GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@MrsF: wow all 4 top teeth, did they come in all around the same time? E also does not like to play by herself, one of us has to by her at all times. We've also hit the "I can't go to the bathroom alone" time, if I shut the door I see her little hand underneath trying to get in...sigh.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@LuLu Mom: The top lateral incisors started coming in first (vampire baby!) but the top middles caught up quickly. They pretty much all came in at the same time. It was so miserable but at least we got four out of the way at once!
I hope E's checkup goes well today. Give us an update!
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: Oh yes we are dealing with baby tantrums. Ours mostly happen when I'm trying to dress him or change his diaper. He gets pissed when I try to pull something over his head. I just try and distract him at this point. Depending I do ignore him sometimes and he gets over it quick.
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: Oh hope that next tooth cuts through soon! Good luck with your MIL!
bananas / 9357 posts
@MrsF: Yay for crawling! AJ got his top laterals last week and one of the middle ones just cut through a few days ago and the next middle one is right behind AND he is cutting two more on the bottom (the laterals next to the two middle)! OMG! The teething is rough at our house right now. He got 6 teeth all within two weeks. I feel for you!
bananas / 9357 posts
We are dealing with teething right now so bad! He's almost got 8 teeth in and I'm wondering if more are coming. Poor little guy. He pretty much got 6 teeth all withing the last two weeks. Needless to say, I'm not getting much sleep.
AJ has been crawling, pulling up and cruising for 1.5 months now and he seems pretty content with where he's at. I don't see him walking for a little while. He can pretty much get where ever he wants now and is getting into everything!
For those of you baby proofing, these are two products I love!
Magnetic cabinet locks. You just have a magnetic key that unlocks the cabinet. No dealing with those things you have to push down.
These are pricey but so awesome! I bought a pack of 25 for $60. You just replace the entire outlet cover. You can easily plug things in and when you pull it out, it automatically springs back to cover the outlet.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@mrskc: The crawling is very exciting. Going from 9 months of immobile to very mobile seems like such a game changer! Thanks for the babyproofing links - we are playing catchup there! Sorry about all the teething. It's so horrible to see them miserable (not to mention to see them up all night).
M's teeth are all through her gums but they're so short! She has these tiny little bottom teeth and then 4 huge top teeth that are so close to the gum line. I guess when they come down more it'll look like she has a mouthful Hope AJ gets a reprieve for a little while in the teeth department.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
We had E's 9 month check up yesterday (a little late) and we defintely have a string bean. She's 10% for weight (15 lbs 11 oz) and 50-75% of height (28 inches long.) We were happy to see she moved up a % for weight, so that's all we can ask for, she was in the 5% at her 6 month check up. We got blood drawn to have her tested for Celiac disease, one of the hardest things to witness so far. She had big tears rolling down her face, no baby should have to do that.
Otherwise everything was good, she's right on track with development and even advanced on some fine motor skills, our doctor said she's thriving even with all her medicial issues and that's all she can ask for! I was pleased when we left with the news!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@LuLu Mom: Sounds like great news! Congrats to you both So sorry E had to have blood drawn - I used to get teary with M's heel-sticks for her bili checks
squash / 13764 posts
@LuLu Mom: s0ounds like a great appt!! Where did the draw the blood from--was it her arm or heel? or somewhere else? Sounds like the hard work you've been doing with her eating has been working!
squash / 13764 posts
@mrskc: thanks for those links! I'm ordering that stuff today...LO JUST started crawling last night! he's still pretty slow/cautious but I'm guessing that will change quickly.
nectarine / 2054 posts
@Hilsy85: Well done L! That's so exciting.
@Lulu Mom: That's really good to hear, I've been thinking of you guys... sounds like a great appointment!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@LuLu Mom: I am terrified of this. We have to have blood drawn at her 1 year appt (which I was told is standard). Any tips? I'm already an anxious wreck about it. They told me that it's an arm draw.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@hilsy85 @sorrycharlie:: They did it from her arm, so I had to hold down her other arm and legs. The big old tears were hard, but keeping her as still at possible was important so I just concentrated on that. And hugs afterwards, she was fine as soon as I had held her, I think it was scary to her more than the pain!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
Oh and we got the results back....negative for Celiac Disease!!! PLUS ONE for us
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@LuLu Mom: yay that is great news!!!
