nectarine / 2039 posts
@duckduckkristen: Nico sometimes skips last nap too. I think he's on the way to dropping it, as even on 'normal' days, last nap is usually a cat-nap these days. He doesn't have your Liam's metabolism though: still waking 2 times per night to eat. I have done that before where I just pumped and he turns around and wakes up: I think he can sense there is something stealing his breakfast!
cherry / 232 posts
Kind of random but we were out earlier today and Holden peed through his pants so I changed him. I put the extra pants I had on him which were newborn size that he wore a couple weeks ago to a wedding and I am happy to report that they were highwaters! Fit in the waist but too short! I'm just excited to finally retire our last newborn sized thing!
Also as I'm typing this I have him laying on a blanket that I'm sitting on as well and he keeps rolling over onto my laptop... guess he wanted to type too!
apricot / 457 posts
I've been meaning to comment the last few days but everytime I start to, Owen starts crying. We just had his 4 month appointment on Friday and he is 18.1 lbs (92 percentile), 26 inches long (85 percentile), and his head circumference is 17 inches (99 percentile). He's a big boy! His neck has definitely gotten much stronger over the last week and a half and he's pretty much holding it up on his own and he's been sitting in his Bumbo much better now.
@Lags: Owen starts to get sleepy around 7:45 - 8:00 and I usually feed him then and he'll drift off and sleep. Around the 3 month mark, this would actually be the start of his night time sleep but recently he's been waking back up after 20 minutes and then stay up for two more hours until 10. I would try harder to have him sleep or start his night time routine sooner but my DH hasn't been getting home until 8 or 9 and this is the only time he gets to see Owen awake so I've been letting them have their time together.
Owen only really sleeps while feeding. He wears a sleep sack unswaddled and sleeps on his back. Typically he'll wake up after 6 hours and I'll feed him again but then he'll wake up in another hour so I've started the bad bad habit of just bringing him to bed with me so that I can get that extra hour of sleep. However, this last week he was waking up ever 3.5 hours and it was AWFUL so I'm not sure if he's going through his wakeful period.
However, I can't get too upset because my DH and I have been dragging him to tons of home improvement stores and Ikea and it's been messing up his schedule. He's such a patient little guy and has been really good while we're out and I feel bad when I can't feed him when I know he's hungry. I'm so jealous of your kitchen - it looks awesome! So much space!!
@Cram88: Yay for no more newborn clothing! However, on the flip side, Owen has absolutely NO clothing for fall because everything we bought/received was outgrown weeks ago. We've had to wrap him up in two blankets when we went out these last few days because he doesn't have enough warm clothing for the dreary weather we've been having.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cvbee: @duckduckkkristen: I can't pump anywhere near Tyler I think he smells it and will wake out of a dead sleep even if hungry!!
@cram88: yay for retiring the last of those! I get so excited when T moves up in size - he's wearing a 3-6 sleeper right now. Yay!
The reason why I asked about morning play time in crib counting as sleep is....have been so darn tired I have slept in most days and the light playing doesnt normally wake me up since I have been turning the monitor off in the morning.
Which got me wondering exactly how long T had been up when I went to get him.
Though I said that I would never let him go 3 hrs between sleeps again, yesterday he was up from a nap at 4 and in bed at 6:50 and was fine. A little fussier after the bath but not terrible.
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@lisa1783: what a big boy!!! The weather ere has been so crappy lately so depressing but foot for finishing your renovations I'm sure!
cherry / 232 posts
Does anyone else think why bother when your husband gets up with baby? I think this every time. It takes him forever to get Holden back down and I can hear everything on the monitor so I'm awake the whole time. I usually end up feeling guilty and go in and finish up anyways! That's my complaint for the day!
Today I have to clean,clean, clean which is challenging with a baby. I'm working the next 3 days then having some girlfriends over Thursday and one has never been here so I feel like it has to be extra clean! I also have a lot of stuff to make into baby food that'll probably go bad if I don't do it soon... What have you guys been making? I want to have a good stash! So far I have avocado, carrots, sweet potatoes, applesauce, peas, pears and mangoes.
