Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Baby Thread!!

  1. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: so happy for you and Willa! Boo clocks! Yay happy babies!

  2. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @cvbee: iI just figured that 100 years ago moms probably didn't obsess over sleep because they didn't have tons of baby sleep books or internet message boards. They probably just knew that their baby would be pretty dependent on them for the first year of their life and went with the flow! I am trying to do that. (Not saying this is the best way to go for everyone, but it suits us for now) even though W's naps are only 30 to 45 minutes, she still seems very happy and non-sleep deprived. She is ahead on all her milestones, so obviously lack of sleep isn't affecting her....so I am just wingin' it!!!

  3. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @calsmom: Thanks, I did! Lotsa shopping and DH tidied up the house and made lunch. He's working his way out of the dog house quite quickly! Cooper is so long!

    @winniebee: Yes, its definitely true. Even though there's days where you want to pull your hair out, they'll do something cute or funny and it erases it all!

    @lisa1783: As long as the baby sleeps is right! But I do feel like a new person today, the day's outlook is much brighter! I saw the Nuk version of those feeder things today and alllmost got them. I'm thinking I might when LO is up for a little more texture. My biggest nighttime obstacle is LO wanting to comfort nurse too. If its been 3 hrs I'll feed her but there's not way for those 1.5 or two hour wake ups she needs anything.

    @Goldilocks1107: Yes exactly, I had lots of fun at TJ Maxx and definitely took my time. I came home to a clean house and lunch ready though so I think he got the message. Have fun bra shopping, I need to do the same... all my underwires have been rebelling lately and jabbing me Not a good sign.

    @Mrsdaredevil: Good job! I think you're totally right. Sometimes we just need to trust our Mommy instincts. Every baby is so different and we know our LOs better than books and the internet!

    @Cvbee: I know I couldn't believe it. I dunno if it was the first time she's done it, but its the first I'd noticed. She was having some naked/air time on a towel and up she went. She was down again as quick as she was up though. That's really nice for your Dad. I think everyone needs a little companionship so that's great he's found someone to make him happy! Your BLW feeding is so cool, the thought of a LO eating a spear of broccoli is hilarious!

  4. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Good for you! I think it's a great approach. I'm trying to be more laid back about it....

    @LAGS: GREAT. Hope you got some steals. And bonus points for lunch.

    T was not napping this morning so we went to Target and Old Navy (he did nap 30 mins in Target...) Old Navy has some really cute stuff right now - got him a little pair of baby chuck taylors and some very boyish tops (waffle shirt with long sleeve onesie under...plaid shirt) as well as a pair of jean overalls. We have a 6 month pair from Carters, but those won't fit for...awhile.

  5. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    So, this morning was the first morning that Sawyer didn't wake up crying or clawing at himself in weeks! I am so so happy. Last night we did a cool oatmeal soak and wash with Aveeno baby wash and massage with eczema cream, and I think that helped. His sleep was a bit better as well, 4 hours, 3 hours and 3 hours! I think we will try leaving his arms out with a mitten sleeper tonight and see how that goes. He slept SOOO much better with his arms out before the eczema became an issue.

    Regarding the eczema indicating food intolerance, I am aware of the link, and I have talked to our doctor about it, but he thinks that it is more likely a genetic issue. I have issues with eczema, and have since I was a kid, mostly due to weather changes, and excess heat. I am hoping that his issues clear up a but in the fall/winter. I also react strongly to detergents/fabric softeners, so I am obviously very cautious with Sawyer. Unfortunately the treatments I use on myself aren't safe for kids/babies.

    My goofy kid is so excited that he can roll both directions, he despised tummy time for so long, but now when I put him on his back he rolls to his belly right away. He sometimes gets mad because his arm gets stuck under him, but I am letting him fuss and struggle to free it, because he will learn better by doing it himself.

    In light of this new movement, me and DH are thinking about baby gates. We just need one, and unfortunately it will have to go right in the main area of our house, and they are UGLY so we are considering building our own and staining it to match our wood work. This site is our inspiration (http://blueantstudio.blogspot.ca/2006/08/homebrew-baby-safety-gate.html).

    @Goldilocks1107: Thank you so much for offering, I will probably take you up on it (I can pp you for the shipping, because it is probably a lot cheaper than the buying the aveeno stuff). We had a good night/morning, so I am hopeful! I hope your upped dosage helps. I have been feeling a bit of anxiety lately, which is totally unlike me, and I have a new appreciation of you ladies who have been struggling with it.

    @LAGS: 5 hours sleep would be glorious right about now!

    @calsmom: I live in a small city, so there are no pediatric dermatologists here, it would be about a 3 hour drive (to my home town), if we can't get a handle on it soon I might ask for a referral.

    @lisa1783: Yeah, we tried aquaphor at the beginning, one of the many things I have tried (LOL). I think the Aveeno stuff might be helping finally.

