Hellobee Boards


Nov '12 Mamas: Post-partum Chat

  1. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    Sounds like most of us had a better night last night?!! DH came home from work around 4pm yesterday with some Chipotle for dinner so we didn't have to mess with cooking/dishes and then gave me some time to take a 3 hour nap! I guess I didn't realize how exhausted I was. Emerson went down for bed around 10:30 and slept til 1:45am! I had heard her stirring an hour earlier but made myself leave her as long as I could. The 2am feeding was a long one - she wanted to nurse more at 2:30 and 3am, so it was after 3;30 by the time I went back to bed. But, all in all, it was a more restful night.

    Catching up from the posts I missed earlier - I am going back to work FT in early Feb. I can't believe how the first two weeks have flown. I'm sure it will be here before you know it.

    As far was where Em sleeps, we have her in a bassinet by our bed at night. She has napped in her crib on a few occasions, the bassinet, or the P&P bassinet. I think we might try nights in her crib this coming weekend. At yesterday's mother/baby hour sponsered by the hospital, a couple mom's mentioned that their LO's started sleeping longer when they transitioned to the crib.

    @Highwire: Awesome job on the BF'ing! Who knew a sore nip could be so exciting!!

    @Mrs. Tricycle: It sounds like you really like your Ergo?? Was it hard to use at first?

    I want to get a carrier of some sort but am a little intimidated by them for some reason. I think it's that she still seems so tiny and I'm afraid of hurting her. Has anyone else started babywearing? Any carrier recommendations?

  2. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    We had an awful night last night! LO ate at 10:30, then fussed at hubs until 1 when he brought her to me to nurse again, and the fussed for another hour when he gave her a bottle! She finally went down around 2:30 and slept until 7. For some reason she is all of a sudden into "snacking" at night instead of getting a good full belly and going to sleep!! I think she has her day/night time shifted a little bit because we let her sleep too late yesterday morning. She just nursed for 45 minutes and is now snoozing away on my chest (I have to keep her upright for 30 minutes to fight reflux).

    For night sleeping we have her in her crib as much as possible. She's a noisy sleeper so everyone sleeps better when she is in there. If she won't go down in the crib we do the rock and play next to our bed.

  3. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Had a massive boon leak this morning. Nursed and then started pumping one boon at a time because I had to hold her and when I went to pump the other side I realized my pants were totally soaked from leakage out of that boob. So glamorous!!

  4. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @MamaMoose: sorry you had such a rough night!!

  5. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    Question for you all...How long do your LO's tend to sleep per day? And when they nap, do you try to put them down so you can either nap yourself or do somethings around the house?

    Em tends to nap for about 1.5 hours after each feeding. So it's usually awake for an hour, then asleep for 1-2. Every chance I have to put her down in the P&P or bassinet, I take. But I feel like a negligent mother for doing so...like I should spend more time holding her.

  6. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    Yesterday daytime was rough after a really great Monday but night time made up for it. She fussed and fed every hour from 12-4 in rhe afternoon and then slept in nice 2 hr stretches in her crib in the evening and at night. I even was able to crawl in bed with the monitor and sleep next to DH for 2 hours from 3:30-5:30. Then she slept an extra hour after I moved to the couch (didn't want her squeaks and my waking for them to disturb DH). This was of course after I tried this the first time only to knock our tv remote out of the bed when I got in, breaking it to pieces, waking up DH only for baby girl to wake up 5 minutes later. Plus I totally cried at my failed attempt - but the next try went much better
    Now we try the crib first for all sleeping and use the swing if that isn't working or if she's just having some quiet awake time. It's in the living room so I can talk to her and she can see me in there until she dozes off (or doesn't)!

    I was thinking of getting the copper IUD too bit my periods were already pretty bad before so I worry about how they will get. Before baby girl we charted to avoid for 4 years but, uh, got a little complacent once we were talking about a baby So I'm not going to rely on that especially with unpredictable sleep and breastfeeding in the mix.

  7. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @SLR: I do like half and half. Sometimes I hold her and sometimes I set her down in bassinet and do chores.

  8. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @scg00387: Not sure about work... Right now I'd love to stay home with her but don't want to struggle getting back into my career later.... Still undecided.

    @SLR: she sleeps loads. I was actually wondering if she sleeps too much during the day. She mainly naps on me if I try put her down she often wakes up....

    @MamaMoose: we've had a snacking phase this week too. Not sure why.... Then sometimes we have a really good nurse where she eats loads... Babies are a mystery

  9. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @slr we're about the same, eat & awake for 1 hour max and then down in his bassinet for between 1-3 hours on average, sometimes longer.. sometimes shorter. I don't plan to "sleep train" but I do have nieces who got in the habit of falling asleep on someone as babies and it was hard to break later on. I'm also paranoid about being too deep asleep and him falling off or getting his face planted. I also feel like he never falls asleep on me to begin with - he just decides he wants to eat again if he is near my boobs!! So, he's always in the bassinet drowsy and falls asleep himself. But if he falls asleep on my husband it's not a big deal and we usually treat it as a nap and he stays there for at least 1 hour or until he wakes up.