I also am compiling my list of questions for our 4 month checkup tomorrow (4.5 months pretty much!). I always feel like a crazy person going in with a huge list but otherwise I forget. A lot of my questions are usually answered before we get to the question part, so at least I look a little less crazy by the end with less questions haha
Hope everyone has a good day!
cherry / 232 posts
@winniebee: We are in that size sleepers mostly too! I seem to find that he always wears bigger sleepers than clothes, is it the same for you? I was a little behind in laundry last night so we only had one sleeper left (bad mom!) and it was a 6 month. It did the it was a Patriots one so maybe it'll be good luck for them today! I'm just going to assume that you're a Patriots fan too since you live in Boston haha
nectarine / 2039 posts
@cram88: I'll put Nico in extra-big sleepers, just for variety. He has a 12 month sleeper that I even use, and his little feet are only part-way down the legs, but he doesn't walk so I figure it doesn't matter. I just roll up the sleeves. PS. Yes, we actually don't bother with Daddy getting up in the night for this reason. Nico doesn't even take a bottle anymore so it's just as well.
apricot / 457 posts
@cram88: I think the last time my husband got up in the middle of the night was when I was sick and had already gotten up twice. And even when he did get up, it literally involved me shoving him out of the bed. I think DHs mean well, they want to's just their really bad at it. =P
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
The mustache pacifier was a gift from DH's best friend (our best man). Cool! @LAGS: He only kind of likes it--he's used to the flat pacifiers so he keeps dropping it. It is too funny though so we keep giving it back to him.
@cramm88: interesting about the early constipation. G has been a nightmare the last week (and has a rash for the same amount of time). I wonder if his tummy hurts.
Glad to hear the juice is helping with H's tummy.
@goldilocks: Congrats on through the night! I hope A keeps it up.
@calsmom: I agree--we need to figure out some not-at-home naps! Please let me know if you figure anything out!
@winniebee: I also wake up with G. When our parent monitor was not working with our nursery unit (AngelCare sent us a new nursery unit) I couldn't hear his little sounds and could only hear his screaming and yet I would wake up before he made a peep.
@LAGS: I hope you feel better soon and don't get sick.
@cvbee: I have heard that but I am still cool with breastfeeding. Anyway all the water I drink is either boiled (if it's in the food I'm cooking) or filtered (if I'm drinking it). That's enough for me. I mean, really, life is terrible for you and ultimately ends in death no matter how you live! Is that any reason not to live?
@duckduckkristen: I like that link.
@cramm88 Yay growing! Yay rolling! Sounds adorable.
And yes.... I now joyfully take 100% of the night stuff because I can zombie feed him and nap during it and then crawl back in bed. I swear both me and G get back to sleep easier if dad is not involved. I must say I am happier with my role and DHs role with G than I was before. Actually DH NEVER woke with LO, only stayed up... and I was bitter about this for a while. Now that night feedings aren't 1-2 hour affairs (with waking/changing/etc), I don't mind them!
Good luck at your appointment!
I find G is always in bigger sleepers until I read the labels that say "wear tight fitted for proper flame retardant properties" or something like that.
@lisa: Cool cool. I think Owen may be the biggest baby in the group (weight). And I think Gabriel has the biggest head (he is in toddler sized hats!). And Penny is the longest? It's cool that every baby is so very different.
Although I am having trouble with naps I have never really had a night time "meltdown." Of course he seems to need to cry himself to sleep (even in the carrier!) so maybe that's part of it?
Also... I am going to return my ergobaby carrier--I am just too short for it! I can't reach the hood snaps at all and the back clip is too low. Any other awesome carriers? I like how light it makes G feel...
I think it's time for 4 month sleep regression to hit us. However it seems his nights are fine (11 hours of night sleep with 4ish wake ups--I should count my blessings!) but he is becoming a serious daytime nightmare. But every time I bring him in they say he's a happy healthy baby boy and he is doing well (aside from the rash that they want me to monitor). He keeps getting mini fevers (100)--nothing high enough to bother them. It's just so sad!
(We have been to the doctor 4 times in 8 days. 3 for him, 1 for me. Of course 2 of those were his 4 month well baby and shots but I am sick of the doctor!)
clementine / 916 posts
@cram88: Your little man is growing! Just at his own pace And apparently he was the Pats' good luck charm today!
