Hi Bees! My LO is 2 weeks old (🎉🙌😁) and I’m hoping you can give me some advice on sleep. When we came home from the hospital, he was cluster feeding literally all night, so I never put him down. Now that he’s 2 weeks old, he’s sleeping pretty well at night, but he refuses to sleep anywhere but on me or DH (mainly me). It’s not only exhausting bc I’m not resting fully, but I’m terrified of SIDS. If we put him in the bassinet (pack and play), swing, pack and play “napper”, dock a tot...nothing works. He lasts about 5 minutes tops and then starts squirming. Full on crying starts within a minute or two. I have to pick him up and nurse him all over again, ending with either letting him sleep on me or trying again for the bassinet, which is just an awful cycle.

What can we do to get him to sleep anywhere else, or is this normal? He’s also small (6 lb 13 oz at his last checkup a few days ago), so I feel like the bassinet is too big for him, but maybe I’m grasping at straws....