Hellobee Boards


Oct 2012 babies chat Part 2!

  1. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    N plays with the drawers in the bathroom while I am busy. Other household stuff I generally try to baby wear him. He doesn't like being away from mommy too much.

    N's new favorite thing to do in the morning is to stand up in his crib and bang on the rail while singing to me. Cute but not at 7:30am on a Sunday.

  2. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @MamaChin: @Kemma: @mewtill: thank-you for the brekkie tips!!

    @hellobeeboston: DH is off for the summer, and right now is carrying the load with me recovering from surgery, but I definitely sort of think we could get to where you're feeling when I am back to work. It makes me really want to try to nip it before it happens, but I know sometimes it can be so easy to "slip" so to speak! Do you have access to e-counselling or phone counselling? With our schedules, sometimes that format has worked best for things we have worked through in the past

    @MrsRcCar: It's even cuter at 5:30am!! We are back to silly crazily early mornings, bah!!!!

  3. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    Thanks everyone for the shoe recommendations, sounds like we are all in the same boat with our kids rocking the bare feet at the moment!

    @hellobeeboston: DH and I got into a slump a few months ago, that our lives center around LO and when she goes to bed we just crash. What we did and it has definetely helped is we shut off all media (no TV, phones, ipad, ect.) for an hour after she goes to bed & talk to each other without distractions. This has helped us feel like a couple again, we will fold clothes, do dishes, ect. but we have to be talking to each other while it happens. Maybe give that a try?

  4. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @LuLu Mom: we really need to do that...I feel like when Lo is asleep we kind of retreat to our own separare worlds with our ipad/phone/kindle/tv...no good! iT's just tough because DH wants to decompress after working all day, and I feel like I've been "on" with LO all day and am kind of drained myself. We need to figure out a way to relax that involves each other.

  5. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @LuLu Mom: I just saw your shoes question - we got shoes for J (I think one of the ones that was on a Hellobee mini style blog post), but in the home he just goes around barefoot. When he first started standing, he also stood on his feet weird, like on the edges or with his toes curled under. As he's getting better at standing, he's figured out that it works better on a flat foot, so he'll make the adjustment himself!

    @Beebug: For breakfast, we have just been doing little pieces of fruit, or mixing little pieces of fruit in plain yogurt (sometimes flavored with fruit puree). I want to try oatmeal though (I've been saying that since he was 6 months old.. maybe I'll actually do it one day!). I guess I should start giving him more substantial stuff?

    @MamaChin: Whenever I need to do anything like go to the bathroom (and not chase J around), I put him in his crib with some toys. He can entertain himself for a while in there.

    @Hellobeeboston: @Hilsy85: I know what you mean about retreating to separate rooms with our devices - that's exactly what DH and I like to do when we get down time after J goes to bed! One thing that's been nice is we've started eating dinner at the table, rather than in front of the TV. It sounds so obvious (and I guess it is), but it's a nice way to catch up and chat without distractions.

    This morning we gave J peanut butter for the first time! I was so scared, but really wanted to introduce it early, as the new food allergy recommendations suggest. So far so good - I put some on my finger and he ate it, and then he had some on his morning fruit. I think he likes it! Fingers crossed that he doesn't have any reactions for the next couple days.

  6. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @hilsy85: yeah i agree, that is our go to unwind time too, but we realized we were just not communicating anymore so we had to stop. Another thing we do together is a Netflix show, we start one and we can only watch it together. It's just something for the two of us (we just finished Friday Night Lights, recommended!)

  7. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @Beebug: I hope the early mornings relax for you soon.

    Lately we have been traveling a lot for different things but it is like N is now afraid to go to sleep without us. I can tell you I can't just let him cry it out it breaks my heart into tiny tiny pieces. Dh and I have been doing a lot of co bedding with N. I should mention that when we travel N generally sleeps on one of us. My parents just need being snarky about the whole thing. Makes me a little crazy but what can you do. I would rather have snuggles from my little guy then to listen to him get so worked up. I am not alone right?

  8. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @MrsRcCar: I end up in bed with Miss A most nights! She goes to bed in the cot and I try to resettle her back in the cot after her night feeding/s but it's just not worth the stress if she won't resettle. And I secretly love the snuggles...

    I'd be willing to bet that a lot more families bed share than would admit to!

  9. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @MrsRcCar: We always bed-share when we travel. We put on a good show with the co-sleeper attachment, but he ends up with us right away.

    @Kemma: We bed-share every night. Once F hits that point where he won't lay back in the crib without a fight, it's not worth it to try. Into the bed he goes (and I DO love the cuddles) I'm pretty sure everyone thinks we're crazy.