@lisa1783: A likes to tease me like that too. Just as I either start to nap or get busy with something... she decides its a great time to wake up!
@cram88: YES! I had a point where I was losing my mind and DH was doing squat and we had it out... so we decided he needed to help more. In the end, it just wasn't worth it because I was up the whole time anyways and it would take me half the time because I didn't need to warm a bottle etc. So we have him help in other ways now. You've got me beat with the homemade foods. I've done sweet potato, avocado and butternut squash. And we have our very first baby play date here Wed so I'll be joining you in a cleaning frenzy this week!
@lisa1783: lol! In the middle of the night one time I said to my husband "If I'm standing here frantically trying to calm the baby while loosing my ever loving sh*t... can you at least ask if I'm ok or need a hand?" And as if I said it calmly, he was like "Of course dear, are you okay?" I'm not even sure he was fully awake. This was clearly during our last little speed bump.
@pastemoo: Aww what a good guy! Awesome gift. haha G will have to get used to it sooner or later! That's weird about the persistent mild-fever. Think its teething or because of his rash or something? As long as you get some good sleep at night hopefully tackling the fussy days won't be too bad!
So tonight is three nights swaddle free and night two paci free (sort of). Last night went pretty well too. She went down at 7:30 and was up at 8:30 and 9 and 10 but then slept until 2am, followed by 3 and 2 hour stretches! I got my best sleep in a long time with only two wakings.
I'm hoping tonight we can repeat but I'm feeling a little guilty because we gave her the paci. She went down at 7:15 and woke up at 8 so upset. Her nose was running so I had to suction and she was so upset I just caved. I don't plan to replace it though for the rest of the night. Hopefully I didn't ruin our progress.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@LAGS: Good luck! And tell us more about the playdate.
Speaking of sleep--why am I still up? Good night ladies!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cram88: Anything footed he always wears bigger! Right now he's still wearing 3M pants but is wearing 3-6 sleepers, 3-6 onesies and shirts from gap, etc. Sounds like you have a busy and fun week!
And, YES, I feel like it's nice when he offers to get up in the middle of the night, but I can't fall back asleep until I know the job is done!
@LAGS: That's awesome that nights are getting better! I knew A could do it swaddle free!!!!!!!!!
@pastemoo: sorry you guys have been so sick -- NO more visits for you! Part of me wonders whether we've had the 4 month regression....but then I think how can a month of bad sleep not be it?
I'm impressed that all you ladies are making food - I feel like even with being on maternity leave I have NO time to do anything these days. Perhaps it's the curse of the 30 minute nap, but I have less time for cooking, working out, and chores than I had a month ago. I go back to work 1 month from yesterday. Boo.
I'm still trying to wean pumping - down to 2 pumps a day (morning and night) but engorged and leaking all day. Started regular birth control again yesterday, so that should help with hitting my supply. T has been doing great on my dairy free reserves and Nutramigen. Though, yesterday was his first day ever without a poop - he used to poop at every feeding! Wondering if it's because we tried bananas? This morning's poop was epic to make up for it.
He's actually been taking a morning nap in his crib the past several days - not long ones - but he's doing it and not even crying or fussing much beforehand. Hoping that with time his 45 minute nap stretches back out again. It's been hit or miss with whether I can get him to nap in the crib the rest of the day. The rest of his naps are 30 minutes on the button -- yesterday he woke up from one crying and so I rocked him back to sleep and he slept for 30 more minutes on me and then another 30 in his crib.
Hope everyone has a good week!
cherry / 232 posts
Holden took every single nap in his crib yesterday! I usually don't bother, I just put him in his swing or bouncy chair but we're out of batteries in everything so I gave it a go and it worked!
Also he slept 7-4am straight, it felt like the good old days when he was younger and would only wake up once! I had to get up at 6 so it was once for me anyways haha
I just got to work a few minutes ago and I get to leave in about an hour to go to his appointment! At least it'll be an easy workday!
cherry / 232 posts
@LAGS: I think I just have guilt with not breastfeeding so I'm over compensating with homemade baby food haha
@winniebee: Making the food hasn't been exactly easy to squeeze in, I usually have to do it when my husband is home or drag Holden into the kitchen. The food processor scares him when it first turns on but then he smiles so it's kind of funny to watch!
