Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Baby Thread!!

  1. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    I really want to show off my little man but I have no idea how to post pictures. I'm sorry to be a pain but can anyone tell me how to do it please?

  2. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @cvbee: only 2 nights of CIO for it to work?!? Is Nico in his crib or still in your room?

    @cram88: Welcome! I have a friend in NH with a baby girl his age:) wonder if you are near each other?

    @Nskillet: love that daycare sends you pics:)

  3. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @Nskillet: Thank you!

    @bpcmarj: Thanks! Do you know where she lives? I live in the Lakes Region so very central, but I have friends all over the state!

  4. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @cram88: Welcome and we're definitely here for each other when things get rough. Stay strong - the first anniversary of a death is always the hardest. I had two relatives pass during my pregnancy and it's definitely tough.

    Thanks for all the reassurance about the poos. She pooped 5 times yesterday, but only the first one was a blowout (more of a leak-out). And it looks normal, smells gross (like normal). DH was more worried than I was.

    Today was day two of our new sleep routine - aka my "on call" night. A woke up at 8pm wanting to eat, so we started off slightly off schedule - but I think 8pm might work better. She woke up at 2:15 and then at 6am (when DH woke up). And it was glorious to "sleep in" until 5:40 and only have to get myself ready for work. I'm in an amazing mood today.

  5. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @cram88: when you make the post there should be words below that say 'subscribe' and under that is says 'attach photos to this post' and when you click on add photo it should prompt you. That's how it works for me.

    @bpcmarj: He has always been in a crib IN our room. Our place has the 2nd bedroom downstairs so we're keeping him in our large loft bedroom for now. Plus we live far away from family so we are trying not to give up the guest bedroom. In time we'll have to though.

    @Goldilocks1107: horray for your amazing sleep and amazing mood!

    @NSKILLET: so cute! and how amazing is it that you get photos from daycare...cool! Love that yours still has red hair, Nico's hair seems to be getting blonder....time will tell!

  6. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    @cram88: I think you have to reach 5 posts before you can post photos. Welcome!

  7. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @lisa1783: interesting! didn't know that about the photo thing

  8. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @cvbee: thanks! She is Red Red like I am! And continues to get redder as time goes on. We feel like we won the lottery with her hair color. DH is brunette and brown eyes and thought for sure he would "ruin it" she is getting gorgeous green eyes too!

  9. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @lisa1783: That makes sense because that option doesn't show up! Thanks!

  10. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Thanks, it is tough. I'm sorry you had two, I know one was bad enough.

  11. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    Yay! I can add photos! In order... The day he was born, one of his newborn pictures, on a mini-vacation around 3 months, picture I put on FB Sunday for his daddy and nana's birthday, and the last one is just silly...does anyone else's baby try to eat their feet? He does this all the time!

  12. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @cram88: Cute! We just hit "foot eating time" too. I had to change her socks one day because her sock was so damp her little toes had turned pruney inside. She doesn't even get pruney in the tub, but you put her feet in her line of sight - BAM! in mouth!

  13. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    @cram88: so flexible!!! He is so cute - I love his smile. My baby keeps his legs in the air a lot but he hasn't tried to eat them at all yet - he's way too fascinated with cramming two hands in his mouth to fit in his feet.

    I'm slightly freaking out because my frozen supply of milk is dipping really low. Owen is just eating way more than I'm pumping at work and I've spent the last week pumping one side while he's feeding to try and replenish my supply in the freezer. Right now I'm pumping twice while I'm at work but I might have to get it to three times but it's hard because each session is about 30 minutes and I can't really just take an hour and a half out of my work day each day to pump. We're probably going to have to supplement with formula soon which isn't the end of the world but it just makes me feel so disappointed because I had a goal of keeping him exclusively on breastmilk until at least 6 months.

  14. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    So glad to hear CIO is working for those who tried it. We are a week and a half in and it keeps getting better and better.

    So wait, how do we join this fb group?

    Liam had a little blood in his poo last night so I called the ped this morning and they said as long as it doesn't happen again and he seems fine otherwise not to worry.

