Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Baby Thread!!

  1. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Audrey hasn't rolled over recently either, I think she's starting to enjoy time on her tummy because it gives her a different view, so she's just not motivated to roll anymore.

    Audrey has finally grown into her jumparoo! It's amazing the difference from last week and this week. Last week, she'd bounce a bit and stare at things. This week, she's "jumping" more and actually reaching out to touch the toys.

    She also had her first "grab" last night. I put her down for a nap and turned on her musical seahorse, then went into the next room to finish my workout. DH came home, peeked in on her and cracked up. Apparently he got there just in time to see her reach out, grab the seahorse tail and stick it in her mouth, like "You think you'll put me to sleep! I'll EAT YOU!"

  2. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: ha! (re I'll eat you) love it

    Yes it seems that things go in and out of style with Nico too. He rolled over 6 times and has stopped. And with the 'talking', he still talks but he's into different sounds. At first it was rolling r's, then he'd say 'error' a lot, then he had this 'underwater bee' thing going on, and now that has stopped too.

    Replying to a previous page is tricky!

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Cute! T tries to wrestle and eat anything stuffed : )

    @cvbee: mmmmbbvvvvvv (underwater bee sound, I know that well!!)

  4. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: Not sure if it makes you feel any better, but Audrey tends to take 10-15 minute naps at daycare. And may get a 1-2 hour nap at some point. Our daycare provider thinks her issue might be that Audrey likes background noise, and when they try to keep the other kids quiet, Audrey wakes up. But I haven't figured out a way to solve the 10 minute naps, and neither has our daycare provider (who has been doing this for 30 years).

  5. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: That does make me feel a little better. I think I obsess because I'm still home and spend 1/2 the afternoon battling to get him to sleep. I've decided to do more in the afternoons because he does sleep in the car and then I just don't have to worry about it. Bad mama? Maybe.

  6. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @cram88: i was just telling DH the other day how i can't believe G is almost 5 months, but i can't think of life without him. when i think of things from before he was born, it's almost like i put him there in my memory anyways...weird i know haha

    @winniebee: it's definitely nice having that sleep cue!!! people will be like 'uh oh, why are his eyebrows red' and me and DH will be like 'oh he's tired' and then bam, 5 mins later he's asleep haha oh the poop volcano! G started pooping in his exersaucer so poop up the back...thankfully DH has only gotten those diapers! lol

    @Goldilocks1107: haha that's so cute with the seahorse. DS was petrified of his seahorse at first...would scream and cry when it was on!

    @winniebee: not much planned this weekend...thankfully. decorating outside for fall tomorrow and then watching the football game on sunday(ugh, lol)

    last night we visited my dad and stepmother....it was a rough night! G was so tired but would NOT fall asleep no matter what we tried. he was to intersted in staying up to see what was going on. he just cried and cried. DH was helping my brother move, so i couldn't even leave. he fell asleep in the car on the way home, but when we got home we had to change his diaper and give him his medicine(reflux meds) and he was wide awake! DH swaddled him and put him in his crib awake...he didn't even make a peep and just fell asleep. we were hoping it was going to be a good night....not so! he was up ever 1/2-1hr just crying(while apparently sleeping). it was not fun to say the least. we eventually tried to let him CIO, DH didn't last 2 minutes before he was in there. trying to wean the swaddle was a miserable failure too. those 2 nights we did 1 arm out were awful. DH said we are waiting to try again lol

  7. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @sarbear: Aaah, poor guy...poor YOU! I have to say the first 2 nights of no swaddle were the worst....definitely has gotten much better even got a 4.5 hour stretch last night : )

  8. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @sarbear: @winniebee: It's kind of weird to read about you guys weaning from the swaddle. Holden always HATED the swaddle so I think we gave up after the first month! Just shows how different babies can be I guess!

  9. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: He didn't seem to like the swaddle much at first, either, ironically. But he slept poorly without....then became a swaddle addict!!!

