honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: That is a great question... I guess I'm not really sure. Probably only when I know we'll be outside & in the sun. But I don't forsee putting it on him every morning... but who knows, maybe that will be easier? Our neighbor/babysitter has a big yard and has already been sitting outside in the grass with him on these few warm days -- but there is a pretty big tree shading the whole thing in... but yeah, actually, now that I think of it - maybe I'll do it in the morning, and give her some sunscreen too.
i need to get him some more hats - we only have a couple.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hellobeeboston: ty for the link!!
Anyone else's LOs swatting like crazy? C is "hitting" everything lately, I know she really doesn't know what she's doing, but everything is swatted/hit these days!
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: L has these spaz attacks where his arms will windmill and whack anything that's close by--me, his stomach, his toys. He does it while nursing which is kind of funny but also kind of annoying lol.
bananas / 9357 posts
@SleepyMonkey: No 2 nap schedule yet. He's pretty consistently taking 3 naps now. Which is such an improvement from his 4-5 40 minutes naps he was doing.
@hellobeeboston: Thanks for that! I need to get him some sunscreen. We went to the park on Sunday and I had him out in the sun for a little bit and felt bad I hadn't put any sunscreen on him. I do have a couple sun hats tho.
@Beebug: Oh yes. I feel like he's always punching me in the face.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
So one of the side string things of my weather shield broke for my bob. I just called their customer service and they're sending me a new one. I had to give them serial number and manufacture date of the stroller and take pics of the weather shield, and they are sending me a new one. So easy, and the person I dealt with was great, I love good customer service!!
I wish I did it sooner, I have just sorta been making it work the last few weeks and figured a call wouldn't hurt to see if I could fix it, or what I could do.
Something must be up with C. Yesterday up just after 5am, napped from 9 to noon, didn't nap all afternoon no matter what we did and she just looks exhausted today (slept 7pm to 8am, woke 3am to feed/change).
I cleared out her closest of everything 6 months, insane....! Nothing fits sort of suddenly, so she is in 6-12 or 6-9 or 9 depending on the brand. I remember receiving some of the onesies that fit her now as gifts when she was born and thinking "those are so big" and now.....she's in them, bah stop growing kid!!!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@hilsy85: @Beebug: L does the arm cycling/whacking thing too! its annoying when she is nursing, because my face inevitably gets whacked.
L's naps have been horrible for the last two days. she is obviously tired, rubs her eyes vigorously but will just cry and cry in her crib (with her eyes closed) for like half an hour and won't go to sleep. we tried to put her down when she first rubs her eyes (anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hour mark), but doesn't matter. she is so cranky. i hope its just a phase...night sleep has been about the same though. she also still has a bad cough, i am worried its going to turn into croup
oh but she started doing the cutest thing yesterday. she blows raspberries all day so i looked at her and blew her a raspberry...and then she blew one back to me...and i did it again and she blew another one back to me! i am pretty sure it is on purpose. it was so freaking cute!
is everyone saving the baby clothes that your LO has grown out of? i am planning to in case #2 is a girl too, but i wonder how much space i'm going to need for it all. i live in an apartment so space is very valuable to us!
squash / 13764 posts
@SleepyMonkey: naps have been bad for us today too--he only took 3 30 minute naps all day! And yes, we are definitely saving all his clothes, although my sister is having a boy in August so we'll give her some of the stuff to use as well.
Do any of you feel like since you had LO you have a hard time hearing about or watching sad things involving kids in movies/on tv? This is so stupid, but we just saw two shows/movies where sad things happened involving kids and I found myself thinking about them and getting upset about them for days afterward. I feel kind of silly and dramatic, but I feel so much more deeply affected by things like that now.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@Beebug: I know the feeling about growing so fast. I was just saying to DH that N is growing SO fast. Why can't they stay small for longer....
@SleepyMonkey: We are saving DS's clothes. We plan to have 3 more kids and I have to guess that at least one more will be a boy.
@hilsy85: I have always been a worrier so it is a lot harder now that LO is here. When we watch stuff like that I just have to remind myself that DS and our little family is safe and happy.
I would love to have my good napper back......N has been trying to skip his naps lately. Today he napped for probably about 90 minutes total, but he has been crazy fussy all day, Nothing worked to get him to nap....nothing. However as I type this he is out like a light, hopefully for the night at this point.....but we shall see....
Hope everyone's loved ones were safe from the Boston Marathon bombing today....
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I met two boy babies yesterday, one was 7m and 26lbs!! Another 3m and 18lbs! Made C look SO tiny! It was crazy!
