Hellobee Boards


Oct 2012 babies chat Part 2!

  1. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    Hey everyone!
    @Beebug: I can't believe it is September alreaday...our babies are so big!
    @MrsRcCar: Congrats on the new baby!! All you ladies getting pregnant makes me so jealous, we both have baby fever like crazy, but are planning until waiting until May!

    Anyone started thinking about how they are goign to go about dropping the bottle and switching to milk? We are just under a month until she's a year and I know she's not going to handle the no bottle very well so I want to start the transition early. She does okay with a sippy cup but doesn't like when her formula is in there only water! Any tips you've seen?

  2. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @LuLu Mom: I am so worried about switching to sippy cup rather then bottle. My mum weaned both my brother and I by 15 months of our pacifiers and bottles. N likes his sippy cup but I am not sure about it for his formula. Right now I am not even ok with putting him on cows milk. Dh and I don't drink cows milk so I don't want to introduce it to N.

    Anyone else doing something instead of cows milk?

  3. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @MrsRcCar: We're doing Kefir. My ped LOVES it. It is 99% lactose free and no sweeteners added. It is basically: watered down Greek yogurt. It is chock full of probiotics and vitamins.
    We got the go ahead to start giving him 4oz a day until he turns one, and then we will make the full transition. LO loves it. I have also noticed, it keeps him full for a longer period of time.

    Right now, E is only drinking like, 20oz a milk a day anyways and it is 100% out of either a cup (with lid & straw) or a transitional sippy. He likes some pick-up foods, but mostly still prefers mushy up stuff like mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, yogurt...

    @lulu mom: we use this sippy. It is really a middle-ground between bottle and sippy. it is like an ULTRA SLOW flow sippy, basically.

    *We drink Organic almond milk, but DR said he doesn't know enough about that to recommend it. I think we will stick with Kefir until he's 2 or 3.

  4. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @MrsRcCar: I'm most likely going to try soy milk for E due to her stomach issues. She doesn't do well with yogurt or cheese so I have a feeling milk wouldn't go well either! She's allergic to nuts so almond milk is out too!

  5. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    We are just starting to switch C from formula to Homo milk! Homo is so gross, lol....I drink skim or 1%!

    So guess who walked today?

    I am so crazed out, I balled my eyes out, my two girlfriends were here with their girls (both a few weeks younger than Chels) Oh the tears coming from me, it was pathetic! Got a few times on video, she had been taking one step for a while, but now she is going like 5, 10, 20 steps at a time, wow. In denial over here, why isn't she a baby anymore!!!

    I am going to throw the vid's on the fb group!

  6. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @LuLu Mom: I have no idea what we'll do...I want to probably cut down on nursing sessions after he's 1, and do milk for most of them. I think we will probably do cow's milk, but have no clue about the transition...he drinks water well out of a sippy, but I don't know how he'll do with milk!

    @TurtleDoves: interesting about kefir! I'll have to ask the pedi about it.

  7. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: so exciting!!!!! oh my goodness!

    Also what is homo milk...? Do you mean whole milk?

  8. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @hilsy85: lol I don't know? Hmm maybe? Homo is the fattiest, short for homogenized?

  9. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: hm, I've never heard it referred to that way! Sounds like it would be whole milk though

  10. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @hilsy85: Maybe a Canadian/US naming thing? Probably definitely the same thing

  11. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @TurtleDoves: I've never heard of Kefir, where do you get it?

  12. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @LuLu Mom: the normal grocery store, but in the organic or health section. It's refrigerated and it sits with the yogurt, not te milk. I get this kind:

  13. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @TurtleDoves: Thanks, I'll have to ask our allergist about it! I'm willing to try anything to fatten her up

  14. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    This has been quiet lately!

    How is everyone doing? N is getting so big. I can't believe he is going to a year in less then a month! I have just started planning his birthday parties. (Shame on me I know)
    What is something new that your LO is up to? N is cruising and chattering like crazy. We are so close to walking I am excited and sad at the same time.

  15. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    @MrsRcCar: I was just thinking that! I'm pseudo-planning. I just don't know what I want so I keep changing my mind.

    Little Miss Miss is getting more and more confident with walking. She loves waving, giving high fives, clapping and dancing. I'm amazed at how much she understands and remembers.

    I'm finally serious about solids.

  16. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    Sorry I haven't been around much. Life is changin a bit. We recently found out DH got a great new job. We're moving, buying a house, and I'm quitting my job and Being a SAHM for a time. It's been a tough thought to adjust to (alli of this happened on my 30th bday!) but i'm getting excited. Almost all of me free time online is spent researching towns, school districts, an houses but I promise to make it over here more often!

