Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Baby Thread!!

  1. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @LAGS: holy cuteness!!!

    Quick post: I am starting to think it's teething pain. I'm going to maybe buy one of those amber teething necklaces for baby today. If that doesn't work I'm going to try a night with baby Tylenol.

  2. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Coco Bee: we own a condo - it's 2 levels but small - we will be moving when T is around 14 months but until then we are and will be cramped for space!

    Thx everyone. I don't know why everyone else is wreckish lately but for me it's lack of sleep, night wakings, and the feeling that I've paid my dues and it's hard to swallow that sleep is getting worse, not even close to better. Last night was up 5x. That said I feel very fortunate to be on an extended maternity leave (not sure how those of you at work still function....and enjoy my days with him so much. I think I need to start writing more upbeat posts!

    Oh, milestone....Tyler stopped screaming dyring tummy time! He eventually gets mad but now lays with his head propped up for awhile first and seems to be rocking a little from side to side.

    @lags: too cute love her bow!!

    @mediagirl: welcome back! It's always fun to see LO get back into their element at home! I hope you enjoy your last bit of maternity leave.

  3. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @mediagirl: Depends on your insurance. HMO? You can go to your PCP who can do an initial, or call your OB and get a referral to psych. If you have a PPO, you can go straight to any specialist you want.
    @LAGS: SO cute!! So happy, too!
    @winniebee: I agree--I have no clue how you ladies who returned to work have done it. I'm finally getting some sleep but definitely not able to drive to work and then get work done. Ugh! And yay for rocking during tummy time. Exciting!

  4. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Oh and new rule: if T wakes before midnight my husband will respond. He gets up for work at 5 and is in surgery half the day so he can't get up frequently but suggested I wake him when T gets up before midnight. I also usually get a break on the weekend nights but since DH was working this weekend I didn't have that. Next weekend I will.

  5. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: do u think it's teething?

  6. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @LAGS: yay for decent sleep! And yup M laughs regularly now. Sometimes she'll start laughing by herself to get us to laugh. But daddy is still the best at getting a long belly rolling laugh out of her. M has never just fallen asleep randomly!

    @cvbee: Oh I needed a new haircut for ages. Once it started falling off in clumps I went and chopped it off. It's much more manageable after the chop!
    BTW what makes you think the sleep issues are due to teething pain? I've been meaning to buy a amber necklace for her but keep forgetting! Thanks for the reminder!

    @winniebee: no rolling yet either from M. I'm not too worried. She's doing the rocking thing and I know one of these days she's going to roll out of nowhere.

    @calsmom: awww so sweet about Cooper reaching out to the dog. How did your dog react??? I feel like the first time M reaches out our dog will freak out. Like holy shit she touches now too??? haha

    @Coco Bee: you know what's funny is M does nto roll yet but man can she move herself around just by scooting on her back! She is SO active I fear when she starts crawling! Just think of it this way, a small apartment means less you have to run to catch him! hhaa

    Well, M's sleep still sucks. She teases me with some good nights. Like last night she actually let me put her down in her crib except for after the 5am feeding. But the night before I literally slept all night sitting up. I think that's what spurred last night's attempt at CIO. Um yeah. I am officially definitely NOT cut out for CIO. She is way too strong willed and I can't see her cry.

  7. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: @regberadaisy: Okay so now that it's been a few hours since wake-up I see a happy, normal baby and I take-back the teething comment. I still want to get an amber necklace for him for when the time comes, but I do think that it was just the 'usual' craziness. But last night it was something that made me feel better: it MUST be teething because this is nuts.

    Does anyone else who is stay-at-home/maternity leave use Monday morning to clean the house? I just vaccuumed the entire house and it felt so great. Everything is cleaned up and I'm ready to enjoy the week. By the way, Nico LOVES the vaccuum---he's so peaceful the entire time I use it. Cat and dog: not so much.

  8. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: That's what's really worn me down too. A used to be a great sleeper and we've regressed so badly. She gave me a few good nights which I'm now thinking was just to temporarily restore my sanity before she went back to her usual hijinks.

    That's great that Tyler is enjoying tummy time now! If he's rocking around now I bet it wont be long, exciting!

    @pastemoo: Have you felt a difference with the bit of extra sleep you've been getting?

    @regberadaisy: I'm not cut out for CIO either. So much so that I know I'm creating bad habits like going in and rocking her to sleep over and over again, but just can't help myself because the alternative makes me feel too guilty. My LO does the back scoot too. I have to be careful now because if I leave quickly I'll come back and she'll have herself wedged under the coffee table or something.