@winniebee: It sucks that you have such a problem with naps. I used to have issues with naps but after a lot of frustration have found ways to get him down. I'd say the average nap we have is 45 mins so not that long. My biggest problem is other people giving him naps. No one else can seem to get him to take naps so when I work it messes everything up and is very frustrating when I just had 5 straight good days of naps and then it gets ruined in a day!
As far as people who responded about husband waking up with baby....
I wish I could just say that it would be okay to do it all myself but honestly the last 3 Sundays I have had meltdowns because I'm just so tired and stressed out. I do everything else myself, I primarily take care of Holden, do all the cleaning, cooking, worrying about money/paying bills, I work, etc... so I just get really stressed about things and then a few bad nights with Holden can really get to me. Not to mention all the mother's guilt I have constantly.
If he goes back to sleeping an initial long stretch, like last night, I would be fine but I don't know when that will happen. I sometimes feel like I need to go just sleep over someone's house one night and get a full nights sleep and I will magically feel better!
clementine / 878 posts
Since we have a motion-sensing monitor, we have to turn it off before we pick up A, otherwise an alarm will go off. So, although I do wake up when DH gets up with her at night, As soon as that monitor is flipped off, I'm back in dreamland.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: @calsmom: I've started being able to get Nico to nap while out and about again, by putting him in the wrap carrier and dance-rocking him. It just takes a little longer than it used to. I swear it stopped working for a little while, but I had success with this 4 times in the past week, so we're back in business!
@pastemoo: yes, for sure, to live is to die. There are much bigger things to be worried about than the carcinogens in breastmilk. I don't even eat organic food. I figure if you are healthy then your body can fight the free-radicals and carcinogens. I just hadn't thought about it being in breastmilk. (And it's not from the contaminants we are eating now, it's from all the contaminants we've been exposed to for our WHOLE lives!!! all stored-up in our breasts! But again, I'm not going to freak out about it.
@pastemoo: sorry the ergo didn't work out for you. I am fairly tall and love it. Wonder if the ergo people ever thought of making a petite version?
@LAGS: If Nico wakes up an hour into falling asleep for the night and is really upset I will still breastfeed him (be his human paci) and it doesn't seem to ruin our 'progress' in the sleep training. I just try my best to get him to originally fall asleep on his own, drowsy-but-awake, instead of breastfeeding to sleep (sleep prop).
@winniebee: My friend's baby got backed-up on bananas.
@winniebee: I do a lot of chores with Nico in the ergo on me. He seems to like it.
@cram88: our bouncy chair is out of batteries and we're just not replacing. Now he's old enough to 'bounce' himself, and I don't put him in there much anymore anyways. Congrats on your sleep-in-crib progress.
Brag day for me: only 1 wake-up out of the 12 hours of Nico sleeping in the crib. :)~ Plus I predicted it was going to be a 'rough night' because our bedtime routine was all messed up the night before from going over to a friend's for dinner, so I even put myself to bed extra early. ha
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cram88: Sometimes you just need a break! Since you won't get a great night sleep at home, maybe a sleepover at a friend's is in order!
@cvbee: Brag away that's awesome!!!!
I just ate lunch at 10:30. If I didn't know any better, I'd think I was pregnant.
clementine / 916 posts
@pastemoo: We know virtually nobody in our area and without me having worked I've found it hard to get out and meet people, so anyways DH has a buddy at work with a little guy a month younger than A. We've been meaning to hang out with him his wife and baby for a while and finally got around to figuring it all out. The sad part is I think I'm most excited for A to hang out with another babe over me getting some adult playtime.
@winniebee: First day ever without a poop?? Crazy! Addie had two days without poops twice which I think had to do with solids. I've found with the food thing once you get into it it really only takes like 5-10mins of effort. It's just doing it that's the hard part. I have the worst time management in the world and feel like I get nothing done, so I just went and bought the produce so I HAD to do it otherwise it'd spoil lol I hope the napping keeps getting better! Sounds like bit by bit he's definitely getting the hang of it!
