GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@Coco Bee: I would LOVE playdates but don't really know too many mamas. But I think when we're finally settled at the new house I'm going to try and schedule one with my co-worker. But her baby is older, already 1.
@Mrsdaredevil: wow! That will be the earliest I've ever heard of a baby start walking! My niece started at 10 months and I thought that was crazy early!
@cram88: how's baby today?
@MsMini: aw i'm so sorry. My nephew had really bad eczema as well and he eventually grew out of it.
@winniebee: yay for good sleep!
@duckduckkristen: how's your kitchen coming along? Our cabinets are going in this week - yay! And island countertop will likely be ordered this week. Still got to find a local distributor for the perimeter countertops.
@Goldilocks1107: I'm sorry that's a rough night! And I agree with your DH, that's a unique scenario that you should have woken up your husband!
So last night M slept from 830-530! That is the longest stretch in EVER. I don't know if it was the Hyland's teething tablet or the fact that she was tired from the crazy day care freak out session. We actually got a call from her teacher and had to go get her and get a last minute sick appt.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Goldilocks1107: whoa. That is quite a story from last from a movie or something. Here's to looking back and laughing at that one day? Enjoy your iced coffee and treat yourself to another for sure!
@regberadaisy: After all your trouble I'm so glad that you had a good night.
These posts back-to-back just really highlight what night-time parenting is like: such a gamble.
apricot / 457 posts
@duckduckkristen: hahahahah, Owen has the opposite sign when he goes poo - he gets REALLY stiff, like he's turning his whole body into a plank. His arms will go down to his sides and he'll lift his legs up and he tenses his whole body. After he poos, then he goes completely limp. P.S. 12 hours???? How do you do it? Does he take a bottle for his nighttime feeding before bed?
@MsMini: awww, I feel so bad for your little guy. When did the eczema first start?
@WinnieBee: so glad Tyler seems to be out of his sleep regression! My LO turns 4 months tomorrow and I think he's starting the sleep regression now - the last two days he's been horrible with his naps and he's been waking up every 2 hours at night when before he was sleeping 6 -7 hours. I'm scared after reading everyone's posts!!
@Cram88: I hope your LO is ok! Good luck at the doctors!
@Mrs.Daredevil: She didn't cry at all? Hardcore! Owen has his 4 month appt this Friday and I've already got the tylenol ready. At his 2 month appt when the nurses came in to give him his shots, one of them said "Oh, I see he's giving us plenty of material to work with" when she saw his chubby little thighs. I can only imagine what her reaction will be when she sees him this time around.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@duckduckkristen: Now THATs what I call sleeping through the night. Way to go Liam!
@regberadaisy: I'm so happy for you guys that last night went better - I hope M is in a better mood today, too!
@lisa1783: Oh no.....well, I don't even know if what Tyler went through was the true regression (since it started at 3.5 months....) I think in the end it was vacation, then transitioning to crib, then weaning from swaddle. So we might still be in for a regression....ha!
@goldilocks1107: That blows. I hate to admit it but Tyler leaked onto his crib once last week and it was just a small wet I just left it and changed in the morning. Bad mom, I guess!
clementine / 959 posts
@lisa1783: oh babies and their poop! And no, I don't give him a bottle. And his last feed is over an hour before he goes to sleep usually. He actually won't really take bottles anymore. I swear, I just got lucky with this kid. He slept for 12 hours a couple times when he was like 10 weeks old, but then the whole sleep regression happened and it wasn't until we started CIO a couple weeks ago that he started sleeping well again. I guess he has just gotten really good at getting himself back to sleep? Unfortunately I don't have any advice because I didn't do anything other than CIO. We don't even really have a bedtime routine!
clementine / 959 posts
@regberadaisy: kitchen is coming along! The countertops are getting installed this afternoon! Yay! Then the contractors come back tomorrow and will spend the rest of the week doing finishing details, then hopefully it will be all done this weekend.
clementine / 916 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Willa is so petite! I wonder if that's in part why she's such a mover? I bet it was liberating. A was getting fussy yesterday when I was stuck at the car dealership and I knew she was getting hungry... I was wishing so badly that I had the guts to nurse her there.. but I'm just way too chicken! Go you!
