights have been pretty rough over here. and here i thought i was gonna be lucky with my wonderful sleeping baby...i'm thinking no! i give kudos to you ladies who have been going through this for weeks/months now. the past 2 nights it's been so hard to put G down for bed...he fights sleep with all he has and whines and cries. he'll finally go down and then wake up screaming 30-45 minutes later. and it's about another 10 minutes to get him down again. then we'll hear him crying again throughout the night, but when you check on him, his eyes are closed and he appears sleeping. i'll wait in there to see if he wakes, but he just sleeps....until i get into our room(which is like 2 steps from his room) and he starts crying again. a few times i've just stayed in bed and he seems to fall back asleep. i'm hoping it is just from the transition to solids and/or the shots he got this week.

  27. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    You guuuuys....why won't my baby sleep? (sound familiar?) Last night we gave her a bottle at 8pm. I SWORE that meant she would sleep until 1 or 2am. Nope, she was up at midnight. Like always. I did soothe her back to sleep until 1 but then she ate at 1, ate at 4 and then again at 7:30. She takes 30 minute naps. The only saving grace is she doesn't fight sleep, she goes down when she is tired. I just don't understand it! I bought the Healthy sleep habits book and it will arrive today. I plan on reading it cover to cover by Sunday.

  28. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @LAGS: awww. Big hugs, mama! I hope it gets better soon!
    @winniebee: Nice! Hope you had fun out with your friends!
    @MsMini: poor guy I hope you get answers soon.
    @Mrs.M57: I love the picture of your girl in the exersaucer. So cute! I can't wait till M is big enough for hers.

    M is 3 months and 3 days.
    Rolling over from tummy to back
    Pushing herself up on her belly so her full chest is off the ground, with legs still on the ground.
    Smiling, laughing, cooing and making gurgly sounds at us or at the ceiling fan...
    Eating 5oz out of each bottle, 3x a day. The girl is a horse. And she's getting HUGE! Example:

  29. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Quick post b/c since the morning nap is the only dependable one I have to get a lot of crap done!

    - T is 4 month old (on Monday)
    - No rolling, lots of rocking and lots of baby pushups - no more crying during tummy time
    - Lots of laughing, smiling, talking - we now just have to look at him and he'll smile
    - Sleep is bad (but not as bad as it could be). He's awful to get down at night (wakes multiple times before falling asleep. Every night is different - longest sleep stretch in last 3 weeks was 5 hours. More typically, it's 3 hours.
    - Naps are bad - morning one is good sleeps 2 hours or so in the swing. Others are 30-40 mins and he refuses one nap a day lately.
    - Can sit tripod for a few seconds
    - Loves to sit and stand
    - Guessing 12.5 lbs, haven't had him weighed since 2 month appt - still a peanut, but up 7 lbs from birth weight
    - Drinks about 5 oz

    Last night he went down at 7:30, up at 10:45 (when I got home from dinner and pumped....maybe he smelled the milk??), then slept 11-2, then I heard him again at 4:45 but refused to get up since he wasn't *really* crying and lo and behold he slept til 6:45. SO OVER sleep regression.

  30. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @MsMini: Let me know if the Aveeno helps - I think we were gifted some and if shipping to Canada isn't too bad, I 'd be more than happy to mail my supply to you (at least, I think I have the Aveeno stuff).

    @LAGS: Poor thing - I'm so sorry yesterday was rough. I hope today is a bit better. And if nothing else, it's the weekend, so you won't be on your own for the next 2 days (and if DH tries to leave you alone, give him a nasty glare and say "I don't think so!").

