nectarine / 2054 posts
Hi ladies! Hope you're all doing well. I was just reading some of our posts from a year ago and I can't believe how far we've come - all I really remember now is a vague sense of it being difficult, but reading some of the details of the constant feedings and crazy naps and nights is amazing! We did such a great job, and our LOs are so big now.
squash / 13764 posts
@Beehive: eek! So crazy to think about last year this time and look at photos--our LOs are toddlers now! *sob*
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@Beehive: agree! i remember saying to myself at the time "i am miserable" but now i'm kinda looking forward to having another one.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I loooove reading back and seeing how much I already forget about and remembering certain times, how easy I know I forget about others!
I love this thread popped up again, miss chatting with you ladies!
Any LOs trying to climb out of crib yet? I think we're in trouble here......she's close.
I am 18w preggo tomorrow, anatomy scan Dec 19th, and we aren't going to find out gender this time. We have just started announcing to others mostly via our Christmas card and it's been fun!
C is hilarious, this is such a fun age. Her words are finally starting to come.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Beehive: I was just thinking about the same thing! I wasn't posting when she was that little but I wish I was so I could look back. I have that vague feeling too.
So crazy that this time last year she was a newborn and now she's SOOO big!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Beebug: gender reveal in time for Christmas! Exciting!
My LO just recently got interested in climbing. Kinda cool but also scary. She knows so many words and is starting to put them together. I'm going to have a chatterbox soon!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Here is a recent picture of N! Winter weather is pounding us here. Hope everyone is safe and warm.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@MrsRcCar: awww! So cute! It's wicked cold round these parts but I'm excited about getting her out to play in the snow. The snow pics are on DH's phone.
bananas / 9357 posts
Hi ladies! Wow, I haven't checked in on this thread in awhile. I was wondering how many naps and what time your LO naps and for how long?
We seem to be in between needing 2 & 1 naps. He wakes up around 7-7:30. Then by 10-11, he's already tired but I would prefer him to just take one nap around 12:30. But I can't deal with his crankyness for that 1-2 hours before. So today I put him down at 11. If he only takes one nap and wakes around 1, then he is gong to be a cranky pants by the evening. Maybe he'll take another little cat nap later this afternoon. Maybe around 3?
What's the latest you let your LO nap in the afternoon?
@MrsRcCar: so cute!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@mrskc: I was just thinking we needed to revibe this thread! I miss my Oct. moms even though some are new moms again
E is down to one nap, she usually goes down about 12-12:30 and sleeps until 2-2:30. She sleeps from 7 pm to about 7 am.
She's working on more teeth/molars now (I think we have 12 teeth total and I think I see 2 more) so it's been a crabby household! But overall it's such a fun stage. She's full of words and personality and very independant already. No more cut up slices for her, she needs to do it herself (bananas specifically.) So fun to watch her mature (and scary too!)
I'm getting the itch for #2, we are gogin to start trying this spring/early summer...fingers crossed for a quick TTC!
bananas / 9357 posts
@LuLu Mom: That was A's schedule at daycare too. I don't know how he managed to make it to 12:30 b/c now that he's at home with me, he's a big ol' crank pants before noon.
OMG, I feel you with the teething. A just had all 4 molars and 4 canines come in at once! Yikes. They have all poked through but are still coming in and I can tell it hurts him! He's waking up sooo much at night too. Ugh.
So exciting that you'll be trying for #2 soon! eeeek! Good luck!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Yay for thread revival!
I always want to post and then think to not bother!
C is back to daycare today after 2w2d of DH and I off work. Just her and daycare's youngest daughter (2) so quiet, fun day for them I hope!
Spicy food, I don't eat spice, I'm a wimp, but DH does and C is hilarious! She like tears up with some spice but keeps eating, and totally recognizes when we give her two cups (one water/juice, one milk) to drink milk to diffuse! She cracks me up. Anyone else's LO like spice? I can't touch a bit of it!
Currently repeating everything. Will try any word, and it is so funny. Before 2w ago I would have said I am still not sure she's even had her first word and suddenly she is just a chatty patty!
Naps....daycare is a nap 12/1230 to 230 or so. We 2-napped her most of the break, 1030/11 to 12/1230 and then 3ish to 430 or so. Sometimes she would monster nap in the pm, and we tried to not let her nap later than 5:30.
Crankiness and the noise that comes with it now? The worst. We have been suckers and giving the paci to her more than in the Fall just to zip the whining. I really want to break that, but after a workday, bah.....just want to pull my hair out. It frustrates me that she can be so happy with it in, yet just whine without it?
