kiwi / 515 posts
@lisa1783 what a little cutie pie! I love the rolls! Lily is a chubba bubba too!
@LAGS that's great getting help from hubby and happy/content baby! That makes the sleep stuff not quite so stressful!
@calsmom yay for tripod! Lil is just starting to do it too, I can't believe our little babies are doing so many cool things and good for you on the haircut!
@cvbee I hope yoga goes well for you(and Nico and Daddy!)
@cocobee you look so nice in your going out outfit, very cute outfit! I love that boot weather is here! And look at your little man! Oh how exciting, crawling is coming! I'm sure exciting and scary though cause then he will be on the go!
@goldilocks1107 Happy anniversary hope you have a great time! 4 month shots are def no fun! I feel like shots from here on out are harder because our little ones are more aware of what is going on! Your lo is such a tall little chicky, wow! I hope cereal goes well!
kiwi / 515 posts
Lily has been so smiley, fun and pleasant lately! I've been noticing as long as we get in her first good nap, the rest of the day flows really well and she's such a happy little girl!Mi swear she smiles everytime I look at her!
She is starting to reject her rice cereal. I'm not sure why, just the last 3-4 nights she cries and cries and spits it out. I try to stop right away and cheer her up and do fun stuff, let her play so she doesn't get a negative feeding association. But, I think we are either going to try a different time of day, or just ditch cereal and move on. She does like to chew on/suck a piece of banana in the net feeder (thanks @lisa1783 for the suggestion!) and chew/suck on a spoon. Plus I've been letting her play around with a training straw sippy cup with a little bit of water in it and she likes that as well.
I'm also coming to the conclusion that we may have a sleep sharing family bed baby for now. She has been in her "sleep regression" for over a month now after really only ever sleeping decent for 2 weeks prior to that and nighttime sleep is still crap until I pull her into bed with me. Right now Lilys longest independent sleep stretch is 3-4 hours and after that if we keep her in her crib she gets up anywhere between 4-6 times in a 6-7 hour stretch. If she sleeps with us she will go up to 5 hours without waking. I'm trying to just relax and let that be ok. We have followed all of the suggestions in the "no cry sleep solution" book with no change and tried CIO a couple of times for up to no more than 6 minute intervals and I cannot handle CIO plus Lily just gets herself so upset by 6 minutes that she is gagging and choking from crying so hard, so I don't think she is developmentally ready for it. So, for now we will let her sleep in her bed for her long stretch and then she co-sleeps the rest of the night, and I'm finally ok with it for now! Maybe we will try longer times in the crib again in another couple of weeks.
kiwi / 515 posts
Also with everyone talking about cute new haircuts, I'm itching to get something new! But, I'm too attached to my long hair so I'm thinking I want a new color! Maybe a darker fall/winter look? I've never dyed my hair so it would be a really big deal! Hmm I'm going to think on it!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@cvbee: Christmas sales. YES!
And yes, I've had well over a hundred pee leaks. I mean he is 115ish days old? Yeah, well over a hundred pee leaks. 2 poopsplosions (both in those darn disposables!)
I haven't left G with DH in a really long time, either.
@winniebee: He went back to sleep after the loud playful noises? That rocks! I turned off my parent monitor on Sunday because of that and tried to keep sleeping.... and now the parent monitor can't find the nursery monitor anymore.
Doesn't matter much since our apartment is only a 40 step round trip from my side of the bed to the crib so I can definitely hear him without it. I'm a little frustrated I can't hook it back up. I'll call AngelCare again tomorrow. I'm just glad the nursery part (with the motion sensor) is still working or I wouldn't be sleeping well at all.
@sarbear: pictures with the cat?
@Goldilocks1107: Good point about the flu shot. Maybe I can get mine when G gets his shots.... LOL @ 99.99999percentile for height. I am so curious to see how big G is!
Yay for new bras! And happy happy anniversary!
@lisa1783: He is so CUTE! And I am not happy when G is so big. I feel like I missed out on something because he is so freaking heavy! But he is pretty darn cute and that pretty much makes up for it.
@LAGS: Baby laughs are the greatest thing EVER!
@calsmom: Yay new haircut! Picture? And.... I keep wishing to be back at work but I would only see LO 2 hours a day and DH.... only on his days off. It would blow. And yet I keep looking (admittedly not hard enough to actually get anything).
@Coco Bee: Hey AF Go away! You're not wanted here. Bummer. How slim is the seat? We have a 4 seater... and it's really compact so we have to move the carseat to behind wherever I am sitting (DH is too tall).
C is getting so strong! And he has hair just like G but 2 months longer!
clementine / 916 posts
@Coco Bee: Ahh I saw your picture of Cobi on all fours first thing as I was scrolling around trying to find my place and just about had a stroke... crazy boy!!
@calsmom: Yikes I've never had an up the front one. That must get complicated with extra boy parts in the way too. How lucky were you that it was your husband's turn, yay!