  10. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @sarbear: @cram88 I feel the same way! It feels like I can't remeber life before her, she just completes us so much.

    @winniebee: we are not doing much. A friend of mine might go with Penny and I to a local scallop festival. I am not sure what I can eat since I am sure it's got dairy everywhere!

    Penny didn't go to bed until 10:30 last night. Then, was up at 2, then 5:30, then up for the day at 7. I am tired. She's napping in me now while I am resting and watching gossip girl on netflix.

  11. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @sarbear: M's eyes get red when she's really tired too! haha
    @winniebee: not much really. My husband works on Saturdays and Sunday morning he'll be working at the new house until it's time for kickoff. But he's making chili and we're having chili dogs, can't wait!!!
    Yay for your husband having off!!! Can't wait to see pics from T's session!
    @Goldilocks1107: haha I love when they grab for things. M loves to grab the toys from her play mat. She yanks them down and then stuffs it in her mouth. haha the first time she did it I was so shocked!
    @cram88: M never did like the swaddle either. I think the first two nights and that's it, she likes her freedom.
    @sarbear: Yikes, I hope for better sleep for you two tonight!

    Ladies. As you know we have been on a horrific night time and sleep for a while. Last night I thought I would try something new and put her down even earlier than I usually do. So we get home, I rush to take the dog out, rush to run her bath, gave her the quickest bath known to man. Heated up 3oz, went into the bedroom and did all the things. 6:00pm at this point. She guzzled the bottle down for 2 oz then screamed. So I tried to nurse again (she's been on a 3 day nursing strike) good for a minute then pulls off screaming. OK tried other boob. Same thing. Puts her down on bed she keeps trying to rock back and forth. Try to rock her. Screaming. Go to get car seat to try that so I put her on the area rug. She proceeds to rock back and forth. Try the car seat, works for 5 minutes then she's screaming again. Try the football hold nursing works for 5 minutes screaming. OK. I thought maybe she' sfrustrated because she is trying to work out this roll to tummy thing. So I take her out to l/r and put her on the carpet and let her play for a bit. She's all smiles and just keeps rocking and rocking. After about 10 minutes she starts to get fussy so we go back into the bedroom. I try to nurse her again after a minute screaming again. So I hold her upright. She does the eye rubbing thing on my shoulder then literally conks out. It's like 7:25 at this point and I am afraid to move even a single muscle. Finally after 10 minutes I shift her to cradle and sit there until 8:30 and transfer her to the crib. She slept till almost 2am then woke up every 2 hours after that.

    Whew.. That is the earliest she has fallen asleep in the last 4 days. And the longest stretch in over a month! Here's hoping it continues but I'm not holding my breath.

    It's amazing because my husband and I got some alone time for the first time in ever. Watched Sons of Anarchy and I even pumped before bed!! Woohoo! All boob juice for my baby today!

  12. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cramm88: Thanks for the intro. Welcome to you and your adorable little Hudson!
    Your work situation sounds awesome.
    @winniebee: You got asked if he was a preemie? How interesting. He is such a cutie!
    @regberadaisy: I think I may not go back to work. DH works noon to 10pm shifts and fairly frequently (every other weekend, 2 or 3 week days per week, plus 1 training day each week). I would see him every other weekend, and when I get home from work on 2 or 3 days a week. He would hardly see the baby at all (baby is asleep well before he gets home). I would have to pump a LOT (I'd be away for 12 hours/day due to commute). I calculated what I would be making and it doesn't seem worth it--but I may still go back. I don't know.

    @MrsM57--How much has Lily's sleep changed? Is she waking up a lot more, or never really slept that long in the first place?
    oops, baby!