    I noticed he doesn't really "talk" anymore. He makes noises sometimes and smiles all day long, but no cooing. He found his feet and loves to grab his toes, and anything else in his reach, loves knocking over blocks, and chomps on everything. Still has not rolled over since the two times a few weeks ago, but looks like he is trying to crawl.

  15. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    @nskillet: i'm so jealous you get picture updates during the day! My mom is taking care of my LO during the day and while she knows how to email photos, it just takes her so long to do it that the baby never gives her enough breaks to do it. =)

    @duckduckkristen: That's so scary about the blood! I would have immediately freaked out and been halfway to the hospital. Thank goodness he seems to be ok though. He looks like such a happy baby!

    I noticed the same thing with my LO where he was cooing up a storm for a few weeks and then just suddenly stopped. Lots of smiles and giggles and actually a few laughs when I tickle him but he definitely doesn't "talk" with me anymore which I miss a lot.

  16. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @Nskillet: Holden doesn't go to daycare but I work 2 days a week and a family member usually watches him one of those days. I require them to send me pictures throughout the day, otherwise I'd go crazy! That's awesome that your daycare sends them!

  17. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @cram88: welcome and yay for your photos! What a cutie! Re: the foot eating; if Nico saw that he would be so jealous. He loves his feet, but is not flexible enough to get to them to his face. He does use his tub to get the feet close enough to touch with his hands, but the rest of the day they are just way too far away for him to grab. It's funny because I'm a dancer and I'm very very flexible, but my baby is the opposite: I think he got Daddy's body.

    @duckduckkristen: You email pastemoo @ gmail.com and tell her what your facebook name is (remind her that you are who you are) and then she finds you and gets you in.

    @lisa1783: how old is Owen again? If he's more than 4 months you could talk to your pediatrician about starting rice cereal. 10 years ago all babies started rice cereal at 4 months. I see that you wanted to EBF to 6, but just thought I'd put that out there. At our 4 month appointment my OB said we could start solids whenever I felt like it. Have you tried some of the supply-increasing tricks like eating oatmeal and drinking lots of water and maybe some of the special supplements you can get? I am so impressed by you mamas that pump while at work.

    @Nskillet: yay! The ginger genes are strong! My DH has brown and brown too, so the blue eyes (so far) and the strawberry-blond felt like a win for me too....lol. It seemed like when he lost his newborn hair recently it was only the 'pumpkin spice' hairs that fell out and the new short hairs coming in are blond. But then again, I'm only a strawberry-blond myself, not super red. I actually had some people ask me, 'oh, is there red hair in your family?' but most people said his hair is just like mine.

    So a permanent teaching job just popped up....I've been looking for a permanent job for about 6 years, just to give you an idea what that means for me. I'm applying for it, and I think I have a good chance. It would start immediately but it's only one afternoon per week. The tricky thing is that it's about an hour away, so I'm not sure if I would try to find Nico a babysitter there, so he'd be with me for the drive, and only away from me for about 3 hours, or if I should get someone here and he'd be away from me for 5 hours. I guess I should really wait and see if I even get an interview before trying to solve problems that I don't even have,but I can't help but think things through.

  18. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Nskillet: I love the daycare photo! Adorable!
    @cram88: Welcome! I'm glad you're reaching out--it's hard to be the only person with a new baby. I'm sorry for your loss as well. Your LO is super cute! I love that he eats his feet!
    Can you introduce yourself like we did in the beginning?
    (Estimated Due Date: LO Birth Date: (I know you put those 2 in your last post) Delivery via: Birth stats: Breastfeeding or Formula (no judgement): Baby Name:)
    @Goldilocks1107: Awesome! I glad the shift worked out so well for you! I am nervous about going back to work for that reason. I will not be trading out with DH because I will already be pumping for daycare and just don't want to only pump after 4 months of breastfeeding. I'm a bit scared about what it will be like...
    @Nskillet: LOL! My husband thinks I ruined G's eyes. Mine are bright but brown and his are very very blue. G's are currently brown toward the middle and dark blue/green around that with a grey ring around the outside. Sometimes they look yellow, grey, brown, green, or blue. I am very curious what they will end up! His hair is also of unknown color. Brushed back it's reddish with light light brown almost blonde. Brushed forward it looks like someone drew black stripes on his head!
    @goldilocks: LOL pruney feet from eating them? Awesome!
    G doesn't wear socks much and he hasn't discovered his feet...
    @duckduckkirsten: email me at pastemoo at gmail.com and tell me your name, and I will tell you mine and add you on FB. Easy peasy.
    Also G doesn't talk so much as make long drawn out sounds... weird. I wonder why that is...