@LuLu Mom: Yay about ttc for #2, exciting!!!!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
ugh, teething! She finally cracked tooth #3 over Christmas and it was awful. Poor thing. Awful red spotty rash all over her face, not eating, sleep was awful (plus we were across country and traveling for a week). Still just her two bottom teeth for now and a crack of the front top teeth, but that's been it. She got the bottom's in July and nothing more up to Christmas week with those two peeking thru. I hope the rest aren't this bad, @mrskc: you mentioning molars scares me!
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: Yeah, A likes spicy food too! I can handle spicy just not overwhelmingly spicy. And how exciting that she is talking more! AJ only says a couple of words. Oh gosh and the whining gets to me. He gets his paci when he starts getting cranky. I try to keep it away from him most of the day but gosh I can't take the whining sometimes.
squash / 13764 posts
@mrskc: we are still definitely needing 2 naps. One around 9/930 and one around 2/230. I don't let him sleep past 4/430. Before he got sick he was sleeping 7pm to 6am, but now his schedule is kind of thrown off and he's not consistently STTN anymore, wahh
@Beebug: we also finally have teeth 3 and 4! So exciting to see more chompers, lol. They weren't too bad for us, he just happened to get sick at the same time as getting #4, boo! He also had an awful rash but I didn't think it was related.... but who knows! We also have started to use the paci occasionally, usually when we are trying to put him in his stroller, which he hates!
@LuLu Mom: yay for ttc! Excited for you guys!
nectarine / 2054 posts
Hi everyone! I was going to post something on here last week, I miss you guys!
@mrskc: J definitely needs two naps. His first is 9-10:30 or 11, and his second is 2ish - 3:30 or 4. Sometimes it takes him quite a while to fall asleep for his second nap - he just rolls around in his crib talking to himself until he finally falls asleep. I'm happy if he gets 1 hour for his second nap. He goes to bed pretty late though - 8pm bedtime.
J definitely gets "angry" with us now... if we take away something he's playing with (or something he's *about* to play with) - forget it! Major waterworks. It's kind of hilarious though, sometimes DH will be changing him and will make him lie down, and J will "yell" at him, like "I'm angry at you!" It's really hard not to laugh at some of those things. Also when he's done eating and I detach the high chair tray, every time, he grabs any remaining food from the tray to throw on the ground. Every time! Even when he hasn't been in a "throwy" mood and has mostly kept his food on the tray during the meal. It's like he NEEDS to get that food off the tray, before it's too late! I think all the "no"s are starting to pay off though - when he passes by things we have told him not to touch, he'll look at them and say "no no no". And sometimes he'll even not touch them!
The talking is so much fun. It's just amazing seeing what new words/animal sounds/other noises he comes up with. His favorite now is "goyo" (yogurt).
nectarine / 2834 posts
Re: the naps. C is pretty much on 1. She could definitely use 2, but then I end up fighting her to go down for both and they were only like an hour long. She'll fall asleep for like 3 minutes in the car on the way home from our morning actvity (gym, library, etc), but then I keep her awake until 12ish and she goes down really easily for about 2 hours. Fortunately, she oddly doesn't get too cranky when tired. She would never sleep if we didn't make her. She has serious FOMO.
@mrskc: are you home full-time now??
nectarine / 2834 posts
@Beehive: DD does the throwing food thing too! She has learned to say all done when she wants to get down but if I don't respond immediately all the food goes on the my now very overweight dog.
nectarine / 2054 posts
@Tidybee: I'll ask if J is done, and he'll say "duh" and then quickly eat two more bites of food. It's like he regrets his decision!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
So nice to see our thread revived!!
Miss A has been on one nap since about nine months, she usually wakes between 6-7, naps from 1100-1300ish then goes down for the night at around 1930. She still wakes once or twice at night and most nights I end up in bed with her. She's such an inconsistent sleeper though, she'll occasionally STTN but other night be awake before midnight!
A has sixteen (!) teeth and pretty much cut molars and canines in a six week period. Unfortunately the molars resulted in terrible nappy rash and poor baby was a very unhappy girl.
We're still nursing like crazy and although A eats a wide variety of food, she doesn't eat very much of it. I finally got AF back on Christmas Eve but we probably won't TTC till the middle of the year, and we're moving this week so I'd like to get settled before we start talking babies
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Kemma: oh my goodness, my gut went into knots seeing that pic! She looks SO grown up!!!!! Look at all those teeth!
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beehive: too funny. It's really hard not to laugh at A when he gets upset over things. I know when he's done eating because he starts throwing his food on the floor.
@Tidybee: yep! I've been off for 2 weeks but so has DH (he's a teacher), so today was my first official day as a SAHM! It went pretty well. I need to get involved with activities to keep us busy. I think a morning activity would help keep him distracted until noon. Wed I'm going to story time at Barnes and Noble as part of a local mom meetup group. I need to find other things we can do too. How do you like staying home? Any tips?
