nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: yay for your great sleep: you must feel like a million bucks. Nico seems to be done with his raspberries. (Came around underwater bee time).
@duckduckkristen: oh wow! That's really exciting trying for number two! We won't be in a financial situation to go for number two for at least another year, but I do look forward to following YOUR #2 journey.
@Goldilocks1107: maybe give the big one a try and see how it goes?
@cram88: The sleeping on the side is sweet and unique!
We're having a nice quiet morning here....getting all caught up on my chores.
clementine / 916 posts
@cram88: gross i know, but my husband has already had to unclog our shower drain with a snake... we're well beyond draino at this point
@cvbee: Your new cut looks great!
@Mrs. Sunglasses: I'm considering it, but for the most part I'm not ready yet. Other than the frequent early morning wake ups she's been sleeping ok so I'm hesitating again. My opinion on the matter changes almost hourly! That's a BEAUTIFUL pic of you and Sienna!
@cram88: That picture of Holden is adorable! A had started rolling onto her tummy at night too, it was freaking me out and I started trying to wean her swaddle... but she literally can't sleep without it. I now have receiving blankets rolled up on either side of her and she hasn't had a night roll since.
@duckduckkristen: We've talked about when we will but we're not ready yet. Mostly because we're planning a move next year which would mean a new job for DH and we don't want to risk being pregnant with a gap in insurance.
@Goldilocks1107: We use 2's but have been putting A in 3's at night. I prefer swaddlers but have so many huggies and baby dry 2's left I want to use them so I haven't bought more swaddlers 2s.... instead I put her in the 3s at night and they look enormous on her, but we haven't had a leak so far. Maybe try a night in 3s just to see?
clementine / 916 posts
I just spent the morning with A at the car dealership trying to figure out what's wrong with our car... which, of course, we didn't. We took it out and it wasn't acting up like it had been... then of course on my way home it started again. I hate doing that kind of thing but DH is away on training. It was a brutal 2hrs of waiting and was cutting into morning nap time... she was SO tired yet refused to go down. She was a little tyrant for me but still manged to fool a few old men who were waiting for their oil changes haha they said she had such a "nice temperament"... if they only knew! She's now having a good long nap so I guess there's a silver lining to it all!
Oh and for exciting news, my SIL who is pregnant has been feeling nauseous, crampy and has a sore back.... I so hope this is it!!! She's not due until the first few days of October, but I'm going home for Thanksgiving and reaaaaally wanna meet my new little niece/nephew!
clementine / 878 posts
Thanks for the suggestions - since I have 3s on hand, I'll give those a try for the next few nights. If she still leaks, I may buy some Luvs to give those a whirl . . .
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
Oh an not baby related, DH got a date for his shoulder surgery!!!!! YAY JUMPING OF JOY. Though things will be a little harder seeing he will be in a cast for a good couple of weeks. But I'll take it! He's been hurt for 15 months now and hasn't been getting a full weeks pay. Hopefully this surgery will work otherwise it's surgery #2. Fingers crossed.
grapefruit / 4823 posts
@duckduckkristen: i'm ready for #2 as well! if it was up to *just* me, we'd be trying, or at least seeing what happens. DH on the other hand is a little more realistic lol he wants to wait a little while longer. i'm guessing we'll start in the beginning of 2013. plus, i want them to be close in age, me and my brothers are all 3 years apart, and it's nice being that close in age.
@Goldilocks1107: we use size 3 papmpers baby dry and he has never leaked through them over night and it's about the same 8-8
clementine / 916 posts
@Mrs. Sunglasses: Oh no, one surgery is more than enough! Good luck to him!