    We had another rough night of sleep and I'm convinced I need to work on A's naps if I ever want to get a better nights sleep out of her. I started sleep boot camp part way through the day yesterday and am continuing until I get her on track. I feel ridiculous how back and forth I am on her sleep. One day I'm firm that she'll sleep how she wants to sleep, the next day I'm guilty feeling its my job to help her find a healthy sleep habit.

    I got her down at 6:30 last night and had high hopes because she didn't treat that bedtime like a nap. She slept until 11 which was good but then only 2 hour chunks after that. My biggest mistake was when I went in at 6:30am to her smiling, I got her up for the day. She was moaning and eye rubbing by the time we made it to the living room to play and against my better instincts I let her stay up a bit... I did put her back down at 7:30 though but she only slept until 8:10 and woke up super grumpy. Again, you'd think I'd have learned, but I got her up and she's back down again napping. I'm going to make sure its a decent length if it kills me.

    Does anyone else have the issue of their little one waking and being tired within like 15 minutes? I know my LO is overtired... its just so hard getting things back on track. I'm hoping at our 4 month appointment tomorrow (omg A is 4 months today! Crazy!!) my Ped will have some advice or reassurance.

  9. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @cvbee: Does the amber itself have some kind of benefit for baby, or is it just that its suitable for a chew and looks good for mom? I've heard of the natural wood teething necklaces but not amber, I'm curious now!

    I'll be doing some major cleaning this morning, but have to wait until DH is up for the day, I don't wanna wake him he had a rough week with overtime (and also just kind of want to laze about for a while). Doesn't it feel amazing getting your house back in order though?? I noticed the days I was feeling close to snapping with all this sleep stuff, the messy house had added so much stress. Late last week I finally found time and energy to deep clean and I felt amazing. Of course its messy already and in need of some tidying but I'm hoping I can get it back on track.

  10. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: I do housechores every morning during Tyler's morning nap (the only substantial one of the day). But, I have to clean bottles and pump parts so I do that. Then throw in laundry, empty diswhaster, pick up generally. We have cleaning people that come every other week and I wish they came every week. Because Tyler is a little demanding and my husband works long hours, there's no way I could keep up with deep cleaning routines.

    @regberadaisy: You poor thing - M needs to give you a break since you're a working mama. Huge kudos to you for doing it all....

    @LAGS: Yeah, Tyler shows all the signs of being overtired. He yawns sometimes like 10 minutes after a nap. This morning I tried to put him back down at 6:00 a.m. but he was talking to himself and clearly up. So I got him up for the day and then put him back down at 7:15. He slept 40 minutes (in his swing) then woke up crying so I rocked him back to sleep and he slept til 9. By 9:45 he was fussing and acting overly tired again so I started putting him back down again and by 10:15 he was asleep...even though he hasn't eaten since 6 (I offered the bottle and he was too tired to take it...) I'm all over the map with sleep, too. I thought the early bedtime might be the solution but it backfired terribly last night (in bed before 7, up at 7:15, 7:30, 9:15, 10, 1:30, 2:15, 5:45....) I am trying to be vigilant about naps today (putting him down early...) and then hoping that an early bedtime gets things back on track. I'm just not sure what else to do. Tyler was sleeping longer and better when he was going to bed at 9:30 p.m. Granted it was a month ago, but still.

  11. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: Even though I genuinely wish T was sleeping better for you, its comforting to know there's others still in the trenches with me. I feel like this morn all A has done is nap. She keeps waking up but is grumpy so ive kept fighting her back down. I'm sure the sleep she's getting isnt that restoring given how fragmented it is, but it has to be better than her being up and fussy. are you planning to keep putting him down based on cues and not awake time for the day? i'm thinking that's what i need to do here.

  12. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: I plan to go by his cues, but have him awake no longer than 90 minutes between naps. So, if he appears tired earlier, will put him down earlier. I'm going to my sister's this afternoon (also on maternity leave) so I'm sure the car ride nap will screw things up, but I also refuse to sit home battling naps all afternoon like I did yesterday.

  13. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @LAGS: The amber isn't to chew on. It goes against the skin and has anti-inflamatory properties and pain-killing properties or something like that.....if you believe it.....and I do.....well, I think I do! Now, there are some issues: first, you have to make sure it is real Baltic amber, as there are cheap ones made of resin/plastic out there, which will do nothing. And then there is the issue that they say the baby must be supervised, so it's not to be worn for sleeping. I have seen people get around this by putting it like a bracelet on the ankle under a sock, inside a sleep sack, so that covers the risk. I will probably try that, although Nico is really good at getting things off his feet. He certainly was good at getting the hospital's ankle-monitor off as a newborn....but he does accept sock-wearing, so I may be in luck.

