pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: Weather is up and down like yours! The other day I ran in capri length pants and a tshirt, today I walked in my winter coat with hat and mitts! I don't mind any temps, it's the back and forth stuff that drives me mental!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Some thoughts would be great ladies. N has been battling with a nasty diaper rash off and on. We thought it was getting better with powder after we tried a bunch of creams. The rash was just staying the same but today during his diaper change I noticed that one side was all broke open. Bee's I feel like a terrible mommy. His 6 month appointment is Monday and we were going to ask about the rash then. Now we have an emergency appointment in about an hour to have him seen. It doesn't seem to be bothering him. I will keep you guys posted.
bananas / 9357 posts
@MrsRcCar: Oh no! Poor baby. Thinking of you guys. And you're NOT a bad mommy! It happens.
bananas / 9357 posts
@lilyann: He is just so cute!
@hilsy85: Weather has been mid 70s. This is one of the nicest times of year where I live. Trying to enjoy it while it lasts b/c soon it will be in the 90s then 100s.
We've all been quiet lately! Too busy with our little babes I guess. I've been really enjoying this stage. AJ is so interactive now and he's so much fun to watch.
Any LOs not roll back to belly yet? AJ still hasn't. He seems to get close, but doesn't go all the way. But he can sit up really well by himself. I just put a pillow behind him in case he falls. My mom fail over the weekend was trying to get a pic of him sitting and he fell backwards and bumped his head on the wall. oops. I felt soooo bad.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@MrsRcCar: Poor guy! You are not a bad Momma, hope he is better soon!!!
@mrskc: Totally with you on really enjoying this stage.
I think C might be teething for sure now. Woke up last night with a frantic cry and would not settle around 11pm. So not like her, as soon as I picked her up she crashed on my chest, omg I haven't snuggled with her like that in so long, it was kinda nice!!
I have a playdate/lunch date with two gf's today, one has a boy born last May, the other a boy born in Jan! Funny to be at such different stages, but we had a great visit. Friend with May baby, he is walking!! Was so cool to see, what was the best was C was the same height as him!!
C has been doing so well lately, here she is in the swing at the park today, she looooves it. We go to the park as part of our morning walk now, nice to stop and play a bit rather than just walking!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@mrskc: @Beebug: Thanks for the thoughts ladies!
We are back from the doctor. The doctor gave us a prescription for the rash. Otherwise N is perfectly healthy and growing spot on. Here are his stats:
Ht: 25.5 inches
Wt: 16 lbs 12.5 ounces
Head Circumference : 43 cm.
squash / 13764 posts
@MrsRcCar: glad n is doing ok! Hope the rash clears up
@Beebug: how cute is she?!@mrskc: I totally agree...this age is SO much fun! Lo is just so delightful (silly word but it really fits!)
kiwi / 691 posts
@mrskc: J still won't roll over back to belly, but I'm not surprised. He hates being on his tummy and only rolls so he's on his back. He's not quite there on sitting on his own yet either.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@mrskc: L hasn't rolled from back to belly yet either. she rolls onto her side a lot, but stops there. she's sitting up on her own too (albeit leaning very far forward). but i've kind of taught her to lean on her arms to sit in a tripod. she's so cute when she sits, i just want to eat her up.
@Beebug: C is so smiley, every picture of her is precious!
@MrsRcCar: glad the doc could prescribe something for N's rash. sounds like he is a healthy little guy!
@hilsy85: delightful is a totally appropriate word! they are so freaking cute at this age, i love it.
unfortunately L is sick again. bad cough, runny nose, low fever (<101)....i feel so bad for her. i don't know whether to take her to the doc or not, she has had it since Monday and doesn't seem to be getting any better. sometimes when she breathes she wheezes, but not all the time. she's totally miserable. poor thing, i'm so sad for her. she's having a lot of trouble sleeping on her back. sigh.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@mrskc: J rolls back to belly great, but doesn't do as well belly to back! He is suuuuper wobbly with sitting up though - I could not not hold on to him still ... Seems like A has a good handle on that! He'll probably work on rolling back to belly next!