@cram88: Hoping your little guy is feeling better
@MsMini: Oh the damage I could do with $2000 right now! What is with ILs not respecting naps? I love my MIL but she always seems to question the nap thing. She once, in a roundabout kind of way, said we force A down too much... Hoping you guys can get to the bottom of things for Sawyer, poor guy.
@winniebee: That's an amazing sleep! Was this unswaddled too??
@duckduckkristen: That's too funny. A doesn't go limp but she always looks relaxed. She's a growler/grunter so everyone always jokes that she's working on something... when in reality its her quietest moments when I know she's up to something!
@Goldilocks1107: omg, that sounds awful. I'm sorry you had such a rough night. It must be A's long legs that let it leak? My A has chunkster thighs so maybe that's why the 3's can work for us? Maybe your husband can take a couple nights in a row to let you catch up? I'm the same though, even though DH and I got on the same page about him helping more... I still find myself doing it all and not asking for his help.
A had a weird sleep last night. Down by 8, up at 1:30 to feed. Up again at 2:20 crying... didn't feed her. Finally got her down at 2:45 just to have her wake up again crying a few minutes later. I got her back down and had her wake up just before 5 for another feed. We really have no signs of leaving her sleep issues behind... but at least it's not hourly. This is seriously the end of month 2 for this. Boo.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@LAGS: YES he has been swaddle free for a week now and I think he likes it! He rolls around like crazy and I find him in the oddest positions. (though I still swaddle and swing him for his morning nap....only way he will sleep longer than 30 mins....) Have you tried unswaddling? The first few nights were rough but then he got progressively better every night!
@mrsdaredevil: I want to say Willa is so advanced because she's smaller, but T is a pound lighter and .5 inches shorter and he can't do much of that stuff yet. She's just a mover and a shaker!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: I was too lazy to change the crib sheets too. When I was feeding Nico all night long we had leak issues that have mysteriously stopped (duh).... When I'd put him back into his crib I would just put him in the other end, or put a blanket down and put him on it.... I know the whole no-blankets-in-crib thing is a big deal, but my guy STILL doesn't move so I'm not worried.
@Mrsdaredevil: Last night I was thinking how interesting it is that your little Willa was all squished up in your bedrest, tight-ab belly and now she is the prolific mover, and my Nico was living in my belly while I was teaching dance and doing crazy movement stuff while teaching at schools right to the end and now he is a non-mover.
My sleep comment for the day is that when DH put Nico to sleep more than an hour late last night, it actually resulted in him waking up more than an hour early. I fed him and put him back into his bed, but I have no evidence that he actually went to sleep again, as I went back to sleep and when I woke up at our usual wakeup time, 1.5 hours later, he was just awake in his crib looking around. I'm hoping that I get some extra-long naps (breaks!) today....not that I need the time, it would just be sweet.
clementine / 878 posts
Thanks ladies! Last night was just something else. I wonder if we could double-stack the diapers (size 2 to catch the majority with a size 3 on top to catch the rest)? Or maybe I'll just try the Luvs.
But yeah, if it's a little pee and the bed doesn't feel damp, I just leave the sheets alone and put her in a new sleep sack . . .
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cvbee: That's interesting re: the earlier wakeup time. I was wondering the same thing about when T actually woke up this morning.....put him down at 5 a.m.....and DH left the house at 6 a.m. (I was in a half sleep from 5-6) and I know I heard T at 6:50 but ignored him....and he went quiet until about I mean, did he sleep during that time? I think so becuase that's an awful long time to be just laying there without crying.......
