Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Baby Thread!!

  1. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs.M57: I do all the baby care/chores/night wakings and DH gets all the smiles, too. And I feel guilty for not working. I handle the money so I know how much we are limited because I'm not working. I'm actually applying for jobs.
    G decided to cry all morning today. DH was home for a nap and he got mad at me for not changing the baby because he(DH) couldn't nap with a crying baby. So I took G for an hour walk in the stroller. I knew he'd wake up when I stopped. He actually woke up a little before I stopped. Then we got home and he cried again, and I took him for a walk (hand held) and he cried for 1/4 mile. So... 4,4 miles with the baby today--not bad.
    @LAGS: I use our dishwasher as a dish rack only. I've run it maybe 10 times in the almost 2 years we've been here. It sucks. Maybe we can nominate each other for What not wear... Hah! Glad little A's 4month check up went so well.

    @calsmom: I hate walking when it's 80. Oh and the screaming--now that is a milestone I was not looking forward too. Hah. I hope you feel better. My appetite is still ridiculous!

    Oh.... I lost a paci today (in the frustration with DH and G crying, I left the house with a paci not on a leash and it fell out sometime during the walk).

  2. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Just checking in, we had a busy day of errands and cooking (lentil stew) and baking (chocolate cupcakes with nutella swiss meringue buttercream) today.

    I set up a fish tank in Sawyer's room (on his dresser/change table) and got some guppies for it. Sawyer loves it, and since it has been set up, he watches the fishes while I change him.

    Sawyer is a rolling machine today as well, he has been able to roll for a long time, but now he enjoys it, and he wants to roll all the time.

    My day of epic naps lead to ... a bedtime meltdown that lasted until we took him back out of the crib. He finally went to sleep in our bed with us at midnight, and then was up every 2 hours to nurse ... sigh. Today we had an epic morning nap and 3 short naps. Bedtime is going to be soon, so unfortunately no replies for now!

    Oh, I am feeing much better today, fever and aches are gone, just the headache left.

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @regberadaisy: Oh goodness. How are you feeling about it now? I'm sorry you have to go through this : (

    @Mrs.M57: LOL re: what not to wear! Wearing the same crap over and over again is brutal. You'll get there soon enough.

    @msmini: glad you are feeling better...and at least Sawyer's naps are back on track. I love the idea of the fish bowl!

    @Mrs.M57: I'm sorry your ped made you feel guilty....some babies just grow differently than others! On the other end of the spectrum, Tyler is only in like the 5th percentile for everything, so in the back of my mind is always whether he is eating enough....I feed him whenever he seems remotely interested. I agree motherhood is amazing but at times completely overwhelming...and I feel like I do get breaks....but the concern over sleeping, feeding, milestones is always there. And by the end of the day I just want to pass T off to his daddy when he walks in the door!

    @LAGS: That's great news she is doing well. Your ped sounds really cool! I'm glad she doesn't think we (ehem, our babies) are a bunch of crazies.

    @calsmom: Cooper is a mover and a shaker! Just keep active and with your decreased appetite, I'm sure the weight will eventually come off.

    Things here are good - it's been beautiful fall weather in Boston (though today it's back up to the 80s!) My husband took a couple of overnight feedings the past few nights and I feel a lot more rested. Tyler was awful going down 2 nights ago (up like 6 times between 8-9:30 then up at 11, 4:30, then 7). Last night was better - asleep at 8, woke up at 8:20 and needed 1 soothe only and then slept til 1, then 5, then had a hard time falling asleep (needed a soothe) but ultimately then slept til 6:45. I'm so happy I'm not pumping overnight anymore - though, oddly it hasn't really reduced my supply. I still pump 16-20 oz every morning and basically 40 oz total. Naps are still terrrrible. Without fail, he wakes up after 40 minutes (whether in swing, crib, car, walk, arms) and sometimes I can get him asleep again, sometimes not. Yesterday, he only slept 20 mins in his crib and that was that. I think part of the problem is that I always let him nap in the swing and so now he needs the motion to nap. I know I need to stop swaddling, too, but it seems that's the only thing that really calms T even though he sucks his hands (and now has figured out how to just suck his thumb).

    Oh, I just signed up for a music class with T starting Monday - 8 weeks - called "Jelly Jams" ; )

    So for those who are or have started solids, why did you feel like you wanted to? I'm really curious! I was planning to wait until 6 months, though we haven't had our 4 month appt yet.

  4. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: I'm hoping solids will help A sleep longer at night

    We have our 4 month appointment on Friday. She's not really reaching for anything yet, but she follows stuff with her eyes like a champ. It's like she wants it, but doesn't know how to get it!

  5. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    So, this is my 3rd day of not forcing naps early and trying not to watch the clock. It's going really well and I nurse Nico down for all 3 of his naps when he starts crying and so long as I wait that long, he is out for the nap no problem-o. This goes against all the advice, as his awake periods are always more than 2 hours, and I'm waiting til he's 'overtired', but it's working for us.

    Although day napping is going along dreamily there is still nothing that seems to fix the night time. Not earlier to bed. Not later to bed. Not co-sleeping. Not the white noise. Nothing.