@Kemma: A has 16 teeth too! he had 8 come in all at once. The molars and canines are still coming through. I can't wait until they're all the way through so we can be done with teething for a while (hopefully). At least with them all coming in at once, we get it over with quickly! She is just so cute with her full mouth of teeth!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Kemma: not so wee. She looks so tall! Oh my!
My LO is on a very late schedule. She does 1 or 2 naps depending on what's going on. The latest is 5pm-7pm. We go to bed around 10-midnight. She gets up around 10 usually.
Today she was up at 5ish and didn't nap till 10am. It was a 1 nap day. Very weird day.
She did the cutest thing the other day. We change her on the ottoman. I told DH to change her diaper and she climbed up on the ottoman for the diaper change.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@mrskc: we are on a 1 or 2 nap schedule. the nanny naps her at 1:30 for usually 1-2 hours and then that's it for the day. when lo is home with us, we do 2 1 hr naps at 10:30ish and 4ish. we try to not let her sleep past 5pm. Bedtime at around 730.
@Beehive: hah L throws her food too. She knows she shouldn't and so she will stare us down and slowly move hr hand down by her side and really quietly let the food drop from her hand. like if staring us down is going to distract us from what she is doing. Haha! We tell her to put the food up on the counter next to her chair if she doesn't want it. that happens 30% of the time. L does the no no no thing too! Around outlets. she will look at them and then turn away and shake her head vigorously. Its so funny!
She has 15 teeth I think. her top right canine is still not in yet. Those canines and molars all pretty much came in together and she was so grumpy. Good part is that she is enjoying eating much more now! Still not talking a lot but has a few words. the nanny tells me that lo speaks a lot with her but she is "shy" around us. I guess she has a technique to make her say things that dh and I just don't have down yet.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@mrskc: SAHM life varies for me. One hour I love it and couldn't imagine ever leaving for work again. The next hour I want DD out of my hair so I can look for jobs. It all depends on the day and her mood and what we have scheduled. Keep in mind, we also moved to a new town about an hour away so I know exactly 1 person here. We have a gym with child care so I am there pretty much every day, so that she continues getting socialization that she is so used to from daycare. On wednesdays we go to the library for a rhyming group and then open play, so you could look into your library for something like that. I'm thinking of having her join some other local group for 1-2 year olds here which is also once a week. It's not easy finding things to do...especially in the cold, but I don' think you have that problem.
My only tip is something my MIL who was a SAHM for 17 years and is like the best mom ever pointed out to me only this weekend. She asked why I didn't have a radio in our downstairs, and I replied, oh I just put pandora toddler tunes on my phone/ipad. She looked at me like - are you nuts? and said, not for her, silly, for you!
She got me to confess that every waking minute of DD's life is focused on her and that if I clean, have the news on, or have music on for me, i felt guilty. The past 2 days I've been letting her play on her own for about 1/2 hour at a time so that I could clean up, cook, read, do my thing, and I already feel so much better and more accomplished.
bananas / 9357 posts
@Tidybee: thanks for the reply! Oh the gym daycare is a good idea. That's one thing I feel badly about is that he's not getting the social interaction he used to get daily at daycare. I'll have to look into getting a gym membership.
Oh I can totally get how I know this is going to be easy some days and tough other days. And I've already had a moment of what did I get myself into?! Is it too late to go back to work. lol Then I remind myself of how horribly long and boring my days at work were. But that's a good tip from your MIL. You need to have a little something for yourself.
I went to story time at Barnes and Noble today and that was fun. I met a couple of moms and DS got to run around and play. The mom's group I joined has activities weekly so I'm going to try and stay involved with that. It was definitely nice to get out of the house today and chat with other moms.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
C had her 15m appt today!
24.08lbs, 30.5 inches long.
DH took her for the first time, said she was a champ for the two needles! Have to go back at 18m for more -not sure which one(s).
Doc said her growth track shot up from 9m and 12m appts, and said verbally she is incredible! She repeated the alphabet (one letter at a time) for me this morning, and then did it for the doctor, and was very happy with her development, eep! Said "good thing you both have good coverage....those teeth will need braces" lol, and also said we need to get her off the bottles. We are giving her am and pm bottles only (9oz or so in the am, 5 at bedtime) and just to offer the homo milk in a sippy cup now, warmed to transition her if need be. Kind of excited to be done with bottles soon!!
A pic from Sunday, too
honeydew / 7235 posts
@Beebug: I wrote on FB but she is just so adorable!!! Hope you are feeling well! When is LO 2 due?? We have been talking more and more about another! Soon! Don't worry about the braces comment, they are just baby teeth!
