cherry / 125 posts
Hi Ladies!
I haven't been on here in what seems like forever! Between work and taking care of A, I never seem to get time to even relax but I want to get back on here again...if you'll let me A just turned 6 months last week, here are a few updated pictures! I can't believe it has been half a year already.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@MrsRcCar: my LO had a lump after her 4 month shots. I didn't notice but DH did. He totally didn't tell me because he knew I'd freak out. It went away but she has a new lump from her 6 month shots.
@BlessedMama: love the tongue sticking out and the twinkle in the eye!!!
I'm not ready for a mobile baby. I haven't a clue how to start babyproofing.
cherry / 125 posts
@katsupgirl: thanks! I was just telling my husband we need to baby proof. I think I'll start with outlet covers and cabinet locks for the cleaning products, etc.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@katsupgirl: I have a recently mobile baby and quite frankly, it sucks. DH has been away and combined with Miss A's sleep regression, it's been hard, hard work. We hadn't done any baby proofing and A moves so fast that I just can't turn my back on her at all, we also have stairs and a gas heater without a guard. We also have a dog and reasonably new carpet which results in lots of fluff and fur being shoved in her mouth!
The exersaucer is my new best friend and I'm about to clean up our old playpen so I can have a safe place for when I need to get stuff done.
Otherwise Miss A is just gorgeous and a whole lot of fun!!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I've heard mobility is awesome, but a curse at the same time, lol.
LO came to the vet with me today (and the dog, lol) she was fabulous. It's an hour drive one-way, she napped whole way there, we had a bottle waiting for our appt and she was happy as anything while dog was checked out, nice to have her "fit in" so to speak in normal stuff like that, she was very easy today!
We definitely need to re-sleep train once she's better, definitely.
I got a free stroller today! I knew it was coming, but didn't know what I was getting! A colleague of DHs is done with kids and offered us their double stroller, it's a baby trend double jogger. Thing is massive, no way in heck I will ever run with it, but for walks it'll be great when we have two LOs someday!
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: Yikes. Hope all went well with your tooth! I loved the 6 month photos sneak peek!
bananas / 9357 posts
@hellobeeboston: oh my goodness! It won't be long! He looks like he's ready to move!
bananas / 9357 posts
@BlessedMama: Awww she's such a cutie and now I finally know your HB username. I follow you on IG but I didn't know who you were on HB! Happy to have you jump back in!
@Beebug: How is C feeling? Glad you had a successful outing with her.
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Kemma: I have a dog too and that's my major concern with a mobile baby. She doesn't even get floor time right now.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Kemma: @katsupgirl: Trying not to sound like an awful Momma, but I feel like having a dog and baby, accepting hair is going to be ingested is just sort of how it's going to be? I definitely clean as much as I can, and watch her, but know I can't stop it all, lol......especially once mobile!
Does anyone else's LOs do any repetitive arm or leg motions? Honestly C's worry me a bit. They're almost (pretty much to me) neurotic. She will swat/hit over, and over, and over unless you stop her. Or her fist clenching/pinching, oh man awful when she gets my skin and I have to try to not react/scare her. Her other one that drives me crazy, she will rub her heels, or hook/cross her heels and rub, rub, rub. It worries me a little, but then I'm just not sure if it's a baby sensory thing that'll pass? It's just how constant and repetitive it is.....someone tell me I'm not the only one?
DH is staying home tomorrow, he says he's going to do tonight, but I know I'll be awake anyways so I don't see the point, I'll have to wake him up to tell him to go to her so it just seems silly to me, but nice of him to offer, lol.
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: Lo does something kind of repetitive with his hand--he'll open and close his fist while he's nursing, or sometimes he'll scratch at the fabric on our couch. I wouldn't worry about it, I bet its' just them figuring out how to control their limbs!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Beebug: little miss miss can't keep socks on her feet cause she rubs them together like a cricket.
I've got tiny little scratches on my face and arms from the pinching. You should hear her auntie howl when LO one gets her face and hair. Oh dear!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Running Elley: My 10k is Saturday and I officially just got butterflies in my tummy nervous for the first time over it! Oh pre-race nerves, bah!!!!! How you doing Momma? When will you have an U/S for #2?! Hope you're feeling okay
Bumping this up a little! We have 20 degrees (Celsius, lol) here today and sunny, I'm in shorts and a tshirt and it's such a nice change! I have been wearing C on my back in the Beco for walks lately, and the stares I get? Crazy, lol. She loves it, her feet are kicking away and she's giggling away, nosey little one though, she's figured out how to peek around the side to look forward to see our dog!
