Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Baby Thread!!

  1. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Swaddle free night complete - the cherry on top was a 630 am poopslosion. It was as bad as I thought it would be. Shots this morning - aah!

  2. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: Oh my goodness! Bummer. Good luck today. Tylenol before you go? (I haven't decided if I will or not, we're going Friday.)

  3. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @winniebee: oh no! You inspired me to try the swaddle wean and we did one arm out last night...he was up at 5am....instead of his usual 6:30-7:30. Gonna try again tonight

  4. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @pastemoo: I'm bringing it with me and will give it right after (you can't give it before).

    @sarbear: It strarted out ok but got worse as the night progressed! He keeps rolling up on to his side so I couldnt do the one arm out bc I was nervous he would get stuck.

    He was in his crib 7-630 am but sometime after midnight I stopped counting his wakes.

  5. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    Some of you posted on my other sleep thread and the issues DH was having with our current routine. Our new plan is to feed A at 9pm every night (DH was doing it between 9 and 11pm). And we're alternating nights that we're responsible for getting up with her. Last night, DH took the night shift (he felt bad about his 3am outburst the night before). So, this morning I was responsible for getting A ready for daycare. Tonight is my night to handle feedings, and DH will have to get up early enough to get her ready for daycare (so I can catch another 30 minutes of sleep). We're going to try this for a week and see how it's going.

    And I must have missed earlier talks about starting a FB group (I think I missed an entire page of posts!). If there is chatter about that - I'm totally interested. And I think it would be a nice way to share things with each other that we might not be comfortable with the rest of the HB community seeing (since, you know, we've been awesome friends for about a year now!).

    Today's question: how many poops are too many poops in a day. A has pooped 4 times each of the past 2 days. And already has 2 poops under her belt today. Yesterday only one was a blow-out. And apparently the 4am poop was a good size, but I think it stayed in her diaper because I didn't see any clothes that needed to be rinsed out when I woke up.

  6. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @pastemoo: Oh my goodness. Do you like his mom? Would you be able to handle living with her? I'm not sure I could live with my in-laws. His dad would drive me bonkers. HIs mom I could deal with.

    @sarbear: I love the beach picture of him. The best part is your carpet almost looks like sand so...it's like he IS at the beach!

    @cvbee: I'll be interested to hear how CIO goes for you. It breaks my heart to hear her cry because she hardly ever cries unless she's in pain. We will probably wait another month before trying that if we even decide to try that.

    @LAGS: So, essentially you take the paci from them before they fall asleep so they're not looking for it when they wake up?

    @Mrs.M57: I'm considering a new haircut, as well. I am getting so tired of my long strands showing up everywhere, I just wish it was shorter so it wouldn't feel like so much hair! My problem is finding a cute hairstyle that I don't have to do much with. I hate doing my hair, it's such a pain. I have a hard enough time blow drying each day....I can't be counted on to style.

    @winniebee: Ohhhh no.....I'm sorry to hear it was horrible with a poopsplosion to boot. Good luck at the doctor today. I hope he naps all day for you.

    @goldilocks1107: I don't think there can be too many poops as long as it's not diarrhea. Some days M won't poop at all. Other days there will be poop in every diaper! Babies are so weird.

    AFM: If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you'll know that we went to the pediatrician yesterday and M is up to 12lbs 6oz! We had seen this nurse a few times when we went in for her feeding issues so she actually clapped her hands when we saw her weight, she was so happy for us. The pediatrician looked at her chart and said we were doing great, too. Yay!!

    So, I was reading the Healthy sleep habits book and talking to some people about sleep and found that 30 minute naps at 3-4 months is normal as they regulate. Very interesting. Of course, the day I find that out, she decides to take a 2 1/2 hour nap! She was exhausted yesterday, I guess. It took a while to get her to sleep (I made dh do it). She was asleep at 9, awake at 11:45. Again I asked dh to get up and soothe her, thinking she just had to fall back to sleep (she ate at 7:30). He put her paci in and she spit it out and SCREAMED at him! So, I got up as he was bringing her to me. His response, "She didn't seem to like that very much..." She fell asleep quickly after nursing and then woke up again at 4:45. Not too bad. I can handle these two wakings for now.