  17. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Tidybee: where are you moving??

    Things are going well here; I decided not to do a big birthday party for LO, so we'll just do something at home the 3 of us, maybe with our parents as well. Next year we'll do the big party!

    L is clapping, waving, and also "talking" like crazy! He also understands so much--he understands when we tell him to go get his lovey, go find his blocks, and go get his books. I've been working on sign language with him for just a few things (more, all done, water), and I'm impatiently waiting for him to sign back to me (I haven't been as consistent as I probably should have been).

    Probably not walking anytime soon--he is very content to crawl and cruise. I'm okay with that though!

  18. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @MrsRcCar: I wish E was having a big birthday party so you and Nolan could come!!
    We ultimately decided against it. I just figured...nice fancy dinner at a restaurant with the grandparents will do. He is 1...so, yeah...
    My family is trying to convince me to do just a small gathering where we can all cut the cake and look at E's newborn photos. We will probably do that as well. Not a party, but a brunch with photos and cake in addition to taking the grandparents out and celebrating our 1 yr anniv as parents and theirs as grandparents

    @hilsy85: the understanding kills me! It is so incredible. I told E to give me something, and he crawled over and put it in my palm. How did this happen?

    @LuLu Mom: lol, I posted the low fat version! I didn't mean it. Maybe I subconsciously did, because mine is a chubster.

  19. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @MrsRcCar: We have been quiet lately, I can't believe our babies are all coming up on a year!

    We've been in party planning mode, we are expecting about 30 people, so nothing crazy but I'm still getting all worked up as it gets close. Just our families and close friends, so I'm excited.

    E is really coming up with a personality lately and I love to watch it. She's a little class clown and LOVES to get a laugh. She's really understanding a lot, she picked up my deoderant this morning and "used it" and I laughed so hard she kept doing it. She's talking a lot (hi, bye, mama, dada, up) she shakes her head no when we say it, and loves kisses. She waves and claps non-stop and will give kisses but won't blow them
    I don't think she will be walking by her first brithday, she's crusing around furniture but anytime we try to let go of her hands to get her stand she immediately falls down to crawl away. She wants to go go go!

    Glad everyone is going good and can't wait to start seeing birthday celebrations and family gathering pics pop up on Facebook!

  20. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @LuLu Mom: I can't believe a year is coming up either... I really need to start planning J's party! I'd like to do a little something (mostly to have a fun cake smash and to be able to display his weekly/monthly photos - I think they'll look really cool all in a row). What are your plans? I could use some inspiration...

    J did amazingly well on our trip to London and Ireland. No problems with the jet lag (he got over it more quickly than DH and I did), and he *loved* the extra attention from DH's family and all the fun new people he got to hang out with. I'm afraid his "normal" life with just us and his nanny will be too boring for him now!

    He also FINALLY has a tooth! One of his bottom teeth came through a couple days ago, and we didn't even notice, so I thought he was a pro teether... but then last night he cried a lot and I had to give him some baby advil. He was fine after that though. Hopefully another one will come out soon... I think the two top and the other bottom front teeth are really close to the surface.

  21. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @Beehive: I'm throwing a vintage carnival inspired birthday at our home. We are doing games (ring toss, bounce house, bean bag game), dinner (party starts at 4 after nap time), and then cake smash. I am doing centerpieces with her month pictures too, I just got them all together and started to cry, the change is so incredible! I hope it all comes together, I've been planning it for longer than I care to admit HA so I'm excited to see the final product!

  22. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @LuLu Mom: Wow, that sounds incredible! Such a fun theme. What kind of cake are you doing for the smash?

  23. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @Beehive: I'm thinking strawberry!

  24. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @MrsRcCar: I haven't done too much birthday planning. I made some invites but haven't had them printed and that's all I've done besides create a pinterest board and throw ideas around in my head.

    @hilsy85: I'm not sure A is close to walking either. He is very content to crawl and cruise. It's funny to me b/c he was one of the first in the group to crawl and he might be one of the last to walk! He's very cautious though. I've been trying to sign too. I've only been doing milk though. I think he understands it but hasn't signed back to me yet.

    @LuLu Mom: her birthday sounds like it's going to be awesome! Can't wait to see pics.

    @Beehive: yay for first tooth! Hopefully the next pops through quickly and teething isn't too bad.

    As for my AJ. He's doing really well. I feel like he's behind a lot of everyone's babies on here. No words yet, he's not walking yet. He can clap but no waving. I feel like he can understand a lot of what we say but I'm not sure if I asked to to get something that he would do it. It sure is hard not to compare! I'm not too worried though.