    Last night I was punished for being an awesome wife. DH asked me earlier this week if I wanted to go out with him to watch the Packer/Bears game last night (we don't have NFL Network at home). I told him he could use a guys night out and I'd watch A. We get her fed, bathed and put down to sleep. He leaves at 7pm. She's screaming at 7:30pm. Ugh. I feed her again, change her diaper toward the end of the feeding so she can fall asleep eating the last ounce before I put her in the crib. Then I finish feeding her bottle and she pees. The diaper leaks. And now my pants are wet. Double ugh.
    I get her back down, take off my clothes, put on a robe and text DH letting him know what happened and that it would be best for him to take the overnight feeding, but he can still stay out for the rest of the game. Which didn't work so well for him, because she woke up at midnight AND 4am. Yikes.

    Today is her 4 month appointment, so we'll see what the pediatrician says about starting to introduce solids. I'm also going to ask her when we should start brushing A's gums (since she doesn't have teeth yet).

  31. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @bpcmarj: Thanks We've been getting into Skype since LO arrived. A good family chat is probably a good idea, it's always fun to watch the fam ogle A.

    @regberadaisy: Its crossed my mind that it could be diet related, but with all this sleep craziness I've just assumed it was her being over tired. She's a gassy baby though, so its probably worth exploring. How long is it usually until you can see a change in LO?

    @Mrs.M57: haha no kidding right? They make babies cute for a reason don't they?! That's quite the contraption, looks like a blast!

    @MsMini: It's a weird feeling knowing they're kind of mobile now right? I've caught myself leaving A on the floor unattended while I grab a drink or whatever and have to remember I can't really do that anymore. She has a bad habit of wedging herself under the nearest piece of furniture. Is the Aveeno helping?

    @sarbear: I hope its just a short blip for you and doesn't turn into a full out regression. Fingers crossed!

    @mediagirl: She's so perfect, looks like a little china doll in there!

    @Goldilocks1107: Thanks Yes and luckily DH is off this weekend. He's actually kind of seen the light and gotten over himself. Once he's back from court this morning he's going to watch A and I get to go enjoy some retail therapy! He thinks groceries and Home Depot but he's sadly mistaken Good luck with A's appointment!

  32. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: I'm so sorry you had such a rough day. Remember that those days are few and far between and she'll probably be back to herself in no time. It sounds like overtiredness to me. T did that a few weeks ago, our first day home from vacation.

    @Goldilocks1107: Well I'm glad you got a full night's sleep anyways!!

    @mediagirl: She IS getting big. So cute! How's work transition going?

    @sarbear: Sorry girlfriend, It's the blind leading the blind here, in case you hadn't noticed!

    Nap 1 was 40 minutes due to a giant poop. DH is off this weekend, very much looking forward to overnight help.

    @MsMini: That's awesome he's so mobile : ) I'm sorry about his skin issues....you probably have thought of it, but could it be dietary? I remember a blog post by someone (maybe Superhero) about how her baby had bad eczema and she eventually did an elimination diet and it cleared up.

    @bcpmarj: what a big little girl!!! I can't get over how small T is in comparison to your babies. He probably looks 2 months younger!

    @lisa1783: My two best friends live in West Roxbury and my sister lives in Milton so I'm by there all the time. We go to lunch at West on Centre a lot : )

    @shortcake: Welcome back!!

    @Mrs.M57: What a cutie! I can only put T on his playmat for more than 5 minutes (he doesn't fit in his exersaucer yet...)

  33. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    A slept a glorious 5 hours her first stretch last night, 8-1. I went to bed around 10 so thankfully I was able to sleep for most of it. I fell asleep nursing her so around two I put her back in her crib. She was up again at 4 and I just brought her into bed to nurse and kept her there and she woke up shortly after 7. She may or may not have woken up to nurse (read soothe) between then but I really can't remember for sure. That little girl can push me to my limits but it seems the days I'm about to lose it, she always makes up for it with a decent night.

    A was 4 months on Monday
    -she's just under 14lbs, 25" long
    -she's totally forgotten how to roll from tummy to back. She wont stop rolling from back to tummy though... I lay her down to swaddle her and by the time I have the swaddle in my hands she's on her belly.
    -I noticed yesterday for the first time she will push herself up with her knees for a second or so. She can briefly lift her tummy up off the floor too which is crazy.
    -Laughing is coming but we still just get the odd chuckle.
    -She's grabbing at everything now and her fav lately has been reaching for the pets (poor animals don't know what's in store for them)

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  34. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @MsMini: I'm sorry to hear about the eczema issues! I used to nanny a boy with severe eczema. Is there a pediatric dermatologist you could take him to?