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@regberadaisy: is it crazy that I think M is already interested in our food at 15 weeks? She stares at us while we eat and sometimes makes mouth motions like she's mimicking what we're doing. It's adorable but I'm sure it will just get harder not to feed her as we move along. We'll probably start at dinner because we get up soooooo early to begin with breakfast is too early.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@winniebee: AWESOME! 8 hours straight??? Good job, Tyler!!
@Mrs.M57: we haven't had our 4 month yet but at our 2 month, the doctor suggested he would be suggesting we start purees at 4 month. I'm not sure about what foods, though. I don't want to do rice cereal so I plan on asking him about what to start with. I'm not planning on BLW.
@Mrs. Sunglasses: that is AWESOME! I can't believe how long it takes to get surgeries scheduled in Canada. I'm so glad he's going to get what he needs and hopefully heal and feel better soon!
@LAGS: exciting that your SIL is having cramps!! It may be time!!
@Goldilocks1107: I'm not sure if anyone suggested this yet (haven't caught up!) but have you tried a sheet saver? A friend of mine swore by those. She put two in each crib (she had twins) so it would catch drool and pee. If you find pee on it, you can rip it off and not have to replace the whole bedding set in the middle of the night.
@cvbee: a later to bed time meant an earlier wake-up time? That's interesting... I hope he naps for you today!!
@regberadaisy: 8:30 to 5:30???? WOW! What happened at Daycare? I think I missed that...I'll go look to see if you posted about it. YAY for a full night's sleep!!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@mediagirl: nope not really crazy. I know around here some ladies started at 4 months and that's why.
I didn't really post about it because it was just a flurry. Daycare had called my husband earlier that M was being really fussy, refusing her bottle, crying. So they gave her gas drops. Then I got a vm on my work phone about 2:30 from her teacher that she still has been really fussy and they were wondering if maybe she had an earache. So I called her back and I could hear M crying/screaming in the background. So I Told them we would come get her immediately. So I called my husband to go pick her up. Then I called our ped and they were able to squeeze us in at 3:45. So I ran out of work to meet my husband to get M to the pediatrician. When M saw my husband she was immediately all smiles and the teacher was like " I swear she was really fussy all day! I wasn't making it up". M basically slept in the car the whole way and she was in good spirits at the doctor. They checked her over and no earache, or congestion or anything they can see. So who knows what was wrong. We say she was psyching her teachers out to get out of daycare early. She was fussier yesterday evening, yes even more so than lately!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@regberadaisy: yyay for M's good sleep! That must have felt good....were you able to get good sleep too? Sad about her bad day though.
@lisa1783: I was thinking maybe that is why willa didn't cry, because she has lots of thigh chub? Who knows! 12 hours later and still no tears from her yet! You will have to update us on his growth. P.s. there is a beach near my house called Owen Beach and my little cousin Owen (he is 6) loves to come visit and go to the beach and run around screaming "This is my beach!" Just a cute 'owen' story for you!
@LAGS: willa has random sleeps like that too. I am sorry! Hopefully she naps well for you so you can get rest. And regarding the nursing in public thing, I figure that I am pretty much revealing less boob than a bikini, and everyone has walked past Victoria's secret or seen a girl in a bikini, so why not? LOL
Willa did an 8 hour stretch last night! Woohoo! Aannnndddd she slept til 930, which means I did too! Do you know how glorious that felt? (Granted she was awake from 6 to 715)
Still no tears from the shots or shot soreness yet. What a trooper!
And regarding the early movement, I honestly just think it is a total fluke. I was a relatively early mover, but not this early! I think every baby is just so different. My bff had a 9 month walker but now here she is at 20 months and only says 2 words (mama and ball). So who knows what'll happen! DH and I are sort of hyper active....maybe that's the trigger? Lol she does spent a lot of time on the floor, so maybe that has given her time to explore what her body can do. She spends a good two hours a day on the floor!