kiwi / 515 posts
So I think a majority of us have gone for 4 month appointments, Lily will actually be 5 months in a couple days, so hard to believe! But, I was wondering what everyone's pediatrician recommended as far as solids. I'm just surprised how it seems there are so many different recommendations! Ours recommended to start cereal at her 4 month appt but no fruits or veggies. As it turns out Lily isn't a huge fan of cereal so I called to ask if maybe we could try babyfood at 5 months and my ped was totally against it. Said, he absolutely wanted to wait until 6 mos. for fruit and veggies. We have tried letting her have banana in the fresh feeder and I tried rice cereal+apricot and bananas mixture which ended up being more babyfood like, but I guess I'll just wait til 6 months! My girlfriend with a baby close to Lilys age started her lo on babyfood fruits at 4 months per her babe's ped. So, yea, just curious what did your baby's ped recommend?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrs.M57: Ours said to go ahead with rice cereal and/or purees whenever we wanted (T was 4 months last Monday). He said to try a new puree for only every 3 days in case of allergies and no carrots or turnips til 6 months...also said no meat or table food until 1 year (which I kind of think is a rec we won't follow exactly). We haven't tried anything yet as I wanted to figure out T's tummy troubles first.
clementine / 916 posts
@Mrs.M57: I had already dabbled with cereal and a few purees by the time we went for our 4 month appointment. I told my Ped and she encouraged it but made sure to point out they didn't want it to be totally replacing a meal (which it isn't) and that they wouldn't expect three meals a day of it until around the 9 month mark.
clementine / 916 posts
@winniebee: Did your Ped explain why he said no to carrots/turnips? haha feeling a little guilty cause we've definitely tried carrots.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrs.M57: Mine said to start whenever I felt like it. She said that there is no nutritional need for anything other than breastmilk until 6 months, so I could wait til then. And she said even 6 months to a year, the food is just to get them used to different flavours and textures, and the only extra thing they need other than breastmilk during the 6-12 months is iron....and formula I think already has iron? So, I've been doing something like baby led weaning, with soft solids for about a month, but I dont do it every day, and I don't do it for very long, as I am not interested in him ingesting much at this point, just tasting. I do plan to start rice cereal spoon feeding at 6 months (or a week before my 6 month appointment, just in case I have any concerns I want to bring up with my doc).
cherry / 232 posts
@LAGS: The receiving blankets is a good idea but we don't swaddle him so he may move them. Maybe I'll try pillows though so thanks for getting my head in the right direction!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@Mrs.M57: My ped said 6 months so we are trying to wait till then. But in the last week M has been VERY ready! We have been letting her smell food for over a month or so. She has been grabbing & sucking at my water glass for weeks. The other day she licked my plum and loved it! Last night we let her sniff bread and she extended her arm out to grab it and opened her mouth wide! So she definitely knows "food".
I got my husband to agree to starting the mesh teether soon. Maybe in a week.
@LAGS: maybe bc of the nitrates in carrots? But according to wholesome baby foods it's fine eta and that's at 6 months +? I've already got carrot purees.
What is everyone planning on starting with? My husband said rice cereal but I don't want to. I'm leaning towards sweet potato/yam or avocado.
And are you planning on breakfast or dinner time? Breakfast time is WAY too crazy for us so I'm leaning towards dinner time.
clementine / 916 posts
@cram88: Whoops, for some reason I was thinking swaddled. We have our blankets under her crib sheet. You could try that?
Did anyone else see the news reports about there being trace amount of arsenic in most rices? Might just be spin... but something to look into. I didn't look into it beyond the one news story i heard.
@regberadaisy: Hmm interesting I'll have to do a little research! We tried sweet potato (loved it), avacado (hated), squash (loooved) and carrots which of course she had to love too!
ETA: oh and we did mid day. I was too paranoid about it giving her a belly ache or something so I didn't do it late in day.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@Mrs. Sunglasses: yay - hope all goes well!
@Goldilocks1107: we did 3's in overnites even when they were a little big.
@duckduckkristen: we have been but we want to wait till M is 1 or almost.
@cram88: so so cute!
@winniebee: like bubbles? if so, all the time. crazy lady!
@LAGS: if we compromise at rice cereal I plan to make my own brown rice cereal. You can just take brown rice and grind it in a coffee grinder! But scary stuff re: the arsenic! I'm back at work so mid day is not a option. But I guess I can skip the days I'm at work for now since I'm only 3 days a week now.
clementine / 959 posts
@Mrs.M57: our ped said to start rice cereal at 5 months if we want to. I plan to skip cereal and go straight to fruits and veggies at 6 months.