    The kind of necklace I think you are thinking of is the one that the Mom wears and baby plays with and teethes on. I might get one of those just for fun.

    I posted a thread about getting a white noise machine and I do think I will. We have this sound channel on TV with white noise and I just put it on (downstairs) when Nico woke up from his nap too early (only 20 minutes is not acceptable) and it took some time but he did settle back into a nap. Or he just got really quiet!

    Yesterday I noticed that going down for naps was starting to get hard, so this morning I decided to stop watching the clock and go back to watching the baby. His awake time was almost 2.5 hours before he got fussy and when I nursed him down for sleeping he went down so easy.

    Something I read yesterday rang true for me: babies are not little machines. Just as some mornings I am hungry for lunch earlier than other days and some nights I am ready for an earlier bedtime, we cannot expect to figure out this perfect awake period and expect baby to always have that magic number.

    So that's my thought for the day on sleep.....even though I know we are all trying to stop being 'crazy' about sleep, I had to share my thoughts.

    Edit. Ha, LAGS you were thinking the same things!!!

    Edit again: Other thing I read that helped me yesterday: 'what would the pioneer lady do?' (First of all, she didn't have a clock, only the sun.)

  14. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    Just got the results of Penny's stool sample test. It looks like I will br joining some of you in dairy free land. Booooooo. I seriously love cheese, so I know that will be toughest for me. Any tips from you dairy free moms that have been doing it for a while?

  15. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @bpcmarj: booooo. Tips? Hmm...knowing that most say at 6 months their stomach is more developed and you can reintroduce dairy? hahha
    I miss my cheese dearly! I drink almond milk. There is dairy free ice cream, soy ice cream. But I think M might be a little intolerant of large quantities of soy as well so I abstain from that too.

    Honestly as much as it sucks it's kinda become second nature to me now.

    I have a clogged duct today and it hurts like a b*tch! Already pumped twice and the bottom half of my left boob is still rock hard. Can't wait to get home and hopefully M can fix it!

  16. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @bpcmarj: Ick. Sorry to hear about the allergy! It seems like it is a very common one for little ones to have.

    @cvbee: White noise is a lifesaver! I saw the thread where most people are saying 'hell no' to the sleep sheep. We use that along with a fan. We love it, but it would be nice for it to not just go for 45 minutes. That's cool you have a white noise channel there!

    @winniebee: I'm so sorry to hear what you went through yesterday with the hubs! I'm glad to hear that you two worked out a schedule.

    Have a nice time getting out of the house today!

    @cvbee: So far all I've done today is laundry!

    @LAGS: Energy? What's that? lol...I'm so jealous that you got some deep cleaning done! I feel like I can never keep up anymore!

    Is A having a better day?

    @regberadaisy: Our dogs loved it! One of our dogs, Scooter, was shaking a bit because he was so excited that Cooper was petting him! Scooter has been attached to Cooper the day we brought him home! It's just now that hand to fur contact has taken place lol.

    The CIO is so difficult! Parents need to find a method that works best for them and their kids. The issue is finding the solution...that seems impossible these days! It's funny that before having kids, I was all about the CIO method. I've only tried a modified CIO so far with Cooper, which used to work until he started moving all over the place. I can't listen to my little guy cry forever! A minute of him crying seems like an eternity!

    I'm being a horrible mother (insert sarcasm). My son is fussing in his crib because he woke up at the dreaded 45 minute mark. His pediatrician and I both agree that 45 minutes is not a sufficient nap, but getting him back to sleep is impossible these days.

  17. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @cvbee: ugh I've been waiting and waiting for one of the sale sites to have the amber teething necklaces. Babysteals had it today!!! All sold out now.

  18. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    This thread is insane, I can't keep up. I have been so tired and grumpy lately sometimes I just don't feel like posting.

    I am officially back at work! It wouldn't be so bad if my DH didn't have such a hard time with W. She literally does nothing but scream the whole time I am gone. She refuses bottles, and starts becoming hysterical the moment my DH walks into her nursery with her. She will not let him put her down! Yesterday when I was working he was able to get her to fall asleep in the
    swing, but only slept for 20 minutes. I was gone for 7 hours and she only took half an ounce the whole time I was gone! I am starting to think that parenting is getting harder and harder.

    That's all I have to say now.

  19. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: hugs! I'm so sorry! I have no advice, but I hope someone has advice for you.