We are also working on quitting the bottle - but he loves it! He drinks the most milk from the bottle and only sips a little from the sippy.
We had our 15 month yesterday too! Had to get 4 shots!! There were 6 actually but we are doing those in a couple weeks.
Poor J got pinkeye! It cleared up fast but yuck! Daycare has been a bit crazy, just on our 4th week and he was super sick after the first week, and now pinkeye
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@Beebug: we had A's appt the other day, she's shot up in height and she's almost 32 inches (80.5cm)! She's a trim we thing though and only just over 20pounds (9.34kg). And can I just say how damn photogenic your wee girl is??? Love the teeth!
Are any of October mamas NOT TTC at the moment?
honeydew / 7235 posts
@Kemma: ha, we haven't officially started yet! but I think next month we will...
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@Beebug: cutieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cant wait to mt lo2!
nectarine / 2054 posts
@Kemma: I'm not! Hahahaha. I think we're going to space a bit farther apart, if we do go for another.
@Beebug: She is so adorable! And she looks sooo big! A little lady, and a smart one too - so cool about the alphabet!
J's checkup isn't until Feb, but it's been so fun watching him develop. The talking is the best - sooo interesting seeing what words he picks up and watching him use them. This is such a great age!
J is off bottles, but he uses a straw cup for his milk rather than a sippy. Loving the Thinkbaby straw cup actually for milk - it doesn't leak! He doesn't drink as much milk in one sitting now that he's off bottles, but I give it to him with his meals too, and that helps.
squash / 13764 posts
@Kemma: ha we are definitely not TTC yet...sometime later this year Sounds like A and L have similar stats--he was 21.5lbs and 32.6 inches at his 15 month appt!
@Beebug: so cute! How are you feeling, mama?
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hellobeeboston: I am 25w2d today, EDD is May 12th! The last two u/s's have shown EDD of May 8th based on growth, but because it doesn't deviate more than 2 weeks from first EDD, and let's be real baby is going to come when it wants, they haven't officially changed date! Still team green, certain days it is completely agonizing!! Poor J on pink eye! Our whole house was sick constantly the first two months of daycare, it seems to rotate through us now, it will get better for you I hope!!
@Kemma: I love hearing how tall they are and how much they weigh and remembering their wee days and I feel like things don't correspond at all! C was so long and heavy, now she's a pipsqueak in height! We're not TTC....but lol on reasoning? haha I am trying to be foolish here.
@mrsjyw: Ask me how much I wonder about how much hair #2 will have? Hard not to have expectations!!! Given the heartburn already, kid better have hair!
@Beehive: The alphabet thing is really cool. It is by no means perfect, like q isn't great, f and s sound similar, but she gets a lot of it. The best is i......just like the ice outside. She knows "eyes" from when we sing head and shoulders and the belly button book (lol) so whenever you say "don't slip on the ice" when outside she points at her eyes, and same when doing the alphabet, she point to her eyes when we say the letter i.....funny she associates it, and totally understandable, lol.
@hilsy85: Feeling good! DH was away on the weekend and we got a few feet of snow (ok maybe not really a few feet, but at least a foot, plus the snow plow and what it put at the end of our driveway) and I over did it shoveling, so I am still paying for that in my lady region, just feel totally strained, so trying to take it easy! Heartburn is probably my major preggo symptom, but this pregnancy has been so, so different from C, so I keep waiting for the storm, but trying to stay positive we are just getting lucky this time.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Kemma: We aren't trying yet, the plan is for May to be our first month...i'm so ready!
nectarine / 2834 posts
We're NTNP but given the year it took for DD and no luck these first 2 cycles, I think it'll still be a little bit away. I'm not nearly as stressed because I have DD!
DD,s 15m stats were 22 lbs, 8 oz, 30 cm.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@Tidybee: it took us a year to get Miss A so I'm kinda curious to see how long it takes for number two! And I only got AF back at Christmas so I'm not even sure what my cycles are doing yet.
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: she is sooo cute! She's getting so big! wow, I'm impressed she can repeat the alphabet! AJ doesn't really ever say anything and it doesn't really seem like he's trying to learn.
15 months stats: 21 lbs 10 oz and 30.5 inches tall. He only gained like 4 ounces from 12-15 months but grew 1.5 inches. He's tiny and people comment a lot on how small he is. And when we're out and about he always seems like he's one of the smallest around other kids his age.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@mrskc: C gained 3lbs from 12m appt to 15m! She was 29.5" at 12m, so "only" gained an inch in that time, funny how much her growth slowed from 6m to 12m and now she is going again?
How are you feeling! What is your EDD and will you find out gender this time?
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