@cram88: lol out of batteries! But kind of awesome that it made you give the crib a go and it was a success! I had a meltdown recently over stretching myself too thin with caring for A.... I honestly couldn't imagine adding work to that list. I'm sooo glad H had a good night's sleep for you. If he doesn't make a habit of it you should definitely get yourself a night off!
@cvbee: I do the same with breastfeeding at the first/early wake up thinking it might buy me time later. Last night unfortunately didn't work out that way lol Nico is giving me hope for the future! It's awesome that he seems to really be mastering the sleep thing again!
@winniebee: I have creepy omg am I pregnant moments too like a more sensitive sense of smell. I'm finding recently the smells that grossed me out in my first tri are grossing me out again.
A didn't have a very good night. Not the worst, but too many wake ups. Putting her back down after she was super upset with her paci was a mistake. She definitely wanted it the rest of the night. She let out the most heartbreaking, pathetic little squeal every time she realized she wasn't getting it, or she wasn't going to be allowed to fall asleep at the breast... I was so exhausted and just gave it back to her, then let her sleep part of the night with us. It sucks because the night was mostly a failure because of me but I just didn't have any fight in me. Hopefully we can get back on track today.
cherry / 232 posts
@winniebee: Haha I always think I'm pregnant. I got my first period pp at like 5 weeks even though I was breastfeeding Now I have Nexplanon and I haven't had one since August... I know that's okay but it makes me nervous! Oh and yesterday I totally ate a calzone at 10am haha
@cvbee: Yay for your good night!
@LAGS: Aww sorry you had a bad night, hope it goes better tonight!
cherry / 232 posts
Back to work after our checkup! It went well, he grew half an inch in under a week! I'm not sure if it is a lot but it seems like a lot to me! We got approved for solid foods! Starting with rice cereal and then basically just going at our own flow, our pedi is pretty laid back and is very big on motherly instinct so it's nice! I asked about constipation during solids and she said that it may change but I can use the foods he's eating to combat it but if it remains a big problem there are other options!
Also regarding sleep I showed her my notes from the day of when I kept track of what he's eating and she pointed out that he's eating almost half of his total intake throughout the night! So as of right now we can't really do much to work on sttn. I've tried to get him to eat more throughout the day but he won't. She said it could change a bit with the addition for solids but for now he will still rule the roost and in the next couple of months we can try to work on sttn.
Oh and shots... they said they are the same exact ones as last time minus one so he should react the same and I shouldn't have to give him any medicine. He was so funny with the liquid one, he really didn't like it and kept making faces... he didn't act that way last time!
grapefruit / 4823 posts
@winniebee: haha i ate lunch at like 11:00...not too proud but had to fit it in while he's sleeping since when he's awake right now he wants all my attention because he's not feeling well. and i ALWAYS thing i'm pregnant. like 'OMG! my boobs feel bigger', 'why does this taste funny?' 'is that a period cramp, or another kind of cramp'
eggplant / 11287 posts
We officially have a no hands sitter! I will post a pic when I get the chance!
Oh and willa is still sick. Poor baby.
clementine / 959 posts
@cram88: Liam absolutely looooved the oral rotavirus vaccine! He would smile after he swallowed it and open his mouth for more. The nurse thought it was adorable and said no other baby has ever been so happy to take it.
Oh my freaking goodness my house is a mess from the kitchen construction! It took me 2 hours just to clean our bedroom. Everything is covered in a layer of dust. I'm hoping to get the whole second floor done today. DH is home and Liam has been taking long naps so it's a good day to be productive.
Oh and big news! After that one rollover over a month ago, Liam started rolling today! Over and over and over! Back to belly, then back to his back. He was trying to get to his toys so he was fussing the whole time since he couldn't reach them. It was kind of cute.
Is anyone not sick? I hope you all feel better soon! Guess it's that time of year.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@duckduckkristen: way to go Liam! Not sick here! (Knocking wood....)