    @mamamoose we totally had the snacking issue yesterday night - he was drowsy, wouldn't get full, wouldn't sleep long, repeat today, so far, has gone better with active awake eating & passed out now.

    I love the miracle blanket! I just ordered another one.

    Has anyone clipped nails yet? I need to, but am nervous

  10. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @scg00387: noooo am too scared! Hubs does it instead

  11. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    Ariela has her one month checkup today. Hoping to get some advice about her diaper rash and see if we need a referral for an ultrasound on her hips. My guess is we probably will as we can still hear the occasional clunk on one of them. Poor baby girl. I'm praying that we can sort it out with double diapering and not a brace.

  12. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @travelgirl1: Good luck w/ Ariela's appt!

    @scg00387: I might file them today. They really need it.

  13. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @travelgirl1: when LO woke up this morning she nursed for FORTY minutes!!! That'll make up for the little snacks for sure : )

  14. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @scg00387: we are doing better this kornin for sure. But she seems to have switched to eat sleep play rather than eat play sleep. I know it's not ideal but for right now I'm too tired to try to mess with it since she's getting in her eating and her active awake time... Just in the wrong order.

  15. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    We have our photographers coming for newborn photos in an hour. Hopefully LO will cooperate!! This morning I managed to nurse the baby, pump a bottle for later, shower, blowdry my hair, put on make up, and clean all the bottles in the kitchen ALL while my husband slept! Maybe I will survive when he goes back to work!!

    And even better I'm wearing my pre pregnancy jeans at only 9 days postpartum!!!

  16. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @MamaMoose: I just got out some of my old jeans too. Some fit (although a wee bit tighter than I'd like at the tummy), some don't fit, but I'll take it!!!

  17. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @mamamoose I hear ya - I've tried not to stress on that for us since he has been sleeping really well. Sometimes he is just passed out after nursing and there is no hope to get him awake and active for a bit before sleep! Wow your morning has been productive - hope photos go well

    @travelgirl1 hope the appt goes well, will look for an update!

  18. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @mrsjyw: LOs cord has mostly fallen off, she'll be 2 weeks tomorrow. just alittle bit left. and i wanted to do santa pics but i thought she'd be born too close to christmas! don't know if i want to use the mall santa. our neighborhood has a santa but all the slots are full! and hope you were able to catch up on your rest!!

    @highwire: our LO sleeps in her crib at night, and about every other nap in the crib. the other half is in her pack and play downstairs. we didn't want to deal with transitions and luckily she goes down in her crib wo a fight and i hope that doesn't change! and i'm glad it seems like bfing is getting better for u!!

    @scg00387: i'm going back to work ft mostly for financial reasons. we moved into a more exp neighborhood for the school district so i knew i'd have to keep working. but as of now, i don't think i could've been a sahm anyway. i think i just need that adult time during the day. but maybe that mindset will change as LO gets older.

    @SLR: LO naps about 2 hrs at a time during the day. i usually put her down and then do some chores. i probably nap once a day when she does.

    @MamaMoose: i was so happy that some of my pre preg pants fit too! i was so sick of wearing the same maternity stuff for the last 9 months! right now about half my pants fit, which i'll take. some with major muffin top but its okay!!

  19. LemonLong

    pear / 1698 posts

    Catching up, my LO was born on Oct 27, but her due date was 11/9. She's 5 weeks.

    At night she sleeps in her crib in her nursery. For the first 3 weeks I slept I the nursery with her, but now I've moved to my own bed. This past week she's been going 6-7 hours between feedings at night, she will wake up occasionally for a poopy diaper or a lost pacifier though.

    During the day she sleeps in her rock n play or swing. She naps most of the day. I wake her up every 3-3.5 hours for feeding during the day. She sleeps through the tv, dogs barking, etc. she's a great napper.

    Lately she has been super gassy which makes her fussy. Gas drops and gripe water seem to be helping. Not sure what's causing the gasiness.

    I'll be returning to work FT in six more weeks. It feels like its gone crazy fast. My LO changes so much everyday. She's grabbing at toys or clothes on the changing table now and she seems to recognize her bedtime routine and responds well to it with no fussiness or crying.

  20. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @LemonLong: i think my LO is starting to get gassy as well. usually when she eats i can hear and feel her tummy rumbling and she seems uncomfortable for a couple min after a feeding. then she seems fine. i don't want her fussiness to get worse tho. how did you know when to start giving her gas drops and gripe water?