  13. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: love the seahorse story too cute! Go Audrey, growing into her exersaucer! Lily hasn't been interested in rolling anymore either. I try to put things outside of her reach to encourage rolling, but she doesn't care she just moves on and babbles or looks at a new toy!
    @winniebee not a bad mama! Yesterday I went out to shop a bit and put Lily in her sling, because I know she naps well in it. So, I got to walk around and shop and Lily napped! I thinks getting out is so essential to your sanity for us mama's that are still at home all day!
    @bpcmarj: I love netflix naps! I'm doing the same, but watching my fair wedding!
    @regeberadaisy yay for free time to yourself! Your nights sound similar to ours, Lilys sleep is still horrible! 7 wake ups laSt night blehh

  14. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    So, since there's never a dull moment lately, somehow (I'm thinking from working at the hospital) I got a MRSA infection. A few weeks ago I got what I thought was a spider bite on my forearm it hurt like heck, so went to the ER for it bc it was infected they gave me an antibiotic and I had to have it cut open which was no fun! They too thought it was just a spider bite. But it healed and I moved on. Last week I got a similar looking thing on my leg, hurt really bad etc. so went to my Pcp this time and they tested it and said it was MRSA. I have been so worried about Lil with it! Lysoled our whole house, put antibacterial soap at 4 diff places in the house and washed everything(sheets towels etc) she seems fine except she's extra fussy I'm thinking maybe she has a bellyache from the antibiotic. But, I have to go get my leg cut open today blah not fun! Oh well, life is always interesting I guess! Just thankful Lily and my hubby are ok!

  15. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs.M57: OH NO! I hope you get better quickly! My husband is always worried about this as he works in the hospital, too.

  16. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @winniebee: yea, I've never had a problem before, and we gown and glove at the hospital when working with patients with MRSA, but I guess it spreads pretty easily, and can be on any equipment that we work with if not cleaned well, so I'm guessing I picked it up on the last weekend I worked. It's def scary, I've been freaking out about it, going overboard with washing my hands etc.But my doc doesn't seem concerned so I guess it's somewhat common according to him.

  17. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @bpcmarj: We have an enormous FP plastic tub with a sling inside. It works well for us but I'm counting the days until she can sit on her own so I can just have her in our tub. I hate lugging that big thing around and having to store it.

    @winniebee: It's funny it never occurred to me just how long our little one's have actually gotten until you mentioned that T grew 6"... For some reason I never did the math!

    @Mrs.M57: I finally looked into our library's children's program and they have a story time for babies too. I'm thinking I'm going to try to go sometime soon. Do you feel its worth it this young? I'm assuming it's more for me at this point to meet some Moms!

    @cram88: Welcome! Lots of New Englaners on this thread. So sorry to hear about the loss of your brother I hope we can be a happy distraction for you.

    @Nskillet: Glad to hear you're doing well with LO and have avoided some of the sleep craziness! I love that your daycare sends pics, it must make the days a little easier!

    @Goldilocks1107: That's great that your new schedule is working so well for you guys!

    @cram88: Your little guy is so adorable. He's so teeny tiny in his just born pic, love it!

    @Lisa1783: I was worried about my supply and frozen stash too. I had just been using a hand pump (I'm SAH so don't need anything too intense) but after using More Milk Special Blend and getting the Medela Swing, my nightly pumping session has more than doubled. Maybe trying a supplement would help you too?

    @duckduckkristen: My LO goes through phases where she's not chatty either. Really with any of her little "tricks" there'll be days that pass where it seems like she's forgotten how, like chatting, rolling, toe grabbing but then before I know it she's back at it and better than ever.

    @cvbee: So exciting about the permanent position! Good luck!!

    @winniebee: Lately I've been trying to put A down before the eye rubbing and yawning. I've been noticing when she just kinda zones out, or has slower movements she goes down relatively easy. We just bring her to her room, change her, turn on her white noise, rock her until she looks drowsy and then set her in her crib. She's not consistently a good napper yet though.

    @regerberadaisy: I won't be returning to work. Good luck with the sleep solution. haha after all that I'm glad she gave you guys a good stretch!

