I thought this would be fun - I know a lot of us have had baby's recently, and some have older ones as well.
Baby's Age: 14 weeks
Weight: I think around 12 lbs. He was 11 lbs 12 oz at his 2.5 month checkup
Baby's Milestones: He has discovered his hands and finds them fascinating! More often than not his whole fist is in his mouth. But he also loves playing with and watching his hands. It's pretty cute!
He is very vocal too, in addition to coo's and ga's he also squeals when he's really excited!!
He hates tummy time, so we're having a hard time with that. I know some babies start rolling over about now, but it might take a little longer for him since he cries hysterically lol
Challenges: SLEEP!! He will ONLY sleep on our bed, with or without us. Daytime naps are great, as long as he's on our bed. Nights are trickier. I know some baby can sleep 8 even 10 hour stretches by now and he's only ever done ONE six hour stretch, and normally he only lasts about 4 hours for the first part of the night (the part I'm awake for, so I never get 4 consecutive hours), and lately it's been every two hours after that. So last night was 8pm-11:30pm, then 2 am, 4 am, 6am, 7am and then awake at 8. This mama is EXHAUSTED! We're getting his crib next week and will work to "sleep-train" him.
Sleep: lol see above
Post-Partum Weight: Not as good as I had hoped but I'm coping with it. I had gained about 38 lbs and I've lost 19 lbs. so I still have 19 lbs to lose and it's not budging. I started working out RIGHT at 6 weeks, and go 2-4x a week doing a combination of pilates, cardio, running and weights, but haven't lost a lb since 6 weeks. It's been hard but i'm trying to give myself time.
Post-partum Milestones: Well I can do a full workout routine, it was rough getting back into the gym! Discouraging when I could do a full 45-60 min of cardio and only 1 mile on the treadmill. But it's getting better!
Otherwise I'm pretty much back to normal! Tho, I do get the occasional hemorrhoid still (TMI!) which hurts but not as bad as the first month!