    So last night I had a serious evening of TV-watching lined up....Parenthood AND SYTYCD. I could not have Nico's wake-every-who-knows-when cutting into my tv time. After a month of this sleep regression I have almost given up caring. So, I put the tv on in the bedroom, popped him on my boob, and there he slept for almost the entire first show. And then he slept on my lap (kept my boob out just in case!) for the 2nd show (2 hour show!). Then I put him in his crib and he continued sleeping until a reasonable time for 1st night feeding.

    So go figure. Sometimes not caring helps. It's probably just getting better because he's almost 5 months old. For the record, he was "sleeping" from 6pm to almost 8am! (woke up at 7pm, 12:30pm, 3am, 4:30 because that's when my husband gets up and makes noise, 6am, 7am). Lots of wake-ups, sure, but lots of sleep too. In the worst of it he was sometimes waking up every 30 minutes. It was nuts. So I've seen some improvement.

    I'm with you gals on the 'What not to wear' issues. Last year for this season I didn't really get any new clothes because I got a giant box of maternity clothes that I just started inserting into my wardrobe--that was so fun. Plus, fall-winter I am usually a teacher and I like to dress up for work, so my fall-winter casual wardrobe usually only has to cover the weekends. I've got nothing to wear. And yet, I am in the tightest budget of my life, so I can't afford new clothes. Maybe I will poke my head around at Walmart....sometimes they have things on sale for like five dollars and they are not bad. I have found all my old belts, so that has at least made my jeans fit again.

    I randomly have acne suddenly. Started out just my cheeks, but now it's my whole forehead too. I had severe acne as a teenager (had to go on Acutane) so it's not foreign territory and doesn't bother me so much because I know how much worse it can be, but it's still not fun. I didn't change my facewash, my cleansing routine, my makeup, my diet, nothing. So I can only attribute it to hormones. Maybe AF is around the corner? Or maybe it's because I've been on and off of antibiotics so much in the last few months from the kidney issues? It's fine. If acne is my biggest problem in life I'm doing okay.

    On the milestone side of things, Nico can do a tripod sit for 10 seconds or so (leaning forward, with his hands on the ground). But he can only do it without his diaper. I'm starting to give him some diaper-free tummy time again for doing a morning workout after his bath because I wonder if the bulky cloth diaper gets a bit in the way of his moves. I put him down on a blanket AND on a change pad liner thingy. This morning he peed on the blanket but it was time to wash it anyway. The last 2 times he didn't even pee.

    Midnight pet peeve: as I'm nursing Nico for his midnight snack at the very very end I hear him poop. He used to never do this at night and now he's done it 3 nights in a row. I am so torn as to whether to put him back in his crib with the poop or to change the diaper. Last night I changed the diaper in the dark. This morning when I looked at that midnight diaper there was only the tiniest little bit of poop in there. grr

    @winniebee: I wanted to start the solids because Nico gets so extremely interested in our eating. I know he doesn't need it nutritionally, so I've started with something similar to BLW, except I hold the chunk of food and he uses his hands to move my hand to his mouth. He's just exploring and it's not really a nutrition thing....not much gets swallowed...he's just working on using his mouth to feel it and some of it ends up dissolving into his mouth a bit. It is satisfying his interest in trying foods, and I only do it on the days when I have time and I have BLW-appropriate food ready. Avacados are my favourite to use with him these days. I'm trying to stay away from the sweet stuff (banana) now so he will get used to the veggie flavours more.

    @winniebee: My friend invited me to join a music class too, but it is at 10am, which is pretty much a guaranteed sleeping time for Nico so we're not going to do it. Had we not been in the sleep regression I may have said that one nap a week can be off no problem, but you can understand my hesitation at this point in time.

    @MsMini: fish tank = so sweet!!! We had a fish tank for a few years and are 'over it'. We are bad fish owners. Ours were giant fish though....given to us from a friend.....well, given 3 fish and 2 died...long story, but it's not fun watching giant fish die....little ones I'd feel less bad about.....since then we passed the giant fish onto another friend. But it WAS cool having the fish in many ways....great white noise from the aquarium too.

    @pastemoo: I'm excited for you to get a carrier to baby-wear. (I am responding based on memory, since this was on the last page and I read it yesterday....if I'm making this up, just ignore!). I love wearing Nico when I'm doing food prep. When we get to the oven or stovetop stuff, I just pop him down onto a quilt on the floor. I think he really enjoys all the cooking action....in the fridge, the cutting, etc. I have an Ergo, so it doesn't face out, but he can still see most of the action.

    Alrighty, Mr Baby is up from his nap. I still leave him in the crib until about an hour is done if he wakes up early and he seems happy to just goo and ga and have some quiet time.

  6. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @pastemoo: I'm sorry you had such a rough day. I hope G is nice and laid back for you today to compensate. Nice walk btw, I hope it was relaxing. You definitely put us to shame in the kitchen department.

    @MsMini: Those cupcakes sound delicious! I hope last night's bedtime went better for you. The whole good day of naps hasn't lead to good nights sleeps for us either.

    @winniebee: I don't remember if I mentioned it, but my Ped had also said not to worry about stopping the swaddling. When I was talking about her bad sleep and doing that she looked at me like I had two heads and said not to throw that into the mix yet. I'm still planning to wean her though - I'm just tired of dealing with the swaddle and she can sleep without it, its just the battle getting her down that's easier with swaddle.

    I so wish I had some kind of music class like that to go to. We have literally nothing like that in our area...

