Hellobee Boards


October 2014 Mothers-To-Be!

  1. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: I hope you he a wonderful wedding weekend!!!

    Feeling consistent movement over here now. I had forgotten how neat that part is. Still tired and taking naps when I'm home with DS but otherwise feeling better. I hope everyone has a great weekend!! An congrats on all the October girls!!

  2. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    I had the NT screen this week and they said the baby looked good on the ultrasound. Everything was in the right place and I was measuring on track, so that is good news!

    I feel like I've just sort of exploded out of all of my clothes this week - I went swimming on Tuesday and I could barely fit into my lap suit, and I'm not sure whether to go up a size or invest in a maternity one now. None of my pants fit (and I had a job interview on Tuesday so that was fun.) I was hoping I would have some more time before I had to buy maternity stuff because once it's warm enough for dresses, I have a bunch that should work for awhile, but it's still pretty chilly here.

  3. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: ooh, just realized I overlooked your comment about this being your WEDDING WEEKEND! How exciting! Wishing you all the best.

    @Mirage: my husband bought the Aveeno oatmeal bath powder that someone recommended and it helped a lot. No itchiness the past two nights since taking the bath! I might take another today when my son goes down for a nap to keep the lucky streak going.

    @bushelandapeck: how exciting!! What's your due date again? I thought I felt little flutters last week, but nothing consistent just yet.

    @Ms.Mermaid: I feel you on exploding out of your clothes this week! I've been on vaca this week (I'm a teacher) so I've spent most of my week in pjs relaxing on the couch. Not sure what I'm going to wear to work on Monday!! The weather needs to cooperate, so I can start wearing dresses!!

  4. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: so cute! Glad everything is measuring on track and looking good!

    @bunnylovesbear: an oatmeal bath sounds heavenly! Glad you found something that seems to be helping! And as for yen movement, it just started becoming more noticeable Thursday. I'm 16w3d so that's about the same time as with DS, probably only a few days sooner. I'm not really showing at all yet though, so it seems strange to be feeling movement but not really looking bigger! I've gone a little crazy buying maternity clothes too, so hopefully I can start wearing them soon!

  5. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @bushelandapeck: where did you buy your clothes? I'm in desperate need of a shopping spree!! :).

    Also, anyone have any recommendations for good leggings?

  6. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @bunnylovesbear: leggings I am still in search of...I wanted a pair from Loft online but they don't have my size (or even close) and I've looked at old navy and Target without luck. I have a pair from the Gap that I like but they are a bit thin. I'll let you know of I ever find any! Lol. Otherwise, I've been buying things from Zulily, WHBM (not maternity but stretchy) and some from Target. My friends brother works for Jbrand jeans so I ordered a couple of pairs of jeans through him as well. I really need to reign myself in!

  7. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: how was your wedding day? Congratulations!
    @Ms.Mermaid: gorgeous scan pic, was s/he moving around?

  8. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Mrs Tartan Not much, but I could see the heart beating away and it was waving it's hands and feet. It wouldn't turn for the right measurements, so I got to keep watching while she poked away, which was nice.

  9. Rocker2014

    persimmon / 1367 posts

    @BunnyLovesBear: I actually got some decent leggings in Kohls, as well as a bunch of other things. I'm pretty short so I always look for capri length leggings and they're the only place where they weren't miles long on me. Not the best quality at Kohls, but its not like I plan to need these maternity clothes to last for 5 years.

  10. Mirage

    grape / 81 posts

    @bushelandapeck: I'm totally going to try that... My plan for tomorrow :). It's pretty sad that is exciting for me lol!

    Anyone else still totally exhausted? I'm still getting waves of nausea, and I'm super tired. I'm thinking it's because I'm not sleeping that well. I've been having these sharp pains in my sides especially at night. My OB isn't worried about them, but man are they annoying especially when they wake me up in the middle of the night

  11. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Rocker2014: I'm going to have to check out Kohls! Thanks for the tip!
    @Mirage: definitely still exhausted over here. I wake up a lot at night normally, and now adding having to pee a couple of times and I feel like I'm up all night! Those pains your feeling are probably round ligament pain where you uterus and ligaments are stretching out. No fun!

