cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@coco bee Yes, he was a horror--it was not a good day. Also he went through all his diapers and pooped so much I ran out of wipes--the whole day itself was pretty rough.
@MsMini: Glad you don't have to change your diet. Hope the hydrocortisone helps!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: what a nightmare! When I go out I tend to just bring 1 diaper and 1 change of clothes, so that could very well happen to me one day. Hope you had a good sleep.
Doh! Now we're on a new page.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Catching up from the previous page will be hard!
@pastemoo: Oh no, do you think he had a tummy ache? Or maybe just reaction to shots? Or maybe he just had it out for you yesterday ; ) Hope today is better. When T spits his paci out he make a pouty face. Kinda funny.
@msmini: I'm glad things seem to be improving on the sleep front and you have a plan for the eczema! Also glad you don't have to alter your's the pits
Per @LAGS request....
Our sleep stats are: Been sleeping in his crib for night sleep for roughly 4 weeks (previously slept in Rock N Play). He never comes into bed with us (never has) and we do not put him anywhere but his crib at night. Was swaddled for all sleep until just over a week ago. Was never a good sleeper until week 9 (when he started sleeping in 5-6 hour stretches) and then regressed at week 12, improved for a week, then it was the pits after that. He had a few random nights of 7 or 8 hour stretches but it happened only a few times. Four weeks ago we started bedtime routine of bath (even just a dunk in the tub), lotion, PJs, sleep sack (previously swaddle), turn on white noise, sit in rocker and I sing a lullaby while he has his last bottle. He gets very drowsy/almost asleep. He almost always wakes up when I stand to put him in his crib. Sometimes he fusses and sometimes he just goes out like a light (he fusses more if overtired. He rarely goes into bed with a paci, though sometimes if he is very fussy I have to go in and soothe him/give him one....lately that doesn't really work. I think that's it. The past 4 nights he has slept through the night (7, 8, 9, 9.5). Not sure if this will be the end of our sleep saga. He is 19 weeks now, is 50% breastmilk and 50% formula and has rice cereal at night before bathtime. He's just about 12 lbs. His bedtime is between 7-8 and he is now in his crib for 12 hours at night.
I *hope* we have arrived at sleeping through the night. He slept 7:7:30-5 and then 5:30-7:20. I'll stop writing about it since T's sleep was terrible for so long (including up until 9 weeks and then again at 14 weeks....) it was hard reading how everyone else's babies were sleeping well!
clementine / 916 posts
A and I made it through a crazy night. She was really gassy so was moving around, kicking a lot and broke her swaddle a few times. When I went in once to re-swaddle I realized she was actually almost rolling over despite my receiving blanket trick. So off came the swaddle and on she rolled to her belly. When I'd read about people LOs sleeping on their bellies I wondered if A would ever do that, because all she seems to do is protest it. It was really hard to get her down she just did tummy time forever, looked around and yelled about it. (I was up for two hours 3-5 with her) but once she finally gave in she slept well.... until I woke up at 6:30 and realized my husband was still beside me and he was supposed to be up at 5:30. So he woke her up swearing and running around the house like a mad man trying to get out the door... thankfully I got her back down at 8-9 for one extra hour. I feel like a zombie today. BUT this sleeping on the belly thing seems to really resolve any problems we were having with ditching the swaddle. Other than her scratching the bed, her arms aren't flailing about and hitting her face. I just have to somehow learn not to freak out that she's on her belly.
@winniebee: Thank you for answering. I really hope it is the end for you guys! Maybe if we can stick with ditching this swaddle we'll be there soon too!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@MsMini: Thanks for your continued updates on Sawyer's eczema. I have sensitive skin, and sometimes now when I have a rash (like currently under my wedding ring) and it hurts me at night I think of your poor little guy and how it must feel to have that all over and not have the words to talk about it or the ways to definitely calm it down. I hope that your latest combination works. Good luck!