    My Dad's visit is over and DH works this weekend so things will be pretty quiet around here. LO was a little weary of my Dad at first, but got over it pretty quickly. She had a bad night two nights ago but last night was back to 4 or so wakings. She woke up chattier than ever this morning and was basically yelling in bed with us. We put her down with one arm out of her swaddle and she had a 1.5hour nap... fingers crossed we can keep this up today!

    Wow! That was a lot of catching up!

  18. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Mrs.M57: Oh no! What a stress to have... hope it is figured out for you soon. We had a MRSA scare when LO was just a couple weeks old... I was freaking out. DH had to bring someone in who had it for an eval at the hospital and he freaked out when they tried to admit him and spit on my husband's face. Fortunately DH tested negative, but I can just imagine your stress

  19. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @msmini: Reorganizing IS cleaning. What kind of baskets are you getting?
    @winniebee: DH is working this weekend so I wouldn't have realized it was the weekend if you hadn't asked!
    I need to take some photos of G now, too. Thanks for the reminder!
    @cram88: Yeah, the first 6 weeks went by crazy fast and now there are times that go so slow and others that just blow by. Also our sons were born the same day.

    @goldlocks: LOL. I'll eat you seahorse! Wonderful! G grabs things and sweep them toward him all the time. No rolling or motions toward rolling yet. He does tolerate tummy time for 5 minutes at a time now!
    Exciting about fitting the jumper! Should be more fun now!
    @cvbee: I reply to the previous page with a new page open... and I misspell your names sometimes.

    @sarbear: so sorry you and G had a rough night at the in laws. Hopefully he slept alright after?

    @regberadaisy: Sounds rough but congrats on getting her to sleep!

    @mrsm57: Yes, I use my carriers to get G to sleep when needed... sometimes I just need it! I also will carry him up and down the apartment stairs till he gets drowsy (I am terrible at rocking him so this is my alternative... plus you should see my calves! well... soon they should be nice anyway. Right? )
    OH NO! MRSA is awful! I'm sorry. I do recommend that when it goes away you get the test that proves you don't have it anymore (one more blood test culture) or you'll have issues with future doctor's appointments. (They have to schedule more time for you until you're shown clear of the MRSA--they will be bleaching everything just like you are.) Did they tell you what to watch out for with Lily?

    I feel guilty saying this after you all had such awful sleep, but I got our first ever 8 hour stretch out of G last night! Of course I stayed up a bit to watch the Nationals clinch a spot in the playoffs... It was worth it.

    @LAGS: I do think library story time is worth it--more exposure to other babies. Watching babies smile at each other is AWESOME.

    @cvbee: Good luck with the job!

  20. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @winniebee: I think you're right about him teething. He's been having bouts of being cranky and throwing tantrums lately. He rarely throws tantrums. Teething tablets help him a lot, thankfully. He wound up sleeping until 7:10 this morning. He must have needed the sleep. I'm wondering if he's also having a growth spurt.

    I'm thinking positive thoughts for you today re: Tyler's napping! I hope you are able to find some sort of solution. Right now, you are doing a great job doing what you need to do! You're not a bad mother for driving him around to have him sleep! If it's what works for now, then there is nothing wrong with it.

    @cram88: I can see the resemblance of your lo and @winniebee's! They're both so cute!! I love his sweet little face!

    @Mrs.M57: Oh my! I am so sorry to hear about the MRSA. It sounds painful. Get better soon!

    @Goldilocks1107: That's so cute she's reaching out! What a cute way to have a 'first'.

    Aww! I can imagine she has so much fun in her jumperoo, esp now that she can do more!

    @cvbee: Cooper tries out different noises all the time as well. He gurgles a lot, and I think that one is going to stay for a while. He loves to scream.

  21. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @cram88: G hated the swaddle at first. For the first month after he was born he slept in his carseat. He started liking the swaddle around 2ish months.

