coconut / 8475 posts
Esom---11m old. He will be ONE in only 26 days!
How many teeth? 6 2 bottom, 4 top
What size clothes? 9-12m, and some 12m (tops)
Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? Crawling. He crawls FAST when he knows he is being naughty, naughty
How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? Not much:/ He doesn't like liquids anymore. He prefers food. I try to cram it when we're in the stroller or going down for naps.
How many solid meals a day? 3 and 2 snack-times
How many words? CLEARLY AND WITH MEANING saying MAMA!!! Can you tell that it excites me?
Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: walking:)
Most recent milestone to love: He gives kisses when asked and waves "bye-bye" although he doesn't say it that well.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@MrsRcCar: Great idea!!
I thought it would be fun to catch up on some Stats about our LO's.
How many teeth? 2! Not fully "up" yet though!
What size clothes? 12m or so! Tops we can get away with smaller, pants we always go bigger (cloth dipes, big bum!) but Carter's onesie's, 12m is where we're at!
Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? Walking....very confidently (3 weeks or so now) She is near running or at least "rushing" very well and her balance has improved so much!
How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? About 6oz of formula, 10oz homo/whole milk.
How many solid meals a day? 3!
How many words? Umm none? She does "mamamama" and "dadadada" but like, sometimes I am still not even sure she knows the words are for us? She just says them? She does "nanana" a lot too, and has a sound for "again" (when reading books) but it sounds nothing like again (we say "again" back to her) and I don't even know what letters to use to make the sound, lol.
Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: Umm actual words I guess?
coconut / 8475 posts
@Beebug: they KNOW. Don't even tell me these kids don't know, haha. He "ran" today and when I caught him, he quickly handed over the contacts container that was in his hand. I didn't even know he had it; but, he had a guilty conscious haha.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Most recent milestone to love: Kisses when asked are also a fave here, literally this morning when we brought her in bed to snuggle I said "kisses Daddy" she leaned into him, and then "kisses Mommy" and she did it to me, oh heart hurt!!! She gives an eskimo kiss first, then opens her mouth, LOL.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@TurtleDoves: They totally know, all we have to say is "what are you doing" she'll look back with a cheeky smile and take off, haha!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@MrsRcCar: I'll play!
@Beehive: I was really hoping my LO wouldn't get teeth till she was 12 months.
How many teeth? 8 teeth - 4 on top 4 on bottom
What size clothes? Mostly 12 month clothes.
Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? crawling and getting the hang of walking
How many ounces of formula/ and or Breastmilk per day? No idea. She eats all night it seems.
How many solid meals a day? We aren't consistent at all.
How many words? Depends on who you ask. I say 3.
Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: Talking
grapefruit / 4006 posts
great idea.
How many teeth? 7...4 on bottom, 3 on top.
What size clothes? some 6-9 months and some 9-12 months. 9-12 are a little bit big.
Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? Cruising and crawling. She isn't so interested in walking, even when we walk along with her. She just wants to sit down.
How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? not sure...maybe 20-22oz of breastmilk?
How many solid meals a day? 3...breakfast lunch and dinner! she seems to be very picky in her high chair but whenever we are eating something ourselves, she crawls over really fast and opens her mouth like a baby bird. doesn't matter what it is!
How many words? hmm. she's been saying dada for awhile, she just started saying "uh oh" which is suuuuper cute. she'll be nursing and pop off and say "uh! Uh oh!" and then go back to nursing, its so adorable. she still hasn't said the m noise, so no "mama" yet
Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: talking, definitely!
squash / 13764 posts
How many teeth? 2 on the bottom
What size clothes? some 12 month, some 18 month, and some 12-18 month.
Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? Crawling super fast--he is a speed demon. He is also cruising really well and getting close to being able to stand on his own.
How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? NO idea, nursing 5-6x a day.
How many solid meals a day? Breakfast lunch and dinner. No snacks yet.
How many words? None really...we thought for a while he was saying hi, but he hasn't said it recently. He babbles a ton, and can say mamamama and dadadada. I think he actually has a word for his lovey--we call it puppy and I think he says "pup pup"
Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: walking and talking like everyone else
bananas / 9357 posts
@MrsRcCar: great idea!