@regberadaisy: I'm thinking lunch time for solids since its the least busy time of day for us. As for first foods, I'm thinking sweet potato, avocado, or banana. Our ped said to start with green foods first, but I don't know why.
cherry / 232 posts
@LAGS: Even better idea, I'm definitely trying that!
Today has been really weird. I couldn't get Holden to really eat at all this morning and he hasn't really eaten much today in general...maybe 10 oz. since 7am. He also has spit up (a lot!) afterwards every time, sometimes twice. We're on our fourth outfit! He normally rarely spits up, maybe once or twice a week. He's acting fine other than maybe being a little more tired than usual... I'm confused and can't figure out what's wrong. I swear everyday it's something new!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@regberadaisy: we started with a banana peach puree. She didn't like it the first day, was a little more used to it the second day, and by the third day she was reaching for the spoon and trying to gobble it all up! I think tomorrow we will try a plum and oatmeal puree I made.
@duckduckkristen: I go back and forth about number 2. We have talked about it, and I think we will just play it by ear. DH says he wants to wait a year to start trying, but he also isn't adamant about us using I think maybe he wants them closer together than he is letting on. We DTD 3 times a week or so and rarely use I guess "we will see." Lol
So willa went down at 8 last night and didn't wake up until 5 am! She has been doing a 6 hour stretch pretty regularly, but 9 is awesome!! She got up once to eat and then went back down until 730. There are bad nights every so often (once or twice a week) but for the most part she is a pretty good night sleeper. Naps are a different story!
So we almost have a sitter on our hands! this morning W sat by herself (with one or both of her hands supporting her) for over 5 minutes! And she could have gone longer but I think she got bored and started playing with a toy on her belly. Seriously, she is growing so fast it is just nuts.
Today is her 4 month appt. Two weeks late! Will update after.
apricot / 457 posts
This thread goes so quickly!
@cvbee: I love your haircut! I saw your other thread about going crazy about the shedding hair and I feel your pain. I read somewhere that it can last up to a year - yikes! I feel like I'm going bald with all the shedding and I think I scared my DH when I forgot to clear the drain the other day after a shower.
@cram88: My heart melted at the pic of Holden sleeping on his side - so precious! I think you mentioned he started rolling over pretty early - do you think it's because he likes to sleep on his side and he built up the strength really early?
@duckduckkristen: Ditto on what others have said - I can't even fathom thinking about baby #2 right now. I never quite imagined how much work a baby is. Financially we're probably not ready to have another baby either - we just purchased a home and have tons of renovations to do and we still have to set up a college fund for our current LO before we even start thinking about TTC for #2.
@Mrs.M57: It's interesting your ped is so against fruits/veggies right now. I think it really is different from ped to ped. My LO has his 4 month appointment this Friday and I was planning on asking my ped about solids then. However, Owen hasn't really shown any interest at all in food - I keep holding bananas in front of him but he just gives me the stink eye and turns his head.
For you ladies that have already fed your LOs solids, were they able to hold up their heads consistently when you started? I read somewhere that you shouldn't feed solids until they could keep their heads up and Owen's head is still a little wobbly so I'm not sure if I should wait to start.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
Does anyone have consistent playdates?? I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate them into our lives some more... At least one nap always gets ruined when I have a playdate!!
Last Wednesday, we visited a friend and set up the pnp for DS's nap, and he only napped 45 mins.
Today we had my sister and nephew over, and even though DS was SO tired, he wouldn't go down and I wasn't going to do CIO with my sister here. So I got him up and let him play for another hour, then got him to go down.. and he slept 20 minutes and is now wailing and upset. Ugh.