I am going to make a post about what my ped said about sleep yesterday. Interesting stuff.
clementine / 916 posts
@winniebee: I so want to... and even got one arm out. But then went back to full swaddle. I've been so back and forth on everything, it's crazy. One min I'm full on wean and the next I'm all about getting her a good night's sleep. Do you think he's sleeping better now without? Does he sleep with a paci?
@regberadaisy: She just wanted to spend a little quality time with Mum and Dad!
@Mrsdaredevil: I'll be keeping an eye out for the sleep post too!
So... I went to my local library today to scout out some sleep books... and they had none?! wtf? So now I'm debating going through the hassle of an inter-library loan or just buying the dang things myself. I'm thinking Healthy Sleep Habits... and the No Cry sleep solution. Any other favorites?
persimmon / 1087 posts
I am so behind on this thread! Sorry!
@LAGS: I would rather wait for an inter-library loan. That's just me though.
@Mrsdaredevil: That's crazy she is moving as much as she is! Scary yet exciting all at the same time!
Yay for the 8 hour stretch! That's promising!
@regberadaisy: Yay for another good night's sleep!
Cooper was a mess this last stretch. His naps have been short, and he is having teething pains. He was inconsolable earlier, but I gave him some teething tablets which was the only thing that helped. He's sleeping again, so I will see how long this stretch will be! I put a wet washcloth in the freezer so I will have that ready in case he needs it.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@mrs sunglasses: Yes... the wakeful period. I'm worried about that one. I love your haircut and your new photo.
Fingers crossed for your husband's shoulder surgery!
@cvbee: Poor doggie!
@cramm88: LOL I want to eat G because he's such a fat baby. I love his little knuckle dimples. That's funny the other baby wants to eat H because he's smaller.
Re; Rolling--G used to sleep on his side and we propped him up with rolled up towels. Would that work?
That 2 week old picture is adorable!!
@duckduckkristen: We are not anywhere near ready for #2 but I really did not enjoy pregnancy and the timing will be bad for our moves (and lack of insurance/changing insurance). I am now sold on having #2 at some point (vs. one and done) so that is some progress. No AF here either. I went to my OB clinic today and they asked my last period and I'm like.... um last June? hah!
12 hours? WIN!
@goldilocks: If the leak doesn't wake her, I wouldn't worry about it. G used to leak a lot and we realized it didn't bug him (he would nurse and fall asleep so I wouldn't change him....)
@Lags:How exciting for your SIL! YAY!
And that totally sucks about the car. It is always so difficult to even get to the darn shop... and then they can't even find out what's wrong? Ugh.
@mrsm57: Our ped said we could start food for fun at any time--but DS is also 17 lbs. She said cereal or veggies if we want. She didn't mention fruit either way. Just "NO HONEY."
So far we tried green beans and that's it! We only got through like 1/4 of a tiny tiny jar... DH decided to do it because G was on an eating strike. It was like 10 am? (DH works 12 to 10pm shifts).
Also she said not more than one solid meal per day until his 6 month well baby visit and we'll reevaluate then.
@cramm88: G didn't eat well for days after his shots.... he is finally eating again today! He got the shots Friday and Monday.
@mrsdaredevil: 8-4? WOO HOO!
@lisa1783: G has really good head control so the ped OK'd him to start.
@coco bee: We have random playdates--and the other babies are the same age so when it's naptime we'll go for a walk (we baby wear). A nice long mommy walk.
Oh... someone mentioned water before? The ped said if we do rice cereal we might want to give him a little water to prevent constipation--so my plan is just very little rice cereal. I am not comfortable giving him water. I'm cool with milk. I'm cool with adding prunes to the rice or whatever but for some reason giving him something "filling" with no calories bugs me.
@mrsdaredevil: glad you enjoyed the fair so much!
Walking at 9 months? i thought that was usually for babies who never crawl. Oh, wow. Need help babyproofing?
@cramm88: well I was so far behind--I hope he's feeling better now! So sad for him.
@msmini: Poor S and his eczema! I hope it gets better!