    @LAGS: I hope you get a break today and have a good one. It's good you had a restful night!

    @Goldilocks1107: That sounds like hell for you and your hubby! You deserve that night out now

    @Mrs.M57: That pic is sooooo cute! I keep going back and forth on getting one for him!

    @LAGS: Cooper went through a phase the last couple weeks of forgetting how to roll over from tummy to back!\

    @winniebee: I think it's so cute that you call him a 'peanut' haha

    Here's the Cooper rundown...

    He's 4 and a half months old.
    -He is 14 lbs, 1 oz and almost 28 inches as of last week's appt.
    -He scoots
    -He doesn't have the tripod sit down quite yet
    -He is so loud! He seems amazed at his ability to scream and squeal!
    -We haven't had a full blown belly laugh yet. Just little giggles here and there! It melts my heart.
    -Sleeps well most of the time. His nights are usually good, his naps are unpredictable.
    -He has been spitting up a lot the past few days. It's not causing him any pain though, and that is all that I care about!

  35. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    @Lags - I'm so glad you had a much better sleep! 5 hours can seem like such a miracle after awful sleep days. Hopefully she can repeat tonight! I also hope this helps clear things up with you and your hubby - sleep can make a huge difference. When my LO wasn't sleeping well, it was mostly me taking care of him through the night and then having work in the morning. With the stress of our current home reno and money concerns, things got very very strained between me and my husband as well and I also felt very much like a single mom. But things have gotten better - just as long as the baby sleeps =P

    @MsMini - oh no! I hope your baby's eczema gets better! My baby had dry skin/cradles cap on his eyebrows when he was about 6 weeks old and for a while, anytime someone would pick him up he would just rub his face repeatedly on our shirts as a way of scratching it. Have you tried Aquafor - our doctor recommended it and it made a huge difference.

    @Mrs.M57: She's so adorable! I'm jealous she's strong enough to go in a jumper - I'm still waiting for my LO to hold his head up consistently! Also, when feeding her bananas, have you thought about using the Munchkin fresh feeder? That way you don't have to worry about her shoving it all in her mouth and choking. http://www.amazon.com/Munchkin-Pack-Fresh-Feeder-Colors/dp/B000GK5XY2/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1347633473&sr=1-1&keywords=Munchkin+Fresh+Food+Feeder

    I definitely feel for everyone whose baby has had trouble sleeping through the night. Earlier this week Owen was waking up every 1.5 hours and it had taken us hours to even get him to the point of initially sleeping for the night. But the last two nights when I've been late getting home, my mom has been feeding him from the bottle for his pre-sleep meal and then he conked right out at 8:30. I woke up him up for a dream feed at 11 for about 30 minutes and he slept until 5:30. However, he's teased us like this before where he would have a few good days of 6 - 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep only to come back with a vengeance on being fussy through the night. I used to do the co-sleep feedings just so I could get more sleep but I stopped because I feel like that only encouraged him to wake up during the night for comfort. I think it's definitely made a difference in helping him learn to self soothe instead of looking for food. Also, I was worried that was why he was gaining so much weight.

    I would love to post a picture of my Michelin baby but I don't know how to post one! I don't see an upload button - can someone give me a quick tutorial? Thanks!!!

  36. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @LAGS: Groceries and Home Depot . . . and a side trip to Starbucks and DSW :-). I'm indulging in a little retail therapy this afternoon as well - I need new bras for my giant boobs. So, it's not awesome, but it is necessary!

    I'm thoroughly anticipating a terrible night of sleep tonight, since we're getting the 4 month shots. Everyone here seems to agree that 4 month ones were worse than the 2 month shots. Ugh.