We're all still a little sick, so haven't been up to much socially, but trying to keep busy on walks, outside, doing a bit of gardening.
Sleep is finally back to normal for now, 7pm bedtime, 4:40 or so waking for bottle, down until 7/7:30 (8:30 this am, glorious!!)
I've caught her up on all fours a few times now, eeep!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@Beebug: just saw this from the other day -- i was also a little worried about some of LO's repetitive movements --- but I read online that sometimes it's because they realize they are in control of something - their arm, or their hand - and they keep doing it because they can. I've noticed that he will do one thing for a couple of days - then find something else and it doesn't last.
LO also likes to scratch/clench his hands on my chest/boob while he's nursing!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hellobeeboston: Okay, good to know. It just sort of worried me, but like everything seems to come and go so quickly, just a phase and she will figure out those limbs belong to her soon I hope and stop doing much? lol.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@Beebug: my LO likes to scratch everything these days with her fingers. Couch cushions, her pants, her head, my arm. Everything she can get her hands on, she scratches. Sometimes I find little scabs on her head because she has scratched so much
pomegranate / 3917 posts
7pm to 6:15am!!!
Ahhhhh!!! Hope it's not a fluke!!! If it was I still don't mind, loveeeee it!
My 10k is tomorrow, going into city today to get my race stuff, taking C and dog with me to go for waterfront walk when there, the weather has been so nice here.
We learned yesterday our new house is going to be ready about 6w early than we get it, so we will have the option to go early! Not sure if we can with closing date on current house, so we'll have to see if these buyers want early too, if not, no big deal we can stay where we are, but cool news either way!
@SleepyMonkey: Wonder if it's a texture thing too? If C is over my shoulder, she always does the fist clenching/pinching on the leather couch, she loves it.
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: so exciting about the house! And on the STTN! I am jealous
So I don;t know if you guys remember me talking about purchasing a house in upstate NY...well I think we're actually going to be able to do it! We should close at the end of the month. We're super excited, but also overwhelmed at the thought of furnishing/decorating a whole house thats twice the size of our current apt! I contacted an interior designer to see what her price would be...she only has one portfolio of her work online and said she doesn't have any others to show, although she's finishing a project in you think that's suspicious? I kinda feel like how am I supposed to know if I want to hire you if I am only seeing one house that you've done (which is her house, also!). Thoughts?
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: Thoughts on designer/furnishing, like you we went from apt to house when we moved here and at first I was in a rush to have it all done, but I am so glad we took it slow and lived in the space first. Just to get a better idea of what we wanted not going by what seemed like it would work in the space, if that makes sense? As for the designer, she should have LOTS to show you and if not (if she's a newb like it sounds) she should be free/super cheap and ask to use what she does for you on her site, lol.
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: yeah we definitely plan on doing just a few rooms at a time...Aand I agree on the designer! Makes me sad because I love the example of her work that I've seen but she's definitely not cheap!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: Yah, seems so weird she'd just have the one sample? Even like to showcase her own house as one to have more to show? lol.
Congrats on house too, PS, I should have said that in first post!
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: thanks And yeah, weird indeed! Ugh...I just wanted someone to do it for me lol, I'm so overwhelmed just looking at Pinterest!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@hilsy85: she's probably new at this. If she doesn't have another full portfolio does she have any other pictures? Maybe inspiration drawings?
@Beebug: congrats on the house and STTN! Happy sleeping!!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: that is SO exciting!! Yeah - i might be a little skeptical if she only had one house that she furnished.... does she have a blog where she posts more things?? if she has only done one place though she may be looking to build her portfolio and you may be able to get a lower rate because of this!
squash / 13764 posts
@hellobeeboston: yeah I should mention that to her...I have a feeling she won't be down with a lower rate, in which case i thinkbwe'll have to pass!
How was the wedding you went to at the boathouse??
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: oh it was great!! we had such a nice time in NYC (caught the celtics/knicks game at MSG the next day too!) -- the Boathouse was gorgeous, what a fantastic venue for a wedding, and central park was so pretty with the flowering trees, loved it!
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: Good luck with your race today!
@hilsy85: Congrats on the house! The designer is probably a newb or maybe just starting into house interior design? I would think she should have a bigger portfolio since I thought interior designers have to work under someone for a couple of years like an apprenticeship. And she should definitely be cheap if she's trying to build her portfolio. I would pass. But yes, it can be overwhelming. Just take it slow.