  19. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    What do you all do for naps??

    I feel like I must be doing something wrong. T won't nap in the afternoons unless we are in the car. Not in the swing, not in his crib, not swaddled, not anyway. I go by his sleepy cues and/or watch the clock and usually around 90 minutes he needs a nap. I try drowsy but awake. I try rocking to sleep. He'll fall asleep for 15 mins but then wake up and there's nothing I can do. We have a photographer coming to the house in 45 minutes and of course he napped from 12:50 - 1:05 and despite my best efforts I can't get him back down.

    Suggestions? Desperate here.

  20. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @cvbee: Aww hopefully he can get to them better soon. Holden's pretty small so I wonder if maybe that helps? Good luck with the job!

    @pastemoo: Thanks, he's a goober! Here is my intro!

    Estimated Due Date: May 17th, 2012

    LO Birth Date: May 21st, 2012 10:56am

    Delivery via: Induction, vaginal with epidural (required because I have epilepsy), no tears...just some minor skid marks, and 45 minutes of pushing. Only minor complication was that his cord was wrapped around his neck. All in all I'd say it was an easy delivery and I was very quiet and focused during it, so much so that the doctor told me I was allowed to say ow at one point!

    Birth stats: 6lbs 10oz, 19 3/4 inches long... Very lean, no baby fat!

    Breastfeeding or Formula (no judgement): EBF the first 6 weeks and then ran into pumping problems for going back to work. He is now completely formula fed.

    Baby Name: Holden Alexander. Holden is from the book Catcher in the Rye and Alexander was my brother's name

  21. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @cram88: welcome! I am so sorry to hear about your brother. My BIL passed away suddenly in 12/10 and it's still super hard. My husband, I and him were super tight so I hear you. *hugs*
    @bpcmarj: @kiddosc: @LAGS: we failed epically at CIO. Night 2 was actually worse than 1!
    @winniebee: I'm honestly not sure what they do at daycare? At home I typically nurse but yesterday we were on a nursing strike so I had to rock her in the car seat to get 45 minutes out of her. Typically the first nap she wants 2 hours so if she wakes up after a hour I nurse her again to get some more out of her. Most times I end up holding her for naps bc she won't go in the crib for naps!
    @cvbee: wow! That's awesome! I really hope you get it. I vote daycare near your work so he spends less time away from you.
    @duckduckkristen: M is still babbling a lot, she's quite a chatter monkey! Esp in the mornings and with daddy. Haven't found her feet yet.
    lisa1783: I'm sorry that is hard. If it makes you feel any better M has been supplemented since day 1.

  22. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: Welcome! Your little man is so cute!! Yes, Tyler is also a peanut, born at 5 lb 5 oz and currently 11 lbs 12 oz....it used to REALLY bother me the comments he would get. When he was first born, we got "was he a preemie?" comment alllll the time. Now comments about how little he is don't bother me, but they do bother my husband. We moreso get comments like "he's so cute" or looks of surprise when I say how old he is. I do sort of still obsess about how much he eats (I offer him milk whenever he seems remotely hungry....) and he's not the greatest eater as it is, so there's always a little stress there. How much does Holden eat now? PS, I'm originally from NH and we have a family lakeouse in Wolfeboro : ) Glad you are joining us.

  23. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Coco Bee: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
    @Goldilocks1107: glad your new routine is working out!
    @pastemoo: Why will you only see him one day a week? Is it nights vs weekends?
    So if you join the group can they see your profile information or just your name?
    @Nskillet: congrats on the new job!!! M is still a babbling fool as well!
    We thought maybe she was not getting enough from the boob so we've been trying 2oz in a bottle of formula or breast milk then I nurse. Hasn't made a difference. Sigh.
    @calsmom: I swear I eat just as much now if not more than when I was pregnant!