@Mrs.M57: A is the same, good first stretch in her crib and then the wheels fall off unless she's in bed with us. I was reading a bit tonight and am thinking its the falling asleep at the boob thing and being overtired that's getting us. The early morning hours are the lightest sleep and because she consistently nurses to sleep during the night, I think she keeps waking having no boob and gets upset wondering what happened.
So tonight I read this free guide "5 ways to help your child sleep through the night" from the baby sleep site... its not at all detailed, but based on some of the general concepts it was discussing I think I officially need to commit to learning more about LOs sleep and figuring out some consistent (although maybe watered down) sleep training.
My aha! moment was re: sleep associations. It said "the key is to allow them to go to sleep the same way they will wake up periodically throughout the night. If they wake up briefly and find that you or their pacifier is gone, they will wake up more and have to call out to you so you can help them once again". They compared it to us falling asleep with our pillow and blanket and waking up two hours later without them.. how could we not have a wtf reaction to that, right? So its reasonable to think that's what's going on with baby with the constant wakings now that they're so much more aware of their surroundings.
I'm sure in two days time I'll have flip-flopped yet again... but for now I'm going to give this concept a shot and try to work on the paci for sleep and nursing to sleep in the middle of the night thing.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Mrs.M57: Aww sorry about the rice cereal. I agree--change it to something else and try rice again later. (Unless L's ped says no)
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
Just checking in quickly on my phone! Been a crazy couple days bc my family drove up for the long weekend. And yesterday we were up in Toronto for the day. M loves having all the people around! Esp playing with her cousins and esp her baby cousin who is 8 days older! She has a minor meltdown in the car on the way home yesterday but then fell asleep at 10:30. Not only did she sleep the whole way home and through the transfer to crib. She slept till 6am! Then went back to sleep till 8:30.
I think she did amazing even though her sleep was all screwed up these past few days.
Andddd today she rolled from tummy to back for the first time! She decided that since baby cousin can roll back to tummy she's going to do the reverse!
We're already missing the family
kiwi / 515 posts
@regebera yay for great family time and rolling! That's awesome car sleeping, how wonderful!
@LAGS yes, I get the e-mails from that sleep site. Sometimes I'm so tempted to pay to have them help me! There is some good stuff! I went through trying to break sleep associations, by vaRying how we get Lil to sleep (nursing, rocking, patting belly, singing), but Lil tends to only be able to fall asleep with nursing and bouncing. Also per the "no cry sleep solution" I try to put Lil down drowsy, then help her to sleep in the crib, but she gets so mad! I end up having to pick her up and calm her back to drowsy every 5 minutes! Bah, I think the more I have brought Lil into bed with me, the farther away from independent sleeping we have gotten, it's so easy for her to nurse back to sleep when laying right next to me! So I'm with you, on the nursing sleep association! If you have any luck with anything new let me know! Like I said, I think we are taking a break from worrying for now, but I would like to eventually have a sleeping through the night baby!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@pastemoo: well, in the demonstration video for the carseat they said you can fit three radians side by side in a car. whaaatt??! I am sold lol. It looks so awesome.
@LAGS: he is crazy!! but soo excited about it. It's adorable really. I'm just so nervous eek!!
@Mrs.M57: honestly we were the same way for a few months - all of us slept best together for the first few months and I don't regret that time at all. It's what he needed. He didn't want to sleep alone. Then, after a few months, his sleep deteriorated again so we transitioned him to his crib and his sleep vastly improved. I guess all he needed was a few months comfort of his parents haha. But you gotta do what you can to get some sleep!!
@Mrs.M57: ugh so scary about him crawling hahaha. I'm going to have to be more diligent about keeping my house clean
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@lisa1783: He is so stinkin cute!! Is that a little playpen with his pictures all around?
@calsmom: Post pics of your sassy new do!
@LAGS: I finally did read up on sleep and a lot of it makes sense. The Healthy Sleep, Happy Baby book is good - a little repetitive. I'm following it loosely.
@pastemoo: Yes, crazy, he slept til 8:30 after all t\hat noise! And he's doing it again this morning...
@regberadaisy: AW how cute, go M!!!!
@Mrs.M57: Sometimes you just have to do what gets you through these periods - right now, it seems like it's just what she needs!
@cocobee: What a big boy! I can't believe you might have a crawler soon. I keep forgetting that as my baby gets older yours does too, LOL.
@cvbee: I hope you had a better night last night! I don't understand CD lingo but it sounds like not much fun last night!
Jelly jams music class yesterday was fun! Tyler was the youngest and everyone was oohing and aahing over him - he was so alert and watchful but I did most of the playing. He seemed to really like it! I think it will be even better once he can sit unassisted. We had some napping difficulties in the afternoon and ultimately I had to bounce him to sleep on me and he slept on me (swaddled) for over an hour. Led to a later bedtime but I started bedtime routine an hour after he woke up and he went down like a dream - no crying.