    We initially looked towards solids because of sleep. I was planning to wait to 6 months too but family was almost guilting me into giving her something 'more substantial'. That said she was showing interest in our food at the time and can sit assisted so that's why we justified it. I stopped for a bit but she genuinely seems to enjoy it so we're keeping it up with purees now.

    A napped fairly well after her shots yesterday. I thought it might lead to a good night's sleep but was wrong. She went down easy but was up after three hours, then two... then decided to introduce rolling onto her tummy in her sleep just to make sure I got zero sleep. I kept putting her down fast asleep and by the time I got back to bed she'd be crying, on her tummy smashed up against the crib wall. I eventually gave up and brought her into bed and she continued to try to roll all night. I eventually gave up and popped her in her swing where she finally slept for 2 hours. Hopefully enough to get me through the day.

    I'm pissed at my husband today too. His uncle was going to be somewhat in the area and said he could drop by. DH is working but yesterday I said it'd be fine. After zero sleep last night at 6am, crying I asked DH if he could tell his uncle today wasn't a good day. He seemed to think that was pretty unreasonable and asked why and I said I just don't have the time patience or energy to get the house in order, care of A and then entertain. His response was a bitchy "you wont be entertaining anyone". Even though I'd have to host him and his gf and I refuse to have guests in a messy, dirty house. The icing on the cake is I'm pretty sure the only reason his uncle wants to visit is because he has a new sugar baby that he's been showing off to all the family over the past two weeks. I've officially been acting like a teenager and have been giving DH the cold shoulder all day. I can't wait for him to leave for work. This really isn't a big deal at all but I'm just so tired. DH gets his full night's sleep and gets to escape to work... I get to continue fighting with A and now have to keep some kind of normal schedule while entertaining his uncle and his 20 year old gf. yay.

  7. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @winniebee: the ped told us we could start G on solids because he's more interested in our food then his bottles

  8. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @LAGS: I was mad about having to clean the house for the in-laws a week ago. (They complain about DH's brother's house, so I feel extra guilty about it). Then on Friday DH's brother and his wife were going to come by for a visit and I cleaned again (even though they are the messy house people) and then they didn't even come. I even had lunch cooked for them. I waited around expecting them all afternoon. They said there was construction on the hwy and they couldn't make it to our house. Since cleaning for nice and helpful people (MIL and FIL) makes me grumpy, I would TOTALLY be mad about cleaning for an uncle-in-law with a girlfriend. Good luck.

  9. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @cvbee: Wow, no shows?? That's so frustrating. Sorry you've had company issues too. Not fun at all. Right now part of me is wishing for a no show... but I have absolutely no intentions of preparing a meal so it wouldn't be such a big deal.

    Nothing is working to improve A's night sleep either. Its just a game of chance right now. My face broke out this week too. I never get pimples on my cheeks and yet have four little ones, some along my hair and jaw lines too... all these hormonal side effects post-birth just keep getting better, don't they?

    Oh and speaking of nighttime diapers, I had been changing Addie's diapers mid-night lately wondering if a less soiled diaper would help her sleep a little better by morning, but ended up having her pee mid change every time, one time that happened to be on our bed, the others just soiled her sleepers, swaddles and change pad So I'm over that, but like you, I'd probably still change if I suspected she'd pooped. Bummer when it turns out to be a shart though.

  10. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    Ok, so I haven't posted in awhile because things have been nuts here! We finally found a babysitter and today is her first day, so my first order of business is to post here! Lol. Liam hates strangers and even though this woman seems awesome with him, he keeps crying and I've had to go in there a couple times to calm him down. So here's what I've been up to and I'll try to respond to everybody later...

    The bad:
    - Still don't have a kitchen. hopefully will be done by the end of next week, but having such a messy house is getting frustrating.
    - stranger anxiety - Liam will not let me leave him with anyone, even his own dad sometimes. I went to the mall Friday and got a call from frantic DH with a screaming baby in the background. I need time away from this kid!
    - we started CIO Monday night and it was the worst hour ever! After he had been crying for 55 minutes (we were going to him to rub his belly every 5-10 minutes) we were about to give up, but then he fell asleep. The next night he only cried 10 minutes, and now we are down to 2-5 minutes. We decided to CIO because having to rock him to sleep for 20+ minutes 5-6 times a day was hurting our backs and there was just no way he would go to sleep on his own. We figured better to do it sooner than later.

    The good:
    - Liam's sleep has been great. He goes to bed around 8pm, wakes up at 3 or 4am to eat, then sleeps until 8 or 9am.
    - with CIO his naps have increased from 30 to 45 minutes. He also falls asleep in the car now without crying, where he used to get tired, not be able to get himself to sleep, and cry hysterically.
    - I took him to a music/story time at the library and despite how loud it was, he loved it! Well, I think he just liked watching all the other kids since he doesn't see kids very often.
    - tomorrow we go to our first mom's club meeting. I hope there are some kids his age and some cool mom friends for me.

    Ok, I should probably go get some stuff done while Liam is doing ok with the sitter!

  11. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, last night was the best in a while, we had a 4 hour, a 2 hour, and a 3 hour stretch of sleep last night, then he was up for an hour and took a 2 hour nap this morning. Unfortunately, I only got about an hour of his 4 hour stretch of sleep because I stayed up to watch tv We went back to the 10pm bedtime last night, and he had a bath, so I am not sure what helped.