    I don't know if any of you saw but M's sleep has gotten from horrendous to HORRIFIC. The No Cry Sleep Solution arrives today, I hope it's the solution for her!

    BTW I get the feeling a lot of you ladies are still not back at work! How many are and aren't?

    I've been back since 6 weeks!

  24. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: I think your little guy is super cute too, and I think they have a similar sense of style...or we do I guess! The comments don't bother me a whole lot and I actually really enjoy having a peanut baby other than the difficulty finding clothes. He still wears newborn pants and it's almost impossible to find anything other than sweatpants in NB size! As far as feeding since I started formula I feed him on demand but he still only drinks 4 oz at a time and once in a while up to 6 oz. I feel like he should be eating more and maybe that's part of the problem but I don't want to force him. I'll definitely be talking to the pediatrician about it. I live pretty close to Wolfeboro, in Laconia and actually lived in Meredith in 2010 so I'm right in that area!

    @regberadaisy: I kind of dread telling people my work situation because they tend to hate me after but.... I went back around 8 weeks for 1 day a week at first and now I do 2 days a week. I also only did 2 days a week starting in Feb. before I had him and went out completely at 38 weeks pregnant. Here's where everyone hates me... I still get paid full-time, salaried basically and I was fully paid for my maternity leave as well. Eventually I will need to add another day in for a total of 3 but that's all I'll ever have to do to keep my salary!

    Also I have so much downtime in my job so I always get everything done in half a day and pretty much just play around on the internet the rest of the time. I'll probably be posting a lot on here because I get pretty bored!

  25. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @cram88: haha I don't hate you but definitely jealous! Are you in the US? How are you able to work so little and get paid FT?

  26. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @regberadaisy: Yeah I'm in the U.S. I wasn't planning to have it this good, believe me, and I am incredibly grateful that I get to spend so much time with my lo and still get paid. I was planning on saving money to cover my maternity leave. I work for a smaller privately owned business doing all the accounting/office stuff. Technically I work from home the other 3 days but I never have anything to do! My boss is very generous and it's awesome! I think it's mostly because they want to keep me and it's cheaper to salary me than to hire an outside accountant.

  27. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @cram88: welcome! Holden is adorable! I am definitely jealous of your work situation how nice!
    @nskillet: so cute! Glad to see you back!
    @cvbee now your really pushing me towards CIO, 2 nights and it's already working?! Lily's sleep has gone from bad to worse! We used to get 1 4-5 hour stretch followed by 2 or 3 2 hours, the past 3 nights she's woken up every 1-2 hours even while in bed with us! Blah tired is becoming my new normal!
    @winniebee: Lily usually naps on me, but sometimes I'll let her fall asleep on me then move her to the crib. I try to sit in the same spot and have a "mini routine" diaper change, lights out, sit in our glider (which is the same spot we sit in before bed) nurse. If I get lazy and try to keep her downstairs to get her to sleep, she will usually only do 30-45minutes. When we are out, Lily will take naps in her sling while imwalking. I've also put her in it at home when I really couldn't get her to nap, and she usually can always fall asleep in there. Only problem with sling nap is I have to walk the whole time, the transition out surely always wakes her! Lily is luckily a good mapper, night sleep is a completely different story!

  28. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @regebera I was supposed to go back to work full-time @ 6 weeks pp but I couldn't do it! So I extended my leave til 6 months pp indefinitely. My leave is and always has been unpaid. I do casual/per-diem work on weekends and to cover time off maybe 4 days a month, and just got into direct sales with Premier Jewlery to supplement more and get out of the house a little. I may go back to part-time at 6 months, still deciding. Casual work has much much better pay though so its a toss up.

  29. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @winniebee: Abbey I usually offer a bottle (warm) and during it will pat her butt/rub her head/face so she relaxes. Once she's finished I offer the binki and continue the relaxing movement/rubs/pats.