Now he'll be miserable until bedtime
I like playdates (sometimes it's more for my benefit than his!) but I hate dealing with the nap aftermath.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Mrs.M57: my dr didn't say either way, she left the choice up to me on what I wanted to do and how I wanted to introduce it. She said until they're a year old food is about exploration, because they don't NEED it until they're a year. So I started him at 5 mos because he seemed really ready to start. He is 7 months now and eats three times a day, usually what we are eating.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Coco Bee: I hear you on the playdates = no naps. I always protect the morning nap and then I know that some days we will only get one more nap in because Nico will not take a nap in public anymore. For example, on Saturday my hair appointment was at 1:30 and I couldn't get him to nap early, so when he was walking around with Daddy he didn't sleep and we did a couple more things and when we got home it was 3pm and then he just did a 'double nap' to make up for it. (Two hours). On my Wednesday Mom and Baby meet-up, it is from 1-4 and he doesn't get the middle nap on that day either. Sometimes the 4:30 nap isn't even very long, but he seems fine. Like I said, I protect the first nap and I will also think about being ready for earlier bedtime on days like that.
clementine / 878 posts
@Mrs.M57: Our ped said to start with rice cereal at 4 months (if we want) to make sure she's developmentally ready for solids. If rice cereal goes okay, we can start immediately with solids, but to do one food at a time for 4 days at a time to check for any reactions. I figure, once we have a few good rice cereal experiences, I'm going to raid my freezer stash of food. Probably starting with zucchini because it was the most liquid of the purees I've made so far.
clementine / 916 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Willa is doing great! That's some amazing sleep and strength she has going on! Good job Mom! Did you guys have fun at the fair?
@lisa1783: When we did solids with A she had been sitting assisted for sometime, like in the boppy or against the back of the couch. She can sit in a tripod for a minute or two as well so we felt comfortable starting.
A had just over a two hour nap when we got home today so once she was up we celebrated with a little shopping. I got her some winter clothes at a cute little consignment shop and found a few things at TJ Maxx. They have a pile of baby stuff right now. Ours seems to have a lot of Tommee Tippee and Trumpette at the moment too!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@LAGS: we had a blast at the fair. I wore her for half the time, and dad pushed her in the stroller half the time. She took two 30 minute naps. I fed her only once while we were there...on a bench without a cover! It was so liberating, lol
@Coco Bee: yep playmates usually ruin naps for us too. But willa doesn't nap longer than thirty minutes, so it is not like she misses out on giant stretches of sleep. I had my cousin and her daughter over the other day and willa went like 5 hours without sleeping....the baby was so loud there is no away she could have slept anyway! That evening was miserable, needless to say.
So I just got back from willas 4 month appt. She is 13 lbs. 2 ounces and 24 inches long. She is technically 4.5 months so I am guessing if we did this 2 weeks earlier she would be under 13 pounds. She has grown 5 inches since she was born and put on 5.5 pounds!
she got a shot today and I was so nervous for her....and she didn't even make a peep! It was like she didn't even know she got a shot! Weird. Their nurse said she had never seen it before.
And I got some interesting info from our ped. She thinks W could be walking by 8 or 9 months (W displayed her sitting and army crawling skills while we were there). I reallllyyyy dont want to have such a teeny'll make me go gray!!!!
@lisa1783: yep, we waited for willa to be super strong with her head before we ever spoon fed her anything. If his head is still a little wobbly maybe you could try feeding him in the bumbo if you have one, instead of a high chair?
eggplant / 11287 posts
@Mrs.M57: as far as solids go, I think you need to watch your babies cues. Seriously every single pediatrician says something different. Ours said to go ahead and start solids at 4 months if we wanted, or we could wait til 6 if that's what we wanted.. She said rice cereal, oatmeal, and fruit/veggie purees were all fine to start with. She just said to try one thing at a time so we can monitor possible allergies. I decided to start with fruit purees. You gotta go with your gut....I don't think NOT choosing rice cereal would be harmful to your baby.
grapefruit / 4823 posts
@Mrs.M57: ours told us to start rice cereal for a week or so, then veggies for a week or so and then fruits about a week or so after that and to just keep adding. she never mentioned about eating the same thing for a certain number of days, so hopefully he's not allergic to anything because he's tried peas, squash, carrots and green beans.
@regberadaisy: my ped recommended a bottle first thing because she said most babies just want that quick 'meal' he usually only gets 4 'meals' a day so the 2nd and 3rd are the ones he gets cereal and half a container of veggies(so far).
@lisa1783: G has pretty good head control. right now we use his mamas and papas baby snug chair to feed him in. probably next month we'll start the high chair.