Other tummy sleeper babies--- do your LOs plant their face into the mattress?? Why do they do that? I don't like it!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Running Elley: Have you run with your bob yet with E? (anyone else with bob, I'm sorry, I don't remember, but ask same question!!)
I ran yesterday with her for the first time! I ran half the run with the front wheel unlocked, the second half with it locked and omg what a difference!! I really struggled having to keep my upper body to "still" yet steering the stroller (unlocked front wheel) then when I had it locked I felt so upright (probably good for me, I hunch, esp when tired) but I felt very out of synch with my usual step/groove, it didn't feel like a comfortable run, I guess expected with my first run with it, but I'm just not sure if I'll get used to it, or that's just norm stroller running! I honestly don't plan to run with her often, I just reallllllly didn't want to go to stroller fit, so ran on my own instead.
Skip this paragraph for TMI/grossness, but I effing peed myself apparently. F%&K that peeves me off about post-preg. I can't control it, very conscious of it on runs, but I guess with the stroller my step/pace was out of whack. I was soaked, and SO glad I was in black spandex so you really couldn't see.
Great weather here this weekend, cool still, but sunny, I can't wait for warm weather!!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hellobeeboston: She does sometimes (she likes to get her hangs up in her face and face down) and I just turn her head gently. I know it sounds silly, but sometimes I like to sleep with my face down (though I know it doesn't last) so could just be a comfort thing, even for a short bit?
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Ladies, needing a little support/words/am I off my rocker.
I don't know if you remember when I was bf'ing and desperately wanted to get away/get a break from LO. I haven't bf'ed since mid-Feb and just needed my Mom to babysit once in March/since not bf'ing. She babysat for the day while DH and I did decor selections (cupboards, floors, etc) for our new house. She ended up running an errand and was gone when we got home, C was left with my sister. I love my sister, but she's unreliable, untrustworthy (steals from my parents), and just the token "wild child". It irked DH and I, but we've just kinda moved on (who I am I kidding, I never move on). No one has babysat since, no real need, but I think about the future and honestly now have issues with the thought of leaving her. My parents are splitting up (my Mom bought a condo and moves out end of this month) and so things aren't the most stable in her life. My step Dad has been in my life the longest (11 years) in terms of father figures, and I worry about him (I blame this split on my Mom), sidetracking....sorry. But seriously, I said to DH tonight, if my MIL (who I no longer speak with) was closer, I would leave LO with her, over my Mom right now. With the CIO/new bedtime habits I don't trust my Mom to not give her the paci or to leave her/CIO (even though she doesn't cry a ton anymore, if at all). What gives with me? I think my concerns are legit, but looking back how stupid do I feel, earlier days I would have been "gone" for a night out in a heartbeat and now the thought of leaving her for bedtime and an evening is dreadful. We had company today and are going a 40th bday party for the one of them in May and that's what's sparked this.
Oye. I realize I'm insane, but man my past comes up and eats at me sometimes. My Mom ans 1st step dad were very heavy handed on me when I was a kid, and I just think of that "stuff", my Mom leaving LO w/ my sis, and her current instability and I just wonder if I need to say something or what. I've tried so hard and worked hard at overcoming my past and living a "normal" life (impossible) but it's all very hard to get away from even after so many years have gone by, plus what;s going on currently.
Whoa, I needed to unload apparently.
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: I would definitely be upset with my mom for leaving LO with my sister in the situation you described. It definitely would make me wary about trusting her in the future! Do you know any babysitters or nannies in your area who would be available for random evenings? Sorry to hear about the split up with your mom/step dad Sometimes it seems like families just get more complicated as we get older!
As for the peeing thing, I think it's pretty normal...we all need to make sure to do our kegels!