    @Mrsdaredevil: Your new approach seems to be working great! I hope you continue to have success. I always try to co more off of cues than the clock, because it seems assinine to me that all babies cycles/internal clocks are the same, because all adults certainly vary!

    @cvbee: That is great that your parents are getting out there! My parents are one of the few in my social group that are still together, and those whose parents have moved on always seem so much happier than those who are alone (and therefore are much less needy to their kids/my friends).

    @winniebee: I love Old Navy's boy stuff, I just bought him a cute little sweater from there, I can't wait for it to get a little cooler for it to be useful.

  6. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @LAGS: I had a mega-typo regarding his height....it's more like 25 and 3/4....not 28! ha!

  7. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Oh, I just realized I have pics to share!

    Here is Sawyer admiring his new fish:

    These aren't the usual high quality pictures of Sawyer, because I took them with my iPhone, although DH is planning a fish tank/baby photo shoot this weekend.

  8. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @msmini: SO cute with his new fishies! I love that you will be building a gate. We may do that if you end up liking it.
    I'm glad he is less itchy--what a relief! I hope it keeps improving.

    @Mrsdaredevil: I always try to think of the 100 years ago thing when I am struggling, too.

    @LAGS: Yay for shopping!

    @winniebee: Yay for shopping!

    I went shopping, too. I even started a thread about it.

    AND... I met a May Mama in real life! We met at La Leche League and then walked and went out for lunch. AND I invited her to my HB DC meetup at the Smithsonian (if that gets going....). Her LO is EXACTLY like G! Same size, same totally different milestones than you ladies--no rolling, no sitting, but LOVES standing. And we stood them up facing each other and they smiled like they do when they look in the mirror. ADORABLE. SO ADORABLE!
    Grandma got me an ergobaby carrier (I picked it up 2 days ago) and I am LOVING it. At the La Leche League I started learning to nurse in it. I'm not there yet but am excited--it will really help me be more willing to venture out of the house (and be less lonely!)

    Gabriel update
    -4 months next week
    -was 16+lbs, 25 3/4in at 3 months... will update that next Friday.
    -does not roll
    -does baby crunches
    -loves to stand (he needs major help up though)
    -does not sit without being completely held in place
    -hates tummy time only after the first 2 minutes (yay!)
    -is finally sleeping well (but I know the sleep regression may come)
    -loves his teether toy as much as his paci (if not more) and I think he will have a tooth very very soon

  9. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: my therapist gave me "the pregnancy and post partum anxiety workbook" and it's very helpful. I think you can get it on amazon for $14.

    Um, so, my usually 45 minute napper just slept for 5 hours this afternoon! I'm almost concerned. Better go feed him since he hasn't eaten for so long!

  10. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @duckduckkristen: HOLY CRAP.

    @LAGS: I think I had your yesterday day, today. Thank god dad is home and doing bedtime...

  11. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @winniebee: how was your ladies night?!

    I just got back from mine and it was awesome. Found out one of my friends is pregnant!! That makes FOUR ladies in my group of friends - it's soo exciting!

    I had DH take a picture of me before I left, firstly because I kinda dressed up and that never happens, and secondly because I am back to my pre-baby weight!!! Woot woot

  12. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @duckduckkristen: oh my freakin lanta - for real!??! what the heck. did he sleep tonight?!

  13. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @MsMini: OMG soooo cute. DH just said last week he wants to buy DS a fish lol!!

    Oh and I love the baby gate idea!! We had a wooden baby gate and I don't think it's ugly. I don't like the plastic ones though.

  14. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: So cute...love it!

    @cocobee: You look fabulous! My dinner out was great and much needed : ) I was very excited to be wearing pre-preg clothes to dinner! My two friends are preg with #2 - crazy!

    @pastemoo: I'm glad you found a real life May mama to hang with!

  15. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Wow! My LO always sleeps best the nights after he naps really well. I hope it worked out that way for you, too.
    @Coco Bee: You look amazing!
    @winniebee: I hope today is better than yesterday!
    I am sitting around while DH sleeps in (I've been up for 5 hours). G is not super fussy today (I did have to bring him outside when the 2 firetrucks and ambulance came again, the 3rd morning in a row). I am alternating playing with him and trying to relearn to crochet. I really want to make an owl but I think I may be stuck with washcloths for a while...
    @winniebee: How old are their #1s? The idea of #2 scares me right now. Congrats on the prepreg clothes!
    I feel very ... funny looking in my prepreg clothes. I feel like they make me look too young even though they were fine last year. Even when I fit them again (almost there...) I am not sure I will be able to avoid a shopping trip.

  16. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Coco Bee: omg you look great. you have such nice legs. I have THUNDER THIGHS!!!

  17. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: aww thanks... haha I think I do too!! lol guess you can't see in the dress. But the thighs and hips of my old jeans still don't quite fit.