    Oh and someone mentioned getting an email list/Facebook group going. If you want, I can have everyone email me and set up a google document for us all. I don't mind putting my email address out there. If this works for everyone let me know. I'll post it at a specific time one day so everyone knows to look for it.

  7. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: @mediagirl: I would be into a facebook group, mostly to put more real names to usernames:) However thst gets set up, let me know!

    Last night was MISERABLE. She was struggling out of her swaddle and then I took her out and she went right to sleep. But, woke up a million times overnight then I swaddled her in desperation at 4am. She was basically sidelying breastfeeding all night and has been spitting up all morning thanks to that. DH is home, and I am about to take a loooooong shower. I need a break.

    In better news, we went grocery shopping yesterday and Penny was in her moby the whole time (she still so loves it). DH pretty much made me get whatever dairy free things they had so I could try them. So Delicious brand coconut cookie dough "ice cream" is a winner. Haven't tried the yogurt. Also, mint newman-os and Vans organics frozen waffles are great, too!

  8. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    Did I miss the talk of a FB group? I would actually be uncomfortable with joining one because our full names would be linked. And essentially anyone can come on this thread and ask to join the group. But I like the option of beig able to privately share pictures! I wonder if there's another option?

  9. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    So last night and this morning my internet was broken. What timing! The night when I needed distractions the most (first CIO night). I survived.

    It was 40 minutes of crying (and it helped me to know that many people have one hour the first night, thanks girls). Still, it was horrible, DH wanted to give up, but we stuck it out. I pretended sometimes that he was this girl that I used to babysit who still had tantrums at age 6, and I was instructed to put her into her room and leave her to tantrum, which would indeed take an hour, and was in some ways more horrible than hearing Nico cry. It also did help that he has essentially done CIO in Daddy's arms while I was at yoga before, as he was previously (throughout month 4) unconsolable at bedtime without a boob.

    It did already make a positive difference: he woke up 3 times last night instead of the 6-10 that he's been doing lately (yes, it has gotten that bad). And 2 of those wake ups were 'appropriate' for night feedings, so there was only one midnight CIO I had to face, and since I sleep in the same room as Nico I decided to be a little unconventional and sing to him. The singing put him back to sleep and kept him asleep, which has never worked before. Then this morning, I took him into bed with me for the early-morning feeding (as usual), but after he was finished, for the first time I was able to snuggle sleep with him....before this, if I touched him when he was sleeping he would stir and start looking for my breast and cry until he got it. (And as I've mentioned, I cannot sleep while he's attached to my boob....wish I could because then co-sleeping would have been a solution). So, I really enjoyed the snuggle-sleep and it healed my CIO-guilt from the night.

    And here we are at nap 1 day 2 CIO: produced only a couple minutes of crying, and then about 15 minutes of babbling.

    Phew. And now that I've been offline for half a day (shockingly!) I am pages behind on the thread already. I do indeed want in on the Facebook fun, if we go that way.

  10. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    hey all!!!

    having a fabulously glorious day over here - it's my birthdayyyy! yay I love birthdays.

    So DH let me open my presents in bed - he got me two pairs of awesome boots - woot woot!! Then we got coffee and breakfast at Panera and back home for Cobi's nap. DH doesn't started work until noon (another woot woot) and then hanging out with my friend and her daughter for the afternoon.

    I dressed up Cobi super duper cute in honor of today and will have to take a picture when he wakes up

    have a wonderful day ladies!!

    OH and quickly, in other news- I don't remember who was asking me in regards to Cobi's teeth if he'd bitten or gnawed on me while nursing... He hadn't ever bitten. In fact I had no idea he had cut two teeth until DH told me. I felt nothing. His tongue is always covering his bottom teeth.