  20. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    just got back from G's 4 month check-up. he's doing great, just need to work on tummy time since he's not supporting himself with his arms like the doc would like. and he's not really interested in grabbing for things either. both of which i knew, so i wasn't surprised. she said he seems really 'chill and laid back' and she sees this with a lot of babies with this personality.
    he's 26.5 inches long and weights 6lbs 12oz. i'm not sure how that changed since his last appointment, can't find the sheet. we are gonna be starting him on solids since he's been rejecting bottles and is not at all interested in them. he reaches for our food and watches us the entire time we eat, so the doc said that it's ok to start, she said he seems ready to go! which i'm happy about, hoping that it helps with his spitting up...tired of stained clothes!!!!! does anyone have any tips or tricks for getting spit-up stains out?

  21. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @regberadaisy: oh man! I'm usually so good at checking babysteals every day! missed that. Hope your clogged duct comes out. My magic formula is olive oil on a breast bad, in combination with a hot water bottle on the breast constantly, and make baby drink from that side first. (Even though I usually only do one boob per feeding, with a clogged duct I do that one first even if it's not its turn). And patience. I always think the clogged duct should come out right away but it takes some time. Good luck!

    @Mrsdaredevil: oh no! I wish back to work was not like this for you. I wonder if Willa will do reverse-cycling and just eat when you are home. Poor you. I'll be thinking of you.

    Day one of follow-baby and don't watch the clock continues to go well. Much longer awake periods. Much easier going down to sleep. I am sure I'll be back to sleep hell in no time, but I'll take the small victory days when they come.

  22. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    Btw, Cooper went down at 8:30 last night and slept better than ever. I would love if this was his consistent bedtime!

  23. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @sarbear: I've dealt with loads of spitup but never had any spitup stains. What temperature water are you using for washing? I throw most of my baby stuff in with the cloth diapers (after they have a pre-rinse) and then they end up getting washed hot and rinsed cold. Maybe mine don't stain because I wash every-other day so they don't sit around very long? Wish I could be more helpful.

  24. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: oh no, I'm sorry! Give them both a couple days to work into the new routine!

    @cvbee: I know - I always check first thing!
    Why the EVOO? I'm going to nurse first thing when we get home so hopefully that solves it. If not I'll have to wait till after we get home from dinner with friends before doing the hot water bottle. Owie.

    @sarbear: yay what a big boy! Solids already, awesome! Have you tried Shout?

  25. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Hello everyone! I am just popping in while Sawyer naps, so it might be brief since he could wake up at any time. We were in my hometown for the weekend helping my sister and FBIL move into their new house. There was so much cleaning to do before actually moving them in as the house had been vacant for almost a year. Sawyer did well there, we just set up a playpen and toys, and took turns carrying him around when we took breaks.

    Unfortunately sleep has not been so good. Between being at my sisters place cleaning and moving, and the 3 hour drive to my hometown friday and back last night, he had short night sleeps and un-predictable naps all weekend. Last night when we got home he was tired from missing a nap, and was in bed at 8 pm! He slept for 2 hours then started screaming hysterically, he screamed for a half hour straight, then randomly stopped crying, but wouldn't go back down into his crib. He would only sleep in our bed with me, so he co-bedded with us last night, still woke up every 2 hours to nurse though.

    I am trying to hit the re-set button on his sleep, so I got him to sleep 12 hours total last night by continuing to nurse him to sleep in our bed, and I am dedicating myself to making sure he has long naps today. We were supposed to meet mommy group but I feel sick, and he needs to catch up on sleep from our busy weekend.

    I think I have the flu, fever, aches, cough, stuffy nose etc, and I am wondering is Sawyer doesn't feel off as well, because he only wanted to cuddle when we got up this morning, so far he doesn't have a fever luckily. The only thing that makes me feel functional is to keep up on the tylenol.

    @Mrsdaredevil: I hope that your DH and Willa find their rhythm soon. It would be so tough to go to work knowing they were going to have a rough time.

    @cvbee: We have an amber necklace for Sawyer from my SIL, Sawyer wears it on his ankle (double wrapped), he doesn't bother with it at all (although I have had it on him for 2 months)

    Sawyer is up ... more replys later.

  26. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @regberadaisy: I have no idea and maybe it's just a superstition of mine now, but I read about it somewhere and all 3 times, my clog didn't come out until I did the olive oil. Might be a fluke but I now make sure it is part of my recipe.