@shortcake: Thanks for the catch-up. Well, according to my Mom friend of an 8 month old, the sleep will eventually work itself out. She cosleeps and had a horrible time with sleep regression and just waited it out and now her LO is sleeping through the night just fine. I would also like to look up some new ways for exercising baby. The coordinators of the Mom and Baby group I attend just say lots and lots of tummy time, and if you have a yoga ball you can try working with baby on that too, which I have done. Those tights you describe with the little nubs on the knees sound soooo precious. I'm actually considering breastfeeding to age two....I figure I won't really know until we get there, like, if I felt the way you did I would consider weaning eary too. Glad you got over the mastitis: the 4 month sleep regression time gave me three times of clogged ducts, I think because some nights he would eat every hour and some nights he'd sleep most of the night. Arsenic in organic baby formulas? That's crazy. If it makes you feel any better (or worse) about picking between formulas there is good evidence that breastmilk is full of all the toxins of our lives (thus why bf moms are less likely to get breast cancer, but it is passed onto first born child---yay.....I actually read an article that said because of this some places are considering changing the recommended breastfeeding time from 2 years or more to 6 months.....I'll try to find the article.
@LAGS: Nico sleeps on his back, no paci (refuser), with no swaddle anymore, but with a sleep sack and a blanket and a sleep buddy (yes, the horror: I have stuff in his crib!) but he sleeps like a sack of potatoes on his back and still doesnt know how to roll onto his side. He is now sleping like an average baby for his age (like a 6 hour stretch, then a 4 hour stretch, then 2 hours or so in bed with Mommy !). He was previously waking up screaming every hour or so with all the same 'conditions', but without the confidence to put himself back to sleep when he has little disturbances. Oh, and we room-share.
Did you guys see the chart about sleep averages that one of the bloggers posted: it fascinated me. (See 'sleep/wt chart)
I tried tricking Nico into an early nap this morning so we could attend the end of a 'big kid' playgroup that my friend is in, but he was NOT falling for my tricks.
clementine / 878 posts
Audrey has been swaddle-free for about a month. When I put her down, I try to see if she'll fall asleep paci-free, and just turn on her musical seahorse to lull her to sleep.
If that doesn't work, I add the paci.
She sleeps on her back, in a sleep sack. She'll often roll to her side and turn herself around during the night. But don't roll to her tummy.
We do a dream feed around 9pm, put her back to bed. Then she'll sleep for awhile (varies lately). And on good days, just wakes up for one night feeding and goes back to bed.
We change her diaper with the night feeding, otherwise she'll leak.
Our daycare provider says Audrey soothes herself back to sleep during nap time. If she's cooing and singing to herself, she might fall back asleep within 10 minutes. "awake" doesn't necessarily mean "awake", I guess.
clementine / 959 posts
@pastemoo: Liam will only go to sleep in his crib now too, ever since we sleep trained! I can't even take him for walks in the stroller anymore because he gets fussy I stead of falling asleep like he used to. The only way he will fall asleep in my arms is if he has already been crying in the crib for a bit, then I pick him up to sooth him.
Liam's sleep...
He sleeps in a sleep sack on his back (still doesn't roll over)
Doesn't take a paci
He usually goes to bed around 8pm
A week and a half ago he started sleeping 12 hours straight most nights, but some nights he still wakes up between 2-4am for a feed, then wakes up for the day around 7:30am.
He is EBF and never sleeps in our bed, although when he wakes at night to eat, I bring him into our bed and feed him laying down, then carry him back to his crib.
We sleep trained (CIO) 2 weeks ago and his sleep has gotten much better, including his naps. We moved him from our room to his own room at the same time we started CIO.
Our bedtime routine is just diaper, pjs, close curtains, sleep sack, kisses, night night, put in crib.
He sucks his wrists to get himself to sleep. Weird, I know.