  18. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    Just stopping by! My family's here visiting this weekend! M is such a social butterfly! She's only had 2 catnaps today, 15mins at most. But she is so social and happy!

  19. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    @pastemoo: I just got my Ergobaby carrier yesterday and I am completely in love with it also. It makes me wonder how I survived without it. Before if we had short distances that wasn't worth the stroller, we would have to lug our LO in his carseat but since the two of them together weighs about 30 lbs, it was just getting too impossible. It feels so amazing to be able to have him close to me but use both hands - it's like a whole new world has opened up!

    @MsMini: he is soooo adorable. He looks so cuddley - I bet everyone who meets him just gives him a million hugs and kisses.

    @CalsMom: I was wondering about the 28 inches. I was like "WHOA! Super baby!"

    @DuckDuckKristen: I'm wondering how his nighttime sleep went also. My LO had a really long nap in the afternoon yesterday also and it was a struggle getting him to sleep that night. He usually sleeps at 8 with a dream feeding at 11 and sleeps until 5:30 but last night he wouldn't go to bed until 12:30 and woke up at 3:30 and 6. I always struggle with what to do when he has really long afternoon naps - on one hand I love the extra free time and I figure he must need the sleep but then I also wonder if I should be keeping on a regular schedule.

    @CocoBee: I love your outfit! Totally understand about how great it feels to just feel pretty and girly again - not like an exhausted mom.

    Before Owen was born, my husband and I looked into daycare options. However, daycare in Boston is just sooo crazy. There's a Bright Horizons across the street from my workplace that's $2700 a month! That's more than my mortgage and monthly car payment combined! We also looked at a few other options and just thought Owen would be too young for daycare until he was about 6 months and then we would put him in one so we didn't go on any waitlists for the affordable ones.

    Right now my mom is living with us taking care of him. She goes home on the weekends which is about 3 hours away. Of course we definitely appreciate the help she's doing along with the long travel time but it's also stressful with her living with us. She's very old-school Chinese and has her ideas about how to take care of a baby which sometimes clashes with ours. Also she keeps taking over our kitchen and reorganizes it which drives us crazy because we can't find anything.

    Any other moms having family look after their baby now that you're back at work?

  20. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    So after Liam's crazy 5 hour nap, I put him to bed around 8pm and he woke up 3 times before finally going down for the night at 1am, then slept until 8am, so not awful, but I don't think I'll be letting him take any more 5 hour naps!

    After a horribly stressful week, this weekend has been pretty awesome. DH's parents watched Liam while we went to a wedding, and other than only eating 3 oz the whole 7 hours we were gone, it went great. They said he barely cried, and then he slept 12 hours with just one wake up at 4am. And DH and I had a great time at the wedding! then today we went out for dim sum with friends and Liam did great at that too. He just got fussy towards the end because he was tired, but I was able to rock him to sleep. Just when I thought I would never be able to go out again, Liam starts behaving again! Now I'm just hanging out on the deck in this beautiful weather!

    After the wedding, we finally convinced the in-laws (who are 73) to stop working 6 days a week and come here more often. They called us today and said that on Wednesdays they would close their office early and come spend the afternoon watching Liam! I'd much rather have them than a babysitter I barely know watch my baby. DH says we should keep the sitter though, just until we know for sure his parents will make Wednesdays a regular thing.

    My anxiety is also a lot better, so things are looking up!!

    @pastemoo: I feel the same way about my prepreg clothes! Some of them just seem way too young. I guess now that I'm a mom I feel like I shouldn't wear mini skirts or spaghetti straps. Lol.

  21. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @pastemoo: the spacing will be 2 yrs between one friends kids and the other like 20 months. I was the last of my friends to have a baby....

    @lisa1783: Daycare around here is crazy! There is one in WA square where T will be going that is only 475/wk and 100:day if part time. I'm taking an extended mat leave ao he will be going when 5.5 mos.

    We have a roller! (tummy to back). Put him on his belly on his blanket and left the room and my hubs started screaming! I thought something was wrong! He repeated a few mins later sp we got it on film.

    So even though we aren't technically sleep training I've decided to let Tyler cry a bit at night - he is waking 5x a night and I was going to him every time but now am not. I wait until he has been crying for 5 mins. Lo an behold last night 3 of those times he went back to sleep. Also is now in his crib 11 hours instea of 10 which is better. This week I may try a form of CIO for naps as suggested by the healthy sleep book. His naps are just terrible unless he is in his swing so I really want to worn on that.

  22. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @duckduckkristen: I've been wondering the result of that 5 hour nap! Now we can all learn from you.

    @winniebee: You are inspiring me with the 5 minute wait for crying at night. Just might give it a whirl. Oh, and i've been meaning to tell you that I think that 45 minute naps are fine. I noticed that there was a thread about average nap lengths a couple weeks ago and most people noted naps of about 40 minutes (except those with older babies on one nap).