I don't know if you ladies remember me mentioning that I might be going back to work part time, but I did go back two days last week. It was weird--I actually was fine leaving LO, I knew he was in good hands. But when I got home, I felt kinda...detached from him? I was SO glad to see him, but I feel like he barely even knew I was gone (which is good I guess, I wouldn't have wanted him to be upset) but when I got home it was like I didn't know him anymore! SO silly I know, but DH has said he feels like this when he gets home sometimes...can any of you working mamas relate? I don't know if I'm going to continue doing it, we'll see what the commitment looks like as the weeks go on.
LO is a rolling machine now, both ways from his belly to his back, and he's also able to do back to belly (although much less often). He is also starting to try to sit up! He can only do it for a few seconds, but still--very exciting. My mom came over today and I was actually able to nap while she was here! I slept for an hour and while I felt worse right when I woke up, I feel much better now! Hope you're all having good weekends.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@Beebug: not a ton of advice, but sorry that you have to deal with it...i was thinking maybe you could find a babysitter that one of your friends uses (so you can trust them) and maybe that might be better?
@hilsy85: i think i felt that way the first week i was back at work...like i had missed so much of her life and she didn't remember who i was. but i think the second week, i didn't feel that way anymore. its just an adjustment i think. you spend so much time with them and then spending a lot of time away is just a weird feeling. you have to get used to it. i honestly enjoy being a WOHM and it has helped me be a better mother to L. but everyone is different, see how you feel after next week? yay for your L sitting up! i think they are so freaking cute when they sit up on their own...L looks so tiny to me when she sits up!
L has bronchiolitis i think. bad cough, not too runny/stuffy though. poor thing. she was having trouble napping/sleeping on her back, so we put her in her bouncer and have been rocking/patting her to sleep for the last few days. i feel so bad for her, when she coughs, she gets so red in the face and cries. it must be painful. the doc said her lungs sound good though, and its just upper respiratory congestion and just to give her tylenol to make her comfy. tylenol works wonders by the way. 30 mins after taking it, she's her normal happy self.
squash / 13764 posts
@SleepyMonkey: oh no poor baby girl! I hope she feels better soon. And you're definitely right on it just being an adjustment re: working. I give you working mamas so much credit though--when I got home I literally had zero energy to do anything!! You all are super women!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@SleepyMonkey: @hilsy85: We totally have other babysitters we could ask, but I know how offended my Mom would be and I wouldn't be able to "get away" with it if she knew we were doing it (obv we could get away with it a time or two). Just sucks to not want your own Mom to babysit, I feel bad, but can't be afraid to follow my gut, especially with regard to C. Thanks ladies.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@hilsy85: who are you leaving L with when you are at work? and yes on the no energy at all...i get home, i nurse for like 20 minutes. then i play with her for 45 mins, and get her ready for bed, nurse again for like 45 mins - 1 hour. by the time i'm done, its 8pm, i eat dinner and take a shower, its 9pm and i dive into bed! there isn't really time for anything....i used to think i would exercise after i had kids, um....there is no way in hell that i'd want to exercise after a full day of work and taking care of a baby. all i want to do is sleep!
squash / 13764 posts
@SleepyMonkey: my mom had him one day and my MIL and FIL had him the other. OMG I hear you on the exercising....I am totally using the "I don't want to affect my supply!" excuse to avoid feeling too badly about not working out! I should probly post this on the sleep thread, but how is L sleeping at night?