Ever since we sleep trained, I have not been sleeping well! I used to only wake up when Liam made noise, but now everything wakes me up. DH goes to bed after me and gets up before me so I got woken up those two times, plus his snoring or even just rolling over wakes me up! You'd think since Liam is sttn I'd be more rested, but I'm not!
eggplant / 11287 posts
Sleep stats:
Bedtime routine starts at 7:15 p.m.
We turn on the lamp so it is dim in the room, change diaper, do massage with nighttime lotion (while talking about night night) PJs, nurse, and then rock in rocking chair. If she is super tired sometimes she nurses to sleep, other times she doesn't. She is asleep in crib by 8 p.m. every night like clockwork.
She sleeps on her belly.
No sleep sack (I want to get one) and no paci.
She sleeps with a blankie (!!!) and her soft doll she loves to suck on, Pamela.
Usually she has one wakeup to eat, with her first stretch being anywhere from 6.5 to 10.5 hours.
She is awake by 7:15 every morning like clockwork!
We have not sleep trained or done CIO.
Oh, and I am the only one who can put her to sleep. Literally, it is IMPOSSIBLE for my DH to do it. She just wails and wails and wails....
Last night was a two wakeup night (2:30 and 4:30).
kiwi / 515 posts
Lily's sleep:
This longer stretches has only jut developed in the last 3 days(previously for the past month and a half she had between 5-8 wake-ups per night :-P)
Sleeps 1/2 night in crib 1/2 in our bed no sleep sack on her side with her lovey blankie
Bedtime routine starts between 6-6:15
Diaper change
Bedtime massage
Read "goodnight moon"
Say goodnight to room- sOund machine on, lights off
Nurse- sometimes to sleep sometimes to drowsy
She had been waking up between 12-2 am to eat and then comes into our bed
Around 5:30-6 usually wakes up hubby changes her diaper and she will sometimes stay awake for 15-30 minutes sometimes will go back to sleep right away for another 30-60 minutes.
Today woke up at 4:30 rather than 5:30, and was up for 45 minutes but then slept til 7 hoping that was a fluke!
So hoping this stays! She was doing a similar routine before regression.
kiwi / 515 posts
@mrsdaredevil same with us that only I can put Lily to sleep! We've been trying to work on it I tell hubby if she hasn't calmed in 10 minutes I'll help. Usually I have to help
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@cvbee: We had so many diapers with us! And a huge stack of wipes. I was stunned that we went through them all.
@winniebee: I think it was because we were away from home all day.
@LAGS Good luck ditching the swaddle!
Gabriel's sleep stats:
- I consider him to be sleeping through the night--generally 7 30pm to 6am with 4ish wakeups. I feel very blessed and as long as I make myself go to sleep at a reasonable hour I get enough rest.
-The routine takes me 5 minutes: change diaper, put on PJs, tuck him in, sing, prayer, paci, then he might or might not cry and will sleep--usually under 5 minutes of crying but we have done up to 10 minutes of CIO. If it takes more than 10 minutes of crying I let him hang out in the light and play for 30 minutes or more and then restart bedtime.
-He only sleeps in the crib or the ergobaby carrier now.
-He sleeps on his back, in footie pjs, with a blanket (that he can't pull up from the mattress). He sleeps with his face against the bumper/slats now but at an angle. I'm not worried (plus we have the Angelcare monitor).
-G is addicted to his paci and grabs for it/finds it and chews on it or puts it in his mouth if I don't give it to him. Sleeping/hanging out/while trying to talk--he is constantly trying to check or suck it.
The most important exercise for me is pelvic tilts and transverse abdominal exercises. I put G standing on my belly to make me very conscious of the placement of my abs (if they poke upward I would injure myself). I do a variety of small motions from the pelvic tilt. I also take pilates (mat) and yoga--but without the baby.
For him--we do standing (with him holding me and or a couch), sitting with his hands on his feet. tummy time on me if he's cranky or on the floor if he's happy. For head control like tummy time, I also do "airplanes." He LOVES airplanes--just watch out from the drool bombs!