    I've had a pretty crabby and sleepy today...ya know the perfect combo lol I'm pretty sure he's teething. He's drooling a lot more lately and getting a little rash on his chin, gnaws on everything and his bottom gums are getting a little white...hoping for a tooth soon!
    Today was his first day trying a veggie...peas. We got it everywhere! He didn't do too bad though we'll try something else tomorrow

  22. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I am taking a quick cleaning/baby break while Sawyer naps, so I can only type a few replies. I have been having good success with dream feeds the past few days. We put Sawyer to bed at about 9:30 (he dictates when he is ready), then I give him a dream feed at about midnight when we go to bed, and he sleeps until around 4am, then I bring him to bed with me and we sleep and feed a bunch, but we end up sleeping until about 9:30 am.

    This has been working great, but today Sawyer decided to wake up for an hour and a half at 5 am, that was rough on me!

    Sawyer has been extra clingy lately, when he is awake he will play in the exersaucer/bumbo/floor/jolly jumper for about 30/45 minutes (broken between 2-3 activities) and then he wants to spend the rest of his awake time climbing on me or in the sling. The sling does help me to get some stuff done while he is awake.

    Sawyer's vocalizations have sure changed lately as well, he is making a lot of "b" and "m" sounds, and it sounds like he is saying "mama mama" and "blue" and "boo" all the time. It is cute, especially when he is getting mad and he is yelling "mmblue boo boo".

    @Mrs.M57: Ugh for picking up MRSA! That really sucks. I was talking to infectious disease about MRSA, and they said that you are actually more likely to get it in the community than as a healthcare worker. MRSA is all over the place now. We had a baby get MRSA in NICU, so we swabbed all the staff, parents, grandparents etc, and we found that it came from Grandma. The parents were blaming us like crazy, and really had to eat crow when they realized it wasn't one of us.

    @Goldilocks1107: That is hilarious! Sawyer loves to grab and put everything in his mouth. Nothing is safe!

    @cvbee: I love how much the babies change all the time. It keeps me on my toes!

    @regberadaisy: Aw, yay for some alone time with DH!

  23. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @calsmom: Glad the teething tablets help!
    @sarbear: Mmm peas! We just got cleared for food--exciting!!
    @MsMini: Oooh, 5am wake ups are just rotten! I'm glad the dream feeding is going well.

    So... we had G's 4 month checkup. I guess I remembered his length wrong last time. He is 25 inches and 16lbs 14oz. His head is also 17.3 inches--so now he's truly a fat baby! He's also no longer a long baby! He only grew 1/4 inch since 3 months. I think that's weird... He tolerated the shots really well.... again he fell asleep and got woken by the shots. Although I can tell it's going to be a rough night. But the bad news is they were out of one, so we have to get him the Hib shot on Monday. Big bummer!

  24. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: @sarbear: Now I kind of feel bad, maybe we should have given the swaddle another go...oh well.

    @calsmom: It's funny, I guess they do kind of look alike! I was actually more referring to their clothes because Holden has a lot of the same things Tyler is pictured in. I think Holden is teething too, at least that's what everyone says. He drools like crazy and has been gnawing on everything, especially my fingers! Do you use the Hylands Teething Tablets? I've heard good things about them and I was thinking of getting some soon.

  25. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts


    Even though he is 4 months today we don't have our 4 month checkup until October 1st. When he had his 2 month shots I decided against giving him any pain medication before the shots because I wanted to see how he reacted. He screamed during them but I fed him right away, he slept the whole way home and then was smiling and completely normal the rest of the day. I never had to give him anything.

    I've heard that the 4 month ones are worse though so for those that have had them what was your experience? And if you gave them pain medication either time how did you make the call to do so? I hate the idea of giving it to him if he doesn't need it and just was upset about something else!

