nectarine / 2280 posts
@Beebug: She's adorable! That's so awesome that she can say the alphabet. Wow!!!!
@Kemma: @hellobeeboston: I'm thinking maybe next month too but I'm nervous.
We haven't done her 15month appt. yet. She's been sick and scheduling wasn't working out. We have to do it in Feb. Hope it's not a problem.
This age is super fun watching her personality develop.
She went on a bottle strike cause she's getting molars. The end of the bottle and pumping is near.
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: I'm starting to feel better! I'm almost 12 weeks and morning sickness is finally letting up. Thank goodness! My EDD is 8/16! We're going to do an elective ultrasound at 16 weeks on Feb 28 to hopefully find out what we're having! I can't wait! I could not handle being team green. You guys aren't finding out this time, right?
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@mrskc: nope. I have days where it's super hard, but most days I'm totally okay with it and never would have expected I could be okay with team green, lol.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Is anyone going crazy right now with whining and tantrums?
I feel like it was bad, and now is nothing compared to a month or more ago.
Like challenging everything, collapsing to the floor. Handing back cups of water when she wants juice (she gets one juice, once done, gets water, always been that way, no change) or when she wants her paci she starts opening all possible drawers it's hidden in. Like demanding things she knows she wants, and freaaaaaking and whining more when she doesn't get them.
This Momma going a little crazy, this morning was particularly bad, and putting her in her room like we usually do was not successful.
Daycare has said she is doing it there too, just being completely challenging because she knows what she wants.
Kid too smart for her own good? I thought this didn't happen until two? lol.
Oh yah...still just four teeth, omg!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@Beebug: ugh, sorry to hear about the tantrums!! My LO is a little younger than yours, we aren't really there but he certainly has his moments! I can still usually pull his attention to something else really quickly! He whines sometimes which drives us nuts, so we have been trying to nip that in the bud.
So, we had only 4 teeth a few weeks ago and since then one cut through on the top next to two front teeth, one cut through on the bottom, and two molars have cut through! So crazy!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Beebug: Oh we are there for sure! Dinner is the worst, if we don't give her more of what she wants, she tries to throw her plate on the floor and glares at us. Or if we try to get her to leave outside or somewhere she's having fun, she becomes limp on the floor screaming and crying (and looks to see if we are watching.) Sometimes it's frustrating & other times it's hard to cover our laughs.
She has 16 teeth! I hope we are done for a while! The last 8 (canines & molars) came in all at once...that was a treat
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@LuLu Mom: I don't even know how I forgot to use dinner as an example. Dinner is the worst time of day. She will bawl through it, just bawl!!! DH and I tag team dinner now and it's awful. We got rid of one bottle a day, the evening one as she just kept rejecting it too after rejecting most dinner. Worried she is going to bed hungry, but I hope if she's hungry, she'll eat? Sometimes we can sneak a few bites in and she eats/chews like normal, but then freaks again. She is a different child sometimes....!! I struggle with offering her "dessert" when she isn't eating her proper meal and know perfectly well she will easily accept the yummier food rather than the important stuff because that's just how things go lately, lol.
@hellobeeboston: We have tried so many different distraction tactics, the birds out back work the best, songs too, but only short term. Oh how I hope this passes!
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: we also have an awful time at dinner lately!!! He is just...not even a picky eater, just seems uninterested in food! so frustrating. it has helped to have him "feed" some of his toys first, and then he will feed himself.
As for the tantrums, we went through a REALLY hard few weeks a while ago, but now things are better, as he understands more and is able to express himself more. He definitely is in an independent, do it himself stage though. @hellobeeboston: wow re: teeth! We are at 6, but I can see #7 (bottom next to middle) starting to peek through. I think we have a while before molars
nectarine / 2054 posts
@Beebug: Yes, J is definitely becoming more and more opinionated. He's somewhat easy to distract still, but I imagine that will become more and more difficult as time goes on. One thing that is a little hilarious is when he decides to collapse onto the floor when he's upset, he does so reeeally carefully, so he doesn't hurt himself. Like "I'm so angry! I'm going to throw myself on the ground! Oh, let me make sure I don't hit my head". It's so funny to watch, DH and I have a hard time not laughing.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
How about an update on our October Toddlers!
Biggest Win: E is talking up a storm, speaking in small sentences and her personality is really coming out. She's very independent, stubborn at times (we can butt heads, she's my mini me) but such a lover and has such a sense of humor! She's always there for a hug and kiss and will do anything for a laugh! ha we might have a class clown on our hands!
Biggest Challenge: We transitioned to a toddler bed after monkey girl decided to climb out of her crib, and then kept doing it over and over. It was a ROUGH week last week, but fingers crossed I think we are getting there. She's proud to show you her big girl bed, but doesn't like staying in it She's ended up in our bed a couple times, but her sleeps are getting back to normal!
