So my LO is almost three weeks old and we're having a few issues with sleep.

LO sleeps really well once we get her to sleep (six hours straight on some nights) but most days we go through a period where LO just won't. go. to. sleep (I'm talking about a six hour stretch one day)!

I know that she's overtired and we also have some issues with wind (we're working on these) but she'll rage / cry for hours unless I feed her to sleep (which either means she's over-eaten or she then has more wind). She can also be just about asleep and then wake herself up to rage again which is just so frustrating. And when I say "rage" she stiffens herself and just shouts / cries her wee lungs out. It's heartbreaking to hear her yell but I'm still working out what her cries mean.

Do you think that I'm setting myself up for heartbreak and bad habits down the line if I do feed her to sleep at this age? I don't want to create bad habits but the poor wee thing needs to go to sleep and sometimes feeding her is all I can do!

Thanks in advance,