I thought I would start a fresh thread since I know so many are really behind on the old one. I want to give some of you who have been behind a chance to jump back in!
What do you guys think about separate threads about specific topics? Like a sleep thread and a feeding thread? Or just keep it one long thread? Just an idea to try and keep the thread from getting too long.
LO's name: AJ
Age: 5 Months
Weight: 16 lbs at 4 months, so I'm guessing he's hovering around 17 lbs now.
Length: We measured him today and he was a little over 26 inches long.
Recent milestones: Nothing too big lately. He's getting really good at sitting up. He's been practicing not using his arms for support. He finally discovered his feet recently (I feel like he was a little behind on this). Still hasn't rolled from back to belly.
Milestone you're most looking forward to: I would have to say sitting up completely on his own. I have to be very close by to make sure he doesn't fall on his head. So it will be nice when he can just sit up with out my help.
How's feeding going: Still EBF. Waiting a little longer to start solids.
How's sleep going: It's good and bad. We'll have a few good nights followed by a couple rough ones where he wakes up constantly. We've been having trouble getting him down for the night. He'll keep waking up every 30 minutes and we have to help him back to sleep. he does this a few times before finally going to sleep for most of the night. He's still sleeping in the pack n play and his bouncy chair in our room. I have a feeling it's going to be a rough transition to his crib. Naps are still 30 minutes. He takes 4-5 catnaps throughout the day.
What is your favorite trait about your LO? I would have to say his smile and laugh. He's such a happy little boy and I love making him giggle. He's got a funny little laugh. He especially giggles at the dog and when we blow raspberries on him.
What is something silly that your LO does? He loves to squeal. He'll just lay there and scream and squeal. It's pretty funny. He also started this weird thing yesterday where he clasps his hands and punches himself in the face. It's really strange.
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? WOHM now. I'm only working 20 hours a week right now. So not looking forward to starting full time again.
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