So... parenthood? I don't watch much TV. I often have TV on in the background but the only thing I actually pay attention to is baseball.
@goldilocks: Hope your day got better. Rough night!
@regberadaisy: Yay more sleep!
@mediagirl: Nah, G was interested in food early, too. He recognizes apples and will reach out and grab my hand or DH's hand so he can lick the apple. It is adorable!
@calsmom: G is teething, too. So sad!
So.... that was like 2 pages of catching up. You ladies are on a roll today!
G hardly cried with his shot on Monday (less than 5 seconds!) and didn't need any tylenol at all. I was more wimpy with my flu shot, though he did see that needle since I was wearing him and he frowned.
So... I am not going back to work because we may move in early December, not late January.
Also went back to my OB clinic today because my c-section still hurts. I have adhesions And the way to "fix" them is painful massage. She also recommended Vitamin E. Fun.
clementine / 916 posts
@calsmom: That's kinda how I'm leaning... I figure I'll probably never pick them up again once I've read them. Are these teething tablets something common you'd just find at a pharmacy? I'd never heard of these before HB.
@pastemoo: I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this (tv on in background yet paying no attention) I should probably start saving the energy! So I had to google adhesions to be sure, but yuck they sound awful. Sorry you're having such a rough time healing, not fair!
Winniebee inspired me so I decided to try a nap arms-free. She needed more help going down (I basically held her hands and I still wrapped her tummy) but she's been napping fine since, yay!
clementine / 878 posts
@pastemoo: I'm not super thrilled about rice cereal either. I'm basically just using it to test if she's developmentally ready for purees, or if her tongue thrust reflex is still going strong (since it's $1.25 for a small box at Target, it's cheaper than testing with purees and having them go bad if she's not ready). As soon as she's ready, I'm done with the rice flakes and moving straight to purees!
I hope your c-section incision feels better soon!
cherry / 232 posts
@winniebee: Congrats on the sleep! It must have been amazing! Also if there was a small spot on Holden's bed I would leave it too... guess I'm a bad mom as well haha
@Goldilocks1107: I had a similar night...
I probably didn't mention it but Holden never poops at night so the Luvs have only held up with pee. Last night he had diarrhea at 4am and they did not hold up... so if she poops during the night often that might not be the way to go either.
@regberadaisy: Congratulations on the good night of sleep for you!
@LAGS: I tried the two receiving blankets under his sheet last night and he didn't roll once...thank you!!
@pastemoo: I hope your incision gets better soon, that's a long time to be in pain
cherry / 232 posts
So we had a similar night to Goldilocks1107. 4am diarrhea explosion that included a pajama change but luckily not a sheet change because I caught it right after it happened.
Holden ended up eating a little more during the night which was good but has still been finicky today with eating. Also no throwing up today thankfully. We brought him to the doctor and they said it's definitely a stomach bug but it seems like we're through the worst of it! They did weigh him and for some reason I can't remember how much he weighed but I know it was 11lbs and 4 or 5 ozs.... 4th percentile. This wasn't his normal doctor and he has his 4 month Monday so weight wasn't discussed other than the doctor mentioning that he's a lightweight.
That was the first time he's ever been sick so I'm glad we survived it and it wasn't too bad! Off to puree some carrots...hope everyone has a good night!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cram88: Poor Holden : ( He and Tyler and definitely the peanuts of the crew.... he was 11 lb 12 oz and 23.5 in last week at his 4 month appt....5th percentile for height/weight and 20th for head.
cherry / 232 posts
@winniebee: Peanuts for sure! He was actually 24" this time so he jumped from 11 to almost 25th percentile in that department. He has a big head though haha He's in the 37th percentile (which he started in the 12th)for head, which I guess is still smallish but big for him. Not surprised though, my husband has a huge head, that was my number one fear of childbirth!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Sawyer had another rough night sleep, but awesome naps today. All of your good sleepers make me want to cry, it is just so unfair! I am holding out hope that the itchiness/eczema is a factor, and that whatever solution we find with the doctor tomorrow helps. I have literally tried every else, I have even gotten him to take a bit out of the bottle, and have been topping him up before bed.