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@hilsy85: thats great that you have your mom and MIL/FIL watching L!! that level of trust is invaluble, i think. i really don't feel guilty leaving L with my mom...i think if i had to leave her at daycare or with a nanny, i would feel so much more guilt going back to work. and yes on the "i don't want it to affect my supply" thing! haha! i feel like after i stop bf-ing, i will probably have to start fitting in exercise somewhere...on the weekends, at the least! well right now, L's nighttime sleep sucks because she is sick. but before she got sick, she was waking up 1x to nurse, which i had gotten used to and was ok with since going back to work has cut down on my nursing sessions with her and i enjoy bf-ing now. she has only STTN (i.e. not getting up when i was sleeping) three times (yes i remember exactly!! haha) since she turned 4 months...because i dream fed her at 10pm. i have accepted that i will have to wake up once to feed her, so i'm ok with it. her naps are still the same though....40 mins each, and we'll have a fluke 1.5+ hour nap probably 1-2x per week. how's your L doing with sleep?
squash / 13764 posts
@SleepyMonkey: well hopefully once she's feeling better she'll go back to that awesome sounding schedule (or maybe even move on to STTN,,,)! L was doing pretty horribly for a while--up like 3 times a night on the regular. Now he's uuuuusually up twice around 1:30 and 4:30, although sometimes he'll wake up at 11:30 and 3:30ish...and then sometimes we have nights like two nights ago, when he was up at 11, 1, 3, and 5:30! Yay! i'm just trying to go with the flow though, he has exploded developmentally the last few weeks so I feel like that's got to have something to do with it! Naps are better in that he generally goes down really easily now, and I get a 1.5-2 hour morning nap several times a week as well. Other than that, it's 40min-1 hour. But the going down more easily makes such a big difference--so much less frustrating.
nectarine / 2280 posts
Hi! I'm new to posting but I've been lurking for a bit now. I figured now was as good a time as any to jump in. My LO just turned 6 months today.
She rolls back to front and front to back but always in the same direction. Is that normal?
Totally anxious about going back to work soon. Ugh!
Sleep just got bad again. Not sure why. I'm hoping this is quick phase.
squash / 13764 posts
@katsupgirl: welcome! I think the rolling in one direction is pretty normal--my LO definitely has a preferred direction! When do you go back to work?
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@hilsy85: i really do think they are going thru some big developmental changes...L has gotten so good at grabbing things. i wear this one sweatshirt all the time and she is so intent on grabbing one of the strings attached to the hood and has gotten so good at it. anyway, i think our babies will all get back to STTN eventually! i'm glad you are seeing progress with L's sleep though!
@katsupgirl: welcome, welcome! you'll find some other mamas going thru a sleep regression on this board, for sure. i think my LO had a small one and we're still going thru it....feel free to vent/brag etc about stuff on here. at least one of us is probably going thru the same thing!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@hilsy85: Thanks! I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be actively encouraging both directions. I'm sort of planning to go back next month. Sigh. I have to talk to my boss next week.
Not sure if I should be spending more time with DD to get some extra QT in or less so she gets used to me being away.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@katsupgirl: Yay, welcome!! C definitely prefers to roll to her left over her right!
@SleepyMonkey: Grabbing is insane with C. Nothing within reach is not left alone any more, have to be careful!! She is also "swatting" at pretty much everything, especially if the texture feels different to her! She will sometimes stop swatting and scrunch her fingers at something if it is a texture she isn't used to.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@katsupgirl: it's about now that babies go through another Wonder Week, my LO is almost coming out of it and sleep has been haaard work!
@Beebug: Miss A grabs at anything and everything she can get her wee mitts on! Just the other day she almost had my hot drink in my lap, she also likes to jam anything remotely food-like in her mouth with scary accuracy!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
anybody's LOs on a 2 nap/day schedule yet? i feel like this is around the time my LOs naps should start to get longer and less frequent, but i see no signs of that happening anytime soon.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@SleepyMonkey: We're two naps!
I posted this on another forum I go on, copy and pasting a typical day for us....
Wakes for day 7am (give or take!)
Walk dog, go to park (sometimes after bottle, depends on wake time and how up I'm feeling!)
Bottle 8am
Cereal 9am
First nap 10/10:30
Noon Bottle
2nd Walk of the day
2nd nap 3:30/4
Sometimes another walk
Depending on nap, bottle usually 4:30/5pm'ish
6pm Bedtime routine starts
6:45 Bedtime bottle
7/7:15 bedtime.