  12. Ms.Pumpkin

    apricot / 435 posts

    @cmbknyc, @Mrs tartan, @bushelandapeck, @bunnylovesbear: (and anyone else I missed!) Thank you! The wedding was completely amazing, and went off mostly without any major issues or drama, so I'm considering it a success! I am still exhausted, I think it's the cumulative effect of being on my feet for most of the past week, and I'm still getting my voice back!

    Trying to take some time to rest in between a doctor's appointment today (just one of those super quick ones, not an exciting one), and getting my in-laws around for one last day before they fly out.

    @Ms.Mermaid, @bunnylovesbear: I think I'm getting close to the point where most of my clothes are no longer going to work either! With most of my regular trousers up to last week, I *could* button them, but it was uncomfortable. Now my largest pair of jeans are getting snug, so I think my days of buttoning regular trousers are behind me!

    @bushelandapeck: Hooray for movement! I've heard that second-time Moms feel things earlier. Even though this is my first, I'm hoping I'll feel something soon! I've been feeling some twitches and flip-flopping sensations, but I can't really tell if it's baby, or just gas, lol!

  13. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: so glad to hear the wedding was amazing! I bet you are tired! I can barely stay up until 9pm-lol as for movement, yes it's definitely happening sooner this time. Probably because I know what I'm feeling. It will happen for you soon, I'm sure and then all you'll want to do is put you hand on your belly and wait for something to happen again! It's pretty distracting once the baby is really moving and taking up space but it's so amazing too! By far the best part of pregnancy for me.

  14. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: So glad to hear everything went well!

    I just realized I can still fit my regular pants hahaha they're starting to cut into my belly a bit though so I doubt I have much longer. I feel movement throughout the day now but its still not super regular and is usually when I'm being really still. The women's retreat for my church is this weekend and as much as I am super excited to be away for the weekend I still hate leaving the kids, I was nearly crying last night thinking about leaving my two year old

  15. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @cyndistar3: Oooh, I hope you have a wonderful time this weekend! I'm sure your LO will be in great hands and will be just fine ) I've only left my 20 month old two nights ever and it was hard at first, but I ended up having a great time. I hope you do too!

  16. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @Rocker2014: that's great news! I have a bunch of stuff to return at Kohls, so I'll have to check out their leggings and other maternity gear!

    @Mirage: yup, still totally exhausted all of the time.

    @Ms.Pumpkin: glad to hear all went well! You willing to share some pics with us?

    So I'm getting a 1hr massage tomorrow night. I. Can't. Wait.

  17. Mirage

    grape / 81 posts

    @bunnylovesbear: a massage sounds amazing!! Are you going to someone that specifically does pre-natal?

  18. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @bushelandapeck: thanks, I sure hope she will be okay she freaks out everytime I leave the house

    @bunnylovesbear: ooh that sounds really good, I can't wait for mine! The package I get with my midwife includes 5 1 hour massages.

  19. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @bunnylovesbear: @cyndistar3: so jealous of the massages! I had a few when I was pregnant with DS and I've been dying to get one this time. Maybe I'll schedule one for this weekend.

  20. Ms.Pumpkin

    apricot / 435 posts

    @bunnylovesbear: we've been watching photos come in on Facebook the past few days, which has been really fun! I can't wait for the professional ones to be fine as well!

    Here's one that was taken by a friend of ours, featuring my ginormous pregnant boobs!

  21. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @cyndistar3: have fun this weekend, hope you have a nice relaxing fun time.
    @bunnylovesbear: I had a 1 hr pregnancy massage on Tuesday, it was heaven! My poor back got a new lease of life! Just a wee note - pregnancy massage releases more toxins into your body than normal massage, so drink lots and lots of water after as I had one early on, didn't drunk enough to flush the toxins out and felt terrible the day after, like flu symptoms. It's very normal if you don't drink enough water. Other than that - enjoy, it's heaven!

    Today at 18+2 is my first day in maternity trousers, oo they are so comfy. Can finally lean forward again without fear of bursting buttons!

  22. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: you look so happy and glowing! And yes those boobies look like you could feed many babies already
    Are you recovered from the stress of it? Feeling back to normal?