Nanny share--sounds like a great idea.
I also love babylegs! Where do you get yours?
Almost made it to 6 months! congrats!! Glad your mastitis is finally gone.
@LAGS I am too short to reach the paci! I now clip on to his clothes and one to the car seat--we are never in the car without one. He plays with the string and puts the paci in and takes it out and sometimes switches from one to the other.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Well last night was not better than the night prior (perhaps due to being out and about all day (7 hours out of the house) and only having naps in his carseat (so not very long). Our longest stretch was 3 hours, the last stretch, because I brought him into our bed.
The hydrocortisone/anti-histamine really started to clear up the eczema patches last night, so they are much less angry looking, but still definitely there. The itching persisted so far though, I am hoping that with another couple days my poor little man will be all cleared up again. My doctor also told me I could apply the hydrocortisone to his drool/teething rash, so that is all cleared up today.
I am going to go pick up a jumperoo from a lady in my local Mom group, it is brand new, but she is moving to England, and doesn't have room in their sea container for it (sweet deal for me - she is asking $50). She says she has some other stuff she is getting rid of as well, so I might come home with some more stuff (not that we really need it, but she is selling so cheap I could use it and probably re-sell for the same or more.
Our sleep routine:
- Sawyer is a night owl, so bedtime routine starts around 9pm
- We bathe every second night
- Daddy does diaper change, rub down with lotion, then PJ's and book
- I come in, turn on the noise machine and nurse and cuddle Sawyer for a few minutes (lately we have added in a top-up of EBM by bottle)
- Sawyer (since rolling well) goes down in the sleep sack, on his tummy. He goes down awake.
- Sawyer has always needed a paci to sleep
@pastemoo: Yikes! We only ever carry 1 outfit for Sawyer when we are out and about, so if there was a poo-tastrophy we definitely couldn't repeat it!
@LAGS: Thanks! His eczema patches look much better this morning already (still definitely there, but not as "angry" looking) I can't wait until they are gone! He is still a bit itchy though
@cvbee: We carry 1 change of clothes, 1 cloth diaper, and a few disposables for emergencies. It actually feels good to complain/discuss the eczema, because it is such an issue for us right now.
@shortcake: For neck strength, we have always done a lot of standing or sitting with is just holding him just above his hips and letting him control his own trunk mostly, he also loves "airplane". We also use the bumbo and exersaucer a fair bit which means that he does a lot of his own neck control. He just started tolerating tummy time since he could roll on his own, now he seems to like it.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@Coco Bee: by the way, congrats on the weight loss. It must feel so good! You look great (and so do your numbers! woo hoo). I decided that by two weeks from today I want to back in the gym and lifting weights. All this walking isn't really toning me up (obviously) and I want to get my body back before trying again. I feel like getting pregnant on top of an already flabby tubby would make an EXTRA flabby tummy after baby #2....
nectarine / 2039 posts
@duckduckkristen: oooh I like his wrist-sucking style....wrists are so much cleaner than fingers!!! I'm sorry you can't sleep though: how ironic.
@Mrsdaredevil: You name the dolls! What a great way for you to practice your naming skills without having ten children. @Mrsdaredevil: DH can't put Nico to bed either. I still go to yoga and I just know that Nico will be crying with DH when I get home.
@pastemoo: oooh! airplane! that's a good one! Nico is in for a treat when he wakes up.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@cvbee: haha, except they aren't "cute" names that i would ever actually name my children. She has a doll named Pam or Pamela, an elephant named Virginia, and a ballerina named Phoebe. It's fun!
clementine / 916 posts
@cvbee: lol we have stuff in Addie's crib too. Actually, I used to have a lovie, blanket, white noise and toy until she started belly sleeping. I got a little paranoid so we're down to a blanket for a bit. I totally missed that chart, thank you!
@Goldilocks1107: I try to wait out the babbling too... but have yet to have her go back down during a nap. Her early morning wake up though she will.