    He is very cautious which i think is the reason he isn't walking. He has taken like one step before, but he is really good at standing and squatting and he's been trying to climb stuff lately. He loves when we play hide and seek with him. He started clapping a few weeks ago and it's so adorable! He says "mama" a lot lately. I'm calling it his first word since he says it at me all the time. He knows the sound of the garage opening means I'm home and he comes racing to meet me at the door. melts me heart and is my favorite time of day. He loves exploring and getting into cupboards and drawers. And he's really taken a liking to books. He can turn the pages now (with a little help from me) I lift up the page a little and he grabs it and turns it. He loves do to this while I read him his bedtime stories.

  25. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @mrskc: Sounds like AJ is going great! I definitely think some of the October babies are very advanced for their age! J sounds very similar to AJ - no words yet, no walking, no waving. I also don't think he would get anything for me if I asked him to. He loves crawling (and is FAST), and loves standing and cruising. Isn't the clapping the best? I think it's too adorable - sometimes when he does it he even looks at his hands like "wow, look what they can do!".

  26. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: oh man I am jealous your A is so cautious! L is going to give me a head full of gray hairs--he uses his head as a battering ram constantly and seems to have little regard for his safety! For example, today he smacked his nose on the floor, smacked his chin on the floor, and cut his finger open on the bottom of the garbage can. He is a wild man--crawling and climbing over EVERYTHING. I'm going to get him one of these I think--he has one in gym class and loves it.


    I also feel like he's behind some other babies--it seems like the girls are WAY more advanced in terms of speech, walking, etc! Which I've heard is true at this age, so maybe it is? But he's on par with other babies we know IRL so I try not to worry!

  27. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    Awe! I feel like I haven't caught up on here in forever! It's been fun reading all of the updates on our LOs! I cannot believe we're at 1 year!!!
    D is walking pretty well now, she still falls a lot She's not talking much. She will say na na, ma ma & da da, but I don't think it's directed at us yet. She's got 8 teeth, it seems like she's working on a molar in the back, but then I feel like its crazytown for that to be happening!

    We are doing her birthday at the park by our house, will be about 30-40 people I think. Theme is purple and pumpkins Im going to get some little pumpkins for the kids to decorate with stickers as a favor. We are doing this super cute owl cake. I can't wait to post pics!
    Ok, bedtime for this tired mama!!!

  28. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Loving the updates!

    We have been walking 2 weeks now, still wobbly and still wayyyy faster crawling, but she tries her little heart out. I have tried letting her walk in public holding my hand and it's a disaster because she's so little, people oogle over her, she cues in the shyness and clings to my leg, we get no where. Not that I expect to go anywhere fast at her pace, but it is so pointless letting her walk in public even if it is just for fun, lol.

    I go back to work 3 weeks today Insane. Of course my boss called yesterday and threw a major curveball and a semi-major (major feeling anyways) job change from what I thought I wanted, and he asked if I'd come back a little early, we'll see.

    No big 1st bday plans, anything we do will be small, grandparents, great grandparents, and even great-great grandma, and just a meal and cake here. We have thrown around doing a new house "open house" for friends and family to come see our new place and serve punch/munchies/cake in celebration more informally, buuuut we'll see (doubtful!).

    She still just has part of her two front teeth on the bottom, eats like a little pro. Granola on her tray (soaked in milk prior) and pb & jam sandwiches are her faves right now, anything she's not supposed to have yet, she's probably gotten, lol. We are currently transitioning off formula onto homo milk, this one last jar of formula and I'm done with it!

    No real talking, lots of fuss/noises when she doesn't get her way or wants something, there's certainly no lack of communication, funny faces, foolishness, etc. When we say things like "where is Dad" she points to him, or when she is across the room doing something bad and we say "what are you doing?" or "not for babies" her cheeky smile and run away scamper.....she knows what's going on We went to a playgroup yesterday that does 10 nursery rhymes and repeats each twice, in the "break" between each song she threw fits (on her way to a tantrum) and once we all started again (20+ moms and babies) she smiled and swung her hips ("dancing"). She kills me, lol. She does this with a book too, reading it once is no longer okay....6, 7, 8 times, then she can move on....oye!

    Any other Momma's thinking about this time last year? I remember how exciting it was on here as we came into those weekly appt's, anticipated who would be the first to "go" in the group of us, and the excitement as our babes came into our lives....!!! Crazy and so awesome to think back to.

  29. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Beehive: Awww yeah your J sounds like my AJ.