I can't even remember how we got to two, but you could totally tell she was trying to cut a nap, and it was an easy transition for us!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@katsupgirl: welcome ! I am happy that you joined us!
@SleepyMonkey: N generally that's 2 long naps a day, but somedays he still naps 3 times a day. Today he has only napped one good nap.
@Kemma: if N can get his little hands on it, it is his and he screams if you take it away.
N had a photo shoot this weekend. He did so great!! We went to the zoo today. My dad offered to carry him for a while at the zoo, so I have cute pictures of my dad carrying N in my sling. N was so excited to see all the animals. He wanted to get everything. When I get home I will upload some picture. Hope everyone's weekend went well.
squash / 13764 posts
@SleepyMonkey: no way are we even close to 2 naps...most days we either do 3 or 4. @Beebug: wow! So she is fine being up for like 3 hours or so?
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@hilsy85: yeah, same here. 4 40-minute naps...sometimes 5. i'm starting to think it'll be like this forever!
squash / 13764 posts
@MrsRcCar: aw so cute! We have our 6 month shoot April 26th, I'm so excited!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: Yep! I mean, there are obviously exceptions some days, but most days she is up 3+ hours twice a day, usually definitely between the naps, but then varies from am waking to 1st nap or pm nap to bedtime!
@MrsRcCar: Cuuuuuute!!!
I don't know what we'll do for 6-month shoot, I will DIY it again and see what happens, lol. Pinterest will help me.
We had infant massage this morning, tried again this month as last month I just didn't learn enough from it, she loved it! 3 more classes the next Monday's of the month! Tomorrow we have Stroller Fit again, Wednesday is Crawler Cruiser Gym, Thursday is Baby Circle Time, and Friday is a Stroller Fit day. First week of our April activity schedule, we'll see how it goes! I may go to the movies (Mom/baby friendly movie viewing!) with some HB Mama's in the city this week, too.
@mrskc: I thought of you at infant massage today when she was showing us constipated/make them poop stuff, glad AJ finally went for you yesterday!! Trying not to laugh at your Mom fail of him falling back while trying to get a pic! That was me when I did her 5 month pics, and got that one of her sitting, the ones I got of her falling back are hilarious (I haven't shared them though!) I had to put her in the middle of the bed after her first slide backwards, she hit our headboard....softly, thankfully!!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@SleepyMonkey: We are also on 2 naps a day, occasionally she will take a 3rd cat nap when I make dinner, but not often.
We had E's 6 month checkup on Friday and I still have a little girl, she was 13 lbs 4 oz (5%), and 25 1/2 inches long (30%). The doctor was impressed by her weight gain so that was good, she was on the scale and that's all we were hoping for! We were told we could start introducing a sippy cup with water (she has no interest yet) and we could start meats as well.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@LuLu Mom: Her appt stats sound great, even though she is little, gains are good! I am excited for Cs, we go the 22nd!
I put C in a onesie today I remember getting before she was born and thinking that the onesie was SO big. I nearly cried doing it up on her this morning!! It is from the gap, 6-12 months! A little long in the sleeves, but in length (incl CD) it fits perfect......argh stop growing kid!!
honeydew / 7235 posts
hey ladies --- with warmer weather approaching (at least for some of us), as well as the 6 month mark making it safe for babies to wear sunscreen I thought I would share this link a friend sent that rates all of the sunscreens out there on the market:
squash / 13764 posts
@LuLu Mom: aw she's little but spunky I bet!
@hellobeeboston: thanks for that link! I need to pick up some sunscreen this weekend. Do you plan on putting it on every day during the summer or just when LO will have extended outdoor time (beach, picnic, etc)?
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@hellobeeboston: thanks! I need to look into what we are going to use this summer and spring now that they are spending more time outside at daycare.
@hilsy85: Definetely spunky that's for sure, we describe her motto as Little but Mighty
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