    She has never been a huge napper but I don't sweat it. I know sleep is important, but I truly believe babies sense stress. Have oh tried laying down with him?

  30. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    @winniebee: Will he not nap if you take him for a walk in the stroller?

  31. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @cram88: sooo cute!! I bought that same orange "little peanut" bodysuit - he was so small for so long (at nearly 7 months he still wears 3-6 mos!) so I called him my little peanut all the time hehe.

  32. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @cram88: welcome and what a cutie!! G gnaws on his toes every chance he gets!!!!

    @duckduckkristen: G was rolling like a champ for about a month and then he just stopped! now he's more interested in trying to figure out how to sit up

    @cvbee: good luck!

    @winniebee: i go by tired cues with G. his eyebrows get really red when he's tired. i then lay him in his bouncer or on his side on a blanket and put his gentle giraffe on. he usually falls right asleep. we dont have a schedule though and i know we should. and i don't put him down for naps in his crib either...such a bad mommy i am lol my supervisor at work today told me i need to get him on a schedule...whatever lol

    @regberadaisy: i've been back to work since 12 weeks pp. working from home 3 days, in the office 2 days. when you join the group we'll see your name, but unless we friend you(and you accept) all your settings are the same for if anyone was randomly looking for you(i believe anyways)

  33. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @lisa1783: Not if he's overtired - the other day I tried and he just screamed. But I think that for the late afternoon nap I need to anticipate it's failure and maybe start the walk 15 minutes earlier and then maybe he'll sleep.

    @Nskillet: I have! If I lay down with him, he thinks it is play time! I know supposedly there is no connection between FF v. BF babies and how well they sleep, but anectodally I hear that FF babies sleep better!

    @msmini: I thought of the two arms up swaddle, but I feel like sleep is just so poor right now that I'd rather get him swaddle free rather than worry about weaning again down the road. Also he was rolling to his side in his swaddle which worried me.

    Thanks for your thoughts. I know many of us are struggling with sleep issues.

  34. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @duckduckkristen: I love the pics!

    @cram88: Welcome to the group! Your son is very cute! I am so sorry to hear about your brother

    @winniebee: Have you implemented a nap time routine? Maybe try to start the routine before the 90 minute mark? I'm sorry you are having a difficult time with T's naps! It's a very frustrating issue!

    Cooper woke up again last night around 4. He was screaming! My husband and I shot up out of bed and soothed him. He screamed a little bit more after we left, but fell asleep a couple minutes later and woke up at 9. I assume this is part of the 4 month sleep regression.

    I put him down at 6:20, which is the earliest I've ever put him down. I can't explain that one.

  35. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I have been keeping busy today with laundry, grocery shopping, and for some reason I decided I needed to re-organize my pantry (our kitchen in general needs to be streamlined/re-organized). I need to buy some more baskets for my organizing frenzy, but I think I have a good plan of attack now. Unfortunately I haven't been getting much cleaning done (LOL). I am hoping tonight and tomorrow night DH will help me out. We really only *need* to vacuum and mop floors, and wipe down the guest bathroom at this point, but I would like to get baseboards wiped down as well.

    @cram88: Welcome! Your LO is adorable! Sawyer loves foot eating as well.

    @Goldilocks1107: Sounds like the new routine is so far, so good!

    @duckduckkristen: Sawyer has had the occaisional episode of blood tinged mucous in his poo, I think it might be related to my diet, I just haven't figured out what exactly is causing it.

    @cvbee: Good luck with your interview!

  36. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: If it helps, Nico was a perfect napper when he was 3 months old, and then when he was 4 months old the nap thing got so messy; very unpredictable napping and I was trying so hard to get it right. It was only a week or so ago that I finally got things back on track, and for me, it was to make sure he really was actually tired. So I wait til he's fussy, and then I take him upstairs, close the curtains, and we lay on our backs as I read him books. I wait til he gets even more fussy and then I feed him and he goes to sleep no problem. For a week or so I nursed him to sleep, and now since CIO I nurse him to drowsy and then put him down, to keep it consistent with bedtime. Earlier in the month, after reading Healthy Sleep, I could get him to nap if I worked REALLY hard, but since waiting longer to put him down I don't have to work hard at all. It's against what the books say, like, they say don't let them get over-tired, but it was my experience.