We tried swaddling one arm out last night - he woke up 45 mins later. Then a little over 2 hours later, then 3 hours later (2 a.m.) at which point I swaddled him fed him and he slept til 6:30....then some fun loud noises came from his room and same as yesterday, I got up, got my coffee, got his milk ready, and went to check on him....OUT. He's sleeping on his side in his swaddle though. Which reinforces/tells me we REALLY have to wean. So I'll keep at it this week.
He is just getting so fun, I can't stand it. I'm really glad I decided to take extended maternity leave : ) Here are some recent pics!
nectarine / 2039 posts
Quick post:
Yoga went great (and I didn't even have to use my tampon trick....just avoided down dog-with-leg-up pose and I was fine). DH and Nico made it through bedtime routine and I got home when Nico was in the middle of his first wake-up (screaming and mad, but I was there so it was fine). But DH says that he thinks we coddle him too much and he wants him to learn to go to sleep on his own.
So, today is day one of CIO. I'm a bit mad at DH about it but he is actually home sick today so he'll be here to hear all the crying (yay). It is nap time 1. I fed Nico until he was almost asleep and then I put him in his crib. He's been crying for 10 minutes. I predict a day of hell with my stubborn little guy, but who knows, maybe it will work.
PS. When I'm at yoga I think of the things I meant to reply to some of you!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cvbee: Good luck! I tried to CIO for a nap yesterday and gave in after 5 minutes. Sigh.
grapefruit / 4823 posts
@cvbee: he was so cute with the cat...i was a little nervous at first but the cat he pays attention to is pretty laid back so i wasn't too nervous. also when i was pregnant this cat would lay on my belly the whole pregnancy so i wondered if he sensed something. and it made me think they would be buddies.
@pastemoo: no pictures of him with the cat. i want to get some, but it was too hard yesterday because DH wasn't here to grab the camera. lol
@Coco Bee: how adorable!!!! love the little teeth poking out.
@regberadaisy: yay for rolling over!! G once upon a time rolled over and now he has stopped...he is more interested in trying to sit up so when he's on his back he just does his little crunches.
@winniebee: what a happy little guy! and yay for 1 arm swaddle :o)
so this week at work is employee appreciation week and they have theme days every day. since i work from home i can't participate in most things. it's days/weeks like this that i miss going in to work. yesterday was a real like game of 'clue' so i dressed up G as a 'detective' and sent it to everyone. today is last day at the beach so i'll be getting him dressed in some summer clothes one last time. here he is yesterday as detective:
clementine / 916 posts
@regberadaisy: Glad to hear you had a great time with family and good job M!
@Mrs.M57: That's exactly how I feel and yet early this morning still let her come into bed Much easier said than done.
@winniebee: That's a great sign that he's waking so happy and able to fall back asleep on his own. When my LO has an early waking where she's up a little then goes back down she just grunts and moans T is so cute, I absolutely love little boys clothes, wee little men!
@cvbee: My husband has been expressing interest in CIO too, so am I he just has a stronger resolve than I do.
A went down the easiest she has in weeks last night. Down at 7:20 or so, moaning/grunting in her crib and asleep by 7:30. She woke up just before midnight, I fed her then she slept until a little after 1 and woke up crying. We tried to let her CIO b/c it obviously wasn't a food issue, but I caved and got her down about 1:45 but then she slept again until 5am. That's a big deal for her... 3-4am is usually her worst for frequent wakings. She was up at 7, I put her on the boob and we slept until just after 8am.
I'm attempting to let her cry a little more for this morning's nap too. I don't have her swaddled at all though so I'm going in to soothe her every now and then. Poor baby
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: Thanks. I am fully ready for CIO and I feel like you either have to do it or not do it....doing it halfway in my opinion is cruel because it is confusing to the child and may make him cry more, as sometimes the cries are responded to (when we give up). I have done a few naps CIO instead of nurse to sleep so I know I can handle it. The night-time may be more tricky for me, but I am ready. It reminds me of the psychology of gambling addictions; saw a documentary about this in how when we are intermittently rewarded we start to anticipate that reward and will continue a behavior for a long time to get that reward. They showed how monkeys or some other animal ended up spending lots and lots of time doing something that rarely rewarded them because they were so sure that the reward was coming. Anyway, that's why now that I've committed to CIO, I've decided that I'm in all the way. Plus, since yesterday he turned 5 months old, and the Healthy Sleep book instructs CIO for months five to twelve, I also feel like the science is there. I am, however, glad that I did nurse to sleep throughout month 4, because I really didn't understand his nap cues and needs until recently and I didn't want him to be doing CIO at times that are not actually biologically nap times for him. Phew.
Now I get to do responses!!!
First of all, @sarbear: omg, detective baby is soooo cute. You have to get that printed out and frame it. I love how it was your way of participating in the work spirit day---so funny!