I know at this point, it is nothing I am doing wrong, so there must be some other solution I am not thinking of. I have researched CIO, and all the literature that I read indicates not until 6 months, so we aren't going there yet.
At least we had good naps, so I re-organized and cleaned out my closet. I made a thread on it, but I found some pre-preg jeans that are huge on me now! I am going to throw them into my maternity clothes box, just in case I need them for early pregnancy or post-partum next time around.
I have been totally in spring-cleaning mode these past few weeks, I got my closet done, our bathroom cupboards, and our pantry, and our linen closet and kitchen cupboards are next on the hit list. I need to wait for some cash to come in to buy more bins and baskets though (that organizing stuff adds up fast, I sunk about $100 into our pantry)
@duckduckkristen: 12 hours!? I am so jealous I could cry ... seriously.
@winniebee: That is some awesome sleep! It seems everyone is coming out of their sleep regressions but Sawyer
@Goldilocks1107: That is a rough night, I'm sorry! I really don't know how you ladies in the States work already, I have as much as I can handle at home!
@regberadaisy: Yay for sleep! I hope you are able to figure out what the magic was.
@LAGS: I know, I look forward to that money arriving every day especially since my mat leave pay is like 1/4 of my normal pay and I am feeling SOOOOO broke.
@pastemoo: I am sorry about your incision site hurting, that sucks. Mine is sore when I am exercising, but I think that is just because I am painfully out of shape.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: You are such a dedicated replier! Sorry about your ouchie adhesions and their ouchie solution AND your ouchie flu shot. What's with all of you Americans already being able to get your flu shots? Ours aren't in yet and our winter comes first! That is so cute that G frowned when you were getting your needle. And how about that--he's as much of a tough cookie as Willa; awesome!
@LAGS: I used to do background TV but Nico's eyes get glued to the tv if it is on, so we now only watch tv if he is sleeping. @LAGS: For the Healthy Sleep book, I have already pulled it out to re-read parts; it's pretty scientific and specific. Also, it has sections for different life-stages all the way up through to teenagehood, so it might be one that you'll want to keep around. (Or you could just check it out of the library again at that time).
@cram88: lol re fear of large head at childbirth
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@msmini: not so sure t is out of it! Also if it makes you feel better naps are worse that ever! Can't get him to nap anywhere but car stroller or my arms. So while I have gotten a few nights of good sleep I have no time to myself during the day. Always something, right?
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@winniebee: Is it bad that that does make me feel a little better? My baby might be the worst night sleeper on the thread now, but he naps like a champ (put him down drowsy but awake, he falls asleep himself and sleeps about 1 1/2 - 2 hours 3 times per day). So I am exhausted, but my productivity has never been higher.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@MsMini: Not at all! Today I got a 30 min swing nap, 1 hr arm nap, 20 min arm nap, and 30 min stroller nap. Believe me tried the crib every time. Te weirdest part is e has not napped on mr since he was a newborn!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
I just can't even believe I am writing this but T slept 9 hrs (8-5) an then 2 more. Which means I got 7 straight hrs of sleep and then 2 more. Amazing. I hope it lasts!!!!
clementine / 878 posts
@cram88: Good to know about the Luvs and poop. We managed to have a leak-free night last night. I think because she didn't poop until 5am, so she already had a new diaper on.