@pastemoo: I love that G is so skilled with his paci. A is great at ripping it out then the wheels fall off. You're very prepared, I tried her leash in the car before and she ripped hers out like twice a second, we have issues. Two would have been smart!
@MsMini: Good find with the jumperoo! Glad to hear there's an improvement with S. Hope it keeps getting better!
@Mrsdaredevil: I thought the Pamela thing was funny too but wasn't sure if it was a 'type' of doll, like Sophie the Giraffe. Love it!
Thanks to everyone for weighing in on the sleep front, you guys are great! I never really realized how few were swaddling. And it seems a lot of LOs sleep quite well without. I'm looking forward to our cold turkey weaning.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@LAGS: LOL. One has a metal clip leash that I have trouble unclipping. The other is easy to unhook but there is always a backup.
And... random--we just got a mustache pacifier in the mail. No clue who it's from. It says $0 was billed to DH and he swears he didn't order it.
grapefruit / 4823 posts
gray sons sleep routine:
-start at 8 with a bath, change into diaper and pajamas(sometimes lotion)
-last bottle either right before or right after bath
-DH then holds him for a while then takes him upstairs around 9 and puts him on our bed with his gentle giraffe and a pacifier
-once he falls asleep on his own he swaddles him and places him in his crib.
-lights on dim and his noise machine on.
most of the time(up until about 2-3 weeks ago) he would then sleep through the night. for those 2-3 weeks he was waking up about every hour wanting his pacifier and would go right back to sleep. the past 2 nights he's slept from 9-7
grapefruit / 4056 posts
The jumperoo was a big hit. He was SO excited!
@pastemoo: OMG! Love the 'stache paci. SO CUTE! We are going to go all out for some pics with Sawyer this weekend so I might have to make one.
cherry / 232 posts
@pastemoo: Haha that's amazing that you randomly got a mustache pacifier in the mail, I wish that would happen to me!
cherry / 232 posts
@LAGS: I'm a little late but here are our sleep stats...
Bedtime routine:
*No set start time, just when I notice sleepiness but we usually always start between 6 and 7.
*Bath every other night
*Clean diaper, lotion, jammies
*lights off, noise machine set to rain, and one of those light things
*Bottle, pacifier, falls asleep in my lap then I put him in his crib
Throughout the night:
He has slept through the night, and from one month to 3 months only would wake once around 4am. Lately he's been up 3 times a night though, and I hate it! Usually around 11, 2am, and 5am. He usually comes into our bed at the 5am wake up.
Speaking of, has anyone weaned their babies from sleeping in bed with them? He only does the last couple of hours, but he's a cuddler which makes him a bed hog and I'd really like to get out this habit.
I'm discovering how hard it is to get caught up if you take a day off! Holden is through his little bug thankfully! We had a lot of problems with constipation in the past so he's been having an ounce of juice a day per his pedi... but with his stomach bug we didn't give him any for a few days so was backed up yesterday which meant a lot of screaming He's back on the juice now though and things seem to be better!
Today we're going to go have lunch with my family and tomorrow one of my best friends that lives in Massachusetts is coming up to see us so it should be a fun couple of days!
clementine / 916 posts
@pastemoo: That thing is hilarious! Does G like it??
@MsMini: Is the jumparoo the one that has the seat suspended in the play base thing? If that makes any sense at all. We have a jolly jumper for the doorway but A misses the point to jump. She just spins in circles. Did she have any other goodies?