@winniebee: Thanks for the good luck. It's funny how the Healthy Sleep book even says that if you find the chapter on CIO distasteful at 4 months, that's fine, as you might return to it later. I totally did find it offensive at 4 months when I read it first, and here I am, now, reading that chapter as I go for it. So my advice to you is to take your time, as your little peanut is only just 4 months yesterday! He is looking absolutely adorable by the way. The sunglass shirt is my fave....we had that in white in the 0-3 month clothes and it was one of the reasons I resisted packing up that set of clothes for so long! Yay for your Jelly Jams fun and all the people googling at your littlest musician. I wish our music class wasn't scheduled at 10am, as I am all about protecting the morning nap, as you know.
@Mrs.M57: and @LAGS: reading your posts about sleep this morning gave me the courage to start CIO today. Remember, my guy is 5 months old now, so I'm not saying anyone else should be trying CIO but it is right for us now and your words this morning helped me.
@Coco Bee: You with your older baby successfully sleep-trained also gave me the courage today.
@pastemoo: yay for Christmas sales....I wonder if my guy will stay small enough for me to at least make it to Black Friday/Cyber Monday for the car seat. I have decided that I will at least buy some more Bum Genius diapers during the holiday sales anyways.
Oh! Time is up. Nico is waking up from his CIO morning nap....earlier than usual, and he's crying instead of babbling....normally I leave him. hmmmmm it has been almost an hour so I think I'm going to get him up. Bye for now!
Edit: he did go back to sleep for a longer nap, which is typical for morning nap for him....phew
clementine / 916 posts
@sarbear: haha soo cute! I had to show my husband that picture. I've never seen baby aviators!
@cvbee: Good luck with your CIO. I think I'm sort of where you were at 4 months. I'm just not ready to do it 100%, but want to stop coddling her too... I have been going in to soothe her with just moaning and grunting or light fussing. I'm not ready to leave her for real cries yet. I agree with you though about the confusion thing, so once I feel she's old enough if we're struggling I think its all or nothing.
DH and I put our heads together this morning and have our new plan of attack. I'd been going back and forth on the CIO, swaddling and pacifier issues because I want her to truly be able to sleep all on her own. We've decided we're going to put her down with just her arms wrapped in her swaddle blanket, so she can easily break out if she rolled or something, yet it controls her arms while she goes down. We're also going to let her keep her paci for the time being too. For now we're focusing on not responding to fusses, grunts, moans or chatter, but if she really cries I'm going to soothe her.
Once she's consistently able to put herself to sleep we'll address the wrapped arms and paci. I just feel a cold turkey approach for all three props is a little much for her at this point.
We did this for her morning nap and so far so good. I put her down about 9:15 not swaddled and even though she was so sleepy she kept hitting herself and getting upset so this is when I decided the no swaddle and paci was too much. I wrapped her and gave her the paci and she was asleep within 5 minutes around 9:45 or so. Now at 10:45 she's still down and I haven't been in her room for an hour. Doesn't sound like much but she hasn't napped for over 30mins in a week with the exception of the day of her shots.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@winniebee: Yay for enjoying the jelly jams. I'm going to my library's story time tomorrow with my IRL may mama. I can't believe I went this long so cooped up and introverted!
T just gets cuter!
@cvbee: YAY yoga! I need to go to the gym but won't be going till tomorrow.
I am starting to think he won't make it to black Friday before he outgrows this carseat... but he probably will. BF babies grow fast in month 0-3 and slower 3-12.... so maybe he is slowing down?
I'm working on the screaming wake-ups, too. AND trying to do them without the paci whenever possible (like what @LAGS said) but sometimes I give up and give him the paci.
He's still sleeping a good 10 hours at night. 3-4 wakeups, I really don't mind the wakeups except that last (final) one is always only 45min-1 hour and I'm always so groggy! I was dumb and stayed up late to wait for DH to come home so I'm tired today but in general I am much better rested than before (WIN!).
@sarbear: How cute is G as a detective?
Sorry you're missing the fun parts of work. Do you work 100% of your time from home? Or one day in office?
@LAGS: Yay naps!
grapefruit / 4278 posts
I can't possibly keep up with all you ladies, but I pop over every now and then to see how everyone is doing.
Regarding all the CIO talk, we just started doing CIO with E at night last night, he turns 4 months tomorrow. Since 3 months his sleep has gotten progressively worse until the point where he was up nearly every hour and it was taking a good 45 minutes to get him to go back down. Even nursing him to sleep wasn't reliable. He was dead tired all day and we couldn't enjoy our time together in the evenings because he was just so over tired. Plus, I couldn't work and only get 3-4 hours of interrupted sleep in a night. If I wasn't working and could focus more on his sleep habits, maybe we could have gone a different way (cue mommy guilt) but after talking to his pediatrician we felt this was a good route for us.