How many teeth: 16
What's next for you?: Potty training for E and we are starting to TTC at the end of this month. I'm nervous about the stress of handling a toddler and newborn, but so excited. E has really shown interest in babies, and loves my SIL who has a baby in her belly, always giving it kisses. I thinks he will take it well and am excited to complete our family!
squash / 13764 posts
@LuLu Mom: eek toddlers
Biggest Win: I think he is on the verge of his language explosion--he's been saying a ton more words the last few days, and he gets SO HAPPY when you understand what he is saying. I love having little conversations with him. I also love seeing him make friends and start playing with them, instead of just next to them.
Biggest challenge: eating--he doens't have a big appetite and some days it seems like he eats nothing. He is also very independent and can be impatient, which is a tough combo at times. I am hopeful that as his language develops, those tough moments will lessen.
HOw many teeth: 6.5
WHat's next: TTC next month as well! I will prob focus on potty training closer to 2; we bought a potty just to have it. Also, applying to preschool for LO in the fall!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@hilsy85: Here's to 2 quick , how fun if we could share round 2 together too!
nectarine / 2280 posts
I'll play!
This age is so much fun! She's both so little and so big all at once.
Biggest win: she loves counting and counts to 13! I'm loving how we can have conversations and that she's coming up with her own thoughts. When she wants to do something she says "it's (milky, daddy, bubble guppies, dinner, etc.) time. Oh and I love the singing. She's started to sing "Let it go".
Biggest challenge: she's citing the last two canines and its messing with her sleep. I'm also trying to quit the pump this month.
Teeth-- 14?
What's next? -- potty time! Ugh. This is not my fav.
nectarine / 2834 posts
Biggest win: like @hilsy85 - she is on the verge of her language explosion. She's learning about 4 new words a day it seems (today was hummus) since this weekend. We sleep trained around 15 months, and she has been such a solid sleeper since then. She puts herself to sleep and when she isn't quite ready, she sings to herself and talks to her "baby" doll in the crib with her.
Biggest challenge: She is definitely independent and just does not listen. Today she was running towards the street and I said "stop" several times, and she acted totally deaf. Then proceeded to throw a tantrum right there in our driveway.
Teeth-- All but the 2 year molars.
What's next? -- Probably potty training but I'm not rushing it. I know several moms of 2 year olds that are just too pushy with it and it causes them nothing but stress. C will do it when she is ready. Also TTC here! We had a m/c in February on our 3rd cycle of NTNP and now are getting back into the TTC madness in full force.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I saw this yesterday, but didn't get a chance to respond!!
Overdue (again!!) with #2 here, C was born at 41w, so I pretty much expected this! I was due yesterday.
Biggest Win: This kid is hilarious. The chatter, singing, personality? We are in SO much trouble, she kills our heart with her antics, and she is way too smart for her own good.
Biggest Challenge: Tantrums, and still no two way communication when she's upset. She loses all those words she has still when upset and it is SO frustrating, there is no getting through to her. Dinner time is still a struggle too, sometimes a screen ends up infront of her to distract her while we feed her. She has been so awful at some dinner times, but is having better days lately, thank goodness.
How many teeth: 5!! Really 4.5, but there are 5 cut, so 5 it is!
What's next for you?: Having #2, lol. It seems like crib transition to toddler bed and/or potting training would be natural next steps in terms of major change for her. Add in paci elimination, but realistically all of this can wait unless she really dictates the change until the Fall. Right now, I know keeping things as normal and simple for her, and for us is probably the best call!
Her answering questions now is the coolest thing, obviously only 1-3 word answers to pretty standard questions (how are you, what colour is the car, etc) but just the enunciation and excitement in some of her speak is so neat.
She is saying "mommy, have poop" when she has a poopy diaper now, I mean not like you can't tell when she's gone, but it's nice she identifies it and wants to be changed when it's done.
She is daring, the climbing and "risk taking" (so much as her surroundings naturally allow her, lol) is insane, ohhh the testing of the boundaries, lol.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Beebug: the climbing! I can't turn my back. They are so fearless.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Beebug: Ahhh I hope you go soon, can't wait to hear if it's boy or girl!
E tells us "I stinky, need diaper" and runs and grabs one. So the recognition is there, but she doesn't care if she's wet! She would sit in a wet diaper all day if we let her.
nectarine / 2054 posts
Hi ladies, so nice to hear updates!
I'm still loving this age. The talking is so much fun. J is picking up so many words that are sticking, and he's starting to string together little sentences or thoughts. It's exciting to get a little window into what he's thinking about! This morning for example, according to DH, the first thing J said when he went in to get him was "play choo-choo?"
The biggest challenge is definitely whininess/tantrums. It's nowhere near a "terrible twos" or "terrible threes" kind of place yet, but he'll have his whiny or upset moments. He'll break down into little pieces if you take things away that he was playing with, or refuse something he wants. He gets over it pretty quickly though, for now.
Teeth - maybe 11? Not sure... some of his canines might be a little bit in, or close.
It's funny that a few of you mentioned the diaper-awareness thing - the other day J was playing with me, and he patted his diaper and said "poo" and "change da" - it was the first time he had requested a diaper change (for me at least). I think we'll hold off potty training for a while though. One preschool we're looking at for when he's 3 requires the kids to be potty trained, so I think that will be our goal!