Random Q. C is now as long as her change table pad (head at the one end, and when her legs are straight she is at the bottom), clearly she is going to be in diapers for a while yet.....but she kicks and squirms and hits her head on the wood end of the change table, then freaks! I imagine she's probably not going to get less squirmy (lol) and I could definitely change her on the floor, but that just sorta defeats having a change table?! Makes me question if I am even going to put change table in her new room in our new house, or just make a little spot for it on the floor? Anyone else thought about this? Not a huge deal, but something I didn't expect to think about, lol.
I think we might go swimming today, we have stroller fit this aft, but as of now sheets of rain are coming down.....so no go on Stroller Fit if that keeps up.
Hope everyone is doing well I am starting to think about ideas for photos to attempt to get for C's 6m mark on Saturday.
pomelo / 5524 posts
@Beebug: We were just contemplating the same thing! LO hits his legs on the metal bar of our PnP changing table and he's obviously way too big for it. We need to start changing him on the floor soon, but I feel for my FIL and my dad who watch him a few days/week trying to wrangle him on the floor!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@2PeasinaPod: Ok, glad I am not the only one thinking this!!
The only thing I thought of was getting her a dresser that's lower (right now hers is tall/upright) and doing the change pad on there, as she gets longer her legs can hang off (onto dresser) rather than being restricted by change table width? I mean, I love a good furniture find, especially if it means I get to sand it down and refinish it, lol. Then when done with diapers, it's a normal dresser and she can put her things on it and it transitions to older age no prob?
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: I have definitely felt more emotional hearing about/seeing anything involving children lately --- not to mention what happened in Boston yesterday. I got home and hugged my boy so tight and then putting him to bed last night I teared up looking at his sweet face feeling so overwhelmed with emotion. I want to protect him so fiercely and yet feel I will never be fully able to. So hard.
i know you wrote that before the events yesterday, but yeah, I know exactly how you feel and yesterday just totally elevated it. that poor 8 year old kid who was killed.
@Beebug: how was swimming??
@SleepyMonkey: yes - definitely saving baby clothes if we have another LO, or to give to friends!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hellobeeboston: Haven't gone yet! thinking about going this aft!!
@SleepyMonkey: I have 4 rubbermaid bins already full of clothes C has out grown, have 2 more full (plus her two dresser drawers) of stuff she's yet to fit into, keeping everything in case of a girl again, and I keep it all in our other bedroom's closet. Could you purge what you might have too much of (everything she's outgrown was gifts of little sizes and I know we didn't/don't *need* it all)
squash / 13764 posts
@hellobeeboston: glad to hear you guys are ok! It's so awful what happened, and so scary. I wish we could just build a bubble around us/our LOs and loved ones.
@Beebug: we will probably end up just doing it on the floor, we definitely don't have room for another piece of furniture
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: i said that exact same thing yesterday to DH!!
oh - and on a lighter note, we are headed to NYC on friday for a wedding in central park at the boathouse! so excited!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@hellobeeboston: popping into say im so glad you're okay!!! thought of you yest
honeydew / 7235 posts
@mrsjyw: so sweet! it was a scary day - we weren't down there, but this was maybe only the 2nd time I wasn't there in 12 years, it's one of my favorite days in Boston i was in harvard sq at the time and had to stay put as there was a bomb threat - ugh... squeezed my baby so tight last night.
pomelo / 5524 posts
@hilsy85: I have definitely felt weepy recently...and like @hellobeeboston: said...especially so with what happened yesterday. I'm a runner, and though I'd never make a marathon, I just can't imagine finishing a race of that caliber (or being close to it) and having something like that happen. I can't even think about the 8 year old boy who was killed and his sister who lost a limb after hugging their dad who had just finished.
And @hellobeeboston, so glad you're ok.
squash / 13764 posts
@hellobeeboston: ahh so fun! That's where we got married!!! Have FUN! And if they rented the gondolier out for boat rides on the pond, definitely do it!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: you did?! awesome! it looks so gorgeous - and yes, we definitely will! I hope the weather holds up for them - they're supposed to get married outside by the cherry trees I think...
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@SleepyMonkey: E is blowing raspberries non stop too, so cute (although hearing at come through the monitor at 3 am isn't as cute haha.) I have been saving her clothes, although I borrowed most of her clothes from my shopaholic sister who had a daughter a year old than E, so it's not a crazy amount to store.
@hilsy85: Yes on sad movies, I can't do it, or I think of LO in that position (Lifetime movies specifically) and I breakdown!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
Also, a heads up I'm going to be changing my picture, I think it is time for an updated one, so please don't forget who I am haha
bananas / 9357 posts
@hellobeeboston: Glad you're ok!
For those of you who have been to the doc and want to share 6 month stats:
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Busting this up! 4 days since last response!