@cram88: Last night I had every intention of not bringing A to bed with us. I made it until 6, but then brought her in. I'm getting a cold and was exhausted from being up almost hourly at points with her... Sleep won out! What was constipation like in your little one? Did you determine he was by his stools? I was kind of wondering if A got a little constipated and we've backed off purees.
cherry / 232 posts
@LAGS: Yeah sleep always wins out in our household too
As far as the constipation the first couple of times it happened it would take days for me to figure out what was going on but basically he was super fussy, a lot of screaming and was in obvious pain. Wouldn't go for a couple of days, but I've heard that's normal so that's why I didn't always know at first, and when he finally did go they were very I couldn't squish them through the diaper! I got sick of it happening and called the pedi and they said since it was a recurring thing to give him 1-2 oz apple, pear, or prune juice every day or every other day. I played around a bit and 1 oz. every day seems to be the right balance. We haven't started solids yet so hopefully that doesn't mess us up again!
clementine / 878 posts
I now believe in miracles. After 4 days of struggling with A's sleep - she slept through the night!
We put her down at 7pm, DH dream-fed her at 9pm. And she was STILL ASLEEP when I went downstairs for breakfast at 6am. Pure bliss!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@cram88: I'm worried about Nico getting backed up when we start regular solids soon: it's one of my big fears. I might make some prune puree and just get that going as one of our first purees.
I love that when Nico wakes up from naps and in the morning he's happy to just wiggle around quietly in his crib for up to 30 minutes until I come and get him. This quality *almost* makes up for the 6 weeks of sleep regression we endured.
clementine / 916 posts
@cram88: Poor guy LO has been super gassy lately so I was worried but since she started pooping again they're just thicker not hard so I guess we're good to go.
@Goldilocks1107: That's such good timing! You and your husband will be rested for your night off!
@cvbee: A got backed up, I think because she had to learn to work a little harder to get it out after it changed consistency. After she tried my squash she got really gassy though so we're taking a little break from things.
persimmon / 1087 posts
@MsMini: Jumperoos are so much fun! We bought Cooper one last weekend, and he loves the lights and features, but he hasn't mastered the jumping bit!
@pastemoo: I'm dying at the 'stache paci! I'm showing this to my husband.
Sleep routine:
-We give him a bath (most nights)
-Dry him off, diaper him, lotion him up, and put his pj's on
-Story time
-We put him in his crib and sleepsack. We talk to him while we are doing so.
-Turn on the sleep sheep, fan. Close the shades.
-Turn monitor on
-Lights out
Cooper's naps were off yesterday since we were out most of the day. He was pretty cranky bc he couldn't get a good nap in. We figure he will have to get used to not sleeping in his crib some days. The older he gets, the more we are spending time out of the house (hallelujah), so we are sure he will adjust eventually.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@cram88: I don't know if we will ever wean Sawyer completely off of early morning snuggles in our bed.
@Goldilocks1107: Yay! I am hoping for a miracle here.
@LAGS: Yep, the jumperoo is like an exersaucer suspended by bungy cords off of a frame. We have a (hand me down) door frame jolly jumper, but it is inconvenient, because our main area is a big open area with frameless entryways, so we have to use it in one of the bedrooms.
@calsmom: Sawyer used to nap so well out of the house, but not so much anymore. As long as we get 2 of out 3-4 naps in the house (the first and last) we usually avoid meltdowns at bedtime.
cherry / 232 posts
@Goldilocks1107: That's awesome, I hope we get a miracle here soon!
@cvbee: @LAGS: I never really thought about it but I guess it makes sense that poops would change after solids. I'm going to ask the pedi on Monday about how to avoid it or if I should change what we're doing now when we are approved for solids!
@MsMini: Yeah, I say I don't like it but I do. I just don't like 3 or 4 hours of it. I don't think I could give it up completely either, it's one of my favorite parts of the day...I just sleep really crappy when he's there!
@calsmom: Holden isn't a good out of the house napper either. It sounds bad but we always say he's a nosy baby, he has to be apart of whatever is going on!
I'm pretty excited because I just got a really nice hand me down backpack carrier from my aunt! My dad is one of 10 kids so I have lots of aunts and uncles of different ages so a couple of my aunts have 3 and 6 year olds, and all boys! Also my mom and step-dad have an adopted son who is 3 (so Holden has a 3 year old Uncle, haha) so we get lots of good hand me downs!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@pastemoo: seriously stash paci? hilarious!