How many teeth? 8, 4 on top and 4 on bottom
What size clothes? 12 months
Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? Cruising and crawling. He can crawl super fast! He's getting closer and closer to walking now! We've seen him take a step or two here and there. Very exciting!
How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? not exactly sure. He drinks about 10 ounces at daycare and nurses in the morning and through out the night so maybe 20 ounces.
How many solid meals a day? 3 + 2 snacks. He gets breakfast, snack, lunch & another snack at daycare and we usually feed him some dinner or just feed him like a bird off our plates (he loves that!). Weekends we can slack a little and not really give him much solids. We are going to start being more consistent on the weekends with meals.
How many words? lots of babbling. He says "mama" a lot. I'm still not sure if he gets it yet that that's what he should call me. He sometimes says "dada" and I'm fairly certain he said "dog" the other day. He was looking right at our dog and said "dog" then started making "dododo" sounds. He says "gogo" a lot too which is dog in Chinese. I'm not sure if that's what he's meaning to say though.
Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: Walking! He sure is taking his sweet time with it.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Ohhh ladies, I am a mess, lol.
Just got back from practice daycare trip #1. Chels did fine, everything was fine, I got home and gave Chels the biggest hug and started crying!
This transition back to work is going to be tough I know I have to go back (and I want to!) but this part until it becomes normal? Bah
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
How Old: 10 days until 1 year old!
How many teeth? 6 - 3 on top, 3 on bottom. I can see 7 & 8 but they haven't popped though yet.
What size clothes? 12 month 12-18 month pants, 9-12 month shirts
Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? Cruising and crawling. She's super fast at crawling, but doesn't give standing/walking a time of day. She wants to go go go! I've seen her stand for 60 seconds when she didn't realize she wasn't hanging on. she's scared to let go!
How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? We are around 22-24 depending on the day. We aren't doing well with breaking the bottle yet :S
How many solid meals a day? 3 + 2 snacks. She gets breakfast, snack, lunch & another snack at daycare and we usually feed him some dinner, usually pieces of wahtever we are having. Weekends sometimes we only do 1 snack, but she's a muncher, always wanting something.
How many words? She is doing great on talking, although it's not consistant. Mama, Dada, Up, Hi, Bye, "Ulie" (julie, daycare lady, Claire (daycare lady's teen daughter)
Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: Walking and more talking. I love hearing her say words!!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Beebug: I cried like a fool for a week. It gets better though. It's rough in the beginning.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
Here I am, late to the party as usual!
How Old: 11 Months and some change
How many teeth? 8 and still working on pre-molars
What size clothes? some 6-9's, some 9-12's
Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? Walking, walking, walking! Miss A had been cruising since July but really started going solo at the start of September. She's slowly starting to eliminate the crawling but she certainly wouldn't pass a field sobriety test
How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? Still EBF plus solids and I can honestly say that even with her crappy latch I am in LOVE with breastfeeding at the moment! A can now latch herself on and I can really tell that she's enjoys nursing as much as I do. We nurse 5-7 times a day and once or twice overnight.
How many solid meals a day? Three meals a day plus some snacks, we do mainly table foods (I'm too lazy to make separate meals) plus a spoon-fed desert at night. A does pretty well with her food but I still reckon more lands on the floor or in her bib than actually makes it to her tummy.
How many words? Three words - Mum, Dad and wow but lots of other sounds!
Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: More talking but otherwise I'm really enjoying this stage as is
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Yep, cried in my car for like 20 minutes today after I dropped her off (just did half day "practice") she didn't even notice me leave!!! I did go to work after though and once I dove into some work banter I honestly "forgot" and it was nice to think about other things.......but it was funny to feel such urgency when driving back to her, it was like early days when I went on a first errand, I remember feeling so rushed on the way back, lol.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@Beebug: aw! well at least you know she is loving daycare and you don't have to worry about her? i remember being back at work the first day and realizing that i had "forgotten" about her for like 3 minutes. that was a weird feeling!
so we finally found our nanny, and we really like her...i liked another one too, but i called her references and one of them was really good and the other one was a total fake! the reference was being really non-specific and couldn't answer really easy questions that should be natural for you to answer (e.g. where do you live now?). i did a reverse phone number lookup afterwards and the phone belonged to the nanny! i am pretty sure it was her daughter posing as a former employer. i was so upset, not because i liked her so much, but because she felt the need to be dishonest and try to deceive me. ugh. i hate when people lie to me. it freaked me out a lot. but fortunately i really like the one we hired and she seems honest and all of her references were great (and real!)
