Hi Ladies,
Looking for positive stories only. I could really use some reassurance right now.
My husband and I have (had?) the most amazing relationship pre-newborn. Head over heels in love. He's only 2 weeks old today so it's still early days. In the typical newborn madness it feels like we've lost each other. We're not fighting or anything. (Well the occasional exhaustion induced bickering ). But it's just kind of...awkward. Like he doesn't see me as his wife anymore. Just our sons mom. I mentioned this yesterday and he said its because I'm not me right now. I'm being "weird". Which I was surprised to hear at first but I can see what he means when I think about it. But of course I think I'm being weird because he's being weird. Haha. We used to just hug and kiss and dance and be affectionate and silly all the time. And since we've brought him home we've been very distant. Only brief glimpses of who we were before.
We've been together for 15 years, married for 2, and nothing has ever impacted us like this before.
Can someone tell me that this will get better? If you had a solid and affectionate relationship pre-baby, when did it return that way? I'm not even talking sex. Just day-to-day relationship. Was it sttn that did the trick? Baby milestones like smiling that make this all seem worth it? Just snapping out of the baby blues (which I am definitely experiencing)?

I just need some reassurance that we will be "us" again. Maybe a slightly different version of us, because we will never be exactly the same people. But still "us".