C is sick. Her 2nd cold. Nights have been tough, naps have been long, no signs of improvement yet. Her appetite is definitely off, we're staying low key and I hope she is better, soon!!!
She is 6m today, insane....where is the time going, as I am sure all of you are saying too!!!
nectarine / 2280 posts
@Beebug: sucks when they're sick. I'm in the same boat as you with the long nights. Our schedule is way off. I hope she gets better soon!
Seriously where is time going?!? Made me realize I really need to start recording stuff so I'm on the hunt for a baby book.
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: aww poor baby! i hope she feels better soon.
Soo I got some not so great news yesterday...I have to have a tooth removed And to make things worse, it's one of my front teeth! I am kind of freaked out about it--I have the procedure done on Monday. Thank goodness, they're putting something in immediately so I don't have to walk around looking like a pirate
I just hope everything goes smoothly. I am also on antibiotics right now for an infection and am freaked out about getting thrush, so I am taking probiotics, eating yogurt, and drinking probiotic shakes to hopefully ward it off!
squash / 13764 posts
@katsupgirl: we have a baby book but I am soooo behind!! Thank goodness for this thread, I can always look back through and see when Lo was doing stuff
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: Ack about the tooth!! Hope you get some relief soon!!
I "hid" C's baby book on myself when we listed our house for sale in February and JUST found it last week. I was so annoyed with myself on not being able to find it, I ripped the house apart and it's not going to leave my night stand now.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@hilsy85: thanks :). I showed DH L's 6 month pics and he's like man do we long lost relatives in NY? Haha so funny how similar their features are!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@hilsy85: Sorry to hear about your tooth. Hope it gets better soon!
@Beebug: I am glad that you found C's baby book! I had misplaced N's book a couple weeks ago, I was so mad! Now it is in his room on the book case.
N has been pushing naps around again, but we are adjusting. N seems to not have any interest in crawling but he loves to roll around after the cat and dog. He does try to walk if we help him. He loves standing up.
When I get home I will upload some of his 6 month pictures.
N got his shots on the 4th of April and on the one leg he still has a lump under the skin and you can still see the needle mark. Has this happened to any of your lo's? The doctor isn't at all concerned about it but I am. I mean he didn't have it until the shots and now he does...
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@MrsRcCar: I definitely need to just keep C's in one spot!
C had her 6m appointment this morning! Took the one shot like a pro!! She cried at the immediate pain and was smiling less than a minute later! So proud of her!
She was 16.62lbs! He was very happy with her, 27.5" and her head was measuring fine too (forget the #!). We won't go back until August for her now, and Mirena coming out for me booked June 24th! Ahh!! DH is away June 17th to July 5th, so that part won't really matter until he is back, from July 5th he is off for the summer.....!!
I'm sick, C is just finishing being sick, our dog is sick.....we're a bunch of nightmares over here. Last night was SO tough. I was up 4x with the dog between midnight at 3:30am. Then up with Chels, and yah....then it was morning....omg. So I am hoping to get to bed early tonight.
I need to take some 6m pics once we're healthy!
squash / 13764 posts
@MrsRcCar: @Beebug: thanks! The tooth is OUT, thank goodness. I go back in 3 months to get a permanent replacement.
@Beebug: glad shots went well! And I hope you guys are feeling better!
We had our 6 month photos done on Sunday, I posted the sneak peek on fbook--I am in luuurve with them. Can't wait to see the rest!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: LOVE the 6 month sneak peak you posted! that is so great....
all of you october mama's with your gorgeous 6 month photos are making me want to get some! I may look into a photographer but I think this weekend we may have a little photoshoot outside if the weather is nice -- i have a new fancy camera & lens I need to learn how to use.
Also - look what james did this morning, eek! ::
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@hellobeeboston: Oh my gosh, it won't be long!!! I'm not ready for completely mobile babies!! That makes them seem so big We did go and buy every sort of babyproofing item we could a few weeks ago just so we are prepared for when she makes the move.
squash / 13764 posts
@hellobeeboston: O M G!!! Craziness!! LO has been getting up on his arms, but hasn't figured out how to get his legs under him. Go J!! Soon he'll be moving around
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: I think I am going to go re-activate fb to sneak peek!!!
@hellobeeboston: Ahhh James!! SO awesome!!!! That is so cool!!
I am waiting for us to not be sick and then I'll do some outdoor 6m photos!! Still need to putter around online and find some inspiration!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@hilsy85: I am glad that tooth is out of there! Your sneak peek is so cute!!!
@hellobeeboston: Look at him!!! I think N is going to skip right over crawling. He likes rolling around too much.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@LuLu Mom: we haven't gotten any baby proofing things yet! I need to do that - maybe this weekend!
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