@cram88: That's a huge spurt for one week! What a big boy : )
apricot / 457 posts
@cram88: you shouldn't feel bad about the way you do - if it takes two people to make a baby then it definitely takes two people to raise one. Doing everything with a continuous lack of sleep is stressful and it makes everything just so much harder. I think you just need to tell your DH that he's on duty for one night and you go lock yourself in a room with ear plugs and just sleep.
And he grew so much in one week! Half an inch is a lot - better get the next size in clothing ready!! It's funny he didn't like the rotavirus vaccine because it's supposed to be sweet. Maybe your LO will end up liking salty foods over sweet ones.
Also, Owen has a hard red bump in his leg from one of his shots - did Holden get them also? It's a little red still and I'm monitoring to make sure it doesn't change but I was curious to see if anyone else's LO had the same reaction.
@lags: it's funny how sleep just affects all our best intentions. I've started the horrible habit of bringing the baby to bed with me at the last feeding before dawn - usually around 5 am - just to get extra sleep since he's been waking up multiple times again. This morning I tried to sit and feed him and I just ended up nodding off until he started falling off still attached (definitely woke me up then!). I couldn't take it anymore and just got back in bed with him. But every day is a new day where we can tell ourselves we can try again, right?
@duckduckkristen: I hate how dirty and dusty EVERYTHING gets from the renovation. Luckily we're living in a rental now so Owen is away from the dust but my DH was at our new house the entire weekend trying to clean all the dust. We're pretty upset with our general contractor because his crew has been super messy - they haven't put up any tarps or closed off doorways to limit the dust spreading so it's literally in every room. Also, they shut off plumbing but someone peed in the toilet and it's just been sitting there for over 10 days and is just so unacceptable. Suffice to say, it's been a pretty awful experience so far.
Congrats on Liam rolling over!! It must be so exciting to see him going back and forth!
@mrsdaredevil: "Look, ma, no hands!" I can't wait to see pictures - she must be so proud of herself!
clementine / 916 posts
@lisa1783: Our LO had the red bump. It was bigger this time than last but went away quicker. The first time around a pea sized hard spot stayed for quite a while. Dr. said it's totally normal. Just the body doing it's thing to fight the vaccine and build up immunity.
@cram88: Did the Dr. give you any advice on how to get him to eat more during the day/less at night? I'm wondering if maybe my little one is relying on getting a few extra cals at night too?
@Mrsdaredevil: Exciting!! Can't wait to see pics!
cherry / 232 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: That's awesome! Your little girl sounds like such a firecracker...I bet you'll have your hands full when she's older
@duckduckkristen: Yay for rolling over! Isn't it weird how it seems like one day it just clicks for them? Holden had that epiphany last week!
@lisa1783: It's just really hard for me to not do stuff myself and I know that I would feel super guilty if I took a night to myself. I really need to figure out how to let go of the guilt!
I don't know why he didn't like the vaccine this time, last time it wasn't an issue but maybe he doesn't like sweet stuff. He took his juice without a problem when we first started giving it to him a couple of months ago but now it's really challenging to get him to take it!
He doesn't have the red raised bumps, but he didn't get them last time either. I'm pretty sure that's fairly normal. In fact I think someone may have mentioned it when I asked about the shots previously...@pastemoo maybe?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: woah, crazy!
@lisa1783: Tyler got those bumps, too from his vaccines...maybe had for 48 hours at injection site.
Tyler barely drank anything before bed tonight - it was weird. He had 2 oz with his rice cereal about an hour before but otherwise hadn't eaten in several hours. Could make for an interesting night....
kiwi / 515 posts
@cram88 I hear ya on hubby helping with wake ups. We also have the motion sensing monitor so it's turned off for wake ups, but our house is so small I can still hear Lil screaming. We have a rule that DH has to keep trying for at least 10 minutes before I rescue, but on Saturday night he got frustrated after just 2 and called me in. He only helps overnight on Saturdays, so I had a major meltdown on him, I totally get it!
Also yay for crib naps and a growing little man!
@cvbee yay for good sleep!
@ winniebee I started giving Lily bananas 2 weeks ago and she got backed up for 4 days. She was super gassy! I backed off on them and now just give them every once in a while and she seems fine with that.