    UNTIL THIS MORNING... dun dun dunnnnn... It was his early morning feeding, like 5:30-6am ish, and he was nursing in my bed, I was half-asleep and all of a sudden felt a stinging sensation. He had switched to comfort sucking, not eating and just decided to bite. Ugh it was awful. It took me a second to realize what happened since I was practically asleep. I was so sad that he finally bit me! I just put him in his crib and went back to bed- no reaction..

    However - for future reference, I talked to my dr awhile ago about what to do when it does happen and she said that screaming/yelling and pulling LO off the boob is the worst reaction you can do because firstly, it scares your LO and secondly may cause a nursing strike (which you obviously don't want). It doesn't nip biting in the bud at all. INSTEAD what you should do (and you have to train yourself to do this since it's not instinct) is pull their face into your breast so that their nose is against the boob and they can't breathe, they will naturally open their mouth to unlatch and it does no harm or hurt to them - but it's not pleasant, so they will learn to associate unpleasant reaction with biting.

    I haven't tried it yet but read many places that is what you should do so if/when he bites again I will try to remember that (nursing two more times since he bit me and he didn't bite me again).

  11. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @cvbee: yayyy!!! that is amazing progress hon!!! so glad to hear it and kudos for being strong It's amazing the progress in even just a couple days.

  12. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Mrs. Sunglasses: @mediagirl: @Goldilocks1107: @bpcmarj: I like the idea of a private FB group.

    I think the way to make it most private is having everyone email one person with their FB name and HB username, create the group and invite those people.

    As for those who have reservations about an FB group, you obviously have a choice whether you want to join or not! so no pressure.. but I get the feeling there is a lot of interest

  13. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm all in for a FB group if you want but I don't want to lose out on this thread.... if you email me pastemoo @ gmail.com, I can e-mail you my real name (2 of you already know), and I can start a private FB group. Make sure you tell me your username. (And yes I was keeping track way back when we introduced ourselves on WB was it? So I know what first names with baby names to look out for.)
    G poops 4x/day to every 4 days, but usually 1/day at this point. I don't think 4x/day is too much unless something else is going on, too.
    I hope your new deal with DH works out.

    My job called--I may be going back (full time) October 1, and if I do, I will pretty much only see DH on his days off. It'll be interesting.

    @mediagirl: I don't know--it will help us with money though (free rent!). And his mom is wonderful and we get along 80% of the time. I just don't want to fight with her and mess things up.
    12.5 pounds? YAY!

    @cvbee: Glad CIO is already starting to work for you!
    @Coco Bee: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And La Leche League says the same thing about biting--smush baby INTO your breast. All the ladies there swear by it.

  14. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @pastemoo: @cocobee: I am totally storing this info for future reference, "Smoosh baby's face into boob when biting starts." Now that we have the feeding stuff kind of figured out, I want to breastfeed her forever. It also helps that as long as I'm breastfeeding and pumping, I don't have to travel. Woohoo!

  15. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    So, I decided I need headbands for my girl. I hate big bows and flowers but I found these on Etsy. Instant LOVE. I want them allllll. But I only bought three - Navy, light blue and white.

  16. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Coco Bee: Happy Birthday!!

    @cvbee: The CIO seems to be working well for you all!

    @bpcmarj: That sounds awful! I'm sorry you had such a rough night!

    @Goldilocks1107: I hope that switching off is what works for you and your husband.

    @winniebee: Gross! Nothing like a first thing in the morning poop. A huge one at that!

    Cooper woke up a couple times early this morning. He went to bed an hour later than normal, and we all paid for it. He woke up a little after 4 the first time, then a couple hours later around 6. We let him babble and fuss through it. He never had a full blown cry, and fell asleep. I was about to go get him around 6, but as soon as I was getting out of bed, he fell asleep.

    This morning's nap sucked. He always wakes up after 45 minutes, and it has been so hard to get him to go back to sleep after the wake-up during the am nap. I won the battle eventually, but went in a couple of times for reassurance. The first time I went in there, he was so happy to see me. He calmed down for a bit, then started up again. I'm thinking I should have got him up. I don't think there is a right answer.

    I lost another pound. I'm confused bc I've been eating so much. I literally cannot stop eating. I've never been so ravenous. Imagine if I worked out more than I do now. On that note, I'm going to go eat some lunch!