  10. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Ok ladies, I'm going there, how on earth do you co-bed!?

    We definitely did early days just to get some sleep, but now? C would never sleep! We have tried (I would love some snuggly naps with her, LOL) and she just ends up putting her fingers up my nose, in my mouth, flipping herself over and pulling up, etc, nothing that leads to sleeping, haha! And like when they go to bed at night, do they go in your bed alone until you go to sleep? They don't fall out of bed? Haha what am I missing!

    Totally, non-offensively strictly curious!!!! I don't even know how we we do it, which doesn't help how foreign the idea feels. I do love then when she did sleep in bed with us (really, minimally) early days I was mortified with myself and suuuure we were creating a bad habit, I was/am such a fool.

  11. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @mewtill: yep, bed sharing and nursing to sleep have been really helpful tools for our family!

  12. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @Beebug: a starts the night in her cot after I've nursed her to sleep. She's not usually too difficult to transfer and she'll sleep there for anywhere from 4-11 hours. Quite often when I get up to do a night feeding A isn't really "awake" so I nurse then attempt to put her back to bed, I give it two goes then if it's before 5 we get into the king single bed in her room, otherwise after 5 she comes into our bed. A is quite happy to go back to sleep all snuggled in with me but playing sees her returned to the cot! Sometimes A wakes a second time but doesn't usually need feeding so I just snuggle her back to sleep.

    If I was full time bed sharing I'd probably do the floor bed thing - I think @MrsKC: has a floor bed?

  13. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @MrsRcCar: We cobed every night. You are definitely not alone! I wouldn't get any sleep otherwise.

    @Beebug: So we have the crib mattress on the floor at the foot of our bed. He starts out sleeping down there. Usually if he wakes before we go to bed, DH will go rock him and put him back down. (we moved the glider into our bedroom too) After we go to bed, the next time he wakes up, he comes to our bed. Our bed isn't on the floor but I have a bed rail on my side of the bed. Since I nurse him he gets moved back and forth from the middle of the bed to the outside, in between me and the bed rail. We have good nights and bad ones. Usually I try to get him to take the paci when he wakes and he usually pushes it away so then I nurse him. If he really won't go back to sleep, DH will rock him. Co bedding is the only way I would get any rest. I never thought we would do it, but it's for my sanity. It's really nice to snuggle but then there are times like this week where I'm annoyed by it. In the last two weeks, I've been head butted in the nose and kicked in the eyeball. lol You could start her out in her crib and then bring her to bed with you once she wakes the first time. Otherwise you could put your mattress on the floor and put her down for the night in your bed.

  14. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @Beebug: no offense taken! F also starts the night in his own crib, drowsy but awake most nights (we pat/rock his bum in the crib). If he wakes at all we attempt to put him back to sleep in his crib and I will nurse him around 10-11. If he refuses to go back to sleep in the crib, we bring him into our bed.

    He never plays in the middle of the night. Now that he's older he is trying to figure out ways to self soothe and can be very wiggly. But we still get better sleep than fighting him to stay in his crib. Plus, we love all waking up together I think if we tried to all fall asleep in bed at the same time that would be a disaster!

  15. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @mrskc: there are definitely nights where I think "okay! That was the last time!" Like when he chucked his pacifier right into my eyeball at 2am (because, hello, don't I know there are warm milkies to be had?!) But we keep going back because it works for us. And the cuddles. Always the cuddles

  16. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hellobeeboston: It is definitely hard. DH and I were getting into a rut of going our separate ways after LO goes down for the night. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes we need time for ourselves. But we make an effort to be together on some evenings. Usually we watch a show or movie together. Some nights we do our own thing and that's ok. I usually tell DH that I want to hang out and he'll stop playing his video games so we can hang out. It's hard to carve out time for just us. I think we've been on a total of like 5 dates since A was born. But we talk a lot. We have a lot of conversation when I get home from work while we're making and eating dinner Do you guys eat dinner together? We eat dinner with DS at the table and it's really nice.

  17. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @mewtill: LOL! I find it so frustrating when he pushes the paci away and if I manage it in his mouth he tosses it. I don't know how I'll ever wean him from nursing in the middle of the night. Another thing he does is sits up when he wakes up! It is so annoying. He wakes, sits up and cries. Then gets even more pissed when I lay him back down and then is ok once he starts nursing.

  18. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @mrskc: sounds just like F! The sitting up kills me. Or, because be tossed it I won't be able to give him the paci and he'll shout. I have noticed that he'll nurse for comfort in the middle of the night, but then I will roll my body away so he's not 100% asleep on the boob. He's started rolling away sometimes himself to fall back asleep fully. I got the idea from Pantley's No Cry Sleep Solution.