also - my ped is one building over from a lab that they said they 'recommend' (i think for convenience) but the state children's hospital is about 15 minutes away. I've heard recommendations from people (not in my area though) to go to the children's hospital because they know what they're doing. would you recommend that, or do you think if the ped sends most people to that same clinic that they'll be good? i keep hearing horror stories of not finding veins, burst veins, etc. ahhhhh.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@sorrycharlie: Our doctor's office actually did the pull and then sent it to the lab, and I trusted them completely (Children's clinic.) And completely crazy the nurse who did the draw was one of LO's NICU nurses (she must have switched jobs) so I knew she was used to babies
honeydew / 7283 posts
I just got back from M's 9 month appointment and I'm so traumatized from the blood draw! I had to hold her down while they tried to find a vein in her arm. They couldn't get it so they had to squeeze two tubes of blood from her tiny little finger. It took four or five minutes and she screamed the whole time. This is right after she had gotten 2 shots. If I had let my guard down I would have started bawling right along with her. And I'm a nurse! I'm tough! I feel like she'll never trust me again
BTW - I have nothing against the phlebotomist who did the draw and this was at at children's clinic. I can't imagine how they ever find babies' tiny little veins! I just wish it had been easier for M.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
Well Miss A went in for her nine month appointment today and apart from a plateau in growth, she's doing great!
She's 8400g (about 18.5 pounds) and 71cm in length (28 inches) which puts her at around the 50th percentile for both. I'm not surprised or worried about the drop because she's just such an active wee poppet! A showed off some great crawling, standing and cruising skills while she was there and the Plunket Nurse thought she was pretty early with her development.
Nine months is turning out to be a really fun age, playtime is a whole lot of fun!
squash / 13764 posts
@Kemma: yay! great appt!
@LuLu Mom: that's great news!!
We have our 9 month appt on monday, can't wait to see how tall LO is!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@LuLu Mom: I am so happy that they were able to rule that out! Blood draws are so hard!
N had his 9 month appointment earlier this month I just failed to update here. He is 20 pounds and 28 inches long. He is hitting all his milestones! They gave us blood work to get done. All I can say is next time DH can take him! N turned purple from screaming so much, the nurse had to blow toward his face to get him to breath. I felt like the worst mommy ever. His iron came back low which honestly doesn't shock me. Dh and I have chronically low iron levels. Here is to hoping we can just supplement more leafy green veggies into his diet.
N's new favorite thing to do is to use the couch to cruise around the room. He thinks that it is awesome. Scares me some but he just beams with pride.
Hope everyone is doing well and staying cool! It is 100 degrees here in NW Ohio today! Also here is a picture from N's 9 month shoot.
squash / 13764 posts
@MrsRcCar: aw that pic is adorable! I feel like we have so many blondies on here.
Ugh, you guys, LO just had his first real injury...he hit his cheek/temple on the corner of our baseboard He SCREAMED for a good 5 minutes, but then seemed fine...he is going to have a big ol' bruise though. I feel like the worst mommy ever--I was literally sitting right there, but when they fall, they fall quick! Of course this happens the day after I order baby proofing stuff!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@hilsy85: N had his first big injury a couple months ago. He had a knot on his head and screamed for probably 15 minutes. He was fine but it was hard. All you can do is hug them when it happens.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@LuLu Mom: ugh why am I missing so many notifications?! Never saw this! My dr office doesn't do them, but there's a blood work place nearby that I guess they tell you to go to bc it's convenient. I just keep hearing about all these people who only have do to heel stick and feel like I should argue for that?? Ugh, I'm literally losing sleep over this. As soon as I'm done BFing, back on anxiety meds I go! It's been awful lately.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MrsRcCar: great stats! I'm making dh come with me for her blood draw at a year. I'm already panicking over it.
@hilsy85: awww! O wacked her face on the corner of her crib this week. It's so hard when they're this mobile and quick now! I want to protect her from everything, lol.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@sorrycharlie: I mentioned that M had only ever had a heel stick before and they said that by this age their skin on their heels is too thick. I think they also need a lot more blood than they could easily get from the heel. M had 2 full tubes drawn this month whereas the heel sticks were just small amounts fur the bili checks. I wish they could stick us instead of them
squash / 13764 posts
@sorrycharlie: @MrsRcCar: ugh seriously, these injuries are the worst. I noticed a little something on his thumb too--almost looked like a burn but there's NOTHING he could have burned himself on and it didn't seem to hurt. I hate that I keep finding little boo boos on him!! waahhh I need to wrap him in bubble wrap.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@hilsy85: That's so hard! M has a scab on her face and I have no idea where it came from. She's constantly falling down or banging something. I feel like I can't protect her like I used to!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@MrsRcCar: oh em gee --- adorable pic!!!!!! Sounds like N is doing great.
@hilsy85: yup - I think we have an almost daily face/head bump. It's so sad - but he seems to be handling them better and better. So that's good. Poor babes - they are like little drunks stumbling around.