  21. LemonLong

    pear / 1698 posts

    @kodybear, I can tell with my LO because she won't eat well, then she arches her back, straightens her legs and makes a lot of grunting sounds! We'll try to burp her first and bend her legs up to her tummy. If that doesn't help her we do the gas drops or gripe water.

  22. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    @SLR: I do really like the Ergo - it was intimidating at first, but DH and I read the directions together and it wasn't so bad. We use it with the infant insert - the Trikester is just over 6 lbs., so he's prett tiny - the ergo still works well though.

  23. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Had an awesome appointment with lactation consultant. She nursed 20 mins on each side like a champ. First time we've gone that long. She's almost up to her birth weight at 8 days old and they weighed her before and after nursing and she took 1.5 oz from my boibs! So proud. And so happy it looks like this breastfeeding thing is finally getting underway for us

  24. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @meggo5: @travelgirl1: @kodybear: ty! Got.in a quick nap.late this.am.... last night was rough!

    Waiting at the pedi for A's weight check. Hoping he's gained some weight.

    @MamaMoose: good for u mama! No where close to fitting in prepreg jeana for me. Can't wait to see nb pics!

    @travelgirl1: hope everything went well at the pedi for A!

    @LemonLong: welcome!!!

    @highwire: wooohoooo go.you! Go C!

  25. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @highwire: I'm so happy to hear this! Yay boobs. Are you goin to be able to modify your crazy schedule and get a bit more rest?

  26. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    A Gained 8 oz./ .5lb since last wk!!! Thank goodness!!!! Was worried simce he'd lost much... nursing sessions have paid off!

  27. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @highwire: great news!! Congrats!

  28. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    When and how are you all starting tummy time? I tried with LO today and she just turned her head to the side and laid down comfortably. She made no effort to lift her head or move around. Even when I got down in front of her. Lazy little darling : )

  29. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @MamaMoose: I just sent his article to my husband! http://www.bellybelly.com.au/baby/tummy-time-for-babies We've been doing it twice a day after he eats for 5 or 10 minutes. I combine it with diaper free time. I usually rub his back or tickle his sides and he usually wriggles around. So far he can prop his knees/butt up and flip his head, it's hilarious!

    @highwire @mrsjyw that is awesome news!

  30. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @MamaMoose: we started doing tummy time maybe starting at 3 weeks. she used to get upset because her face would get mushed when she couldnt turn her head to the side. now she is better and can turn from side to side. she also gets some neck exercise when she lays on me and she lifts her neck up and moves around.

    @mrsjyw: @highwire: so glad that nursing is going better!!

    @LemonLong: hi due date twin! my LO was born 10/27 too. i am so jealous that she is sleeping 6-7 hours. i am feeling like LO will never get there. we have slowly been progressing to 5 hours, but its a slow process.

  31. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @highwire: Yay!

    @MamaMoose: She gets a lot of tummy time laid on me, but we also do it on a blanket on the floor and dangle toys in front of her and she always tries to push herself forwards. She has a super strong neck, we wonder if it's because she was breech, but she
    always lifts her head up.

    @mrsjyw: That's awesome!

  32. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    We were out all day today. Had a lactation appt at 11, went to target, went to a breastfeeding support group at 2, and bbb after that. Managing all of that alone was interesting! I'm exhausted now. Probably pushed it a little too much. And now she's fussy and we had a fail of a nursing session. Sad.

  33. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    @MamaMoose: our pedi said to wait until his bellybutton stump fell off - which I guess is around 3 weeks?

    Grandma fairy is here cooking, cleaning and cuddling the baby - she comes every Wed night when DH plays in a pitch league. Baby and Grandma both feel asleep in the recliner snuggling - nice. Has your mom or MIL helped out since the baby arrived?

  34. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    Ariela's appointment was great! She's getting very tall and now weighs 8lb 10oz. They gave us a prescription for her diaper rash and referred her for in ultrasound for her hips. The doctor couldn't feel the clunk but because we have they referred her. Seems to be getting better though so maybe the double diapering will work on its own, fingers crossed!

  35. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    @highwire: you live and learn! Props to you for braving all those adventures alone in one day!

  36. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: all our family live overseas so it's just DH and I over here, we've had no help at all. A must be the most Skyped baby ever though, she's adored from afar.

  37. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    Oh and A has thrush in her mouth, and I hadn't even realised. We've got some treatment for it though so it will hopefully soon go.

  38. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: both my mom and MIL have been angels and very helpful

  39. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @scg00387: miracle blanket is our favorite so far! Right now I'm planning on working part time, some from home. If I want to be a SAHM, I will be, I'm still just not sure!

  40. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @travelgirl1: how did you know it was thrush? I'm paranoid about that since I had to be on so many antibiotics.

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