@MsMini: If it makes you feel better, I want to cry too. We were doing so well with sleeping. Then the last two nights have been AWFUL. Just when you think you're getting into a routine, BAM, baby shakes things up to keep you on your toes. And I think going back to work has helped with my sanity. I may be tired, but I get a few hours to myself to recharge. I'm lucky that I have a really supportive boss who tells me to take a stroll around the building to regroup when I need a break.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
Ugh. Last night was horrible. I thought it was going to be great. She didn't nap much yesterday but she went down at 6:30pm. At 7:30, she was up and hungry, went right back down. At 10:30, she was up and hungry again. Same at 2am. Same at 5am. OMG girl, stop eating!! I tried to soothe her each time and each time nothing worked except the boob. Sigh. Coffee. Stat.
cherry / 232 posts
@MsMini: @Goldilocks1107: I'm with you both on the wanting to cry... I used to have such a good sleeper I just constantly remind myself that eventually it'll be a distant memory!
@mediagirl: Isn't coffee amazing? Sorry you had a bad night, maybe she's going through a growth spurt?
I've been at work for an hour today and I'm already bored... It's going to be a long day!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@MsMini: Penny is not sleeping well either. She spends most of the night in bed with me, since when I go to put her down she just squirms and fusses and won't get back to sleep. I wonder if swaddling is prohibiting her from self soothing, but if I put her down without the swaddle she grabs tight to my shirt and her eyes pop WIDE open like "Mom, what do you think you're doing?!". I so hope that things get better soon...luckily, I am only working 10 hours a week from home, so sleep is not something I totally need to get through my day...
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@cram88: Slow days at work are the worst. Hopefully HB is nice and active to keep you busy!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
Ok, 3rd post this morning, but that's alright. What size clothes are your LO's in?! Today I am going to get a grip on Penny's room because she currently has 3 sizes in her closet and drawers. I think that I can officially move her out of 0-3 pants (worn as capris) and most of her 3-6 stuff, too. I can't believe that my 4 month old is really going to be wearing 9 month and 6-12 month clothes, but I guess she is. For reference, at her 4 month appt. she was 26.5 inches and 16lbs 4oz. I have NO CLUE what to buy her to get her through the winter, I guess I will just buy as I go. What's your plan for winter clothes with these fast growing babies?
nectarine / 2039 posts
I hope that no one has to go through the sleep regression, but let me tell you, when you get out, you will feel like you got a whole new lease on life! I never really realized how miserable and stressed I actually was until now that I feel so good. My sympathy to those of you in the sleep trenches....I looked back on my dates and I was in there for more than a month.
@bpcmarj: I hear you on the size question....I was even wondering if it was okay to order the Halloween costume in his current size, but: I have noticed from looking at the babies in my Mom group that once they get to be 6 month size, they don't really get all that much bigger for the next 6 months, which is why they have that 6-12 month size, I guess! I think we'll be able to wear 6-12 month/9 mont/12 month stuff for the entire winter, even though I've got a larger-boy. (Now watch he'll get super big and I'll be wrong, but hey, that is my current prediction.)
My new goal is to not nurse Nico to sleep 'by accident', as I don't want to lose all the progress we made recently. For this morning's nap, he almost fell asleep, so I had to wake him up, and then he was really awake so it took him a little longer to settle, but he did. I just might even go back to EASY and take the risk that Nico's spitting up will get bad again, as spitting up is not as bad as him relying on nursing to sleep.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@cvbee: I can't even begin to figure out how to not nurse her to sleep. The only time that works is when we are in the car. If she is both tired and hungry it's pretty much a sure thing that she will fall alseep nursing. Same with at night. I had a talk with my Mom (who EBF 4 babies) about when I could just put her to sleep and not have to nurse her. She told me that when I was her age until about 18 months, she would spend an hour nursing me (like I do with Penny) until I was in a deep sleep and creep over to the crib and try to put me down and when i was inches away from her body my eyes would pop wide open and I would wake up and she would have to do it all over again. I am hopeful that I can break the cycle a little bit, but so far it seems that's what I am doing...ugh. I think I will try rocking her to sleep instead, which seems to work once she has woken up after I put her in the pack n play. One crutch for another, but at least anyone can theoretically rock her to sleep (even though Momma seems to know how to hold her like she likes...Daddy's still working on it!).
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