  19. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @mewtill: yeah A likes to comfort nurse a lot. I guess I'm lucky because he always unlatches himself. And has also recently started rolling away from me. Sometimes he ends up horizontal or completely flipped the opposite way. Lol

  20. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: I also do not ever co sleep and couldn't--LO literally just would not sleep. The few times I've tried to nap with him he wakes up after a short time, usually sweaty, and really cranky. Even when I bring him into bed with me to nurse first thing in the morning, he nurses for about 10-15 min and then is off playing, trying to crawl off the bed, etc. He's just not especially cuddly i guess? Makes me a bit sad, but I guess I should look on the bright side that we're both happy in our own beds.

    @Beehive: I really want to try peanut butter but for some reason am convinced that I need to have baby benadryl in the house before I give it to him....crazy, I know, consideirng he's had no other allergic reactions and I have no reason to think he would for peanuts! Maybe I'll do it today!

  21. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @Beebug: Don't worry I can't imagine co-sleeping either. My LO does not cuddle, she refuses to lay with us anymore (trust me it breaks my heart) all she wants to do is play. The only time she will sleep is if she's in her crib. Some weekend mornings we will bring her into our bed to try to get her to go back to sleep and it turns into a wrestling match and her playing Queen of the Mountain over DH and my bodies. Just doesn't work.

    @hilsy85: The kids sound eerily similar in their sleeping routines/non cuddliness

  22. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @Beehive: @LuLu Mom: @mrskc: thanks ladies... yeah we usually hang out together at night, we're just both in auto-pilot and we've had some good talks about changing that. i think we are just taking each other for granted and not trying - we're both so in love with LO that we've just pushed each other aside... but we're aware of it - and we're going to work on it!

    re: all the co-bedding talk - I kinda wish LO would sleep with us! well, I do & I don't, i don't think any of us would sleep in the same bed --- but i would love all of the cuddles - i'd probably get a rail like MrsKC also.....

    Little man is NOT into cuddling though he's been sick and while it's so sad - he only wants to sleep on me or DH and we both sorta cherish it.... he's better now and won't snuggle anymore.

    he's such an active sleeper - he probably works himself into every corner of his crib while he sleeps i can't imagine him in bed with us!

    @hilsy85: good luck with the peanut butter! i'm too scared to try it - aren't we supposed to wait till much later to try it?? I'm a chicken though - i just finally gave LO yogurt for the first time and he was fine.

  23. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @LuLu Mom: HA! This sounds just like my son -- we bring him into bed in the morning when he wakes after nursing and try to snuggle and he just climbs all over us until he gets bored.

  24. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Funny how it seems either our LOs won't sleep unless they co-bed OR LOs would not sleep if they did.......insane how they can all be so different, but that's what keeps us on boards like this, right? Having the ability to reach out and share what we're doing, tips for what worked for one to maybe help another.....so cool!!

    @hilsy85: C has peanut butter toast.....omg she just loves it! I tried little specs of it at a time before coating an entire piece for her, but I won't lie, I made sure I watched suuuper close for any reaction, thankfully none!

    She is currently napping like a pro (thank gosh, naps had been sucking!) and I think her poop schedule (lol) is what is wrecking the am for wake-ups! She is pooping 4-5am or so (I think) and then waking (understandable!!) hopefully the poop sched will change, ha! DH is out golfing right now and I am going for a pedicure *gasps* when he gets home! And maybe I will sneak to bed, bath and beyond after, I need a few rugs and runners for the new house.....!!! Kitchen and bathrooms are all in and done, it's insane how close we are to moving, better start packing soon DH gave me a gift certificate for my bday (back in February) for mani/pedi/facial and I am just going to use the pedi part today!

  25. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @Hilsy85: Totally agree on the Benadryl, I didn't have it on hand when I decided that Monday was peanut butter day, and I almost waited until we had it, but I decided that I chickened out too many times and I should go for it. I did get some Benadryl later that day to have around, though!

    Today was Day 3 of peanut butter and J was fine each time, hooray. Which is great, because DH and I eat a ton of peanut butter! It was really cute, when he would eat the peanut butter (I gave him some just on my finger, then dipped bits of fruit in it), he would smack his lips because it's sticky! @Hellobeeboston: Ask your ped what they recommend, but recent studies have shown that early introduction of potential allergens may help babies not be allergic to certain foods. Both of the pediatricians we have been to say J can eat anything apart from honey.