also...after 10.5 months of relatively easy breastfeeding, i came down with a mild case of mastitis last week! i thought it was a clogged duct, but i couldn't feel a lump and it felt like a bad bruise...also felt feverish and achy. i went to see the doc, and she prescribed me antibiotics but suggested doing hot compress before taking it. i ended up doing a hot compress around the clock (thermacare heat wraps are great for when you are at work and can't apply a normal heating pad to your boob) and it went away on its own. phew! my supply on that side though got all messed up, but i think the other side was able to compensate. i have to say i am somewhat looking forward to weaning in the next month of so, but have no idea how. any advice from you guys? i am still pumping 2x a day at work and nursing 5x a day on the weekends.
hope everybody is doing well!
pomelo / 5524 posts
Eep! Only b/c I know you gals will be excited for me, we have a walker! He took a bunch of unsteady steps over the last few days, but yesterday, went from our recliner to our couch which is at least 10 steps. He was sooo proud of himself!
AND...I've been having trouble getting him to feed himself. I know he's capable, but he's one of those kids who would rather have one of us do it for him. He actually handed me his sippy cup the other day for me to give it to him! Punk...well, today, my BFF sent me a video of him feeding himself puffs. FINALLY! The kid puts everything EXCEPT food in his mouth! He'll be a year old tomorrow, so it's about stinkin time!
Just wanted to share!
squash / 13764 posts
@SleepyMonkey: that is crazy!!! Did you call that nanny back and tell her you know what she was up to? That's so scary--I hope anyone considering her checks her out really well. Sorry about the mastitis--it sucks! Glad it cleared up quickly though.
@Beebug: aww I bet C will have such fun in daycare! And you will be able to use your brain for adult conversations, I'm jealous
@2PeasinaPod: that's so exciting!!! And happy early birthday to him--I think he's the first one turning 1!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Kemma: how do you know she's working on pre-molars? I think my LO might be working on something too. @2PeasinaPod: yay for the walking baby!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
Anyone else an emotional mess as the first birthday approaches? I have been looking through all sorts of pictures from when we first brought her home, it's so hard to think next week she will be ONE!
She's still not walking, she can do it, but just chooses not too She stands by herself but once she realizes it she falls to her feet or tries to grab onto something! She's a little chicken I guess
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: Honestly once I got to work yesterday and dove into some of my event stuff (I have a major event I'm doing Nov 2nd) it was SO refreshing! I am looking forward to that part, and then hopefully finding decent balance and enjoying the end of the day with her, DH and our dog, I am thinking about changing my hours up so I can be home a little earlier!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@hilsy85: no, i figured confronting her and getting an explanation wouldn't change my decision to not hire her. although i kind of want to tell other moms looking for nannies in my neighborhood to watch out for her.
pomelo / 5524 posts
@hilsy85: I think he is one of the first turning one b/c I crashed the October thread even though I'm a September mama
@SleepyMonkey: How totally scary! Good thing you figured that out and didn't hire her!
@LuLu Mom: I'm an emotional mess today, but I have a feeling it's because of other reasons!
My little guy is 1...I cannot believe the day has arrived. We had a bit of a traumatic birth, so I'm thinking back on it now and it's a bit bitter sweet. He ended up in the NICU, but is healthy and happy today. I honestly don't know where the year has gone, but holy crap...I have a 1 year old!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@2PeasinaPod: Happy Birthday to your little guy!!! I hope you have a great time celebrating surviving the first year
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@2PeasinaPod: Awww! The first, 1st Birthday!!! So exciting!!!
One nap/day stuff is nottttt going well at all. We have had two practice daycare days and she goes Tue-Friday next week and thankfully sitter said today when I picked her up, we may have to nap her twice. So relieved as even with the extra stimulation, she's just not ready for one nap per day.
honeydew / 7235 posts
OK - i am so behind on this thread! I guess we've all been busy with our little, almost big ones... can't beleive we're getting close, or having first birthdays!