    @lisa1783: yay Ergo babies!!! I use mine many times a day--both for walking distances and just for around the house as an alternative to putting him down somewhere while I cook. (But if I'm dealing with heat I put him down).

    @pastemoo: are you making a 3D owl? (well one day when you get there). What I'm finding even stranger than my pre-pregnancy clothes are the clothes that I bought last year that are not pregnancy clothes but that could be worn as a pregnant lady......mostly long sweaters with leggings. Now when I try to wear them I feel very strange...like maybe it is a frumpy look or something....or like I'm wearing maternity clothes. I think I just need to get used to it. As for the 'too young' clothes, I already mostly eliminated that stuff from my wardrobe because of being a teacher and how I wanted to be viewed in my (small town) community.

    @Coco Bee: yay for your super cute outfit and you looking fabulous! I took a photo of myself on my first 'night out' with the gals too. Unfortunately, that was also my last night out. I have been staying home because Nico is so needy at night time and I was so scarred by two weeks in a row coming home from yoga to a traumatized baby, but I am putting my foot down and going this week. If I say I'm going to do it then I will do it. I'm even going to do the Monday class instead of Thursday to get it over and done with faster while I have my resolve. Nico can suck it up and work things out with Daddy.

    @pastemoo: by meeting a May Mama in real life, you mean someone that's not from this thread, right? At first I thought you meant someone from this thread and I was insanely jealous. I feel like I've been drifting from my real friends lately and although I started making friendships with some local mamas I haven't quite taken the next step to become really close friends. Some days I think to myself that I will make a get-together with a friend, and then the day passes and I don't. Maybe this week I will. Or at least I'll skype with my far-away bestest-friends.

    Weekend went well. I continue to protect the first nap and then let the day go as it will for the rest of the day. Sometimes this makes the 2nd nap short and the 3rd nap long (Saturday) and sometimes this makes a 4 short nap day (today) instead of a 3 nap day. Seems to work itself out.

  23. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, we decided to spend a lazy weekend around the house, we didn't get much done, and it seems that DH is a negative influence on Sawyer's naps. He tries to help me keep him asleep, but I think Sawyer wants to be with DH when he is home, so he doesn't nap as well.

    I have noticed though, that Sawyer likes to snuggle into his play blanket when he is on his belly, so we are trying a nap on his tummy. He settled down for the nap about 10x faster than he has been this weekend (during the week naps are so easy). We will see if he naps for any longer this way. I am nervous about having him on his belly, so I am checking up on him 100 times, even though he is strong and has good rolling skills, so he could roll over if he needed to.

    If this works well, I might be temped to try it at night, if I can get over my nervousness.

    @pastemoo: I think the gate will be on our to-do list either next weekend or the weekend after. We decided to enjoy a lazy weekend this weekend. I have noticed my taste in clothes has changed quite a bit in the last year. Luckily my same sized shopaholic Mom with a penchant for designer labels had a closet purge recently, so I had a low budget (free) closet refresh.

    @Coco Bee: You look great! I love your dress. I am not a fan of plastic or the metal gates out there, especially since the gate will be one of the first things you see when you come in our house.

    @duckduckkristen: It sounds like you had a much needed break this weekend. Also, awesome that Liam behaved himself.

    @winniebee: Yay for rolling! It is fun to watch them get new skills! Sawyer LOVES to roll around now.

  24. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @regberadaisy: Glad she is enjoying all the socializing--sounds fun! And sometimes socializing can be exhausting and help G sleep at night--hopefully it helps M, too.

    @lisa1783: LOL, we gave up on the carseat a month ago--he was either in a sling, the baby bjorn, over the shoulder, or stroller (or carseat in the travel system). You're right the carseat+baby is TOO HEAVY!
    DH is military though, so we are far far away from family. SO... I have not gone back to work. It's also complicated because he gets out in January and then we need JOBS and then we're moving again in August or September next year to whereever we get into school. MIL just offered for us to live in her house (January-August 2013). OMG. We might do it....
    If our daycare was as expensive as yours I would stay home. $2700?!?! Here it is under $1000/month. I am holding out for my old job for the sake of continuity on my resume. Of course as a marine wife, I have almost none anyway.

    Anyone else already looking for a new carseat? Gabriel is topping his out!
    @duckduckkristen: Yay for going out! Sounds like it was a lot of fun and Liam did well, too. WIN!
    Double win--the inlaws will baby sit!
    And the weird thing is... I never realized my clothes were so young. I think they look younger now because I am lazy and don't accessorize and it is too hot to layer. I swear I used to be well dressed and somehow my closet just DOES NOT reflect that!
    @winniebee: He rolled a FEW TIMES! That is AWESOME! And you got it on video. So cool!