  26. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cram88: I gave it to him because it was *very* obvious that he was in pain. You know that horrible screaming just as the shots are being administered? He did that every times he accidentally hit his leg (waving arms!)--and he would wimper as the Tylenol wore off. We had to give him the max dose for the first 24 hours, and then 3 more doses the day after that.
    Today he seems better than after the 2 month shots but it has only been a few hours.

  27. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Just popping in to say that today I put willa down on the ground to play while I did stuff around the house. She was rolling back and forth over and over again. I went into the kitchen and started doing dishes, and when I popped my head in the living room ten minutes later, she had literally moved 15 feet. 15 feet!! Totally off her playmat and into the dining room. I have seen her army crawl in her crib, but that is only a foot or two...this is some serious army crawling. I was sooooo shocked. Do I seriously need to baby proof already or was this a one time thing? I hope it was a one time thing. I am at work now and am still freaked out about it. Okay. That's all. I can't keep up with this thread so I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Lol

  28. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: I didn't give him Tylenol before the 2 month shots - but did give it to him like 4 hours later when he woke up from his nap screaming. For the 4 month shots, I gave it to him immediately after the shots and then 3 follow up doses. My doctor advised against giving Tylenol beforehand.

    So, I tried pizza last night....result was several bloody poos for poor Tyler today. Going to feed him my frozen stash of dairy free milk (at least a month in there...) and start him on special formula. I feel bad for conducting this little experiment, but at least now I know what my instinct told me all along....dairy intolerance/MSPI. I had been hoping to get to 6 months originally, but with having to bottle feed and then this dairy thing, I'm happy he will get to 5.

  29. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @cram88: I only gave the Tylenol at the 2nd set of shots (one hour before, and then every 4 hours til the night) simply because someone had given it to me as a gift and I didn't have it the first time around. (As a side note, I think on the box it said for under 3 months of age only under the advice of a pediatrician, which I found interesting). He did have a more severe mark on his leg this time (and DH said it had a lump in it, but I was too yucked-out to touch it). It made ME feel better giving him Tylenol.

    @Mrsdaredevil: Whoa! Yes, it is indeed time for you to baby-proof. My guy doesn't move, but he still managed to do something dangerous today. I put him on the couch and I went into the kitchen for literally three seconds to throw something in the garbage and when I came back, he had my laptop power cord in his mouth, and it was plugged into the wall. !!!

    Also on the topic of baby-proofing, I have decided that I am going to buy a secondhand exersaucer at the upcoming Mom-to-Mom sale in my town. (Like a giant indoor garage sale). I was listening to my friends with older babies and it sounds like a great place to put LO and know that they are safe when you are in the shower or doing something like that. I have the pack and play for downstairs, but I need something for upstairs, so an exersaucer is in my future!

    @regberadaisy: My DH and I are sure enjoying the extra alone time that comes with early bedtimes. Tonight because of the nap schedule Nico went to sleep at 6pm! We had a romantic dinner for 2 and now we're hanging out together in bed....yes, and I am on my laptop. It's like the old days!

  30. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: hahaha "I'll eat you!"
    @cram88: same here. M really hated the swaddle from the beginning. It never did anything for her. Thankfully that's one thing we don't have to worry about. We have others, though...hello paci.
    @bpcmarj: Ohhh. I hope you get more sleep tonight!!
    @regberadaisy: wow! Sounds like a lot of work but ... it worked! I'm so glad you got some sleep.
    @Mrs.M57: Oh how scary!!!! I hope it heals quickly!
    @MsMini: awww the sounds turning to real words! I bet you're having a lot of fun with that.
    @pastemoo: he's not fat! And he'll always be your baby. Sorry you have to go back to get yet another shot.
    @Mrsdaredevil: Oooh myyyy! You have a mover!! Yeah, it might be time to baby proof or get a gate to keep her contained. Go Willa, go!
    @winniebee: I'm sorry the pizza gave him bloody poos. that's awesome that he will get to 5 months with all breastmilk. You did an AMAZING job. i can't imagine being off dairy that long!! Have you started weaning from the pump? How is that going? Are you enjoying a little more freedom yet?