    @winniebee: You will have to let us know how you like the music class. We were thinking of doing one but it was SO EXPENSIVE ... ($160 for 1X week for 8 weeks, so $20 per class). Fall is creeping up on us here as well, we had to cover our gardens last night to protect them from frost

    @Goldilocks1107: I "practice" skills with Sawyer to help him along, I think you could look up online how to help her out if you want to!

    @cvbee: We actually had 2 fish tanks in storage from when we moved (3 years ago), me and DH each had one, we took a fish tank break, but we are ready to set them up again I think. We will probably get our small saltwater tank up and running sometime around (probably after) Christmas. The guppies are nice and cute and small, so the are an easy start.

    @LAGS: The cupcakes were amazing! I am glad to have mat leave to indulge in baking, I am working on perfecting a recipe for Swiss meringue buttercream ... It is close to perfection in both nutella and vanilla now!

    @cvbee: AH! No shows make me want to punch someone. My MIL and her sister have pulled this on me 3!! times.

  12. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @LAGS: That's repulsive. I would be pissed off as well. I wouldn't bother cleaning up just for them. You're busting your ass enough as it is!

    @cvbee: What a bummer!

    @sarbear: Awesome...what do you think you'll try first? We tried bananas which he loves! We've been very half-ass about it. We will be more hardcore at 5 months.

    @duckduckkristen: I'm sorry about the issues with the CIO! It is so difficult! What a great feeling knowing that it's paying off though!

    @winniebee: A music class sounds very exciting and fun! I know Tyler will love it! Let us know how it goes!

    @Goldilocks1107: It sounds like she's doing good! Hope her appt goes well! They change so fast. She'll probably start grabbing for stuff very soon. 4 months is a crazy time! Cooper is developing so fast (too fast? lol) this month.

    I have a hungry baby waking up for his bottle. More later!

  13. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @MsMini: OMG! Yikes. Glad you had some good naps. I have found that good nap days=good sleep nights. I hope it's true for you.
    So do you share your recipes or blog them

    @winniebee: LOL. I don't count the 5-ish wake ups between 7 30 and 9 or 10pm as wake ups since I'm usually not in bed yet! I keep thinking--oops, I forgot to go to bed, I guess I'll just top him up. After that, I'm getting 2 wake ups now and definitely feeling more rested than I did 2 and 3 weeks ago. Win!
    I hope T's sleeping keeps getting better. Seems like you are on the right track.

    @cvbee: I wonder if the diaper-free think would help G to sit. What a cool milestone for you and Nico!
    And.... I agree that the not watching the clock is helpful.
    Yeah.... the no decent clothes thing is starting to get to me. I was walking in our apartment parking lot and this guy looked at me (my nips were totally sticking out) and he says "Nice uh..... (double beat).... shirt" I just laughed really loudly. It is an ugly fugly shirt.
    @LAGS: Yeah, well I had to clean the kitchen floor again after I spilled 5 oz of milk... and I hadn't pumped since Sept 2 (all the milk in the fridge was old and had to be thrown out). I was so pissed. I told my DH he would have to use formula (not that he feeds LO).
    And I woudl be super pissed about the uncle thing after the no sleep thing. UGH! What did you do today? Are you ok?
    And as for overnight changes... I don't do them anymore even if he's wet through.... he wakes up and it isn't worth it. No diaper rash yet (knock on wood). He hasn't pooped at night in over a month.
    @duckduckkristen: You need to leave baby with DH and just get OUT--even with the stranger anxiety. G has been top-of-the-lungs screaming lately and if I didn't walk away some times I would have squeezed him by now. The screaming thing is no fun.
    I'm doing a semi-CIO thing, too. I don't know what it is since it's not something I read about, but hey, you do what you have to do and I hope it keeps working!
    Enjoy the mom's club (and share!) and I hope your kitchen is done soon.

    @calsmom. Hi!

    @goldilocks: finally got the enfamil coupons (2 checks, $5 each), can you email me your address to my *real* email address again?

    So ladies. I have called the lactation consultant, I don't know what to do! I was changing to go to the gym, and as I always tend to do because I am clumsy and always run into corners... I ran into my dresser while topless and cut my nipple/areola (yes, my stupid dresser is exactly that height. Ugh). It hurts a little but it's bleeding. Do I nurse on that side? I don't think I'd want to pump either.... I am going to block feed on the other side until I hear from the LC. Only I could be so klutsy.
    Good news: got an ergo carrier from my grandma and some teething straps. LOVE it.

  14. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Just wanted to share! Mrs. Bee just emailed me that I won the Dria nursing cover. I am excited to try it out, I was looking at different options on Etsy today!

  15. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    I am sooo behind... trying to read through everyone's responses.. just had to post this. Cobi has TWO teeth now! Seriously two teeth within one week. It's crazy! They're so sharp but SO CUTE!!

    He is starting to show signs of learning to crawl!! in this pic he is trying to get on his knees! He can now pull himself into hands/knees position, but only for a few seconds!! I cannot believe that I ALMOST have a crawling baby... no way.

  16. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: Wooo congrats! So, the Jelly Jams class is 180 for 8 classes - crazy! But, I wanted to do something special while on maternity leave and I have a friend who did it and said it was really fun.

    @cocobee: TWO teeth?! How grown up! So cute.