  27. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @MsMini: read a website this morning that pretty much said 4 month sleep regression is just something that happens and it will fix itself at 5 of 5.5 months ish. So since you and I have some of the 'older' babies, we might be out soon. Bad news is, the website claims that the 9 month sleep regression will make us even more crazy than this one because by then we'll feel like such experts. Hope you don't have the flu. Do you have a clogged duct? They always say if a BF mama comes down with the flu it might be mastitis. Neither is good, but I think mastitis gets better quite quick on antibiotics. That is neat to hear that your Sawyer (love love love that name by the way) has done the amber ankle thing for a while. Sad that he is screaming. The random Nico screaming last night had me wondering if he had acid reflux, or teething, or something horrible. Nope, just 4 month sleep regression still. But he turns 5 months in 7 days, so I am saying that will be the end of this.

  28. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I think our sleep reset day is going well so far. He was up for 1hr 45min this morning then napped for 2hr 15min!! Then he was up for 1hr 15min and wanted to go back down for a nap, and went down with minimal effort. I will keep following his cues but not letting him stay awake for more than 2 hours, and hope we continue to get good sleep.

    @cvbee: Thanks! Naming was such a challenge between working in NICU for so long and DH's pickiness! I was worried about it might being mastitis, but I have no sore/red/hot spots on my breasts at all, but I am keeping an eye on it.

  29. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: Way to go on the naps! What's your secret??

    @mrsdaredevil: I'm sorry that your hubs and Willa are having a tough go - but yay to you for being back at work. Must feel good. I agree that parenting has gotten harder in the past few weeks...it's messed up! The only solace is that babies change constantly so if it's bad now, it has to get better eventually.

    @bcpmarj: So sorry to hear you are joining the dairy free club. Was it b/c of the bloody stool? I've been dairy "free" for over 2 months....since Tyler was about 8 weeks. Not going to lie, I hate it. I miss cheese terribly (cheese mostly) and hate all dairy substitutes. It's hard eating out at restaurants (food is always cooked in butter or cream....) but I've done reasonably well with it. I know sometimes some of the food I eat has dairy in it (I don't eat dairy free bread) and once in the while will have a touch of chocolate. I'm not even sure T has/had a dairy intolerance. He had a smidge of blood in his stool on a few occasions and that was that. The good news is that since going dairy free, I lost more than a pound a week, and I attribute it to the no dairy. Also, now I love my coffee black and am never going back ; ) I agree with @reg that it's second nature now. Good luck and I hope Penny is better.

    @sarbear: Sounds like a good appt. all in! Is it weird I've been working on tummy time a lot lately so that hopefully we get good marks at our 4 month next week?? : )

    @cvbee: Glad you are having a good day - hope it means a good night for you!

    @calsmom: AWESOME news re: sleep!!! I feel like I want to start a post on the 45 minute nap. Why can't our babies sleep longer? UGH! I know CIO is tough, but my husband and I are seriously considering it (the style that mrsbee posted about). I'm going to talk to the ped next week....

    @regberadaisy: Oh no hope you feel better!!!!

    Today was more of the same in our house - one afternoon nap of 40 mins and two 20 minute naps. He was generally pretty happy but did meltdown around 6 when I tried to get him down for a nap....even a stroller walk didn't work. He's been up almost 3 hours and DH is now working on bedtime. I'm thinking if tonight goes as poorly as last night, we might as well swaddle wean and get all of our crappy sleep at once!

    Sleep dust to all!

  30. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @winniebee: @regberadaisy: thanks for commiserating! It was because of her bloody stool. They tested ot for microscopic blood and it came back positive. The nurse sort of laughed at me when she told me over the phone to go dairy free! Like a good luck with that attitude. Oh well. I am hopeful it will help:)

    Hoping everyone gets some sleep tonight. Penny, like everyone else has been awful. She will sleep with me most of the night so I can get a little but our bed is CRAMPED!! Ugh. Hope for better tonight.

  31. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Second nap was 1hr 45minutes! Woo hoo! Hopefully we can get a 3rd good nap in this evening, and have a good night sleep. Fingers crossed! I could really use a good night's sleep!

    @winniebee: I wish I knew the secret. We were only getting 45 minute naps for the past week. He is briefly waking after 45 minutes, but goes back to sleep with the soother today. I think we are making up for his over-tiredness right now. Hopefully that means he will sleep tonight. We have had crap night sleeps for a month now.

  32. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @cvbee: ok I'm def trying that after M goes to sleep. I've pumped 4x today and nursed twice since. Still hurts like a b!

    Ladies, I've been taken down to part time. Won't go into details here since I started a thread about it. But we're looking at it as a blessing in disguise.