@2PeasinaPod: speaking of which... happy 1st bday to your little man! and OMG - walking! YAY
@SleepyMonkey: freaky about that nanny & so shady --- but glad you found someone you like & trust! and sorry to hear about the mastitis - i hope you're feeling better. I was good all along with BFing until 9 months when I got mastitis - not pleasant!
@mrskc: since you posted 8 days ago you now have a walker! A looks like he's doing great!! J also says mama, or mommm, or mom sounds a lot - but not really at me - hoping he gets it soon.
@TurtleDoves: SO great that LO is saying MAMA directly to you - i cannot wait for this!! i hope it's close!!
@TidyBee: hope you're packing/move is going well -- we are also moving - where? I have NO idea. We put our house on the market and we were under agreement 2 days later - we thought it would sell fast, but YIKES.... we're looking for a new house to buy but so far haven't found anything we like.
OK - here's my LO update:
How Old: 11 Months yesterday
How many teeth? 2! just cut his second last weekend!
What size clothes? 9-12's mostly
Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? All 3! Loves to cruise - still crawls to get somewhere fast - but as of yesterday he has taken 8 steps on his own! he's getting more brave & going further distances each day! SO FUN TO WATCH!
How many ounces of formula/ and or Breast Milk per day? Hmm, he gets 7-8oz of formula 3x a day, and 4-6oz 2x a day depending on how much food he eats.
How many solid meals a day? around 3. He'll usually have a little breakfast after his morning bottle. Then he eats 2x a day while he's with our sitter - and sometimes he'll have a little more food in the evening. He's doing much better with food. LOVES CHEESE.
How many words? NONE -- i can't wait for this to start... he says Mama, but not to me, hoping he figures it out soon... His new "trick" is shaking his head no... and he loves to play So Big, and clapping all of the time.
Next Milestone that you are looking forward to: TALKING & WALKING
nectarine / 2834 posts
@hellobeeboston: hope the house hunt is going well. We found a house on Friday that went on the market that day and found out we got it on monday. it's been a crazy amount of emails and arrangements being made...on top of me leaving my job next month and planning C's first birthday party.
Here is my update!
How many teeth? 6 - 4 on top, 2 on the bottom
What size clothes? Mostly 12 month clothes.
Cruising, Crawling, or Walking? she took about 20 steps last night, so I'm thinking we're entering the walking stage.
How many ounces of formula/ and or Breastmilk per day? She nurses in the morning and evening and gets a 6-7 oz bottle of daycare. She's got quite a beer belly, so I think she's getting plenty.
How many solid meals a day? 3..and daycare always gives her a snack right before dinner...irks me to no end
How many words? 1 - "book!" the rest is all babble.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Tidybee: Ohhh congrats on new house, when will you move!! Hope it goes well!
@hellobeeboston: How much time do you have to look? Crazy on how fast it sold, that is awesome!
I need help my WOH Oct Mom's. The morning's we have practiced and gone to daycare have been AWFUL foodwise. Our routine was, wake, change/get dressed, bottle, walk the dog, play, the eat legit breakfast (like 9-9:30 by the time we did legit brekkie).
Now under tighter timelines, I cannot get breakfast into her for the life of me. Daycare has offered to do so, so I know she will get fed, but as something to work toward, how on earth do those of you that WOH get bottle and food into them before leaving for work? She doesn't wake until 7, soonest I can get a bottle into her is like 7:15, and we need to be out the door by 8:10 at the latest, she's just not hungry for brekkie by then. She is getting 8-9oz of bottle and cries when it's done (seems to want every bit of it) so cutting that I struggle with/don't want to do, I love that snuggle time with her. I tried feeding her food first, then bottle this am, and not only did she eat very little, but then only took half the bottle.....bah!
Any routine explanations or thoughts would be super appreciated. We will eventually get this, but the transition will be interesting.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@Tidybee: woo hoo! congrats on the house! that is exciting - i hope everything goes well through your closing! i know - can more things happen at once?! i keep forgetting about J's first birthday and have a lot of organizing still to do!