  17. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @mediagirl: Cute!
    @calsmom: Don't knock it. Mmm lunch. I had my other May mama over for lunch. I asked "have you had any tuna this week" "no? ok, good we're having tuna salad!" and she got a photo of our sons holding hands! (I don't have it yet.) SO CUTE.
    Also.... the facebook group has been started. It is "secret" level.

  18. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    @duckduckkristen: It's amazing how much better life gets when everyone is sleeping well!

    @pastemoo: Sleep is like gold around here too. I've always been someone who could sleep for 12 hours, so this 3-4 hrs/night thing isn't cutting it!

    @regberadaisy: The first night of sleep training is rough, but it gets better so fast!

    @winniebee: We went from one arm out to both arms out the night we started sleep training and he did so well with that extra arms. He was able to hold his hands together instead of just digging at his face with his one available hand.

    @Goldilocks1107: Hopefully this new schedule works well for you guys!

    @cvbee: Way to stick it out last night! I just remember that he won't cry for much longer, and if I give up now then all that crying was for nothing.

    @Coco Bee: Ouch! I'm so scared of biting. It seems like it will be hard to resist the reaction to pull away when it does happen.

    @mediagirl: Those headbands are too cute!

    @calsmom: I'm starving all the time. I eat a lot more now than I did when I was pregnant, but have still been losing weight. Go figure.

    CIO night 2 went really well! First off, he took awesome naps at daycare yesterday after night 1. One 3.5 hr nap and one 1.5 hr nap. The day before he took three half our naps. It took him 40 minutes to fall asleep last night, but he only cried for about 18 minutes of that time. A huge improvement over the 1 hr of crying the first night. He woke up twice that first hour and a half but went right back to sleep after we checked on him once. Then he had a great 4 hours stretch of sleep which has been unheard of in our house for more than a month! He does have issues around the 4am sleep shift, but he went back down after 45 minutes last night instead of the 1.5 hrs it took the first night. He eats around 2-2:30 but eventually I'd like to move his nightime feeding to 4am so the nursing can help calm him so we're gradually pushing it back. He woke up again around 6, but DH said he went back down after one check until 8:30. I'm just amazed how much of a difference this has made. He's still waking up a lot more than I'd like to see, but he's going back to sleep so much easier. I'm starting to see a light at the end of this sleep deprived tunnel!

    His 4 month appt is tomorrow too, I can't wait to see how much he's grown.

  19. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    This thread looks so fun!

  20. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @pastemoo: And I already got my message from you!

  21. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @pastemoo: That's a plus that you get along well with your ILs! I totally get the personal space thing though, I would feel the same.

    @winniebee: Crazy! How did he do without the swaddle?? We still haven't been able to wean, I keep caving because she just doesn't seem to go down. Instead I have receiving blankets rolled up under her sheet to keep her from rolling.

    @Goldilocks1107: LO is hit and miss with poops. Some days she surprises me with how many she has, others she almost goes without. We've been having a few middle of the night poops the past couple days too.

    @mediagirl: I think its to just not use the paci at all when it comes to bedtime... something we've have absolutely no success with yet Its when they've drifted off with it and wake u to realize its gone that there's problems. If your LO keep it in the entire time they sleep, I wouldn't have an issue. Our LO always sits it out though so once she semi-wakes up she realizes its gone and wants it back. Those headbands are so cute!

    @Coco Bee: Happy Birthday!!

    @calsmom: I've been starving lately too... eating like an absolute pig and yet I was 5lbs below pregnancy the other day. I've lost a lot of muscle mass though... so that's not exactly great.

    A didn't have a great night last night. I think it was mostly because I had her out of her halo swaddle and was trying the loose swaddle blanket just on her arms. It works well for naps but not overnight. She started the day with 30min naps and wanted to sleep usually after an hour awake and finally around 3:30 she went down and has slept for 45 so far... hopefully this will be her decent nap because her Papa is coming to visit for a few days and it'd be nice if she was pleasant.