    So, M slept pretty poorly last night (as mentioned on FB). I ordered the white noise machine from Amazon so we don't have to worry about a phone app crashing and she seems to really respond to white noise well. I want to get her the glow seahorse thing. How old does she have to be to put that in her crib with her, though? Aren't we supposed to keep the crib free of anything at this age?

    She took a ton of naps today. She had her bottle at 12:30 and then napped from 2-6pm!! I woke her up at 6 so I could feed her (I needed to feed!) and just put her down at 7:30 for the night. I fed her again because she was so fussy and that seemed to help calm her. We may add nursing into our night routine if she's fussy and it helps even if we have had a feeding recently. The sucking calms her if nothing else. Fingers crossed I get to sleep until 2 or 3 tonight!!

  31. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    Penny's sleep today was awful, and doesn't look like it's going to be much better tonight. I just swaddled and nursed her, because she seemed ready for bed. Then she cried and was grunting trying to get out of her swaddle. She's currently laying on my bed between my legs watching her fish on the ceiling (see pic), playing with her feet, abd blowing rasberries/babbling. She's also farting and spitting up a lot today so I am thinking she has a bit of an upset stomach. One of her poops was like eater today which hasn't happened in a while. I've been dairy free for almost 2 weeks now.

  32. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @bpcmarj: Poor penny. Hope you get some rest and her belly gets better soon : (

    @mediagirl: Thanks! I am down to 4 pumps - morning, night and 2 during the day. I still pump like 40 oz so have my work cut out for me.......hope you ALL get some rest tonight!

  33. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @pastemoo: Woohoo G! What a gift to Mom! I think A needs a little more exposure to people and babies in general so I think I'll go to next week's

    @MsMini: Sawyer is doing great with his consonant sounds, he must sound so sweet! A used to do some Ms but not so much now. She's been really into growling lately??

    @pastemoo: Have you decided which foods you'll try first after the milk/spoon? You may have already mentioned this... sorry

    @cram88: We didn't give A tylenol for her 2 month shots but did for her 4's. Her reaction to her first shots seemed more of a scared reaction, but this time she was whimpering a lot, which I interpreted as pain or discomfort. She was also fussier afterwards where after her first she wasn't... her leg had quite the red bump so I just assumed she needed it. It perked her up afterwards for sure.

    @Mrsdaredevil: 15 feet?! Willa you need to slow down for Momma, what a girl!

    @winniebee: You've done amazing to get him to 5! It's a bummer that you can't use your full stash, but at least you have a little left to stretch it out. Hope things clear for him soon!

    @cvbee: Good idea with the exersaucer. I had A in hers the other day for my shower, it works really well! It's a big contraption, but they really do seem to love them.

    @mediagirl: If you feel your little one is strong enough to move herself if she were to get herself or face pushed up against the toy I'm sure it'd be fine. But I've been somewhat more lax about things in the crib. I don't do bumpers, but have done blankets and recently a lovie to keep her hand occupied while I'm weaning her swaddle.

    @bpcmarj: Does she like the projection? I almost got a white noise machine that had those but ended up getting one in stock at the store instead. Hope she's feeling better soon

    A had a 2+ hour nap today....?!?! I put her down and about 15 mins into her nap I decided I needed one. She woke up 15 mins later, and after a diaper change, some rocking and snuggling we both fell asleep together for another 2 hours. She was so happy this evening and still got down for her 7:30 bedtime... yay! Now watch I'll be up too late cause I'm actually feeling rested.