@Beebug: our place closes in 19 days, and then we're leasing from the new buyer until the end of November. So, seems like a lot of time. But we need to find a house, get it inspected, then probably have at least have a month till we close - unless we find a home that we can close in much faster! STRESSSFULLLL. there is NOTHING on the market here in MA - inventory is super low (in our price range at least)
Also - here's what we do in the morning before we go to work:
Wake up: 6:30ish (give or take 20 min)
Bottle in bed with us: 6:40
Little breakfast (usually some eggs/cheese or cheerios/fruit): 7:40ish
I either leave for work at 7:50 or 8:20 depending on how much I have my act together in the morning to catch the train. DH drops our LO off at 8:45.
so it's pretty tight -- if LO sleeps in until 7 our morning gets pretty messed up and he usually goes out without breakfast on top of his bottle - but I'll pack him some more food for the day.
you'll figure out a good routine soon!
i guess ours is going to change at a year when we stop with formula! do you do a bottle of milk first thing in the morning??
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hellobeeboston: Thanks for the routine of yours laid out!
First thing we do after she wakes and we change her, is bottle. We are all the way off formula now onto milk, she is a milk a holic, she loves it. I hope we figure out a routine soon, the mornings just feel so tense and stressful, not a fan!
Hopefully the right house will pop up for you soon, and you can snatch it up! Then you can have moving behind you, I can't say I ever want to move again after our last one, we've been in a month already!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@Beebug: ok yeah -- i can't imagine him waking and going straight to eating real food yet - he MUST have his bottle the minute he wakes ---- i hope he likes milk! I think he will, he LOVES cheese.
Yes - we don't want to move again for a looooong time after we hopefully find a house that we will be in for the long run.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hellobeeboston: The last two mornings have gone so.much.better.
Daycare is doing brekkie with her, so we just have bottle at home (and the snuggle time, the best!) and some cheerio's or cereal (dry) if I need a moment to get something else ready.
She is so tired though, like this morning I could just tell she was exhausted. She has a bit of a stuffy nose and thankfully it's just her and daycare's youngest daughter today, so the two of them it will hopefully nice and quiet for C, I think she needs a low key day! DH and I are away tonight and my Mom is getting her, I hope she is okay for her!
bananas / 9357 posts
@hellobeeboston: wow! Congrats selling your house so fast. I hope you can find something soon. I saw the video of him shaking his head no. Too cute! How has his walking been? Is he getting better? AJ has been walking more and more each day. Falls a lot though.
@Tidybee: Good luck with the move!
@Beebug: I was going to suggest breakfast at daycare, but looks like that's what you're doing now. Right now this is how our mornings look:
5:30- I wake up, DH gets up shortly after I get ready as fast as I can in case baby wakes up before I go to work
6:00 - usually baby wakes, he plays in the nursery and I sit in there with him while I eat my breakfast. I usually nurse him too.
6:20 - I leave for work
7:30 - DH drops baby off at daycare & he gets his breakfast there.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Does anyone elses LO enjoy pushing things like shopping carts or strollers? N thinks he is hot stuff when he gets to push the basket at the store.
This weekend is our last 1 st birthday party for N. I am really looking forward to it. I love seeing N with all of these people that just adore him.
squash / 13764 posts
How is everyone doing lately?? For those of you with 1 year olds (eek!) how were their birthdays? We have LO's birthday Friday (sob!)--can't believe it! I am very behind--still need to order food, get balloons, and bake his cake!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@MrsRcCar: Emme loves pushing stuff but usually gets too distracted and falls she's not walkign on her own yet, so she's still pretty unsteady of her feet.
@hilsy85: Birthday went good, the party had great weather and we celebrated her actual birthday at the pumpkin patch with just us, which was a perfect end to the 1st year! Did you decide to do a party then? I thought last I read you weren't goign to do a big party? Good luck, it will turn out great & all come together!!
Anyone else not have a walker yet? E will take 5-10 steps, realize what she's doing and falls down to crawl. We know she can do it but she is scared to keep going! Only a matter of time but we are ready for her to cruise on her own
squash / 13764 posts
@LuLu Mom: we are doing something very small, not really a party--more of a dinner. Just our parents and my sister and her kids!
L is also not walking yet--he can stand on his own, but hasn't taken even a step on his own yet. No rush though!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Here is N yesterday at his first birthday shoot. The photo shoot was a little later but worth it.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@LuLu Mom: how'd she like the pumpkin patch? I'm undecided about trying to take her pumpkin picking.
I've got a real walking baby! It's crazy, tiring and adorable.
@MrsRcCar: great pic!
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