    @pastemoo: UM OUCH!!!!!!!!

    I don't do overnight diaper changes either unless I hear or smell real poop. He doesn't poop overnight though. When I change his diaper in the morning he does have poop but I can tell it's fresh.

    Crying baby (put him down 5 mins ago to sleep.)....ugh. Might be time for CIO. @duckduckkristen, what kind did you do?

  17. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @pastemoo: ouch! Your poor nipple!

    @Coco Bee: Teeth and crawling! How exciting!

    @winniebee: I think we did the Ferber method? I read him goodnight moon, wrap him in his blanket, sing twinkle twinkle, then bounce him til he is drowsy and put him down, rub his belly and shh him a bit, then leave the room. That first night, I came back to rub his belly and shh him after 3 minutes, then another 3, 5, 5, 10, 10, then 20 minutes. The important things are that you shouldn't swaddle their arms so they an self soothe and you aren't supposed to pick them up, just rub their belly and shh them. that first night almost made me cry and I hated it, but it was worth it and now he only cries for a couple minutes so once I put him down I don't usually have to go back in there at all. Good luck!

  18. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @MsMini: Congrats! That rocks!
    @Coco Bee: So CUTE!

  19. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @LAGS: lol shart

    Re Ferber @duckduckkristen: did Liam calm with a pat and shhhh? My issue is Nico does not calm down from my shhing and patting AT ALL.

  20. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @duckduckkristen: That's amazing that Liam settles so soon now. Good job! Have fun at your Mom/play group!

    @MsMini: It's so hard to go to bed early with them, right? I went to bed at 9 two nights ago and felt amazing the next day. Of course I then went to bed at 11 the next night and paid dearly for it. Why is good tv on so late? Your baking sounds absolutely delicious, I'm kind of inspired to try different buttercreams now! I've totally slacked since LO came. haha all I've done is banana bread.

    @calsmom: DH really pushed my buttons as he left, he was all "Sorry for burdening you" so I was in rare form. Addie was tough this morning so I was ready to let rip on DH, but then she miraculously went down for an amazing afternoon nap, company came and she was great for them, and they were totally respectful of our routines and everything so I finished the day feeling like a total A-hole. ugh. I'm still peeved with DH though haha

    @pastemoo: omg I think I would have cried if I spilled that much milk... sorry you lost that much Throwing milk out too must have been painful. DH's uncle came with his gf and now I feel like a huge ass. He was amazing. He loves Addie and honestly is really good to us. He just has a drinking problem so if he's partying is a total loose cannon and with the young gf I was just not entertaining the idea of any nonsense. I figured he was in show off mode and he totally wasn't. Guess I need to have more faith.

    Owch about your nipple! I wouldn't know what to do either. Obviously nursing on that side would be super painful Did she have any good advice for you??

    @MsMini: Wow perfect timing! Congrats, always nice to win something. What had you looking for a new cover?

    @Coco Bee: Wow, so cool! Go Cobi! Has nursing felt any different with the teeth? I'd guess not cause they're covered by his tongue? When we last visited my DH's cousins her twins were getting into position like Cobi is and they're crawling maniacs now, such a big boy!!! yay! Oh and I love his peach fuzzy head!

    DH wrote me an email from work today reading me the riot act for putting him in a position where he had to potentially close our door to his family. He also claims he's mad at himself for letting things get to this point where I'm sleep deprived and at my wits' end and said (verbatim) "I will be taking over and doing some night feedings." Is it bad that this made me laugh?? haha... The night he actually wakes up to help let alone take over is the day hell freezes over... honestly. But at least we've talked things out and are on the same page again... well save for that statement being a load of sh*t.

    Addie had a little stranger anxiety with our uncle's GF. It's weird... so far its only females where this has happened? Does this mean we need to expose her to more faces/places or is this something that is just expected to happen?

  21. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @LAGS: Oh I know! I love his peach fuzz too - I rub it all the time lol!!
    I had read that when they're teething often they'll gnaw or gum the nipple and thankfully he hasn't done that! I would have never even noticed his teeth except that DH lets DS bite his finger lol and he told me about both of them. So far it hasn't affected nursing, knock on wood; but my sister said once her son had teeth he was biting all the time. She tried lots of different tactics to get him to stop and nothing worked.

  22. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @winniebee: I know a few people doing the music class here, if it sounds good we might do the winter session (Sawyer will be older and might like it more).

    @LAGS: I was looking for a bigger cover, I have an udder cover, but Sawyer is always pushing it all over the place, so I thought a poncho style might work better for him/us so I can go back to nursing in public instead of retreating to our car all of the time. The swiss meringue buttercream is amazing, and not as hard as people make it out to be (it isn't super sweet, just rich and light).

  23. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cvbee: I don't pat and shh. I stroke his face/nose and sing lullabies. @LAGS: Glad the uncle/gf visit turned out to be a good thing. Hey, it's ok to react how you did and I'm glad it came out a good experience. And... she said to pump. Um no. She also said it's OK if LO eats some blood. Eww. I just skipped that side and we'll try it at 2am if it doesn't hurt to the touch. If I can't nurse on that side tomorrow, I'll probably hand express and possibly go to the hospital to meet with the LC in person.
    : And I know what you mean about hell freezing over. But hey, the thought counts for something. I dunno about stranger anxiety. No clues...
    @Coco Bee: Phew! Hope he keeps it up.
    @msmini: Glad the cover s working for you! I mostly don't use a cover anymore. Or just a napkin if I need something...