  33. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    Wow, so far behind, I just caught up on 2 pages, this thread has flown!
    @bpcmarj sorry about the milk intolerance! We have been dairy free since around 6 weeks! It's not so bad once you get the hang of it. I'm actually happy with the diet and think it has encouraged me to to cook more and not eat as much pre-prepared food. A good place where I get lots of recipes is, mspimama.com there's also good information on there about ways to substitute.
    @cvbee im with you on trying not to watch the clock lately. It is so hard! i'm figuring out I didn't know Lily's sleep cues as well as I thought I did, and I kind of fell off the wagon with it today (trying to put her down 2 hours after her previous nap) and she wen beserk! eeee this sleeping business is enough to make ya crazy!
    @mrsdaredevil that is tough that Willa has a hard time being without you right now. I'm sure it makes it tough to be at work, but I'm sure it will get better with time! Lil has given my hubby quite a time when I leave her as well, screaming and refusing the bottle, definitely tough!
    @cvbee hope your source is right on predicting sleep issues subsiding around 5-5.5 months. Lily is 4.5 mos. and I am looking forward to being able to stop being sleep deprived and obsessing over her sleep!

  34. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cvbee: G loves the vacuum, too. I try to vacuum 2x/week but hadn't in a week or maybe more. Yuck!
    I keep thinking G is teething, too--and he loves the frozen washcloths and cold teething toys but he probably isn't teething.
    LOL @ what would the pioneer lady do. This is why I don't have a jumper/walker/exersaucer/activity mat. I have a swing and that's pretty high tech for me, and it was a gift. I wasn't planning to get one (though it is pretty wonderful to have. I still think I wouldn't know I was missing anything if I didn't have it). We also have an infant tub (a gift as well) and I wasn't planning on getting one of these either. I mean, come on, I cloth diaper and didn't even think to get a wet bag till someone gave us (this week) some Amazon.com money to spend on the baby.
    I am also trying to follow G's cues to naptime/bedtime.
    I do NOT do chores during naptime. I only sleep or sometimes read if I think it'll be a 15 minute nap. I do chores WITH LO. I put him on a blanket and vacuum and move him with me as I change rooms. I cook and do dishes with him on a blanket in the kitchen. I put all our laundry directly into the laundry as it is soiled, and usually start it in the evening, move it to the dryer at G's bedtime. I only dust in the 30 minutes before someone comes over (hahhaha!).
    I'm kind of a neat freak, so my kitchen is almost always clean before dinner comes out of the pot/oven (again, while LO is watching from the floor).
    I can't wait to get a carrier that I can carry LO on my back. My grandma said she would buy it for me! YAY! I want the "options" one that can be different fun colors for me, and black for DH. So excited for that present--no matter which style we get.

    @winniebee: So glad your husband is taking a feeding--that rocks!

    @regberadaisy: What style haircut did you get? What was it like before baby M?
    I'm glad the part time is a "blessing in disguise." Still, that's pretty rough. Good luck with your job and finding full time after you get to enjoy M a little more. How hard will it be to collect unemployment?

    @LAGS: Yes! The extra sleep rocks. And I have a backup of some meds that my psych gave me just in case (and, of course, I'd make an appointment and go it).

    @Mrsdaredevil: I'm sorry. It's tough to go back to work! I dream about it every night. I want the money but I know it would be very tough for me.
    Don't worry about keeping up. Every once in a while I drop out for a week because I can't keep up. You can still let us know how you are without keeping up. I like to know how you're doing.
    Don't worry about DH--"worry is interest paid on a debt you may not owe" my mama would say. DH will learn--just like we struggled to figure it out, he will, too. It will come.

    @sarbear: I only wear cheap nursing clothes so I have no cleaning tips other than an oxyclean soak on occasion. I also do cold wash only, and I wash laundry daily or every 2 days sometimes.
    You meant 16lbs 12 oz, right? I bet my G is the same size as your G. Glad to see I'm not the only one with a giant baby. My G's 4 month check up is next Friday. We'll see.

    @LAGS: For overtired cues... I usually leave him in the crib and stroke his face and nose and sing to him (with paci in) until he sleeps again. It can take forever but it is working for me.

    @regberadaisy: Oh no! Is that rock hard thing how you know you have a clogged duct? If so, I've gotten it 4 times already. I just thought I was engorged again. How badly does it hurt?

    @MsMini: Sorry the trip messed up S's sleep--I hope it gets better quickly. And I hope you get well soon. I agree that you should get checked just in case it's mastitis.
    @winniebee: OH! Congrats on the 1lb/week. That rocks!