    @Beebug: @Hilsy85: @LuLuMom: @Hellobeeboston: J is exactly the same way, he would definitely not sleep in the same bed with us! Any time with us now is play time, not sleep time. He loves his crib and roams around in it all night when he's asleep. He'll even play in there for a while when he wakes up in the morning, and we get him at 7 (or a little earlier if he starts getting annoyed). I agree though that it would be nice to have a cuddly baby who would be able to sleep snuggled with us! I sneak in cuddles when I can (usually involves me hugging him as he plays with something behind me).

    @Beebug: That's amazing that you're almost ready to move! It will be so nice to be in your gorgeous new home. Enjoy your pedicure!

  26. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @Beehive: oh wow - will have to ask about that!! Whatever I can do to prevent allergens, I have celiac and am GF, and read about introducing gluten while still BFing to help - and have been doing that! So far, so good.

  27. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @hilsy85: @beebug: @beehive: @lulumom: @hellobeeboston: another non-cuddly baby here. every time we bring her into bed with us, she thinks its time to play, or she starts crying because she thinks we're trying to force her to sleep! so when she does sleep on me, i really cherish it...it only happens at bedtime after she nurses and falls asleep, so i can put her over my shoulder and her head lays on my shoulder, or i cradle her and her head is in my elbow nook. L sometimes just pushes away when i'm smothering her with kisses, and that makes me sad sometimes.

    we did PB pretty early on...like 6 months. i eat pb & j toast a lot and i fed her a little bit and she seemed to like it...no reactions. i think i was a little bit reckless with it - we had no benadryl and it was early, but i am kind of on the same thinking with @beehive. makes total sense to me.

    L still hasn't said mama yet...she made "ne ne" sounds the other day, so maybe soon. she's been saying dada since 6 months. she also has started waving bye bye and yesterday i taught her high five. i can't believe she actually remembers stuff. its amazing that she is turning into a real person and isn't just a blob living in the moment! hope all you mamas are doing well.

  28. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: This is exactly like my M! The only time I ever get to snuggle with her is after she finishes her nighttime bottle. She puts her head on my shoulder, sucks her thumb and falls asleep. I literally stand there with tears in my eyes because it feels so good to have a little cuddle from her. I'm sure in some ways I'll be glad for her independence, but sometimes it's tough She never wants kisses either!

  29. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Funny, C was suuuper snuggly today. DH and I commented on it each time we got some snuggles! It was a nice treat!!!

    She had her heart broken for the first time yesterday, oh how I cried.

    She was finished dinner and having her "dessert" (arrowroot, lol) and clearly not hungry even for her beloved arrowroot (she goes nuts for it) spinning it around in her hands, "showing" it to us (stretching her arm out at us, cookie in hand), and gabbing away happily, but not biting it. DH was sitting on her side of table and after about 5 mins or her silliness decided to take a nibble....like....tiny bird nibble out of the cookie when she stretched her arm out at him with it.

    .......You should have seen the tears.

    Her lip pouted, then she started making this "buh, buh, buh" sound slowly with her lower lip. THEN her lip starts to quiver, and then the tears just started flowing and this great big sad cry. We were in hysterics at first but when her tears came I started to cry, so "rescued" her from her high chair. Oh what drama we are. That moment needs to be written in her baby book, oh what a go-ahead that was! So yah, C had her heart broken by Daddy, over an arrowroot cookie!

  30. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @Beebug: Awww, that's the saddest thing! So sweet.

    I'm up late doing work, and J is standing in his crib right now (it's 12:30am). It's so random. He was asleep, then he got up, no crying, just stood up holding on to the rail and has been looking out, in the dark, for like 7 minutes now! Totally silently. Go back to sleep, J! I promise, it's not morning yet.

  31. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: aw yay! Lo has been doing high fives for the last few days, I love it. No waving yet though--maybe we need to practice more. I agree that it's awesome to see them become people--and LO is starting to be naughty! He'll crawl over to something he's not supposed to touch, reach his hand toward it, and then look at me and smile. He is such a stinker.

    @Beehive: ok, we have to try it today then--I need to stop putting it off, lol.

    Speaking of food, LO had some sort of contact rash from cinnamon yesterday--he's had it mixed in with foods before, but this was the first time he had any sort of reaction. Blotchy redness on his face where it had touched. He was fine, thank goodness--didn't seem to notice or care. Anyone else have that happen?

  32. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Just wanted to update, C had her "9 month" appt today, even though she is closer to 10 months (doc was on vacay) and she has like stopped growing.....!

    Doc didn't seem concerned, but thought it was sort of weird. She dropped to 30th percentile or so I guess. She was 19.01lbs and her head and height measurements didn't change! She grew long fast when she was little, but she is still 27.5 inches! I told him what a typical day is like for food and she is definitely eating enough and well, so it's not like there is anything more we could be doing.