We decided on a progressive waiting approach and went in to soothe him after 3 min, then 5, then 10. It took him an hour to fall asleep, but he would settle down every time I went in to check on him and sing to him for a minute. So, so hard to see him look up at me and sniffle. But it made a difference! He was waking up every 2-3 hours still, but settled after the 3minute check every time. A huge improvement over the hours in the rocking chair. I still fed him once last night as I don't think he should give up those calories yet, but he went right back to sleep after nursing too.
It's obviously super early to sing the CIO praises, but I'm cautiously optimistic that this is the beginning of our sleep solution.
I never wanted to do CIO, and at 8 weeks when he started sleeping in 7 hour stretches I thought I was so lucky I wouldn't have to sleep train, HA!
grapefruit / 4823 posts
@cvbee: we have these frames that look like polaroids that are square so instagram photos fit perfectly in them! we rotate them out and you better believe this will be one of them haha
@LAGS: when my husband saw the aviators at the store he picked them up and threw them in the cart and was like 'he NEEDS these!' it was so cute and so unnecessary because he wont keep them on his face
@pastemoo: i work from home 3 days a week. i could have gone in the office all this week, but then i would have had to found babysitters...not worth it. i'll just participate from home the days i'm here
here he is relaxing for the last day at the beach
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@winniebee: ohmygah he is so cute!! I have that sunglasses tee in white for next summer
@cvbee: Tampon trick? I missed something lol
@sarbear: Hahaha aww love it! He is so cute..
@cvbee: Eeek how nerve wracking!! But good- I'm excited forbyou and really hope that it works. It takes a lot of patience; it took us a few weeks for him to go to sleep easily and sometimes he still fusses/cries when I put him down but it's generally only a few minutes and because he's tired.
I do agree you have to be all in or not at all! I do think result would have come faster if we'd been more consistent but I really didn't want any regrets and followed my guy more than the book. I am happy with the way we did it even tho it took longer. I never let him cry more than 40 minutes, and often he hit his head on the crib so I always went in to soothe him.
Last night we had an odd night of sleep. He went to bed at 7, but was crying hysterically a 830 and DH had to soothe him. Then he woke up again at 1030 and I nursed him, then again at 1:55am and I nursed him til 2:25, but he was awake again at 4, so I told DH to deal with it. Well he was rocking, bouncing, walking him for an hour and Cobi screamed the whole time. I finally gave in and nursed him again and he was back asleep on his bed around 5, then he slept til 8:15. It was crazy!!!
Hopefully that was just a weird fluke night. Haven't had a night that bad since before sleep training.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@kiddosc: aww I know it's do sad!! You're lucky he calms down when you go in, my lo just cried harder and got really mad/hurt
apricot / 457 posts
@cvbee: good luck with CIO! I try to make it over 5 minutes but it never seems to help - I always cave and/or he continues crying to the point of screaming and choking. Also with the Ergo, we got the chewing covers right away because Owen just loves to chew on everything and I'm always covered in his drool. The chew covers just help absorb the spit and are softer for him to gum on.
Owen is just over 16 weeks old. I know he looks a lot older because he's pretty long but he was born in late May. His hair IS really fluffy - it's super soft and just floats around right after it dries. It's so adorable. My husband loves to blow on it to watch it move and he calls himself the Daddy Blowdryer.
@Coco Bee: I wish I had your crafty talent - then I could claim to have made his chevron blanket. But I bought it online at Carousel Designs. Maybe one day I'll learn to sew because they also sell the fabrics to you so you can coordinate to make other items.
Also, how old is your baby? My baby just started to hold his head up consistently - he's so not even close to lifting his body up! Also, how has it been with the teething? Is your LO really fussy and how is it during feedings? Does it hurt consistently or just sharp bites now and then?
P.S. He's so cute! His eyes are so blue - talk about a Gerber baby!
@Mrs. M57: I would rather have the uninterrupted sleep for 5 hours also. I wouldn't worry about her having to cosleep with you right now. They're only babies for so long and it's just a sign that your presence comforts her. You'll both be better rested and happier.
@PasteMoo: Now that you mention it, you are EXACTLY right. I do feel like I missed out a little on the newborn phase. It feels like he went straight from 8 lbs to 12 lbs in 2 weeks. It never felt like he was that small and delicate so I think I was a little bit more easy going when taking care of him because he always just felt so sturdy. But the rolls and chubs just make his giggles and smiles all the cuter and just so huggable!
@regerberadaisy: yay for rolling over! double yay for sleeping until morning! it's little things like that just makes all the bad moments forgotten. I like to facetime with my family so that they can see Owen - he gets a kick seeing the screen and it helps everyone keep up with him. How far away is your family again?
@winniebee: Your baby is so cute - I love his little hair fuzz. It looks so soft - I just want to pet it (without making your baby seem like an animal ). I also love his camo pants!