@Mrsdaredevil: i couldn't imagine an 8 or 9 month walker!!! good luck! :o) although i'm hoping he is walking by his first birthday.
cherry / 232 posts
@lisa1783: That's a good point, I never thought of that! He's pretty strong for being so little!
Today just got progressively worse and worse. He refuses to eat and just keeps spitting/throwing up. I just put him down for bed and he ate just over half an ounce but fussed the entire time. I caved in and called the doctor and we're scheduled to go in at 10:45 tomorrow, they're thinking it's a stomach bug... I feel really bad for him and want him to eat
grapefruit / 4056 posts
I am so bad at keeping up on here lately. The IL's were here and it was fine except for their complete disregard for following his nap cues, which lead to lots of crying and terrible sleep. Last night though was better, and we actually had 2 3 1/2 hour stretches of sleep and 2 2 hour stretches, despite him being overtired. I think the difference is letting him sleep on his tummy. I started putting him down on his tummy, since he rolls so well, and it is amazing how much easier he goes down. I think we might be on the way back to better sleep now.
Unfortunately, his eczema is still bad, and another rash has popped up over his face, so we will have a doctor's appointment on wednesday to see what we can do about it. The poor guy is so itchy that as soon as he relaxes to feed or to go sleep he starts screaming and clawing at himself
@Mrs.M57: We are waiting for readiness cues (can sit unassisted, interested in food, and loss of tongue thrust reflex), he has 2 of the 3 (still waiting for him to sit unassisted). I am in no rush to start food though. We will likely do some rice cereal, because it is so benign allergy wise, and then go to some other safe veg purees.
@cram88: I am so sorry your little one isn't feeling well. I hope things get better soon.
@LAGS: I am itching to do some more shopping, but I am waiting because my work top-up program owes me like $2000 that I have been waiting for since he was born.
@Coco Bee: I try to do my best with naps around play dates, but I find as long as he gets a good nap first thing and right before bed, we don't suffer too much (well, too much more than we already are with the sleep regression) if the middle nap is short or a car nap
@Mrsdaredevil: Crazy! Little miss Willa is hitting her physical milestones so much faster than Sawyer is! I think once they sit unassisted they are way more happy with playing though, so that is a good thing.
@regberadaisy: We are going to do rice, followed by sweet potato, then carrots.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@regberadaisy: ooooh! Thanks for the tip about how to make your own rice cereal.
@Mrsdaredevil: wow no crying from the shot?! What a tough cookie! You've definitely got a little mover on your hands. Get your running shoes ready. I've definitely not got a mover.
@MsMini: I was reading through a baby book today and it was talking about eczema and it made me think of you and Sawyer; you poor things. The book said it usually crops up after solids are introduced and it pretty rare in exclusively breastfed babies. I can especially appreciate now how important it is for you to wait til 6 months for starting food.
I'm watching the show Parenthood. It's my favourite show. I started watching it years ago because I heard it had a kid with Asperger's and I was teaching a little one that we thought might have that.....been hooked on the show ever since. Deals with the tough life issues. Love it.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@cvbee: We love parenthood here as well! I definitely won't be starting solids until we get a handle on these skin issues, I know my family doctor will ask about it wednesday because he is a proponent of starting at 4 months (even though his own wife ignored him and waited until 6 months with their kids - LOL).
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@LAGS: No idea why no carrots or turnips!
@regberadaisy: We'll do rice cereal before bathtime (tried some tonight...he liked) and in general I think we'll do his "meal" before bathtime (which comes before bedtime).
@cocobee: yeah we have trouble with the whole playdate thing but T does still nap in the car (for short periods of time). Like @cvbee I protect the morning nap, make plans for the afternoon, and hope for the best!
@Mrsdaredevil: That's crazy! What an active little bugger.
@MsMini: I hope Sawyer gets some relief from his scratchies soon....poor guy.
@cram88: Oh no! It does sound like a stomach bug. Hopefully he is better by morning.....