    @bpcmarj: Oh no! What tough news. I know there is a lot of soy cheese and all but it's nasty. The fake sour cream is pretty good though and great for cooking with. If you check out the Jewish section in the grocery store look for "pareve" stuff (it means no meat and no dairy). Then you can still have chocolate. I actually have a lot of experience being dairy free because I used to keep kosher and in any given meal where I ate meat I could not eat dairy. My friend makes these amazing dairy free chocolate cookies: http://brightpalate.tumblr.com/post/29491081024/chocolate-cookies-olive-oil-sea-salt
    Maybe get a kosher cookbook and follow the meat or pareve sections? Then you are sure to avoid dairy in your cooking and know it will still be tasty. Another trick for baking--use coffee instead of milk in cakes and cookies.

    so... officially 9 lbs to go and feeling so frumpy. I went out with a friend and I felt ugly because all my clothes are over washed so the colors are washed out, the fabric is thin... I look like I belong on "What not to wear."

  35. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    Lily is now:
    -laughing a lot more often and it is adorable! she also smiles all day long and just randomly such a sweet little girl!
    -loves to reach out and touch my face, and will bite on my nose or chin i like to say she's trying to give me kisses, she also loves to touch DH's beard which is way cute!
    -she loves her jumperoo! she has now figured out that she can bounce in it and is able to turn herself all the way around to play with all of the toys
    -loves to reach out and grab for everything! when i take her to the grocery store in the baby bjorn, she tries to grab everything that I pick up! We get lots of attention from other shoppers who think it's way cute!

    so as I continue to fall head over heels for my beautiful daughter, motherhood is also majorly stressing me out! I haven't posted lately cause I've been feeling a little overwhelmed***begining of vent-sorry ahead of time! It's just tough to have this little person who needs you all of the time! Lily still constantly wants to be held, is very intense and loud about having her needs met and does not sleep! My hubby is currently working full time and a full time student, so it all falls on me, he's not even able to help with night wakings. I'm sure others are in similar positions it just gets tough! I obsess over Lily's sleep even though I'm trying not to it's hard! and now to make matters worse, at her 4 month appt she jumped from 75th precentile to 95th precentile for weight, and my pediatrician told me that she's getting too many calories, so I need to try to stop feeding her at night and that she should be going 10 hours without eating overnight. So, now I worry about that. We had a 2 hour wake up last night, because Lil wanted to eat in the middle of the night and was trying to soothe her without nursing her. It ultimately ended in me nursing her because I felt so bad for her and I was exhausted, but then I felt like a bad mom for overfeeding her. blahhhh sorry for being a downer end of rant I really do love my little angel and being a mommy, I guess it's just tougher than I thought it would be! it sounds like many others are feeling a bit frazzled lately, it helps to know I'm not the only one. For anyone who made it through my way too long bitch fest thanks for hanging in there!

  36. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @winniebee: haha i had actually wished i put more tummy time in before the appointment because i KNEW she was going to say something! but of course when we came home(and after his 2hr nap, poor baby didn't like the shots) he was grabbing for his toys on his play mat...little punk! but still hated every minute of tummy time! lol DH and i used to take 'shift work' at night. he'd 'get him' until like midnight/1am and i'd be on call after that. now it's whoever hears him(which is usually DH because he's a lighter sleeper than me...haha oops!)

    @pastemoo: haha yeah 16lbs. he's a chunky thing :o)

    @pastemoo: @cvbee: @regberadaisy: we do laundry(especially his) like every 2 days and in cold water. i usually rinse out his clothes when i take them off if he had an exceptionally bad spit up day. i think it's the formula. i don't care about the plain onesies, but it's always the nice clothes that get stained! i'm gonna have to look into a stain remover

  37. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @mediagirl: I called my PCP because she was closer to my house than my OB. I don't think it really matters which doc you call though . . . even my pediatrician's nurse always asks how I'm doing when we bring in Audrey. So you could probably even talk to the pediatrician about it.

  38. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: I hope your day with T went well. I think that was a good idea to get out with him, you have to keep some normalcy! We failed miserably yesterday

    @cvbee: Ahh see, I was totally clueless! I had never heard of that before.

    @bpcmarj: Oh no! Sorry to hear you have to restrict your diet.

    @calsmom: My day with A was a crap shoot. It started the day determined to get her nap better and it was probably one of her worst napping days to date. Go figure. We're in the same boat as you where getting her to stay asleep for a long enough nap is becoming a huge challenge. Oh, and go Cooper with the sleeping, yay!

    @Mrsdaredevil: I'm so sorry things are so difficult. I don't blame you for not posting. Hang in there. I hope this isn't 'too soon' while you're in the thick of Willa's troubles while at home with DH, but maybe it will help him gain a little perspective on your long days at home with her? Sending good thoughts your way.