@cram88: T has never come into bed with us....he thinks it is play time! So, there's at least ONE thing we don't have to wean him from ; ) That's awesome re: the carrier!
Was at my mom's last night as I had a work event so she put him to bed and agreed to get up should there be a night waking (there was, roughly 7 hrs into his sleep). Weird thing? Their house is big and I was sleeping on the other side of the house. At 2:30 a.m. I woke up and couldn't figure out why. I couldn't hear crying, I didn't have to pee....but went to the bathroom anyways. What do you know, Tyler was up. This has happened a few times recently where I have woken up 5-10 minutes before him (in the middle of the night). So weird! Has this happened to anyone else??
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@calsmom: Interesting that bottle/nursing isn't part of your routine! I wonder if that's why he has always slept relatively well?
cherry / 232 posts
@winniebee: Haha this happens to me all the time! I'll wake up and it'll be quiet for 5 minutes and then I'll hear him waking up! I always feel like I jinxed myself or if I had never woken up neither would he. Irrational, but logic goes out the window in the middle of the night!
clementine / 959 posts
@winniebee: I almost always wake up about 15 minutes before Liam!
Liam is nuts today - either fussing or laughing like crazy!
clementine / 916 posts
@MsMini: We're in the same boat, open concept so we have it hanging in a bedroom doorway across from our bathroom. So she's only really in it when I'm in getting ready haha
It seems like those jumparoos are so fun. A seems kinda bored with her toys lately (or maybe I just am)... maybe I'll have to hunt for a good deal on one. Because we all need more baby crap hanging around the house!
@cram88: Are you the first of your generation to have a LO? It's insane how spoiled you get when you are. My husband has a couple aunts/uncles who had kids later in life so we've scored some amazingly helpful hand me downs too. I feel like we have a lot to pay forward to our siblings when its their turn!
Today has been rough. I'm worried I'm getting a cold and have an ear infection. Addie has only been having 30min naps max since we unswaddled her so I haven't really been able to catch up on sleep after a long night of wake ups. Thank goodness DH is done his training today. He's picking up dinner on his way home and giving me the night off (and hopefully doing the dishes that I've let piled up because I'm too sick *cough cough*)
Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
I am just popping on and off because I am tacking the linen closet and some of our kitchen cabinets in my household re-organizing frenzy today while Sawyer naps.
He is so congested and his little nose is running like crazy, so I think he is getting a cold I hope that encouraging lots of naps will help him feel better.
Sleep last night was not terrible. 3 hours, 2 hours then 4 hours ... one of these nights he will STTN ... I can feel it (or so I keep telling myself - LOL)
nectarine / 2039 posts
Here's the link to the article all about breastfeeding. Warning: after reading it I wished I didn't, as I had always only been thinking of the 'wonderful' things that my baby was getting from breastfeeding and not the bad things. So if you're an 'ignorance is bliss' person, don't read:
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@LAGS: keep at it with the swaddle!! The first few nights were the worst!!
So when your LO wakes up and quietly plays in their crib before getting up for te day, do you count this as awake time?
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: yes for sure, awake time is awake time......but I'm not counting anymore
clementine / 959 posts
@winniebee: I count it as awake time but now that Liam's max awake time varies so much I just put him down for naps when he gets fussy.
So the last couple nights Liam has been skipping his last nap, which means he is awake for 3-4 hours before bed, so he gets really fussy and then won't take his last feed. Last night he ate at 5pm, went to bed at 7pm, and slept until 7am without making a peep all night. How does he go 14 hours without eating??? So I woke up at 6 engorged and leaking all over, but since I figured he'd wake up soon I just pumped a little bit, and of course he woke up as soon as I was done!
@cvbee: breastfeeding does still do wonderful things, even if it comes with a few not so wonderful things. I'm sure formula is full of contaminants too. I don't think there is any perfect way to feed a baby.
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