    And, I had another counselling appointment yesterday and we both agreed that I've plateaued with my current dose of Prozac, so she sent a recommendation to my doctor to up it from 20mg to 30mg. I'm not having more "bad" days that I was, but I'm also not having more "good" days either. And I'm feeling more anxious/overwhelmed than sad, so it seems the depression part is getting under control, but the anxiety portion still needs some help.

  37. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @lisa1783: lol my mom calls my 'little' guy her michelin man haha
    on my screen under the reply box it says "attach photos to this post" just click that

  38. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: It is raining here today and I am totally going to venture out of the forest for a trip to SB and Walmart. (sigh, yes, Walmart. I live in a small town, otherwise I would hit a mall)

    Oops I thought I'd have a moment to post but I have a fussy baby. We're going to spend some time in the ERGO making cookies instead.

  39. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Ahhhh, I have pretty much given up trying to keep up with this thread! I wish I could reply to everyone but I don't have enough hours in my day.

    Just a quick update: today is day 3 of my new "laid back" approach to baby sleep. I have stopped watching the other clock entirely and I am going completely off baby's cues. I am pretending tthat I never read babies should go to sleep 90 minutes after waking, or that they need super early bedtimes, or anything like that. I am following my gut and instead of forcing willa to sleep because I think she needs it, I am watching her. Well, the first night she was asleep in crib by 845, and only woke up once to eat. Got twelve hours of sleep total. The second night she was asleep by 830, woke up once to eat, and got 11 hours of sleep total. She hasn't cried once the past two days (the only time she really cried was when I forced her to go to sleep). Her naps are still short, but they seem to rejuvenate her. I don't know if this will work forever but I just wanted to update on how it is going so far.

  40. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    And that turned more fussy which meant time for nap. So now I have the oven on and we are at the point of needing to cream the butter and sugar (loud!) so we'll just put on a pause until Nico wakes up.

    For this rainy day, I am even letting the dog indulge a bit: she is napping on the quilt I put out for Nico's tummy time. Normally she never even steps on his quilts!

    @LAGS: wow! 4-point already (hands and knees with belly up)? You are going to have an early crawler: lookout! Most of the babies at my Mom and Baby group can only do 4-point at the end of 6 months or into 7!

    This is totally unrelated to baby stuff, but tomorrow I am meeting my Dad's girlfriend for the first time. My Mom and Dad broke up when I was like ten years old and it seems that there must be some kind of 20-year Catholic Divorce guilt or something because suddenly they both got significant others this year for the first time (that I've known about). My Dad has been going out country dancing and spending days at the beach; I'm so happy for him and I am looking forward to meeting this lady. She has 3 daughters, in their twenties. It's crazy to think how if things keep going well for my Dad and this lady that our 'family' could grow really quickly to include some new sister-ish people for me. One step at a time.

    I will also post a quick summary. Nico is:
    -5 months on Monday
    -rolls front to back (but not often)
    -has never rolled back to front
    -tripod sits even with a diaper sometimes now (but barfs every time)
    -turns in a circle like a clock hand at tummy time, every single tummy time, unless he accidentally rolls over
    -sings and is chatty and smiley and giggly with me; but is a 'serious baby' when we go out.....it actually makes me laugh to myself now to see people try to make him smile and he just stares at them or looks away!
    -I am too scarred from 4 month sleep regression to write about sleep, but I will say that I dearly miss the days when I could pop him in bed and have a glass of wine, knowing he wouldn't wake up for 6 hours guaranteed.
    -Nico likes looking at trees and watching our cat and dog
    -we have been doing a form of BLW (though not every day) with banana, avocado, butternut squash, and yesterday we tried broccoli, which I didn't cook enough so he couldn't actually gum any off, but it was good for his fine motor coordination, as it wasn't a big slippery chunk like the other foods have been (which I've had to hold for him, and then he uses his hands to put my hand to his mouth)

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