    @regberadaisy: In Canada here and I get maternity benefits for a year, so I might be off work for a year. (But if I got that one afternoon a week job I would do that....but it wouldn't really be for money because it will come off of my benefits dollar-for-dollar, with I think $40 that they won't touch).

    CIO report: night 3: ZERO crying. Just a whimper as I put him down. EDIT: he just woke up an hour into sleeping, crying....we'll see how long he cries. It's just so much easier now because I know he can do it and he knows he can do it. Hopefully I haven't jinxed myself; I'll let you gals know if it does turn out to be bad. Crying already does seem to be petering out. Phew.

    If it makes a difference, I didn't do CIO until I got naptimes and bedtimes figured out with nursing-to-sleep easily with no crying. I wanted to know that I was doing it at the right time, and not trying to put him down when he wouldn't naturally be tired enough to sleep.

  37. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @cram88: @winniebee: I was going to say that Holden looks like Tyler, but I didn't know if you mamas would get offended by that or something....love that you both see that.

  38. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    (Lots of catching up to do but a PSA)

    I have gotten several e-mails from lovely May mamas who have not been part of our thread here. We are more than happy to welcome new May mamas to our thread here on hellobee but until we come to know you here we will hold back on inviting you to our facebook group. Sorry to be harsh but I know you value your privacy and will understand.
    Most of us have been posting together for a year now. If you've recently joined we will invite you soon but if you have never posted on this thread we would like to get to know you here on hellobee first. Thanks so much for your understanding!

    Also, we are not migrating to facebook! We are still hanging out here on our awesome epic threads.

  39. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: Having visitors can be so stressful! Especially if you let clutter collect (like me!!)

    @sarbear: That's crazy that his eyebrows get red!! I wish T had an obvious sleep cue, LOL!

    @cvbee: Thanks! I do remember your napping woes, too. I guess I'm just concerned that it doesn't seem that with every sleep crutch, he will nap. I do go by his sleep cues (a yawn, if I can catch it...otherwise, fussiness).

    @calsmom: maybe he is teething? 6:20 is def early for him! How did he do last night? I tried putting T down at 6:45 but after his bottle he was WIDE awake so ultimately he went to bed at 7:30.

    @cram88: clothes are weird for us, too! He has a long torso but is thin. He's packed away a bunch of 0-3 stuff, but other 3 month (carters) fits him well. He's wearing some 3-6 stuff too.

    @goldilocks1107: LOL re the feet...T can get em in there but only for a few seconds and certainly not enough to make them pruney!

    @regberadaisy: I'm still on maternity leave but haven't been paid since 8 weeks so we are living off of my husband's resident's salary (read = poor!). I go back to work October 30th and go back 4 days and taking a 25% paycut and daycare is 1200 a month for just 3 days a week (my mom's watching T one day).

    Yesterday we had some photos taken of T at the house - very fun! Apparently he prefers modeling in the nude, LOL. And, he was doing naked tummy time for the photographer on our bed....and did a volcano poop all over the place!!

    Swaddle freedom is improving - last night he did 45 minutes (ugh), 2.5, 4.5, 2.5. So honestly not much worse than before the swaddle. Hoping he starts enjoying this freedom more and sleeping even better!

    What are you all up to this weekend? We are headed to my parents for a BBQ on Sunday and T will meet some more extended family. DH is off, too, yay!

  40. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @Nskillet: My husband is not good in the diaper bag department either. He was picking me up from work one day (an hour from home) so we could do errands and brought half a bottle and nothing else. Yesterday Holden went to my mom's and he didn't pack quite enough bottles so he screamed all the way home, luckily it's only a 10 minute drive!

    Today I'm working a half day so I brought my little guy with me to work. It's so hard to do anything but play with him! Oh, and Holden is officially 4 months today! I think it's odd to think he's 4 months already but at the same time it feels like I've had him for years haha It goes by fast, but slow at the same time...does anyone else feel like that?

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