    @hilsy85: oh man! That's a lot of injury for one day! AJ does get hurt sometimes. It's usually when he gets super tired and clumsy. He used to not be so cautious. We stopped hovering over him and just let him fall and kind of ignored it when it was just small little falls. I think he learned quickly that he had to be more careful. And OMG that tunnel looks awesome! I want to get that! And you're right, it seems most of the girls on here are ahead. When are you going to start introducing cow's milk? Will you put it in a bottle or sippy? I'm thinking I want to start transitioning him around a year. I would like to stop pumping at work and hopefully just nurse him morning and night.

    @CarrieLouWho: purple and pumpkins sounds cute! I'm planning to do pumpkin decorating as favors too!

    @Beebug: C sounds like an awesome baby! How is transitioning to cow's milk going? And I've been thinking a lot about a year ago. I was just thinking how a year ago, we finished birth classes, I had a baby shower; I was a mad women nesting. I feel kind of sad how fast it has all gone.

  30. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: that's pretty much my plan as well--intro cow's milk around a year and keep morning and night nursing maybe til 18 months (unless he weans earlier). We'll probably put the milk in one of these straw cups or a differnet sippy:
    We do water in our zoli cup.

    I do try not to hover over him so he learns..but then I feel like I get bit in the butt because he gets hurt! But he also gets hurt when I am RIght there, lol...I think he's just accident prone.

    @Beebug: aw sounds like she's got quite the personality!

  31. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @mrskc: transition is going okay I think! Slow! Just at 1/3 milk, 2/3 formula now, but she has all milk in a cup at lunch and seems to do okay! One thing I am noticing is she is downing her bottles completely lately, maybe tastes better?

    @hilsy85: Personality out the wazoo. We were just at Lowe's and they wanted to keep her, she is too funny (or thinks she is too funny, lol) with her hissy faces, squeals and smiles.

  32. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    @Beebug: how do you do the granola? My LO isn't much with the talking. She's on the verge with her super babble. I really need to get video of her pretend words. LOL!

    @CarrieLouWho: I was convinced for a minute that she was getting molars. She keeps sticking her finger back there and gnawing a bit.

  33. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @katsupgirl: I just put it in a small, small bowl, drown it in milk, let it soak and then I drink/sip most of the milk (lol) and then dump on her tray! She sucks it of the milk, then eats it! Sometimes I spoon feed her it because it's usually "my cereal" from my bowl she wants so I try to mimic it for her and sometimes she eats more that way, lol.

  34. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    @Beebug: that's sounds delish. I'm going to try it. Thanks!

  35. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @hilsy85: further into nj. Basking ridge area.
    C in doing well. She got 4 top teeth in at the same time so hat was rough. She was super late crawler (10 months) but has been cruising for quite some time now.
    They are just so flipping fun, aren't they??
    I am crazy but in between quitting my job, packing up and buying a house, we are planning her first birthday party. I'm going to try to keep it low key though...

  36. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Tidybee: Why are they so much fun at this age? I can't imagine it gets any less fun until they hit like.....12? LOL.

    I am lucky to have had a year off for mat leave, but this is just a bummer time to go back with how fun things are right now!

    She just woke, she did last night around midnight, cried for 5 mins or so, then out again, hope she is okay. We picked her up and snuggled her tonight, putting her down made it a little worse so no more of that!

  37. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @Beebug: J has been doing that too - twice this week he's woken up crying around 12am (so unusual for him). He's teething though, so hopefully it's just that. I gave him motrin the first night, and last night he went back down without it, but after a feed.

  38. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Beehive: glad we're not alone! Hopefully it passes soon, not really showing any other signs of teething, hmmm!

  39. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    I thought it would be fun to catch up on some Stats about our LO's.

    How many teeth? 2.5 teeth on the bottom.

    What size clothes? N is wearing 9-12 month clothes.

    Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? N is mostly crawling and loves to cruise. He just can catch the cats and dog faster crawling.

    How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? 24 ounces roughly

    How many solid meals a day? N eats breakfast and dinner. Lunch time he gets a bottle and sometimes other food...

    How many words? N is just saying Mama and Dada now. Nothing else yet but I don't mind.

    Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: Full on walking!

  40. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @MrsRcCar: Great idea!

    How many teeth? Just got his first tooth last week! On the bottom.

    What size clothes? 9-12 month clothes for the most part

    Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? Crawling fast! His favorite thing to do now is crawl like a crazy baby and have me chase after him and "catch" him... he laughs so hard. Also cruising well, no walking yet.

    How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? Not really sure... maybe 26-28oz? Two nursing sessions and 2-3 bottles of bm

    How many solid meals a day? Just started 3... breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dinner is new, we are trying to replace one of his bottles with dinner. I need to come up with meal ideas now!

    How many words? No words yet! Lots of babbling.

    Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: Talking and walking will be fun!

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