    Good luck to everyone CIO... I'm considering giving it a go... we'll wait until Papa leaves though!

  22. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    Two quick things:
    1. What do you all use for a bathtub for baby? I just went to buy a new one because the padding on the bottom of our was coming off. I decided just to buy one of those sponge things they lay on in the bath instead. Cheaper and less space! Hopefully it will do the job!

    2. I bought another swaddleme today. She is going to be swaddled fighting it or not, and 2 just wasn't enough!

    @pastemoo: Just email you to get added? Just want our name so you can look us up on fb?

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Fortunately T took a 3 hour morning (swing) nap so we all got some rest before his appointment. This afternoon he's been quite upset and has been up for 2.5 hours and I just can't get him to nap, despite him taking Tylenol!

    He's 11 lbs, 12 oz and 23.5 inches -- gained 6.5 lbs since birth and grown 6 inches! Still holding steady at 5% though, except his noggin is 20%. Doctor cleared me to try dairy again and see how he does. If he does poorly, I'll feed him my freezer stash and start him on dairy free formula.

    Going to do arms out again tonight - friends and my sister said it takes a good week for babies who love the swaddle to get used to it without. He is fully sleeping on his side so I just don't feel right about swaddling him anymore, even if it means really crappy sleep for awhile.

    Gotta tend to my poor baby....more later!

  24. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: Yay Tyler for staying on his growth curve! Hope you do get to use that stash of yours---I hate hearing about breastmilk going to waste. And it's kindof cute that T started sleeping on his side: I think Nico is the only sack of potatoes sleeper left in this group, and he's the oldest! (except for Cobi) Good luck with the swaddle weaning.

    @bpcmarj: I've been using a spababy european bath, and it has been amazing, but Nico's favourite thing is to splash and I feel like now that he sits with assistance he can move onto something else. I have my eye on the blow-up duckie tub. I don't like the idea of 'baby stuff' taking up my small place, so I love that duckie can deflate later, and can be used as a float toy at the beach and as a pull-toy on the ice! In fact, I might order it tonight. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3331853

    @kiddosc: having you one day ahead of me in CIO is amazing. Thank you! I'm gearing my head up for tonight. Nap CIO has been great, by nap 3 there was actually no crying, only babbling.

    @autumnlove: sure is!!

    @calsmom: I am the same way with eating soooooo much and being below pregnancy weight. I literally just eat as much as I can, mostly healthy foods though, all through every nap time. I think it is par for the course with breastfeeding. When my dog had 6 puppies (long story) at the point just before we gave them puppy food, my dog was eating insane amounts of premium dog food. She would go through an extra-large bag of dog food in just a week. These days it takes her over a month, maybe 1.5 months, to go through the same size bag. And she got scrawny.

    @pastemoo: thanks for starting the facebook group! I am having some internet issues and haven't been able to load facebook all day, but normally I am on facebook just as much as this board.

    @Coco Bee: You got a birthday bite from baby! ha. Thanks for the tip about the boob smoosh. I hope I remember! Congrats on your new boots. I totally can't afford anything, but if I could, I would buy a pair of fall boots.

    Got to finish up making dinner. Chow for now! (get it? chow instead of ciao! And I'm making corn chow-der....mmm)

  25. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Ugh - we were looking forward to a relaxing weekend this weekend, but the IL's are coming, so instead I am cleaning up a storm for the rest of this week and entertaining them all weekend.

    @winniebee: I ended up using the arms up swaddle for a couple weeks as a transition, because Sawyer was so bad with his hands!

    @Goldilocks1107: Good luck with your new routine, I hope it works better for both of you. Sawyer has between 0-4 poops per day, I think as long as they look/smell ok that you don't have to worry.

    @Coco Bee: Happy birthday! Sorry about the bite. I am not looking forward to when teeth arrive.

    @mediagirl: Those are cute! I am not a fan of the giant flower/rhinestone-y headbands on girls, so those are an awesome alternative.

    @bpcmarj: We still use his baby bathtub, it is a pretty big one, so I think we will use it until Sawyer can sit unassisted, then maybe switch to the guest bathroom tub, I don't know though.