    @cvbee: After your photo of Nico sitting (tripod) I tried to see if Gabriel could sit with no diaper--HE CAN! He lasted almost a minute.
    @cvbee: RE the clothes... I WAS a teacher! Actually, the worst of the clothes is stuff I bought while pregnant that seemed like it would be good for nursing--but it was really cheap stuff and so it looks cheap and therefore young. Maybe that's what it is. I could just have no taste while pregnant.
    And yes, a 3-d owl. I am making a hat instead... not a lot of time to do it though.
    The May mama I met is from babycenter, not hellobee. Oh well. She is pretty cool. And her baby is less than a week younger than G and they are both HUGE babies. It's nice to see another huge almost 4 month old. On here I always feel like I have the freak giant baby. (At least he's also cute.)

    @MsMini: Yay closet refresh! And yay for a lazy weekend. We let G sleep on his tummy a few times when he fell asleep playing. We watched him crazy-close. I wouldn't mind him sleeping on his tummy in the crib though--that is why we got the motion monitor.
    Alright... I should really be in bed! Good night mamas.

  25. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Decided to do a pumping session overnight. I should do this more often again for 3 reasons.
    1) clearly when Nico wakes up too much he is not actually hungry so this could cut down on overconsumption.
    2) it forces me to let him CIO a bit...I just fed him to sleep, but now that I am pumping he woke up but I cant get him because I am hooked up to my pump!
    3) my stash is so dwindling

    @pastemoo: I am going to wait til Nico is max weight for the car seat and am hoping that he slows down on growth. He's probably 18 pounds now and carseat is good til I think 22. Would love if we could hold out til Christmas sales.

  26. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: I read that thread, too! The problem is that most of his naps lately are LESS than 40 minutes unless he's in the swing. And sometimes he wakes up from his nap crying which he never used to do (read that crying upon waking from nap = overtired). Yesterday there was one instance where he woke up and was just so upset until I got him back to sleep again (in my arms where he slept for 15 more minutes). Glad your weekend went well! Another added bonus of pumping? DH could feed NICO a bottle overnight? It's much easier for me to ignore some of the night fussing because he is not in our room. His room is right next door and I can hear him without a monitor (which I have been turning off at night to encourage myself to stop listening to the little fusses).

    @msmini: Sometimes weekends of nothing are the best. We had the same, though we did go out once a day. I think DS protests sleep more when DH is around, too. They're the *fun* ones, right? All DH does is play play play with Tyler when home. If he's a good roller might as well try the tummy!

    @pastemoo: Yay for naked sitting! @cvbee inspired me to let T play naked at least once a day - on his Chief Joseph towel blanket, just in case....http://www.pendleton-usa.com/product/Home-Blankets/Bath/BATH-TOWELS/CHIEF-JOSEPH-SPA-TOWEL/168265/sc/1691/c/1827/pc/1816.uts. I'm so happy I got it on film - I'm not sure if I can upload it here.....

    @ducduckkristen: That's an awesome offer from them - I hope it works out and you can get the break you need!

    I think (hope) Tyler might be getting the hang of putting himself to sleep at night. Yesterday was a nap disaster day but was in bed by 7:10. Fussed a little bit (we did not get him) and we heard nothing after 7:30. He was up at 11:00 to eat (DH's shift) and then we didn't hear from him until 4:15 - small amount of fussing, then nothing until 5:15. So at 5:15 I went and got him to feed him and he was totally out of his swaddle and smiling. I changed his diaper, re-swaddled him (under protest) fed him and he fell asleep again around 5:45. Small amount of fussing 20 minutes later but then slept til 7:30. Loud playful noises coming from his room, so I got up, went to the bathroom, got my coffee ready and went to get him...and he was asleep again. So, now it's 8:00 a.m. and he's still sleeping. That's 12.5 hours in the crib - so even with his night wakes, he's gotten at least 11.5 hours of sleep. A few weeks ago, his max was 9.5. So this is progress!

  27. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @MsMini: too adorable!!! i said i wanted to get G a fish...DH look at me like i was crazy!

    @duckduckkristen: oh man a 5 hour nap! we had a 4 hour nap(along with 2 1 hour naps) once...we were so scared he wasn't going to sleep, but he ended up sleeping for 10 hours that night.

    @winniebee: yay for rolling!!!! G was rolling for a little bit, but now he's stopped and is more interested in doing his little crunches to try and sit up.

    @pastemoo: haha in real life i always feel like G is huge! everyone always says 'how old is he?' when i say 4 months they are like '4 months! OMG, i thought he was at least 6 months" makes me feel great about my giant baby haha

    @winniebee: yay for progress! :o)

    We think we figured out what the whole sleep issue was with G...we started him on the cereal and i gave him it with his last bottle those 2 nights and we think it upset his tummy because i haven't given it to him since and he's slept really good for us. G reached for the cat today(thankfully the friendlier of the 2) and has been getting really excited when he sees him. it was like if he could have, he would have crawled over there to get him. he put his hand on the cat and was smiling. it was really cute.