That is a playpen but it's at the drop in daycare we used for a few days. It does have pictures of asian babies on the side It's wonderful that you were able to take the extended maternity leave - it's personally really hard for me to leave in the mornings. At the beginning he was awake when I left so I could give him a million kisses and hugs but the past week he's been asleep so I just stare at him forever until my mom pushes me out the door to go to work.
Owen went through a phase also where he HAD to be swaddled or he wouldn't sleep and we did it for naps and night time. Then he started breaking out and we slowly weaned him based on how fussy he was being. For times when he was calmer or seemed to be really tired, we tried to not swaddle him. If he woke up quickly we would then swaddle but now he's gotten to the point of not needing it. But we'll see how it goes when he hits the 4 month sleep regression...blah.
@sarbear: holy cuteness-moly! so adorbs! Where did you get the baby aviators?
My husband modified his work schedule to work 4 days a week and have the 5th day off to work on our home renovation so for the last 2 weeks, Owen's been pretty much asleep every time he gets home. Now the only time during the week he can see him awake is in the morning after Owen wakes up at 5:30. After feeding, I'll bring him to bed and the two of them will play together while I try to sleep for another hour or two. It's so cute to see the two of them interact all cute in their pjs and it's cozy in bed. I love family moments - even if I'm only half conscious.
On a side note, demolition has begun which is crucial because we have to be out of our current apartment by Oct 12th. We are completely gutting the kitchen and bathroom so it'll be a lot of work that needs to be done quickly. As long as the bathroom is done by the time we move in, I'll be fine if the kitchen isn't ready yet. But I foresee a lot of stress in the upcoming weeks.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@lisa1783: wow to you and all the others who are tackling both having a new baby AND home renovations. I bow down to all of you. Our house needs more work to be finished (such as all the trim, backsplashes and redoing some of the bathroom stuff, but we've been pretty much out of money for the past two years so that stuff is 'fluffy' enough to not get done.
@Coco Bee: re the tampon, well, I have this unfortunate side-effect from delivery where I was, um, getting air sucked in there when I did inverted yoga poses, and then when I came to upright poses after that it, um, made a sound. Soooo humiliating. And the first class that I went to it was a quiet class and it was quite obvious. I was mortified, but googled a way to just put in a tampon for yoga and it stopped the issue. Google also said the issue would stop when my kegal muscles got strong again. So last night, since it had been a while since I went to yoga I actually forgot my tampon. I got all stressed out in the beginning but it ended up okay for two reasons: 1) she was playing the music loudly and 2) it didn't happen for all the inverted poses, just the one it ALMOST happened so I just refused to put my leg up for that one. Phew. And for you and all the other 'new joiners' I have one more TMI 'down there' issue and that is blood sometimes when I poop. Now there you go. All my embarrassing things all recapped for y'all.
@Coco Bee: Hope Cobi sleeps better tonight. That's got to be hard after sleep training if the wakeups happen again then you have to wonder what it is...teeth? sick? wonder week? And we're supposed to go back to BFing them and soothing when that happens, right? And then sleep train again? sigh.
CIO report: nap 2 took him 20 minutes to fall asleep again, but this time he only did 5 minutes of crying and then 15 minutes of babbling and other adorable baby noises, which were much nicer to listen to. I make sure I line myself up with something to do for each CIO session. This time it was making cabbage rolls. Yum!
@kiddosc: Hey Sleep Training Sister! If it eases your Mommy guilt any more, I have been 100 percent here and obsessed with doing 'everything right' to avoid sleep training, and I still have to do it. Progressive waiting doesnt work for me, as my guy just gets more and more upset if I show up and don't help, so it seems easier on him if I just make sure all his needs are met before I leave and then never come back.
@lisa1783: blowing baby hair! awe. Nico used to have more hair and I used to call it his downy fluff, and I do have fond memories of it blowing in the wind.
@pastemoo: yes, I''m hoping for the weight slow-down for carseat's sake! Hey, one of the things I was thinking about at yoga was how super cool it is that you go to LLL meetings. What is that like? How many people go? What do you talk about?
Oh! Nap two is over. We'll be heading into town for our chores now, and showing off the baby, as usual.
Hope you're all having a great is soooooo cold here!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
I am happy to report we had a sleep stretch of almost 5 hours last night. Longest we have had in a month! We put him down in the sleep sack with his paci buddy and mitts on his hands, after bath, story, nursing. He was awake when we put him down, but fell asleep quickly. I did a dream feed (which normally doesn't work) 2 hours later when we went to bed. Unfortunately I got hit by insomnia so I didn't get the sleep. He also did a 3 hour stretch in the crib and a 2 hour stretch in bed with me. He was fighting his nap just now though, so I had to swaddle his arms. I am really trying to get him out of the swaddle, because he can roll with his arms restrained. Tummy sleeping works occasionally, but not enough to rely on it. Sawyer is 5 months next week, so I am thinking he might be coming out of that damn 4 month sleep regression now though.