    @winniebee: Good luck with trying dairy again!

  26. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @MsMini: I get all worked up when the IL come with the cleaning and entertaining to do, but then when the weekend is over I feel like a jerk for freaking out, because they are always so lovely to us. Hope Sawyer is extra independent the next couple of days so that you can get all the cleaning/cooking done that you need to prepare for them.

  27. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @bpcmarj: Yup! I'll look you up by name and e-mail. If I can't find you I'll have you search for me.
    And we use an infant tub with a sling in it and an activity arch that is Finding Nemo themed (from my SIL)--G loves it! I know it's not practical but I love it for extended bath time (20-30 minutes of just hanging out). For quick bathing I take him in the shower with me.

    @cvbee: LOL, we leave the tub on the floor or in our tub. It takes up SO MUCH SPACE! That ducky tub is so cute! I think when LO outgrows our Nemo tub, we'll just fill the big tub up to 4 inches and let him crawl around. (The sling comes off the Nemo tub so he can sit up in there when he gets that skill.)

    @winniebee: Yay! So... all our babies have doubled their birth weight now? Congrats!
    Yay for dairy! Mmm cheese and milk and yogurt. Good luck--I really hope it works for you both.

    @MsMini: Bummer. I hope you have fun anyway!

    I just did the impossible! I put LO to bed while cooking dinner. I win the prize! (I made grilled chicken, tomato rice and kale.)

  28. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    ETA: For facebook, I have been unable to find 2 of those who e-mailed me. I e-mailed you back. Please search for me.

  29. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @cvbee: glad CIO wasn't too painful way to go hanging in there! Mmm corn chowder! Sounds like a perfect fall meal!
    @cocobee: happy birthday lady! Sounds like you had a great start to your birthday, hope the rest of the day was just as wonderful!
    @pastemoo: yay for holding hands how cute! I'm sure that will be such a cute pic!
    @kiddosc: glad night 2 went well! You CIO girls are starting to convince me a bit, it doesn't sound so bad, and sleep here is terrible all around. Hmmm I'm giving it another week I think, keep updating! Good luck at 4 month appt!
    @LAGS: hope you have a great visit and A gets some better sleep!
    @bcpmarj: we use the little sling thing out of Lilys baby bathtub in our regular tub. She has already gotten too tall for her infant tub, her little legs were getting all crunched and she loves to kick and splash! It works pretty well!
    Mmm that cookie do coconut ice cream is great! I had it with a dairy free cake I made for a party and it was the perfect dairy free dessert!
    @winniebee: wow 3 hour nap! Poor little T shots are no fun! Btw never got a chance to comment on his pic he is such a cutie! And I love the sunglasses shirt! So glad he's growing well! He's such a cute little peanut! I can't believe how much bigger my giant baby girl is!
    @msmini boo for cleaning! Hopefully a relaxing next weekend!
    @mediagirl: love the headbands too cute!

  30. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @calsmom: 5 lbs under and eating what you want?! I'm jealous! I still keep hanging onto an extra 5-7 lbs I definitely don't work out as much as I used to though so, that could be contributing.

    I took Lily to a story time today at a local library. It was for 0-5 year olds, she was definitely the youngest one there. She loved just sitting and watching and was so attentive the whole time! We had gone to a lap sit library time for 0-2 year olds about a month ago, and I could definitely tell a difference in her between this time and last time!
    I think we are officially giving up on cereal with Lily. I tried a different time of day and a couple days with oatmeal instead of rice, and she still cried every time. Im really try to keep feeding low stress and fun, so i definitely dont want to stress her out anymore with cereal. She continues to love the banana in a net feeder, but I'm not sure what we will do next. Her ped said no puree fruits or veggies until 6 months, but we will see. I want to keep doing something and she will be 5 months next week, so I might just casually try a new purée in a couple of days, then maybe reintroduce cereal with purée in a couple of weeks. Anyone else have a little one eating? @cocobee did Cobi start any purees prior to 6 months?