  28. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @MsMini: I think I also saw a coupon on Target.com for the eczema lotion (I'll double-check!) - coupon stacking is the best

    Stats from Audrey's 4 month check-up:
    - 13 lbs, 12 ounces
    - 26.75 inches long
    - 50 percentile for weight, 40 percentile for head circumference and off the charts for height. I think she qualifies in the 99.99999 percentile for that one!
    - We can start rice cereal on Wednesday to see if she is developmentally ready for solids. If that goes well, I'll start whipping out the purees!
    - Shots were painful for everyone. She got her 4 month shots and the nurse cornered DH and I to get our flu shots. So everyone had a painful limb all weekend. Which also made me more sympathetic to her - I mean, if my arm hurt like an SOB, I can only imagine how her legs must have felt after being stabbed 3 times!

    As for me, I'm on my new 40mg dosage. I'm hoping this is the magic amount. I also found 4 bras on sale this weekend (yay!) that seem to fit AND are comfortable AND don't look like my grandma's bras.

    Today is also mine and DH's 2-year wedding anniversary. I told Audrey today is also a very important day for her, because if we hadn't gotten married 2 years ago, she wouldn't be here today!

  29. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Happy 2 years! Sounds like things are coming along really well---glad for you. Flu shots already? wow. I'm up in Canada and we won't get flu shots in here for a while yet, to the best of my knowledge. Love that Audrey is so tall like you!

    @sarbear: awe! I love baby-cat interactions. I have a very unfriendly cat, so I keep a close eye on the interactions. But when we go to my Mom's house, Nico gets to have all the cat he wants. Her cat was the runt of the litter and my Mom used to also have that cat's brother, who beat the runt-sister up all day long (sad, yes, but she didn't seem to really mind), so she is super duper submissive and lets Nico pull on her fur as much as he wants, and she licks his hair! Awe. Now I want to go visit my Mom. (2.5 hours away)

    @winniebee: I'm going to turn our May Babies into nudists.
    So glad that sleep is progressing for Tyler. Nico won't nap if there is ANY action happening and then when he gets overtired i can nap him but it's short....he just can't miss out on the fun! So this weekend when we either had guests over or we were out, he did minimal napping, and then when we came home he had GIANT last naps. (Made for slightly later bedtimes, but I didn't mind).

    So last night ended up getting bad. Nico woke up at maybe 4am (and I hadn't gotten back to sleep after pumping because my mind was awake). I was going to ignore but then I heard him poop, and he still has a rash from the other night when I heard a possible poop at night and didn't change the diaper, so I HAD to change him (still feeling guilty from then). But we were all out of overnight doublers (I'm buying more this week...or maybe will buy MsMini's overnight diaper solution), so I decided to change double-stuff with a BG newborn insert (as recommended by BG). I changed him in the dark and brought him back to bed to nurse to sleep. But the diaper leaked pee!!! I guess with the extra stuffing I didn't get a good enough fit, as it was clearly not 'full'. So that P'd me off and then Nico wouldn't fall asleep and I was mad from being awake so long, so I put him in his crib drowsy but awake (but with wet pajamas, mind you) and went to sleep on the other side of the bed, where there wasn't pee. Then I listened to him talk and sing and not sleep for a LONG time. Then he was complaining and crying. I wasn't sleeping. Now I was mad. I figured it might be the wet pajamas. But this time I turned on the light for the diaper change and just put him in a regular BG with no double-stuff (well it was after 5am by now anyway), and put him in new pajamas and side-lay nursed him to sleep (which is relaxing for me but I can't sleep like that). So I'm pretty sure I was up last night from 3am-6am. Sorry that was such a long rant but it was a long night for me. But despite all the interruptions, Nico woke up at the exact regular time this morning: 7:30am (grr).

    Edit Add: Nap #1 is going on two hours; babies know how to balance out what they need. And I agree with @winniebee that if baby wakes up from a nap crying, then the nap needs an extension.

  30. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    @cvbee: oh no!! You must be sooo exhausted right now! It's awful when you're tired and there's a messy diaper and then they just poop and pee all over the place. There were a few nights when I just cried while wiping poop off the changing table with a naked baby screaming in the crib. I hope you manage to get a good nap in. It's funny that you can't sleep while side-feeding, that's actually my favorite position when I'm tired because we both fall asleep right away and it's so cozy. I told my husband that I felt bad for him because he couldn't side-nurse to bond with the baby!

    @goldilocks1107: Your baby is super duper long! It's funny how we can take so much pride in our LO's growth. At Owen's 2 month checkup, his head circumference was also in the 99% and I remember looking at other babies and thinking "ha, my baby's head is bigger than theirs!"