@mrsdaredevil: go little miss Willa! That is great! Can't wait to see pics! Is she officially the first sitter? Lily is getting close but still takes some topples!
@duckduckkristen: yay Liam! Lily did the same! She took a rolling hiatus and then started again on Friday and is now rolling everywhere! Wonder why they do that? I was guessing Lily just now figured out that rolling can get her somewhere, whereas before it was just like eh why move?
@winniebee and @sarbear: hubby thinks I'm crazy I'm always like "aw man, I'm getting headaches like I had when I was ,preggo" or " I'm super hungry all the time" I actually took a test the other day just to be sure, it was definitely negative, aka no excuse for housing food all weekend!
@lisa1783 Owen is a growing little man! I'm with ya on the lack of fall clothing! We officially have only 3-4 outfits left that we're gifted, and we mostly have all short sleeved stuff. So, Lily has been wearing the same 2-3 outfits that are warm enough, I need to get out and get more weather appropriate stuff! I never thought my 5 month old would be in 6-9 month clothes already, baby clothe sizes are craziness!
Lily has been figuring her toys out more lately, it's really cute! She has figured out her noise making toys and is constantly shaking them, and she loves anything that crinkles especially plastic bags and paper as well as plastic water bottles. Its really funny anytime I'm holding any of the above in my hand she gets a super focused look on her face and grabs for them, with both hands and crunches them in her little hands! She loves when I sort through the circulars for coupons, she's now mommas coupon helper! And with the water bottles along with crunching them, she likes to try to drink from them. I gave her a little sip from mine and now she's obsessed. I try not to give her much, but she's so cute with her new skill!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@lisa1783: G got red bumps from the shot, too (just one of them... I think the prevnar.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cvbee: wish I could "like" this comment!
@Mrs.M57: I love that she's interested in toys! I thought T was interested before but now that he really likes them, it's so cute. He was playing with a jingle ball thingy last night and my husband took it away from him momentarily and he started crying!! Uh oh.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Ok at one point I commented that our ped said no carrots or turnips til 6 months. Sleep deprivation is weird. I just went and checked our ped's email and it says nothing of the sort. I remember someone was asking my why no carrots or turnips.....and turns out I just made it up!!! WTF?
cherry / 232 posts
@winniebee: Haha that's funny! I think I actually asked our pedi yesterday about carrots because you had said that! She just said to limit the amount of homemade carrots we give at first because of the nitrates but made it sound like jarred stuff was fine.
clementine / 878 posts
I've decided baby clothing shouldn't be sized in "months" - it should be by length or weight, or how they do shoes (0, 1, 2, etc.).
I put Audrey in her johnny jump up this week and she loves it! I think she likes that she can spin around to see different things and isn't confined like she is in the jumparoo. Luckily, we have a framed doorway from the living room to our sun room, so she's right in the middle of things.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Goldilocks1107: Nice! We have a Johnny Jump up too and tried it a month ago when he was clearly too little. I wonder if it's time to try again (though T is quite short so I wonder if his legs will reach!)
apricot / 288 posts
@duckduckkristen - so cool about rolling both ways. We have a back to timmy roller, but then she gets stuck on her tummy, she can't seem to figure out how to get that big butt back over to roll onto her back.
@missdaredevil - sitting up is so exciting. i can't wait for that, they must feel so independent.
@pastemoo - it's not the most popular, but we have a nordic carrier by lillebaby and we love it. we both wear it and we both find it really comfortable. You can wear them on the front facing in or out, on our back or on your hip. I read about on a blog called "the art of making a baby" and that mom is very tall (former model) and it worked great for her.
@cram88 - so looking forward to making our own food. do you use a special baby food maker or just a regular steamer and blender?
we have a 5 month birthday in a few days. not much new in Lulu's little world, she is trying to sit up, rolling only from back to tummy and loves her bumbo now. she is very smiley and noisy but not putting together any consonants and vowels yet, more like just yelling. She is sleeping well, usually from about 9 to 7 or 8 with one 4 am feeding. I am trying to decide whether she is really hungry or just waking out of habit, but I will keep doing it for another month until she starts food and forumla at 6 months.
Hope you are all having a great week!
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