  31. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cocobee: happy birthday!

    @goldilocks1107: t has at least 4 poops everyday. He usually poops at the end of or after a feeding. He is EBF.

    More @replies later!

  32. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs.M57: Bummer about the cereal. We went to story time at our library, too! It was really fun. It was our first group story time. He loves it more at home when he is right next to the book.
    G might be cleared to start eating this week!!!! We'll probably start with just milk on a spoon and see if he understands the spoon and then try whatever the pediatrician recommends. I have rice cereal at home but nothing else.

  33. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Mrs.M57: I wish. I still have 7 lbs to go. Ultimately 12, but I will be fine with 12. I fear that I may jinx myself getting all excited and surprised that I can actually eat food and lose weight lol

  34. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @autumnlove: This thread IS fun!!

    Ladies, forgive me I have been MIA! I have been reading but not writing because of craziness at work, craziness with family, and honestly just spending whatever down time I have with Abbey and savoring every moment.

    First, Im in my final week at my job. I accepted a new position at a competing company and begin on monday. Im so excited but if you can believe it the company Im going to bought the division I work for currently!! So I was in the dilly of a pickle career wise for a few weeks. I decided to go ahead with the job and am so excited/feeling refreshed professionally!!!

    Abbey is a great baby! She has had a few colds since beginning daycare one of which was intense. Poor thing was so congested and even had an icky eye which sucked. She continues to cry when we try tummy time at home and is still not rolling. I feel like im kinda paranoid about her having a bit of a flat head. The lod loves to sleep on her back and does not roll at all so I purchased a donut pillow for her.

    She was 13lbs 10oz Dh took her and didnt get the head circumfrance/length (sigh) he had doctor duty this time as I have not time off at work and DH was insistent on taking her to ber 4 month. He had a rather traumatic experience as he forgot to pack a diaper bag. She was wet and apparently screaming well before shots. He didnt feed her in advance either! I let him do his own thing and didnt help and he had an eye opening experience which we both laughed about afterwards.

    Anyone elses baby babbling a lot? Abbey is always talking to herself now and blowing rasberries and has become such a happy baby.

    Glad to see everyone has survived! Your babies are beautiful!! Can you remember us all lumbering through pregnancy!! I have begun getting nostalgic and missing those moments already oddly enough. They truly grow so quick!

    In sad news my grandfather is having open heart surgery tomorrow at 11am. I am in such a bad position it being my last few days at work, having not time off left and beginning a new job monday. Family and work stress has been crazy for me which is why I have been MIA. Being a working mama!

    So holy sleep issues? I have been reading all you mamas struggle! Do you think breastmilk/nursing could be why? I guess food and sleep dont have much in common according to some. However, Abbey is now 100% FF and goes down to bed at 8pm and never wakes to eat at night. She will wake anywhere from 5-7am and then pretty much be awake for the day. The last few weeks she will sleep swaddled or unswaddled and for about the same length. She loves solids, I started her on oatmeal instead lf rice and have slowly introduced fruit/veggie purees. She is 5 months old on the 28th of this month but eats like she always has! She is very advuenturous with food and is hilarious. I also gave her a banana in those mesh teethers soshe could feed herself, And she friggen loved it!

  35. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @autumnlove: It is! How is your due date club coming along?
    @Nskillet: Congrats on the new job!
    G babbles a lot, too. It's kind of hilarious.
    I'm sorry it's been such a stressful time and will pray for your grandfather's healing.
    I have read that formula fed babies sleep through the night sooner (but not always true).
    And I can't believe your husband brought no diapers or food! Must have been a joy... hah. WOW!

    @calsmom: LOL. Yeah, I have been super hungry but my scale is not budging... 10 pounds to go (but I do seem to be fluctuating less which could be a good thing, right?) I really want to lose at least 5 of those 10, and the last 5 I care slightly less about.

  36. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @pastemoo: wow typos in that post of mine!