    @sarbear: Have fun with the solids! we're going to continue with them too! We haven't had spit up stain, but for poop I've just always pre-treated with a natural stain remover and washed. If there's still a little there I don't dry it, apply some more stain remover and wash again. So far it works most of the time.

    @regberadaisy: Hoping that things stay stable at work for you from here on out!

    @pastemoo: I'm jealous of your clean kitchen. We've been soo bad at dishes since our kitchen reno... we haven't yet installed a new dishwasher... we're lazy butts. I've realized I need to do something similar so long as she's calm. I've been stroking her head the past day and it seems to really soothe her. Soo funny you mention what not to wear... I was considering nominating myself haha

    @Mrs.M57: Its amazing how our LOs are so amazing and yet so challenging all at the same time. I'm with you in the being 100% responsible for LO's care. I've done every night waking save for a couple in her first weeks home and handle all the dirty work. Sometimes it makes me frustrated with DH because he gets the smiles and fun time while I get screamed at and spit on. Ugh. I hope you hang in there. Hopefully as they get a little older and a little more independent things will get easier for us.

    @sarbear: Just to add, we use Shout's free or natural version... whatever they call it. We wash on cold too and it still seems to work.

  39. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    So I just got back from A's 4 month check up. It was great. I absolutely LOVE our ped. She has a toddler and a two month old herself so its so nice to have someone who's right there with you. It gave me a lot of reassurance... even though it feels like things are spiraling out of control, she said it sounds like we're doing everything right and what we're dealing with is par for the course.

    A is doing great. She's 13lbs13oz, 25" long (85% for height which is weird? DH and I are short-average). She was pleased with her strength and milestones etc.

    I asked her about the 4 month sleep regression and she is totally a believer and was very empathetic. She said if possible to slowly try to stop the night nursing, well reduce them, but also said you have to do what you have to do to get some sleep for both baby and you.

    She ok'd solids (which was a relief, I'd felt kinda guilty. We quit cereal, but gave A pureed carrots last night and have been giving her tastes of banana for a while) but just said there's no need to make regular meals out of it yet.

    I know it doesn't carry much weight when its not coming from your own trusted ped. but if it gives anyone any relief... according to mine we all seem to be on the right path and its just going to be a matter of patience and perseverance until out LOs get through this crazy phase. (She mentioned possibly up to 6mos... which I'm refusing to accept )

    Oh... and one weird note from our appointment. My LO freaaaked out with our Dr. She said it's kind of early for stranger anxiety but thought that's what it was. I'm on the fence... she's usually not phased by strangers at all... I think she was just tired, overwhelmed by everything and hot. Really strange though.

  40. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @LAGS: I didn't know that Shout had a free and clear version. I just bought a huge refill bottle of the regular Shout yesterday. I think I will go ahead and keep it and get the free and clear next time we run out.

    We're not making solids a part of our daily routine either. No need to at this point!

    What a big girl!

    @sarbear: Dang! 16 lbs! Nice!

    @Mrs.M57: Which jumperoo do you have? I'm on the fence about getting one, but I know C would love it.

    Being a mother is the hardest job ever! You are doing a wonderful job at giving your daughter what she needs! It's healthy to vent. We need to do it, or else we would all go crazy lol

    @MsMini: I hope you had a good night's sleep!

    @regberadaisy: I saw that thread about you going taken down to pt. It looks like you received some great advice! It does seem like a blessing in disguise for now. I do agree with the ladies that it would be wise to look for another job just in case!

    @winniebee: Those super short naps need to stop! Goodness...20 mins is a mere catnap. Was last night's sleep any better?

    Cooper now loves to grab my cold water bottle and put it in his mouth. This morning I was taking a drink and it went all over me bc he grabbed onto it! He's so funny. He also loves to scream!

    I put him down for his nap without a paci, and it didn't make a difference. I figured it wouldn't, bc it falls out as soon as he flips over on his belly. I'm forever paranoid about him getting caught in the crib slats! When we check on him before we head to bed, he's often in the corner with his arm hanging out. It makes me feel very unsettled, so I always move him to the opposite end of the crib lol

    I just ate too much lunch, and I feel ill. UGH. My appetite is shrinking. Finally! I still have a bit of weight to lose. At this point, I will be thrilled if I lose 8 more lbs. I'll be happier with 13. I'm horrible at taking walks in the morning. I need to get better at this, bc it is already so hot outside. 80 feels like 90 in this place. Gross.

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