    @winniebee: doesn't your heart melt when you check on them in the morning and they're just beaming at you? I'm always so torn when it's way too early for them to be up, I know you're supposed to just do the task at hand and not interact with them so they fall asleep faster but I always end up giving him a million kisses because he's too darn cute when he smiles at me.

    Here are a few pictures of my lil chubster. He's all rolls!

  31. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @MsMini: A friend of mine built their own baby gates too and were really happy with the end result. Sawyer is so sweet, great idea with the fish tank! Oh and very glad to hear he's doing better with the eczema.

    @pastemoo: That's so funny that you met little G's doppelganger! And a big plus to meet a real May mommy!

    @winniebee: Hope you're having much better days now!

    @Coco Bee: That's so exciting to have so many friends along for the ride. I wish I had a few more to share motherhood with.

    @duckduckkristen: Wow that's a lot of sleep for Liam! I'd do just about anything for just a two hour nap at this point. That's great that he slept so well after too!

    @winniebee: Yay T! So exciting!!

    @pastemoo: We were given a Britax Boulevard from a family member that they used for their LO. I was kind hesitant to use it at first, but its from family and isn't over the age limit yet so I'm thinking it'd be silly not to use it. That said, LO is still doing well in her bucket so I'm not planning to switch yet.

    @winniebee: Tyler is on a roll! He's been a busy boy transitioning from R&P to crib, rolling and soothing himself to sleep... you guys are doing so great!

    @sarbear: ISn't it funny to watch them interact with pets? Apparently they're the funniest things around!

    @Goldilocks1107: A is really close to Audrey in her weight/measurements... well except for height! I feel like A is so long but Audrey has almost 2" on her! Happy Anniversary and I hope the new doses make a difference for you!

    @cvbee: Sorry you had a such a rough night. Its so hard when you just need that extra bit of time come morning after a bad night and yet they're up at their usual early time Hope you can nap today!

  32. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @lisa1783: haha I basically can't stay away side-lying either! Your LO is soo cute! I love all his hair, so handsome!

    So DH was off all weekend and was amazing, like seriously super-Dad! We tried a night of him doing night wakings before 3am... but it was a disaster. She woke up at 10:30 and we both agree it just takes too long waiting for the bottle, I may as well nurse her. (So he'll bring her in for me now and take her back... which works cause I nap while nursing anyways, or the nights I get up he's getting up with her first thing in the morning so I can sleep in.) She also had her first pee leak. He didn't notice she was wet and couldn't figure out why she was fussing so I got out of bed and it turned into a big ordeal getting her and her bed changed. Other than that... he's helping (and is great) with putting her down for naps, was helping around the house and was a much better support to me emotionally too. Even though LOs sleep was crap all weekend I'm feeling so much better with DH's help.

    LO went through a huge transition this weekend. She's still having crap sleeps, but she's laughing, grabbing at us and everything, loooving our pets talking sooo much louder. Its so fun... its crazy how it kinda all changed over night too. I'm trying not to get too stressed about her sleep right now because at least I finally have a content baby for most of the day, something we were lacking before.

    In other news our poor Dog ripped her toe nail off It was dangly for a bit but once it fell off (eww) she seems to be quite content. I'm assuming it'll grow back?? This poor old girl can't catch a break. She's so clumsy and seems to hurt herself like every second month. We just got over a bad paw and elbow sprain.

  33. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @winniebee: How cute! Your little roller...it only gets crazier from here on haha

    @lisa1783: Oh my goodness...precious!

    @cvbee: That's horrible :(...sorry about the crap night :(. At least he's making up for it with a good nap. I agree with extending the nap if the baby wakes up crying.

    @LAGS: Happy babies make the days much better! Maybe awesome sleep will soon follow?

    Cooper tripod sat for the first time earlier today. Mommy is very proud!

    My husband and I love the mornings when we go into Cooper's room together to get him up. The look on his face is so funny! He is so happy to see us. I can't get enough of our little man!

    I phone interviewed for a position last week. I've been kind of looking for a job, but I was undecided. It went very well, and I am sure they will call me in for an in person interview (the HR woman kind of told me they most likely would lol). After it sunk in, I decided that I am not ready to head back to work. I think I need more time.

    I also chopped my hair off on Saturday! It is between my chin and shoulders. It's much easier to manage!

  34. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @lisa1783: We have an Ergo, Sawyer isn't the biggest fan of it, but he loves being hip-carried in a sling. Your LO is adorable, I love his hair! Sawyer does get a lot of people saying they want to squeeze him.

    @Goldilocks1107: I find shipping from Target pretty much kills any savings I would have (since I live in Canada). I wish us Canadians had the deals you guys have in the US.

    @cvbee: Ugh! Sounds like a rough night. Leaky diapers are so frustrating (especially when you want to sleep I am sure).