  24. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @cvbee: lol, no. A pat and shh did not really calm him. I think the point of it is to just let him know I am there so he doesn't feel abandoned.

    @LAGS: I think the stranger anxiety just happens. Liam has it really bad. He'll smile at new people as long as I am holding him, but the second I hand him over and walk away he loses it. I spent a lot of time googling it and it doesn't seem like there is much you can do at this age except to make sure LO gets a decent amount of time away from you from time to time.

  25. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    This thread is moving so fast these days! I am on my phone so I can't easily reply but wanted to jump in!
    Penny has her.4 month appt tomorrow morning. I have been dairy free for 2 days. Besides the fact that cheese is my favorite thing on the planet, I think I am handling it ok. I got some diary free bagels and fake butter as a treat. Tomorrow I may go get some coconut milk/coffee creamer, too. We'll see. Re;sleep and cio: I tried it modified last night. She would not let me pit her down anywhere and would cry right away when I did. I could tell she was just so tired and not hungry so I was just trying to rock her in the rnp back to sleep in our dark room. DH was already asleep but after several minutes right as she escalated and I began to pick her up made a com,ent about that not working. I totally snapped at him. I have been nursing this baby to sleep for 4 months and I just need to figure out another way! I apologized for being short and all is well now. Tonight was Way easier to get her to bed. Side laying breast feeding on our bed, then transfered her to the pack and play without waking! Success! Although it's only 9:30 so her waking up again is still within the realm of possibility.

    Tomorrow we start our lap baby story time group at the library. I have already "met" another mom who will be there through a local resale FB page. I think we will have fun, although it will mess with her naps for sure. Hoping for the best!

    I hope to reply more specifically tomorrow. Hope my typos weren't too bad in this post. I can't go back and read what I wrote so editing after I notice one isn't possible from the phone!

  26. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Thanks! I'm glad it worked for you guys. We need to wean T from the swaddle before doing it, which I thought would be the case.

    @LAGS: I'm glad he recognized you need some help! Now, only to implement that plan. I always have felt guilty asking for overnight help (except on weekends or vacations) because DH gets up for work at 5 and sometimes isn't home til 7 p.m. But, our jobs our 24/7 and no we don't have to focus that cerebrally to take care of the baby, but it's a lot of work, and it's not fair to have one person totally sleep deprived *just* because they are at home. T has had only one case of stranger danger, last weekend. We were at a party and I passed him off to someone he did not know and I went to get a plate of food. And he became hysterical. Otherwise, he has been pretty good about going to whomever, but I do let him get passed around a lot and we've been around a lot of different ppl.

    @cvbee: Patting and shhing sometimes works for us, with offering the paci and turning on his mobile. It only works if he's not *reallly* crying.

    @bpcmarj: Good for you in the dairy free dept! I want to get dairy free butter. Instead I've just been going without. I don't blame you for snapping at your DH. We've all been there....

    So I may have learned/done something that helps in the sleep dept. I was reading in that Healthy Sleep book (which is good, but a little repetitive...) that if your baby has an early wakeup to let them cry and they may fall back asleep. T's morning wakeup (roughly 10-11 hrs after giong to bed) he doesn't cry. He chirps and grunts and makes noises and I usually just get him and he goes down for a morning nap early, like 1-1.5 hrs later. Today, he had his last feed/wakup at 4:30 and I put him back down at 4:45. At 6:45 he was making noise but I decided (in a sleep induced hazed) to ignore him remembering what the book mentioned. He fell back asleep and it's now 7:45 and no noise from him. So, last night he was in his crib at 7:15 (asleep by 7:40 after needing a big soothe), slept til 1, then from 1:20-4:30 and now still sleeping. So that's 12 hours over time in his crib, which is amazing for him. Small victory. This is the first time I've been up before him...like...ever?

  27. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    I feel RESTED. OMG I can't believe it! He slept at 7 30.
    Up at 9, 10 (I went to bed at 10 40)
    Up at 2, 5, and finally up cooing and chatting with the monitor at 6 30.
    I was not ready to be up at 6 30 but now I feel.... HUMAN. Whoa.

  28. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @LAGS: and @MsMini: I'm damn proud of myself for making cookies and banana bread lately. I've never baked a cake nor made icing in my entire life: you gals impress (and inspire) me!

    @pastemoo: what about a nipple shield?

    @LAGS: All the books and websites I've been reading for Nico's age (21 weeks) are mentioning "hey, your kid might start to get stranger anxiety". They say to explain to the people that it's just a stage. I guess yours hit it early.

    @LAGS: Last weekend DH said he would do the night shift so I could sleep. I told him that I'll do the milk ones but he can do the extra wake ups (which Nico is over now, I think, but last weekend he was waking up a million times a night). So I got him to do one, but Nico just kept screamng. After 5 minutes I took Nico and right away he stopped crying and let me walk him to sleep. It was nice of DH to try though. The next morning, DH had a ton more appreciation for what I do.

    @Coco Bee: The gals at my Mom group were talking about biting and teeth yesterday. They said to scream "Ow" really loud and take baby off. One gal said she had to do that just twice and then baby never bit again.

    @winniebee: congrats on the early-morning extra sleep for both of you! Yay for small victory!