@cvbee: Good luck with CIO. Me and DH talked about it in the height of the sleep regression (when he was waking every 30-45 minutes), but we both decided that we would rather co-bed than CIO for now. I think DH likes seeing Sawyer snuggled up with me. He thinks it is adorable that "Mommy is Sawyer's favourite soother"
@Coco Bee: I have come to the conclusion that these babies always like to throw the odd wrench in things. Gotta keep the parents on their toes you know!
@sarbear: Great pictures and theme outfits! I love the baby aviators!
@LAGS: We are weaning our sleep props as well, we try to put him down without the swaddle, give it 10-15 minutes and if he is fighting sleep we wrap just his arms. He now has a paci buddy with his soother, so he is going to keep that, and when I start leaving his paci out, I will leave the buddy as a lovey.
@winniebee: I am not cut out for CIO either. I would give in after about 5 seconds I think. I let him fuss forever, but as soon as he actually cries I rescue him. Your music class sounds like fun. I might sign up for one after Sawyer is sitting up.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@cvbee: I just went to my first one last week and might go to another tonight. It's just a bunch of moms sitting in a circle and we say Hi, I'm Paste, and this is Gabriel and he is 3.5 months. I love breastfeeding because it is so much faster than bottle feeding. I have a question about how breastfeeding changes with teething.
And then everyone goes, and the leader starts the discussion with questions from those with the youngest LOs (the pregnant mamas), so most people can help answer it.
It's pretty cool. I sort-of figured out how to nurse in my ergocarrier and learned that it is possible to make breast milk soap (for what?)
@kiddosc: I hope it works and you can finally get some sleep. Sleep is like gold in this house!
@Coco Bee: Crazy night! Gabriel has nights like that about once a week. Otherwise I think I have him on a decent schedule. YAY!!
@lisa1783: I hope the remodel comes quick! It's rough not seeing DH. I miss my husband because he works late and I hardly see him even though I am pretty much home 24/7ish.
I can't imagine also dealing with a remodel.
So.... did I mention we might move in with my MIL for a while?
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@cvbee: oh I know... CIO during naps or bedtime is totally different than CIO in the middle of the night. But he cried the entire time in DH's arms, is there a difference?!
I was thinking of night weaning him come 9 moths and after last night it will be soooo hard. I thought I could BBQ DH soothe him back to sleep (if I get him up he demands milk, like pulling my shirt until I give it to him). Well last night he fought sleep until he got milk don't tell me we'll have to do CIO for night weaning too. Bahhh don't even wanna think about it!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@pastemoo: is the move a good thing or a bad thing?
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@regberadaisy: Well. DH is getting out of the military in January and plan is to go to school in August.... not where we live now. The military will only move us back to his home of record and then it's up to us. So... we either have to guess and move somewhere we *might* get into school and then maybe have to move again... or just move twice but stay with MIL. It's kind of a terrifying thought to move so far 2x in a year. (VA to OH to who knows) I don't have any friends there and DH has some so it'll be a big adjustment for me.
Also... work just called and I may go back to work (briefly until we move). Oh my goodness.
grapefruit / 4823 posts
@Coco Bee: @MsMini: @lisa1783: thanks! :o) we got them from babies r us.
clementine / 959 posts
For all of you starting or looking to start CIO I just wanted to let you know how it's been going for us since we started a week ago. So the first night, he cried for an hour and it was miserable. We checked on him and rubbed his belly every 3,3,5,5,10,10,20 minutes. The next day, he only fussed a few minutes at nap times then for about 10 minutes at bedtime the next two nights. Let, me tell you, his sleep is so much better. He goes to bed around 8pm with minimal rocking (and just a few minutes of fussing, sometimes even just falls right to sleep) and wakes up around 4am to eat, then between 7 and 9am for the day. His naps immediately went from 30 to 45 minutes, but for the last 4 days I've gotten one 2-3 hour nap out of him every day. Before CIO I was at a point where I didn't think I could handle having another kid, but now life is soooo much better and I'm all for having more! I hope that is some encouragement for all of you. Obviously CIO is not for everyone, but I just wanted to share my experience.
I also read this article about a study that said CIO has no damaging effects on children, and actually makes everybody happier in the end:
clementine / 878 posts
@pastemoo: Yikes! That sounds so stressful! And the timing of getting out of the military doesn't help because it's not like you could apply to enroll for the spring semester. Have you guys narrowed down where you're looking at school? I'm guessing one of the focus areas is pretty specialized and that's why you're not sure where you'll end up . . . but, Madison WI is pretty awesome. Just sayin'
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@duckduckkristen: you're the second person on here that said the first night had to be one hour. YIKES.