We had J's 9 month appt today - just over 18 lbs, 28.5 inches - all milestones lookin' good!
squash / 13764 posts
@hellobeeboston: ha that's exactly what he looks like, a little drunk baby. Yay for a great appt!!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I was getting ready to find this group, I have a shoe question. With some of our LOs starting to cruise, what shoes are you putting them in. I've noticed that E still stands weird, on the insides of her feet, the doc isn't concerned but I'm wondering if shoes will help her stand flat footed? I want cute but good ones!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I saw this pop up today after @LuLu Mom: posted! We are still rocking C barefoot or in sockfeet! We only have one pair of Robeez for her, but don't really use them!
C's new thing is standing up in the middle of the room, like just pushes herself into a stand without pulling up and looks around waiting for one of us to notice, then starts clapping. Seeing her do it is insane to me, and I am only now just not reacting in fear, before I used to rush to her, but really, she just stands there, then eventually sits herself back down and carries on!
NONE of her toys are any good any longer, the stairs (yay to moving to a bungalow in a month, lol) are her thing, she would go up (and be carried back down, only to go up again!) all day long. It's crazy how fast things are changing.
I know I should go post this in feeding, but what do some of you do in the am for food that doesn't involve powdered baby cereal? We had been doing that, then fruit, but she doesn't eat it any longer. Tried mixing in yogurt or applesauce, but it only lasts a day and she figures out what we've done, lol. You can just tell she's not interested in it any longer. Toast? I know nutrionally it wasn't a huge deal, more filler?
nectarine / 2667 posts
@LuLu Mom: ugg, I am hoping to avoid shoes as long as possible (F is just like his mama: barefoot all the live long day!), but I'm interested in people's recommendations.
@Beebug: I've seen babies do that before and it blows my MIND. The balance involved is amazing - what a strong core your little lady has! For breakfast we usually eat fruit and some wheat bread toast with jam or yogurt. When he's at daycare they do fruit with either: pancake, french toast, cereal, oatmeal, or scrambled egg. We've done each of those at home too, with varying success.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@LuLu Mom: I've just bought two pair of Bobux soft sole leather shoes but otherwise A rocks wool booties or socks. It's winter over here at the moment and I figured she probably needs proper footwear for when we're out and about.
@Beebug: A shares my porridge in the morning but has puréed fruit mixed in rather than brown sugar!
clementine / 830 posts
My N was born on Nov 1 so I like to drop in once in a while to see how the Oct babies are doing, everyone's baby seem to be thriving and doing awesome! N is army crawling all over the place and wants to get into everything he can. I caught him crawling towards the dog bowl today while I went to the bathroom! Do you guys put them in a penned in area, like with a gate or inside a pnp when you do your business? I used to just go real quick and leave the door open so I can hear. :X
@beebug: sometimes I would cut up whole grain toast and dunk it in fruit purée since N doesn't understand the concept of biting pieces off yet.
squash / 13764 posts
@LuLu Mom: I also want to get L a pair of shoes...we have a pair of Robeeze but I think they're too big on him---are they supposed to fit snugly everywhere? I should take him to a shoe store...
@Beebug: we do either yogurt or oatmeal with fruit puree, or a scrambled egg with cheese, which is a great finger food. Pancakes are great too!
@MamaChin: we have a bathroom directly across from LO's room so I just put him on the floor in his room and go to the bathroom with the door open so I can see him lol.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@MamaChin: we keep trying a penned area but end up taking it down -- we need it though because LO is moving FAST now and he always heads straight for trouble.
@LuLu Mom: we have a couple of soft-soled shoes but read that they learn to walk best in bare feet!
@Beebug: yup - ANYTHING besides toys are what he wants to play with now.
honeydew / 7235 posts
also, october mamas.... how are you and your DHs doing???
i feel like we are on separate planets. we give all of our energy & love into LO and are not saving anything for each other. we get up in the morning and are busy doing our own things to get ready for work/watch LO.... we get home and play with the babe, go for walks, bath, then we put him down and DH and I like, shut off.... we're in such a routine. we barely talk. it's not good... we will probably do some counseling to get back on track... i just feel indifferent and TIRED. i give LO literally everything I have and when he's not around I just feel like I shut down. UGH.
tell me how you guys are making time for your relationship.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@hellobeeboston: yep, I can appreciate how you're feeling, I think it's just one of those times where both partners just have to keep pushing through and surviving! I have faith that it will get easier and better and that we'll find our groove again.
@MamaChin: we have a play pen downstairs for when I'm hanging out laundry, cooking food etc, but upstairs if I'm just using the bathroom I just shut our baby gate and leave the toilet door open. If I'm having a shower I throw A in her cot with some toys and she's usually ok for ten minutes
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