    @pastemoo: yay for feeling like a human!!!!

    I think Nico and I have a new bedtime routine that works for us. It starts shortly after last nap (remember I'm off the clock now!). I have to give him his bath REALLY early, like no where near to sleep time because I think his screaming after bath was actually a dont-want-to-sleep protest. Now we do bathtime, pajamas (so much easier to put on if he's not screaming!), then we go for a family walk outside (Nico gets so calm from looking at stuff outside), then we read to him while laying down together in the guest bedroom, then we walk him upstairs and just lay in the adult bed until he gets fussy, and then I nurse him to sleep. Yes, I know I shouldn't nurse to sleep but with the sleep issues, I need to do it, I think for my own sanity....when things settle down I'll start nursing him earlier and putting him to bed drowsy. Then he seems to wake up after 20-40-or 60 minutes. I nurse him again and then I let him sleep on my lap while I watch tv. (This is the only time of the day when I can watch tv, because any other time he will try to watch too and I am not okay with that). Then when I'm ready to go to sleep, I put him in the crib and he does stay sleeping until the normal feeding time in the night. It's working for us now. (3 nights in a row)

    Oh, and no midnight poop/fake poop last night! Yay.

  29. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @MsMini: how are you feeling? Hope you're kicking the flu in the butt. My husband's been sick for about 2 weeks now. Can't seem to kick it.

    @pastemoo: I've been doing a semi blunt chin length cut with bangs for years now. Then let it grow way too long before I go get another haircut. This time I cut it short but still long enough to put in a pony tail and with side swept bangs but more layers.
    And OMG How is your cut??

    @Mrs.M57: It IS really overwhelming! Last night I was laying there watching Sons of Anarchy with my husband and it really struck me that this worrying about my baby thing is never going to end! But when she looks at me and smiles and babbles it makes it all worth it.

    @calsmom: hah I've been giving M my water glass after I takea drink. She puts her mouth on the rim and sucks on it and wants to hold the glass.

    @MsMini: I've been wondering if there was a winner! YAY!

    M is really starting to show a interest in us eating. She gawks at us. I am tempted to try and see if it'll help with her sleep. I think I might see what my husband thinks about just introducing solids but in no regular pattern for now until she's at least 5.5 months.

    Finally buckled and ordered her a bebepod flex plus even though I've been waiting for weeks for one to appear on NBD. Next on the order list is an exersaucer but trying to hold out for the Amazon Mom Appreciation Event.

    Found out yesterday that my whole family (as in 4 adults and 4 children plus us in a 1200 sf house) are coming to visit this weekend. We are so excited to see them but my husband is a little stressed that we are between two houses. Both houses are a mess and he is pushing hard to finish so we can hopefully move in by end of October. So with them coming we're losing a whole weekend. And my ILs are coming in two weeks and they are driving a 14' Uhaul full of stuff that will be stored at our current house. So there's the added stress of packing up our stuff to move to new house so there's room here for their stuff. Whew.

    I'm doing OK now about the PT. It's spread throughout the office and as horrible as it sounds, it makes me feel better that it's not a select few.

    Oh BTW M nursed the heck outta my boob and cleared the clogged duct up right away! hehe.

  30. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @winniebee: Good to hear about the sleep progress! How long did he wind up sleeping until? I realllllly hope this is good sign that things will be improving.

    @cvbee: Do what works for you! It seems like your approach is effective!

    @pastemoo: Wonderful! I am so happy to hear about everyone's babies sleeping better!

    Cooper was a mess last night! I fed him his 4th bottle around 5, with plans to feed him his last bottle at 7:30 as normal. Well, he spit up an obscene amount! It wouldn't end. In the midst of all the spitting up, he was rubbing his eyes and super cranky. We put him down at 6:45 and slept until 8:30 this morning. I don't think he's ever slept that long. He's taken to sleeping with his face down on the mattress. How he's comfortable in that position? I don't know. I know he's safe though (once hubby eased my worries lol).

    How long are your lo's lasting until they are ready for their first nap? Mine used to last an hour and a half. It's been more like an hour lately.

  31. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @regberadaisy: yay for your clear clog and glad that you're feeling like the office cutbacks are not as scary since it happened to everyone. Good luck! Re: exersaucer, there is a Mom-to-Mom sale in my town this month. I will go and if things are really garage sale prices (super duper cheap) then I might possibly get an exersaucer.

  32. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @calsmom: face down? I'm a tummy sleeper and I would LOVE if my face would let me breathe face down....props to Cooper.

    Although I am "not watching the clock" Nico has been pretty consistent with about 2.5 hours before first nap.

  33. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @pastemoo: AWESOME NEWS!!!

    @cvbee: Sounds like a good routine to me. I like how Nico likes to walk. T still generally falls asleep on stroller walks...but not Moby walks...

    @regberadaisy: That's so cute that she wants to join you eating ; ) I'm glad you feel better about the work situation and that it's not just you.

    @calsmom: So happy that you have a good sleeper - especially given that you have to deal with the feeding issues. T ended up sleeping til about 8. It was great, because I could pump before he ever even got up : ) He goes to sleep within 1.5 hours of his first wake. He was up until about 9:30 then down for a nap. He's been sleeping 1 hr 20 minutes (in his swing...yeah, I need to work on that...). His awake stretches get a little longer throughout the day - his last awake stretch is usually 2 hours (last night was 3....but that was because he fought bedtime like hell...)