@Beebug: good luck with everything, can't wait to hear your baby news!!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Are all of the Oct 2012 babies getting/have or had HFM lately?
I know four of us for sure, how crazy is that!!! No fun, and hope no others get it!!!!!
Anyone else dealing with an insane amount of attitude? I thought a couple weeks ago was bad, this girl has spunk, my goodness. It's so hard not to laugh at her!!
Also....TEN teeth now.
She is a parrot, repeats everything, every action, every word, have to be soooo careful!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
No hfm for us yet, although it seems to be going around the NYC area so maybe soon. We had a really mild case last year, but I don't know if that means she is immune.
The attitude and the whining and tantrums have really started to pick up lately, it is so annoying! I do sometimes I make the same face she is making, and that kind of stops her momentarily.
We are on vacation right now and have been co sleeping for the last three nights because she refused to sleep in her pack n play. It's not that bad but dear god I hope she goes back into her crib easily when we get back home. Anyone else co sleep on vacation and it went back to normal when you got back home?
She has a really bad case of eczema on her cheeks right now, nothing we have been doing has worked in clearing it up. it flares up so bad when she is hot. So we are going to take her to a pediatric dermatologist next week.
Cutest thing she has been doing lately is when we say "I love you" she says back "I yuv you too!" Melts my heart!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
How's everyone doing?
Now: We are dealing with a very whiney toddler these days. She cries as soon as she is told no or doesn't get her way. It's been frustrating but we are dealing with it! She's also wanting to do what everyone else does; so wants to drink out of big girl cups, doesn't want to wear a diaper, ect. She's not "getting" potty training yet, so the diaper thing is frustrating. I found a GREAT sippy cup to help us with the cup issue, it looks like a real cup but doesn't leak. It's fabulous.
Next: Well we are expanding our family, I got my last week, so still very early but hopefully everything goes well and we will have another baby at the end of March! So excited to be pregnant again
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: yes we had it over 4th of July--awful!
@SleepyMonkey: that I love you back is so sweet! How did the derm appt go? How are you feeling?
@LuLu Mom: congrats mama! That's great!!!
We are also dealing with some tantrumming here, and I'm wondering if he's old enough for time outs (for things like throwing toys, running into the street, etc). Anyoe=ne tried them successfully?
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@hilsy85: Thanks!
Timeouts have been effective for us, I set her either in her room or she sits in the corner of our couch, and she cries and we set a timer for 90 seconds. She comes ups and gives us hugs and says she's sorry afterwards and say she loves us. We do it for hitting/kicking, throwing stuff, not listening after 3 times, ect.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@LuLu Mom: congrats!!
N is keeping us on our toes.! He hates the word no and not getting his way (I mean who does). I am hoping we are in the verge of a language explosion (please seriously come soon. This momma is tired of the melt down whining). He loves to do things like a big boy but potty training is off the table until he will communicate better. We have learned that he needs to be gluten free and dairy free. We are also striving to cut out high fructose corn syrup (it is in like everything!) N is finally gaining weight properly! We have been battling teething for months which caused pretty major weight loss. He is getting better with E, but still wants to be the center of attention. Here are some recent pictures.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@hilsy85: we had to reschedule but our regular doctor said it was eczema and prescribed a cream, which has worked really well. But I think if we stop using it, it'll just come back. So we are going to see the derm next week. By the way, we had hfm like 2 days after I wrote that last post! Again, really mild. She had small blisters on her feet and hands but no fever and she was totally normal otherwise. my nephew who lives in Brooklyn also had it a couple weeks back. Dh caught it though and had blisters in his mouth and hands too. I'm feeling better, thanks for asking! Morning sickness lingered a lot longer than with LO #1. Less intense, but lasted about 8 weeks total. Just now am I starting to feel mostly normal throughout the day. We started time outs when she was around 18 months. They work pretty well actually. We don't do them very often at all. Maybe once a month? Its only if she does something like hit us in the face or if she repeatedly touches the stove knobs after we say no. But she gets it, so if we ask her if she wants a time out when she is doing something bad, she says no now, and stops whatever she is doing. When we do time outs, We put her in her crib and walk away from a couple minutes and she bawls the whole time.
@LuLu Mom: yay congratulations! any morning sickness yet? So fun that a lot of us are pregs at the same time again.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: we have been using timeouts and they seem to be working well. Daycare also uses them too so that seemed to help make them effective. He has to sit on the bottom stair (without being able to see us) for about a minute and a half. Then we talk about why he was in timeout and then hug.... Ha
We only do it for major offenses like biting and hitting. He knows its wrong and sometimes walks himself over to the timeout place (which makes us laugh).
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@SleepyMonkey: none yet, only symptoms are sore boobs constipation, and a crazy sense of smell. Tiredness is creeping up i can tell, but it's too bad yet. I'm really hoping for an easier go of it with MS, with E it was all day long for about 10 weeks, I can't imagine going through that again with a toddler to chase after!
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