Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Baby Thread!!

  1. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @shortcake: Depends what the food is as far as cooking... I do use a steamer but I baked the sweet potato. Avocado, pear and mangoes didn't require anything because they were ripe enough. The applesauce was made in my crockpot! I puree everything in just an everyday food processor and add formula/water as needed.

    I just remembered something kind of interesting regarding food from our appointment yesterday. The pediatrician said to put a little butter with orange vegetables when we heat them up because it will help baby absorb the nutrients better! Has anyone else heard of that? I think at the very least it'll add some calories which wouldn't hurt in our case!

    It's quiet on here today... baby is sleeping and dh is at work until late so I am relaxing with a glass of wine, feels good!

  2. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: I am with you on not wanting to make food. I'd say I'm a bum but I actually do a LOT.

    @shortcake, thanks for the recommendation

    @cram88: need to catch our "breath" every now and then.
    Or.... screaming babies?

  3. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @cram88: I was given a 'make baby purees' book and it has butter in almost all of them! But they never said it was to absorb nutrients (and the book is REALLY great at talking all about the latest info on nutrition).

    Edit: I don't plan to make baby food, but rather just make what we are eating (or reserves from it) in a baby-version on the fly. And I'll buy baby rice cereal...going to go to the health food store to check out what they have this week!

  4. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @cram88: I've read that you should always have some kind of fat with your veggies to help absorb the nutrients! But, I thought babies weren't supposed to have dairy until a year, or is that just milk?

  5. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    ughh sooo behind ... sorry ladies! We were packing/moving all week. We're finally IN our new place, but nothing is really set up so a lot more work ahead of us AND this weekend we're flying to NY for SIL's wedding. Goodness. It's a crazy week. I'll be happy when it's over quite honestly. I hate moving.

    Last night was our first night in our new apartment and DS didn't sleep too well; the first time he woke up I chalked it up to him being scared because he was still in a half-asleep state with his eyes closed. Needless to say there was A LOT of nursing to sleep last night, but I think that's what he needed. We'll see how he does tonight! Other than that he has been a total trooper through this whole process- it's a lot of going back and forth, driving, errands etc and he doesn't like being constantly on the go so I knew there was potential for major meltdowns but he's been fantastic. Only one big tantrum earlier but he was tired, hungry and had been in the car an hour. Poor baby!! His room is mostly set up and he had a fun evening of just playing

  6. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Coco Bee: missed you!

  7. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @duckduckkristen: I read that, too. Maybe avocado oil or olive oil? Also it helps improve flavor (ever noticed soup tastes awful if you just put veggies in but if you have chicken or meat... or if you sautee your veggies on oil THEN put them in the soup then the soup picks up all the flavors? Yeah. Oils rocks at picking up flavors. Mmm.
    @Coco Bee: Oooh! Good luck in the new apartment! Photos soon?

  8. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @duckduckkristen: just milk (and in Canada we can give milk at 9 months). But for butter, you should buy unsalted, as salt is a baby no-no.

  9. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @pastemoo: sure it's nowhere near set up but in many ways I like it better than our old place. It's a lot brighter so that's really great

  10. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I am so behind again! Facebook is so easy because I can comment on my phone while I am bouncing around with Sawyer in the wrap, but this thread is hard to comment on on my phone, so I end up waiting until a nap time where I don't have anything on my to-do list.

    Me and Sawyer are playing around with our new Maya wrap, trying lots of different carries.

    I have to start packing again soon because we are going home for Canadian thanksgiving. My sister is also having her house warming so I have a house warming gift all ready, I just need o take some time to wrap it up.

    6 months old is just 3 weeks away, Sawyer is almost sitting independently, so it is a race between readiness cues, and his 6 month b-day, we will start solids on whatever comes first. We aren't planning on doing any more purees than I have already made (a little sweet potato and carrot), we will do those, rice cereal, then go to BLW.

    @cram88: Half an inch is a lot in that amount of time! I constantly think "why bother" when I send DH in to replace Sawyer's soother. I have the monitor on my side of the bed, so I hear everything anyways The butter thing is interesting, I was going to portion off Sawyer's veg before we butter it, but we might not need to! Hmmm

    @Coco Bee: Hope Cobi settles in quickly!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Willa is a beast with her physical milestones! Sawyer barely even tripod sits without falling on his forehead (damn those distracting feet!).