    Yeah, he was amateur Dad of the century. He got her down for a nap before the doctors and I'll bet anything lost track of time doing something. He can be guilty of not giving her undivided attention when watching her sometimes. Instead of feeding her in advance he just took off with her. By the time they got to the appt she was soaking wet, hungry, and screamed the entire appt! One of the nurses took pity on him and gave him a diaper and extra diaper bag too. DH then got pissed when the pediatrician just wanted me to call with instructions on solids. I can't blame him! Lol I find I get irked because DH nitpicks me about being paranoid or doing things a certain way and acts like he knows best. However, then this kinda thing happens and I just have to laugh.

  37. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Nskillet: aw hahahha. What an experience for your husband!! We had a crazy experience getting M to the ped on Tuesday. It was pouring when we got her there, so I left the diaper bag in the car. I ended up searching the drawers of our room for a diaper and luckily found one. Isn't the babbling the best? We put her down in her pack n play and she just talks to the toys, to her feet, to the ceiling fan, to the wall. Praying for your Grandfather.

    So, last night I fed M at 5:15. I put her in her crib at 6:30 to see if I could get her to do a bit more than a nap. She slept until 12:15!! I should have pumped before I went to bed but I kept thinking she would wake up. She went right back to sleep after she ate and woke up again at 3:30. I woke her up at 6:30 so I could feed her before I left. I can't believe she slept so long!! We got a couple hours to ourselves last night before we went to bed. It was great!

  38. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    Hi everyone! I've been kind of creepy and have been continually reading this thread since it was over on WB but too intimidated to join. I know I'm really late in the game but I hope it's okay that I jump in

    Quick summary: I live in NH and I have one son named Holden, he was due May 17th and born May 21st...so he will be 4 months on Friday. It was a fairly normal pregnancy other than being high risk for a couple of reasons and my brother passing away when I was 13.5 weeks along (he was one of the reasons).

    He was 6lbs 10oz when he was born at 4 days overdue and we were pretty surprised because I had a pretty big belly. He continues to be really small (He's somewhere in the 11 pound range right now)! He has his 4 month appointment October 1st and I'm a little concerned about it because I don't think he's put on a sufficient amount of weight in the past 2 months!

    I decided to join because I don't have many friends with babies and with the anniversary of my brother's death quickly approaching things are getting really difficult and I could use some distractions!

    I am particularly interested in winniebee, you have a little guy too and I was wondering if you get any weird comments... People are always asking me if Holden is brand new or if he's 2 or 3 weeks old, it's crazy! He's very alert, smiling and talking all the time so I think it's pretty obvious that he is not brand new but he's so little no one believes he's 4 months!

    Anyways, can I join?

  39. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @pastemoo: that's a neat idea: I never heard of starting with milk on a spoon!
    @Nskillet: thanks for checking in and letting us know all that you're up to: what a busy mama indeed! And yes, breastfeeding definitely does make more night wakings, even though it is calorie-for-calorie the same, it is digested faster, and in the Healthy Sleep book he says it probably has something to do with the Moms responding differently. Based on our 2 nights of CIO I can say that most of the night wakings we were experiencing were from a night-waking and comfort-nursing-to-sleep habit. But we broke the habit so quickly, I'm amazed. But I will still feed him for 2 awakings until he is 9 months old or whatever the book said was normal.

    CIO report: night 2 at first I thought I made a mistake and put him down to sleep, because he didn't even make a noise, but I watched him and he just moved around and tried to get himself asleep quietly first, then he cried, but the crying was only for about 5 minutes, and then he was asleep. And he slept for 5 hours. And since I wasn't so worked up about things (like the first night) I went to bed early too, so we both got a super long sleep. Oh, and when I did the 2nd feeding at 4:30am he pooped so I had to change his diaper, and I expected to have to nurse him a little more back to sleep, but nope, he just went straight back to sleep. And I got my cuddle-sleep again in the early morning, which I am LOVEing.

    Looks like first nap is calling. Hope you are all having a good day, it is super duper rainy here today.

  40. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @cram88: yes! Welcome! Please accept my condolences for the loss of your brother. Vent away, we are a very loving group!

    Attached is my sunshine! My daycare txts me photos and this is from yesterday!

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