Ok, so I've gotten bitten twice now by A. It wasn't too hard and I just pulled him off and said no. Then he gave me the biggest grin. Little stinker.
bananas / 9357 posts
Oh and we went to a retirement dinner last night. I dressed DS in a cute little outfit. Nothing fancy. Just a polo onsie and cute shorts. Well... whatta ya know. He has a blow out on the drive over there. LOL It was a mess and I only had a onsie as back up. Oh well... everyone thought he was cute anyways.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@mrskc: so funny! L does the same thing when she bites! she has no teeth, so it doesn't hurt too much yet and it usually just means she is done. but i'll pull her off and say very sternly, "NO BITING" and she stares at me and breaks out this big gummy grin. i told DH that she has no respect for authority. sorry about the blow out!
we had L's 6 month shoot yesterday, and it started at 6:20pm because the photographer likes the light at that time of day. L was smiley for the first half hour and we tried to put her on the ground for a few shots by herself and she had a meltdown! she was so upset, she wouldn't let us put her down at all. and by the end of it (around 7:45pm, about the time she gets into her crib) she was so tired and cold, i felt so bad. we got home and put her in a warm bath to get her hands and feet all warmed up, and put her down late, at 9pm. i was surprised she wasn't more fussy. she was just really quiet. anyway, i hope we get at least a few good shots in there.
squash / 13764 posts
@SleepyMonkey: aw...I bet the pics came out great though! Where did you do them?
@Beebug: how did i t go??
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@hilsy85: we did them in central park! the photog posted some to her fb page, i will see if i can post them up on the fb group! i love them.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
C had a bloody nose today. It was so not cool. I called DH freeeaking, then my doctor's. Nurse wasn't too concerned, unless it bled for 10+ minutes, it really only bled a drop and I could see it up there. Weird.
She had such an awful day, didn't want to be held, didn't want to be left alone, napped like crap (though sttn again last night). So it was sort of a "just get by" day, I gave her the paci a LOT, and tried to make her comfortable as best I could! Took her baby bathtub out in the backyard and played in that this aft, killed some time, lol. While she crap-napped this aft I a bikini!!!!! Just in our backyard, I need to get my tummy tiiiighter. It looks fine when I am standing, but when I lean forward at all? EW!!! It's so saggy and....old looking, LOL.
I'm having a minor surgery tomorrow am, DH taking day off, my sister with me Wed & Thur, Mom on Fri, I have to be off my feet completely Tue and Wed....we'll see how crazy I go by the end of those two days to see what I get up to on Thurs.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@mrskc: C did the exact thing -- bite and giggle. Luckily it only lasted for 2 days. I think she was just playing with her new teeth. She def broke skin and I bled during pumping sessions for a few days after. Not fun.
@Beebug: Good luck!! Sorry DD had such a rough day
grapefruit / 4712 posts
I am sorry that I have been MIA lately. Things are crazy as usual.
N suffered his first real injury. He is just fine but at the time it was awful. We were out on our picnic table enjoying our awesome weather. DH went to set DS on my shoulders and hit N's head on the lip to the roof of our picnic table. N instantly screamed and poor DH felt 2cm tall. DS cried for what felt like forever. He wouldn't let us leave ice on it. Fast forward to about an hour later he was acting like nothing ever happened. I think it was more awful for my DH then DS. He still has the mark on head.
N is still toothless...Anyone else's LO's with no teeth? I didn't get my first tooth until 2 days before I turned 8 months.
@Beebug: Hope your surgery goes well!
@SleepyMonkey: Your pictures are so cute!!!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Tidybee: @MrsRcCar: Thanks!
It went ok! I have been lazing most of the day, got up and put away some of C's laundry and already paying for it, I need to stay lazy!!! The freezing took forever to wear off and was super painful.
C has refused two of her daytime bottles today, she took her morning one like a pro, but her late morning, and then early/mid afternoon one, took maybe an ounce from each? Man I don't know what is up with her. She ate her cereals and purees (we tried some new ones today) like a pro/pig, then played and ate banana on her tray. DH is out for a walk with her right now, we will see how tonight's bottle goes. She sttn last night again so no through the night bottle, so she is going into her bedtime bottle having had 8-9oz's or so total today? wtf. She usually takes her bedtime bottle no problem, so here is hoping.
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