    He talked about my IUD adventure and how it all went down, just glad it is over, he sent an IM to the doctor that delivered Chels and put the IUD in to let her know what happened!

    Had a great visit with my Grandparents today, DH is away for the night with his buddies, so it's just C, our dog and I!

  33. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    Over this past weekend Nolan, Dh, my mum, and I attended a wedding for BIL. The wedding ran so long that my mum took Nolan home.

    It was so strange to wake up without Nolan. Dh and I crashed out at his fathers house the night of the wedding. It was hard for us both to get to sleep with out Nolan. It was the first time that we were both away from Nolan at the same time. I know it is healthy for all of us to have time away but I felt guilty about my mom taking him home, I felt like I should have. Dh just kept telling me that we both needed a break from Nolan for the night after we had been crazy busy with wedding madness. I can say I was happy to get home to Nolan the next day. I missed him like crazy. It makes me a little worried about how I am going to handle delivering this next lo and not have Nolan near by.

  34. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @MrsRcCar: aww -- I know - it's so hard to leave LO for the night - especially the first time! My first time away i barely slept. it does get easier, and it really is good for your own mental health to get away once in a while as long as you feel he is in capable hands!

    wait, are you expecting #2???

  35. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @hilsy85: just reading about the cinnamon - weird! and he ate it & was fine?? hmm. has that ever happened with anything else?

    everytime we give LO something new to eat i get a little nervous still... but so far, so good!

  36. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @hellobeeboston: yup he was totally fine! Never happened with anything else, and it seems like it's only if the cinnamon comes into direct contact with his skin (like if I don't mix it in the food enough). I also found out 2 of the babies in my mom's group have peanut allergies--crazy! Luckily LO is fine with peanut butter (thank goodness).
    @MrsRcCar: omg I am just jealous that you had a night away! I would miss LO but I fantasize about sleeping without a baby to wake me up in the morning!

    @Beebug: sounds like it's normal for them to slow down I bet she's pretty mobile so probably burning off calories!

  37. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @Beebug: yup - i bet she's burning a lot of calories movin' around!!

    @hilsy85: scary! we haven't tried peanut butter yet - i'm going ot wait a little longer - J is FINALLY doing better with solids, but we're still doing pretty mushy stuff, i feel like he will gag/choke on peanut butter since he's still so sensitive!

    OH - BTW. Looks like I'm getting my period for the first time in, what, 19/20 months??? I just stopped BFing about a week & a half ago (sad, it dried up, was hoping to keep morning/night nursing until 1 year) so I figured it would be here soon!

    I guess it's good though - DH told me he is really ready to have another baby, ha... I told him we could start trying in October! Took us about 7 months last time, hopefully won't take as long this time, but i guess we'll see.

  38. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @MrsRcCar: you are pregs - CONGRATS!!!!! that's wonderful - h&h 9 months!!!

  39. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @hellobeeboston: I am due march 14 2014. Dh and I are very excited. I am a little worried how N will handle a sibling but I think he will be a rock star.
    @hilsy85: I thought it would be nice too! However I tossed and turned all night wondering of was sleeping ok. If my mom put him to bed the way we do every night. I know that my mom is completely capable of caring for him, I guess I just missed giving him a good night kiss.

    Dh is away in the Capitol City this week for training. I was pretty bummed about it being this week because my birthday was Monday and he has never missed it since we have been together. I cried Sunday evening when my mom and drove home after we dropped him off. My day was a little hard anyway and then to know that he wasn't going to be home at all this week. :/. I am terrible at long distance even for short times. I am excited for him to come home Friday. We are looking at another house. Fingers crossed that he likes this one.

  40. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I took C swimming today for the first time in a pool (we've done the lake at the cottage, but never a pool!) and man I am kicking myself for not taking her sooner! Went to community centre pool and since it was the first day of school today it was empty! She had so.much.fun. Lots of space to crawl, walk, splash, play in sprayers/fountains, I even got in a bathing suit for the first time pp, eeeep!

    She is napping like crap in the new house, I don't know if it's a phase since it sort of started pre-move, but man, like does not want to nap aaaat all. I tried one today and she made it an hour, previous days it's been two half hour naps, yuck!

    I go back to work a month today, insane. I know I am lucky to have the time off that I've had, but wow. Daycare called yesterday, C will be the only one with her youngest 3x a week! 2x a week 2 more part timer's will be there....I am pretty pumped with how C will get such great attention when she starts daycare, I have to pick out a handful of practice days for later this month!

    How is everyone doing? How is it September already?!

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