I've had to endure 32 years of Dysfunction from my mother and sister. My mother went through 3 marriages by the time I was 16,, and only every cared about the dude she was with at the time. My sister tortured me as a kid and used me as an adult. Last weekend after my surgery the last straw broke the camels back and I ended my relationships with them. I've had waves of emotions come and go. Mostly for my DD.
My Disease (Graves) thrives on stress. When the surgeon told me how diseased my thyroid was all I could think about was it was because of the stress in my life. They took the disease out and it was time to clean up the rest of my life.
But I can't help but wonder where do I go from here? How do you move on from this? What are your holidays like without extended family? What do you do?