    Hey, I wonder how @auntpol is doing these days with her twinnies....

  34. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Um, on top of 12 hours of sleep last night (2 wakings) Tyler has been sleeping 2.5 hours...its NOON and he's not up from his morning nap. Say what???

  35. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: what!!!!!!

    Here is Nico doing his trippod sit with no diaper (but onesie closed up for modesty!) PS. Sorry I don't know how to make the pic sideways.

  36. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: LOL, I then got cocky and tried to nap him in his crib for his next nap at 1:45....which resulted in him waking up 15 minutes later. So he is one arm swaddled in his swing sucking his hand (gagging on it, really)...and so now I'm just going to take him on a nice long stroller walk. Oh well.

    That is SUCH a cute picture!

  37. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: lol. happy walking!

  38. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @MsMini: I can see how poncho style would be much better. Mines too little and flimsy I never use it. What was the brand of cover you won again?

    @duckduckkristen: Interesting, thanks for this. I really need to get LO comfortable with someone else caring for her. Its funny because her anxiety so far has only been towards other women.

    @winniebee: Ya something's gotta give for us. I'm happy to do the night wakings, but its becoming a little unbalanced when we've had a lot of vacation time this summer and he didn't step in once. We're slowly getting on the same page so fingers crossed. That's an awesome breakthrough with T's sleep. I'll have to try that myself because lately A seems sleepy too quickly after waking up in the morning.

    @pastemoo: Woohoo for sleep!

    @cvbee: That's good that your husband had a little taste of our nighttime reality. I really have to stop rescuing DH. Its been causing some strain between us. He's felt kind of inept lately because of it. I'm going to try bath time before walk today too, she's always more relaxed after our walk.

    @regberadaisy: That's a stressful month Hopefully once family is there and you're in the middle of your visit it will be well worth it and melt away the stress!

    @calsmom: Wow! Can Cooper come have a chat with Addie?? She's 1.5hrs MAX for her morning nap.

    @winniebee: I was thinking about @auntpol a few days ago. I hope her twins avoid this sleep craziness... thinking of this x2 is a nice dose of perspective! Do you find when they have random great sleeps like that you don't know what to do with yourself?! I catch myself scrolling through pics of A on my phone a lot haha

  39. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    Hi all! I hope I'm not too late to join the party but I've semi-stalked this thread since I was pregnant and on Weddingbee. Since my LO has been born, I unintentionally went on an Internet freeze and missed the transfer to HelloBee but am so glad to find this board again.

    My son Owen was born on May 26th (EXACTLY on his due date) and was 8 lbs and 20.5 inches long. Since then he's been nothing but a little milk monster. At his two month appointment, he was just under 15 lbs and he's probably around 18 lbs right now. I look back at his newborn clothing and just marvel at how teeny they look now as I carry Baby Hulk. He has his 4 month appointment at the end of this month and I shudder when I think of what his pediatrician will say about his weight.

    Developmentally he's sooooo close to flipping over from his back to belly. I keep finding him in his crib with the lower part of his body flipped over but his upper half still facing up. His head circumference was in the 99% at the last appointment so his doctor said it would probably take him longer to hold his up. He's been doing it for about a minute at a time now but then he becomes a bobblehead and just tips over so it'll probably be fooooorever before he can learn to sit up, much less crawl.

    My husband and I live in Boston and we recently bought our house. Unfortunately it's a fixer-upper and also 40 minutes from where we currently live so the first few months of Owen's life has been him strapped to his carseat going from our rental to the house as we fix up our house. My husband and I were seduced into the fixer-upper by way too many episodes of "Property Brothers" and thought we could handle having renovations. I'm not sure why we didn't factor in a newborn in this equation but I'm sure you can imagine the last few months have been hectic and stressful. But then my little guy will give me his grin and giggle routine and it's like a drug and I forget everything.

    I'm slowly catching up on this board but I'm so glad that there are other people out there that understand what I'm going through that I can talk to now. None of my close friends have children so it's been a bit lonely to not have other moms who understand what it's like to adjust to life post-baby.

  40. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @winniebee: So glad you got SO much sleep today. I bet it has to do with the fact that it's finally not humid as hell anymore. What a difference that makes. Like, although it's near 80 today and yesterday it's not humid at all so it feels so much more comfortable.
    @pastemoo: Feeling like a human is awesome. I seriously took it for granted pre-motherhood.
    @Coco Bee: I love his little teeth! How damn cute!

    Penny had her 4 month appt today. She is 26.5 inches long and 16lbs 4oz. She jumped to the 85th percentile for weight (where she had been 45th for the first month or so). She's such a big girl now.

    I hit the dairy free jackpot today at a local closeout/discount store (Ocean State Job Lot for all you NE ladies). They had coconut milk, lots of dairy free baking mixes and cereals, and tons of organic food which I just find more likely to include every ingredient on the package. I also got some spinach gnocchi in hopes that it will calm my cheese ravioli craving (although I admit I have never actually had gnocchi). I didn't get much today, but at least now I know if I just HAVE to have some cornbread, there is a place nearby to get some (cheap) dairy free cornbread mix! Thanks so much to those of you who sent along links and tips about eating MSPI, it was SO appreciated and very helpful!

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