@lisa1783: Tyler has good head control and can sit in his bumbo or other small chair just fine and can tripod sit for a few moments alone. We are just following our ped's recs for solids.
kiwi / 515 posts
Wow, there really are a lot of differing opinions on foods! Lilymhas had readiness cues since before she was 4 mos, what my ped explained about baby cereal only until 6 months was lilysnstomach being able to handle foods? I don't know itndoesntnsound like a concern for others. It could be her individually I guess because of her reflux/mspi intolerance? I dunno I think she will like fruits and veggies better so will maybe start them a little before 6 months. I am personally an occupational therapist and work with babies on feeding. Until my ped said this, I had always thought fruits and veggies were ok as long as baby showed readiness signs....
kiwi / 515 posts
@MsMini: poor Sawyer with his eczema hope it gets better soon. And yay for better sleep!
@cram88: your poor little guy too hope he's feeling better soon, and that the doctor can help tomorrow!
@mrsdaredevil:'Willa is such a little mover! Watch out momma, let the baby proofing begin! Isn't it crazy to think of these little ones being able to walk?!
@cvbee hubby and I just started watching parenthood on Netflix! I started watching it because of Max too, I've worked with many kiddos with Aspergers. It is such a great show! Hubby and I always comment how we would love to have a big happy family like that someday(minus the cheating spouses)
@LAGS I love good finds at TJ Maxx and Marshall's! My Marshalls had trumpettes this weekend too but only cam and that's not quite our style, maybe I'll haft a check TJ
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrs.M57: Hm, maybe that is why - some of what I was reading about MSPI says lots of times MSPI babies don't start solids til 6 months. But then my ped said OK to do so. (We have a GI referral for him, too....)
I need to watch Parenthood! I do like Up All Night - happy it just started up again!
You guys....Tyler slept from 8-4:30 (8.5 hrs) and then 5-7:30 (2.5 more). I can't believe it - I really hope this means the month long regression is OVER! We also tried rice cereal last night and he liked it - was opening his little mouth for the spoon after the first few bites : )
clementine / 959 posts
So, Liam slept for 12 straight hours last night!!! Wahoo! And yesterday 3 of his 4 naps were over an hour!
Does anyone else's LO go limp when they poo? Liam tends to poo in his walker thing and when he is about to poo he lays his head down and let's it rip. DH says he is just relaxing to let his poo out, but its kind of scary sometimes! If he poos while I'm holding him up he just goes limp!
@cvbee: I looove parenthood too! DH makes fun of me because all I DVR are shows about people with kids - parenthood, 19 kids and counting, dance moms, up all night, Beverly Hills nannies, etc. lol.
@winniebee: that's the exact sleep schedule Liam ended up on after his sleep regression ended, so hopefully it will stay this way for you guys!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@duckduckkristen: Nico does a combination of wiggling and 'pushing' and then relaxing. He tends to poop while I feed him, or when he first wakes up before I feed him, and every now and then he saves it for when we are in the Ergo.
clementine / 878 posts
Rough night - tried the size 3s and had the worst leak ever last night. Not sure if it's because DH didn't change her diaper after feeding her at 8:30 (also don't know if she needed a new diaper) or if I didn't get it tight enough. But when she woke at 3:15 (I had night duty last night), she was wet/poopy AND hungry. After standing there dumbfounded, not sure which crisis to handle first, I gaver her a paci and she quieted down. So I disrobed her, changed her diaper (using the LAST wipe we had upstairs), then put her on the ground while I stripped her bed and put a new sheet on. THEN got the bottle and fed her. After I put her back to sleep (where she was singing to herself with her eyes closed) I started a load of laundry and hauled myself back to bed at 3:45.
Then I laid there listening to DH snore. I moved to the guest room at 4am and at 5am she was up again. Hungry. Fed her 2 more ounces, put her back to sleep and curled up into a ball in bed trying to convince myself to take today off work. Instead, I got out of bed at 5:25 (when she was still fussing), told DH he was in charge of her and I sat in the shower for 15 minutes.
He told me I should have woken him up and he would have helped with the bedding issue. But with everything else going on with me, I'm having a hard time asking for more help because I don't want to appear too needy or give DH more than HE can handle.
The day can only go up from here, right?
I have my iced coffee and if things go downhill, I have no meetings this afternoon. And DH has night duty tonight.
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