Do you put him down drowsy?
clementine / 959 posts
@regberadaisy: I've never hear anyone say it takes more than an hour if that helps. Lol. The first 4 or 5 days I bounced him until he was yawning and closed his eyes for a bit, then put him down and he'd wake up, cry a bit, then go to sleep. Now I can just bounce him for a minute and put him down as I shh him and he just fusses for a couple minutes. I don't have to wait until he closes his eyes anymore. Sometimes he actually fusses when I bounce him. if he does that I just put him down and he goes to sleep in a few minutes.
clementine / 916 posts
@kiddosc: hah I was a little cocky bout LO's sleep in her first weeks too. It's almost like she's making us pay for how easy we had it. Good luck with night 2 of sleep training!
@sarbear: Well that one pic alone makes them totally worth while. So cute!
@Coco Bee: Poor fella, I hope he has a better night tonight.
@lisa1783: My LO has the fluff hair too. Where her swirl is on the back of her head is usually standing straight on end, although I've been combing it a different way lately and its been somewhat cooperating now. Good luck with the demo! We had a similar crunch and had to get our bathroom redone before moving in. We got the toilet installed the night we moved in and had a working tub and sink... showers came a few days after haha Such fun!
@MsMini: That's great S had some better stretches. Do the paci buddies help them keep the paci in a little better?
@pastemoo: Sorry there's so much up in the air for you guys Do you get along well with your ILs?
@duckduckkristen: Thank you so much for posting that article. Some form of CIO makes sense and I agree with it... then stumble upon some anti-cio article and feel like a monster. This helps ease the Mommy guilt!
I've been letting A fuss/grunt it out today and going in to replace her paci or rub her tummy if crying and I've gotten 3 hour+ naps and she's currently down for a 4th (which I assume will be a quickie just to get her to bedtime)... WOOT! And aside from nap #1, she has gone down with minimal fussing and the fussing she's done has just been paci related. I've noticed today too that her awake time is better at 1.25hrs. Thinking because she's been so overtired... maybe this will stretch back out to 90+mins again once we get her some better sleep.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@LAGS: Wow, way to go!
@pastemoo: Woah, craziness! How do you feel about living with your MIL?
@sarbear: Love this pic : )
@MsMini: Great news about last night's sleep! It always works that way when you get a good stretch, right? The longest stretches for us were when I was at my mom's and had one too many cocktails and on vacation when we were up late and missed several hours of his stretch. The other night when he did almost 6 a skunk sprayed outside our window and woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep! My husband is in favor of CIO but perhaps not quite yet. I don't think any of us are ready yet, but if the nap situation doesn't improve soon, I don't think we will have a choice.
@kiddosc: @duckduckkristen: Thanks so much for posting about CIO. Once T is swaddle free I think we may need to go this route not so much for night sleep (which isn't good...) but more for naps. 30 minute naps are unacceptable and swing naps are no bueno at this point. I think I need my husband at home to do CIO, though, and like you all note, we need to be consistent.
So much posting hard to keep up (sound like a broken record)! I figured out that T likes to sleep on his side (it's the only way he would nap in his crib today) so I need to ditch the swaddle altogether tonight (no one arm out). God help us all! Today got 2.5 hr swing nap, 30 minute crib nap, 30 minute stroller nap. Not great, but we'll keep working on it.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Goldilocks1107: I already applied and am just waiting. DH has yet to apply--medical school asks for applications much sooner than undergraduate schools. I may not get in anywhere though--my background is non traditional.
@duckduckkristen: Thanks for the article!
@LAGS: I am lucky and I love my FIL and my MIL. They are divorced though. And.... my BIL and his wife (My SIL-IL?) and their son (my 9 month old nephew!) live with FIL. So it would be kind of hilarious.... They live 30 min apart in a small town (well not small but a town, not a city). And I wouldn't know anyone but my family (in laws). I have (of course) had my moments with my MIL because we are very different but she is wonderful. I just don't know if I can share a shower with her for 6 months! (She has 1.5 bath)
clementine / 916 posts
@Goldilocks1107: I just saw on the Sept deals thread that CVS had ready made enfamil @ 50% off... I'm not sure how inflated their prices are to begin with, but sounds like a good deal?
oh and she's up... time's up!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
I'm so behind and I'm not sure I can catch up. But please include me if you decide to move to a FB group.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@regberadaisy: Oh yay for the roll. Sienna still hasn't rolled yet. Man I wish I was in TO to meet up! oh well.
Sleep has been hell! As per my latest post, Sienna has been chatting it up at 10, 12, 2, 4 ... wakeful period... I hate you.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@duckduckkristen: honestly what I've learned when it comes to issues like this - no amount of studies/science will persuade parents one way or another - it all comes down to doing what is best for the whole family.
I feel like so many studies are done simply to say what someone wants them to say. I've read many books about the harms of CIO and articles like the one you posted about there being no lasting effects... it's all contradicting. When it comes to that point - I trow out all the "professionals" and follow my motherly instincts
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