  34. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @MsMini: Word sounds! Awesome. I am so looking forward to that!
    @Mrsdaredevil: 15 feet! Oh my! Guess it's time to get all the cords tied up in safe places. You've got a mobile one!
    @winniebee: 5 months is great--and it means you can finally have dairy again--a big relief!
    @cvbee: Glad you found a way to get a 2nd hand exersaucer. Fun.
    @mediagirl: Fingers crossed you get to sleep. You didn't nurse at night? Didn't she get hungry? How did you do bedtime?
    @bpcmarj: Well that scene is cute, I would totally watch it, too. Sometimes I put G down wide awake and babbling and wait till he cries. Then I do the lullaby/stroke his nose thing again. Then I can usually get him to sleep (though sometimes I do a modified crying thing--but not a method from a book).
    The shots messed up my schedule and I put him to bed at 9:15 instead of 7:30. Oops!
    @LAGS: Exposure is good now--better than before the shots. It definitely helps me stay sane. And @duckduckkristen will get to meet my other May mama friend in our DC meetup. I always wonder how many people show to these things but I am really excited about it.
    I have no idea what food to start. He loves to grab for our apples but I think I might officially start with rice cereal on a spoon. Maybe apples too (not puree, just let him keep licking them). I don't know!
    LOL I totally make that mistake--go to bed! Congrats on the long nap.

  35. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: This suddenly sleeping long stretches again came with a consequence: woke up covered in milk....(even though I am wearing breastpads!)......fed Nico one boob, pumped the other, and I always stop when the bottle is full (6 oz) but your epic pumping made me try for more and I sadly only got one more ounce out! Time to change my wet pajamas and go back to bed. Goodnight!

  36. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    Pastemoo: oh no, I feed overnight. Putting her down for the night just means bedtime. She usually wakes up 5-6hrs after bedtime, then every three after that. Bedtime is a bath, sleeper, book (if she's not super fussy) songs, rocking, pacifier and then crib. She got nursing while rocking last night and then didn't want the paci! That was interesting. It wasn't great, I was up at 10:45I and 3:30. This morning she's been up for an hour playing quietly in her crib.

  37. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @winniebee: Well, 5 months is awesome...especially with all you had to overcome to do that! Plus, now you can eat whatever you might want:)
    @LAGS: she likes the projection, but not enough to put her to sleep. Also, you can't use protection without music or ocean sounds and it's REALLY loud no matter if it's on low volume or not. Also, Penny and I go to baby storytime and we enjoy it. We read bonds, sing songs, chat with other moms, and the woman who less the group prints out a recipe and poem for us each week!
    @pastemoo: the only way she will go to sleep is nursing to sleep with the occasional rocking after she woke up from me putting her in her pnp.
    @cvbee: I hate the feeling of waking up wet. She hasn't done a long stretch in a while though, so I would gladly take it!

    She went down at 9:30, slept til about 1:30, nursed and went back down, but was up again at 2:45 at which point I just pulled her into bed with me. She nursed, a lot, and would wake up once I took her off the boob. But of course now she is laying next to me asleep. I guess I could use this time to shower and have breakfast, but I am still just laying in bed!

  38. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    Please excuse my typos. I am one handed on my phone right now using swype which isn't always accurate!

  39. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: LOL well that's still a lot of milk from one boob!

    @mediagirl: Oh dear.....maybe a long nap is in order this morning?

    @pastemoo: I think we are going to start rice cereal after T's belly issues calm down.

    @LAGS: That's an awsesome nap! Maybe she knows papa is on the way and is resting up : )

    @Mrsdaredevil: That's crazy!! What a little wiggle worm.

    Well, last night T woke at 1 a.m., only ate 2 oz, then fell asleep supposedly....but then woke up immediately and wouldn't eat more and wouldn't go to back to sleep....everytime I tried to feed him he would cry. So, I'm pretty sure he had a belly ache. Which ended up in a fight between me and my husband at 3 a.m. It was a rough night...He drank a full bottle this morning, so I'm hoping his belly calms down....ugh I feel so terrible for giving him dairy milk!

  40. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @winniebee: I'm kinda surprised your doc said to try the dairy now. Everything I've read about mspi said to wait till 6 months before reintroducing dairy.
    Hopefully it works it way through his system quickly!

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