    @LAGS: I am glad to hear of gate building success! Yay for your DH being super Dad. My DH tries, but Sawyer is pretty Mommy centric when he is fussy/hungry/tired. He LOVES DH when it is play time though.

    @calsmom: Post-baby chop, so exciting! My hair is the longest it has been since high school right now, I might grow it out for a while longer then probably chop it off anyways (LOL).

  35. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @MsMini: and @lisa1783: It took Nico a bit to like the Ergo too, but now it's what we almost always use, and he's gotten into biting the strap and seems to enjoy it now. He even napped in it for the first time yesterday while we were hiking.

    @MsMini: yeah it was rough, but the extra-long naps today are making up for it. I'm not napping but it is giving me the relaxation I need. And the leaky diaper motivated me to order my hemp inserts this morning. Ordered from Caterpillar Baby (Canada!), which I've never used before. Thanks for your AMP tips from the other thread. Today I changed the rise in it and was 'really' careful about the placement of the insert (used a fuzzibuns too) and it did much better. I also changed the rise on my HHs and my FBs and CBs. I never really think about the rise, and have been having a lot of leak issues with all of them lately. The rise change fixed my HH problems.

    @calsmom: yay for tripods! yay for haircut! (I'm gearing up for one too.....and keep changing my mind about how much, but I am leaning towards what you did.....show us a pic!!!) I agree that the morning faces are the absolute cutest. Mine also does a funny scared/confused face every morning when he hears the velcro being opened on his Halo swaddle (we swaddle arms-out now). He's heard that sound every morning since he was a newborn: you think he'd stop being surprised, but nope, it gets him every time! The face is too funny.

    @LAGS: Your first pee leak? Whoa. Nice. I've only had one or two poop leaks but I have probably had at least one hundred pee leaks. Why it took me all the way until today to order hemp inserts for my overnight diapers is beyond me.

    @lisa1783: Owen is sooooo cute! I want to touch his fluffy hair and give his meaty arms a squeeze. Adorable! Remind me again how old he is?

    Got to get geared up for yoga soon. It has been over a month since I left Nico with Daddy. I know. I'm bad. It's just been a rough month and I thought leaving him would make it worse, but tonight's the night.

  36. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @calsmom: I bet I would be the same way... as soon as going back to work became real, I'd probably run and hide! Do you think you'll take a little more time?

    @cvbee: First pee leak yes, but unfortunately we're the exact opposite of you - we've had countless poop leaks I bought this new shirt for LO, she's only worn it twice and both times I haven't even been able to get a pic of her in it because she's pooped all over it before I had a chance.

    Good luck to you (or I guess Nico and Daddy) tonight and enjoy yoga!

  37. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    ugh... I am so mad. my period came back today. yuck. with cramps too. double yuck. Not too happy about that
    I think the bigger issue is that now I know I'm "fertile" again, and definitely do not want to be!!
    I'm wondering if it's because DS started solids, or if it's because he is sleeping better (but not STTN)??

    @MsMini: did you get your diaper??!

    @calsmom: Cobi is the same way!! Either DH or I get him and bring him back to our bed to "play" for half an hour and nurse. He loves it - it's so cute.

    @lisa1783: I LOVE that chevron blanket. Did you make it?

    @cvbee: aww sorry about last night- but can I just say how adorable it is that he lays in bed and talks/sings to himself?!! teehee.

    @pastemoo: Yup! I've been researching convertible carseats for awhile and I am in love with the Diono Radian. Not the cheapest option (but not too $$) but for carseats I won't compromise. It has amazing reviews all over the internet, and I love that it's slim since we have a car.

    Sooooo I'm afraid Cobi will be crawling SOON. like really soon. This pic is what he is doing right now... and has been doing all weekend.
    He gets up onto all fours and rocks back and forth, slowly scooting his knees forward, he then falls over because he hasn't learned to move his arms yet... but oh it is coming. I'm so scared!! I was hoping he'd hold off until we move to our new apartment (Oct 1) because of the carpets here... but idk if he will!!
    Oh, and in the next pic - you can see his two bottom teeth - so cute (and sharp little buggers!)

  38. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @Coco Bee: The diaper hasn't shown up yet Sometimes customs clearance takes a while though.

  39. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @cvbee: I'll take a pic tomorrow. Today is my cleaning day and I'm looking a bit ratty haha.

    @Coco Bee: Wow! Look at him on all fours! He's about to bust a move!

    Sucks having AF back. Mine was horrendous, and I was miserable the entire time.

    @LAGS: Eww...poop leaks! That's so disgusting when it happens. Cooper had one that went upwards in the front vs the back. Hubby had that one, so it was fun to hear about instead of having to change it myself

    I think I will take some more time before I head back to work. I miss getting out of the house and doing things without the baby, but I am not ready to be away from him for hours a day.

  40. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @MsMini: oh that sucks... I hope you get it soon!

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