  11. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: Interesting re: butter! T can't have dairy which just made me re-check the purees that I bought...they don't say they contain milk product so I'm assuming they don't? I am using Earth's Best.

    @Coco Bee: Sounds crazy busy!! We missed you here : )

    @MsMini: 6 months already. I really can't believe how fast time is flying now. Has sleep been better?

    After a few rough nights, last night was good. He slept from 7:30-11:30 then 12-6:30....then 7-7:30. Isn't it weird that his longer stretch isn't first? I slept poorly for some reason - DH was tossing and turning and I was hot.

    We're making up jelly jams class today (missed Monday) and meeting a friend for coffee later. It's been so dreary and rainy in Boston the past week!

  12. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Ooooh and my boobs have finally got the message to stop making milk (after getting down to 2 pumps a day and going on hormonal BC). I used to pump 20 oz in the morning after going all night and I just pumped only 8 total. Relief.

  13. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @pastemoo: I never asked before, because honestly I don't know how to send a message or do anything on here really but when the time comes I would like to be added to facebook! I can navigate facebook way better than this haha I figured I should put it out there that I am interested

    @cvbee: Good to know on the unsalted, I wouldn't of thought of that! Thanks!

    @MsMini: Wow! 6 months! I think I might cry when Holden is 6 months. Are you going to do anything to commemorate it? I know a girl that has twins and threw them a little half birthday party... probably a little too much time on her hands haha

    @winniebee: Dreary here too up in NH, will we ever see the sun again?

    I made it sound like I was going to have such a relaxing night last night and that soooo wasn't the case. Last night was awful, so awful that I don't even want to talk about it! Now I have to work all day and have an insurance audit here in a couple of hours...not to mention it's rainy and gloomy outside! Blahhh! Better days are coming right?!?

  14. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: They have to be coming! Though, last night when he woke at 11:40 and I was bitching to my husband in bed, he was like, it will never end! When he is age 2 he will be yelling "mumma I need water!" and age 3 "mumma I wet the bed" and age 5 "mumma I had a bad dream!" He's right!

  15. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: yeah, I have been surprised that the long stretch isn't the same as before, where it was always first. And I find Nico's wake-ups are not really following a pattern yet for the time when he wakes up for first feed....can be anywhere from 11pm to 3am! Last night our stretches went 6 hours, 2 hours, 4 hours. Healthy Sleep would have said not to feed at that 2 hour point, but my personal rule is feed at every wake-up, since he's not waking up 10 times a night anymore.

    @winniebee: It is so true: it will never end. When I hear my friends with older kids talking about the night wake-ups it makes me feel exhausted just thinking about the long road ahead, but I guess everyone gets through it somehow!

    Yesterday, when Nico LOVED eating roast beef it made me think that as I'm getting ready to get 'serious' about feeding him solids (right now we just do a taste here and there of finger foods, where he eats less than a teaspoon equivalent and even if he wants more i dont give him more), I want to focus on giving him iron-rich foods. My friend just had her baby at 6 month check and they wanted to give her guy an iron test. I'm thinking of making meat or egg yolk a part of our daily routine. Oh, and I remember when I was 16 I had to focus on iron (because I was going to have a long surgery and I was a vegetarian at the time) and they said you have to take-in vitamin C WITH your iron food for best absorption, so I'll try and do that too. (Like, give him a little sweet potato with the chicken, for example). I'm feeling more confident about this and I might skip 'rice cereal' if I can figure out how to feed him meat.

  16. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    Started a new thread because I literally can't stand to figure out where I left off. Too overwhelming. Hope you ladies don't mind!


  17. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @cram88: I don't even bake my apples!! I just pureed them and it worked fine

    @cvbee: I do that about half the time - feeding DS what we make but tailoring it to his needs. The easiest "convert-to-baby-food" meals we make have been crockpot roast, potatoes, carrots and celery and also stir fry. Both have lots of veggies!!

    @duckduckkristen: I think it depends on what you're comfortable with. Most parents give dairy (not milk) before a year. My ped said no but I'm not opposed to butter as long as it's full fat and organic.

    So Cobi is more interested in trying to crawl than sitting, so he doesn't quite sit. But he's making progress! He can mostly sit on his own - he's so cute!

  18. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @Coco Bee: He's so cute, looks just like a little man!


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