  23. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: You are so beautiful and glowing

    @Mrs tartan: thanks and I never thought about the massage thing so thanks for the tip I will be sure to drink extra water when I get it!

  24. ottilie

    cherry / 143 posts

    Hey there. I've been sort of lurking on this thread for a while, finally feel like joining. I hope that's OK! I'm due on October 10 with my first, and I'm really excited. I live in the UK, so I see a midwife, and so far everything is going smoothly. I have a 20 week scan booked for May 23 and I'm really excited to find out the sex of the baby, haha. So anyway, there's my introduction, I've loved reading through the posts here so far and will hopefully actually contribute now

  25. mrskoloa

    cherry / 242 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: Yay! Congratulations!

    We had our major ultrasound yesterday, the one where the radiologist measures all sorts of things like the spine, the head, the cerebral cortex, the internal organs, etc.

    UNFORTUNATELY, my baby decided to burrow into a corner of my uterus and kick around for half an hour, so we received ZERO photos. The radiologist couldn't even accurately tell the gender (which isn't that big of a deal since we don't want to know anyway). No face shots, that's for sure. He invited me back another day for free to see if we would have better luck. I'll try again tomorrow, but if it's the same game, I won't go again. It must be a sign.

  26. hellocupcake

    persimmon / 1171 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: congratulations, you guys look so happy!

    @ottilie: welcome! I don't post often but wanted to say hello and welcome to October 2014 babies

    @mrskoloa: I'm kind of hoping our baby hides for our ultrasound so I'm not tempted to abandon team green

  27. mrskoloa

    cherry / 242 posts

    @hellocupcake: It's good in that sense, but I'm having a hard time having an emotional bond with something I can't feel and something that I apparently can't see, either.

  28. hellocupcake

    persimmon / 1171 posts

    @mrskoloa: I was just wondering if that's my mistake being team green. I didn't feel connected to my last pregnancy until I found out she was a girl. It finally felt real and this time around I feel even less connected since I don't really have time to enjoy being pregnant...it's always something hopefully baby will be more cooperative next time

  29. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @ottilie: Welcome! That's exciting that you have a date to find out the gender, that's not that far away either

  30. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @ottilie: I'm also in the UK, Scotland actually. My baby is due on the 1st oct and my 20 week scan is on the 14th. So, welcome from another UK person!

  31. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @hellocupcake: @mrskoloa: I'm also getting worried that I'm going to abandon team green! I was adamant that I didn't want to know but as time goes on I'm definitely struggling more to really bond without knowing, perhaps ill be ok after the scan and I see him/her again. I think I will decide on the day, thankfully DH is happy to go with what I want (although he would prefer team green)

  32. ottilie

    cherry / 143 posts

    @mrstartan, awesome, always good to see other UK people around! I'm way down south now but went to university in Scotland so lived there for four years.

    Anyway, my husband isn't 100% convinced we need to find out the sex, but he's not adamantly opposed to knowing. I'd like to since I think it will help me (and him) bond and feel more real. But then, lots of things could do that, like knowing for sure I'm feeling the baby moving. (Right now I can't be certain, so I err on the side of, 'it hasn't happened yet'...) I would love to not find out in a future pregnancy though.

  33. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @Mirage: yup, the lady I go to is fantastic. It was SOOO relaxing. I'm going to go once a month for the remainder of the pregnancy. Wish I could go once a week!! Lol

    @Ms.Pumpkin: you are both beaming!!

    @Mrs tartan: interesting....I've never heard that before. I always drink a glass of water afterwards, though. Thanks for the warning.

    @ottilie: welcome!!

    @hellocupcake: @Mrs tartan: @mrskoloa: Hang in there, Team Green-ers!! I'm a pro at it...this is #3 for me!! The element of surprise when your baby is born is just an indescribable feeling. There are so few REAL surprises in life...

  34. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: You both look so happy and you look gorgeous!!!

    @Mrs tartan: @bunnylovesbear: So jealous of your massage, I'm going to book one right now!!! I've been getting acupuncture for my nausea and it's super relaxing so I can only imagine the heaven a massage will be.

    @ottilie: welcome!!!!

    Anyone having horrible heartburn yet? It's killing me this week...yuck

  35. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @cmbknyc: ugh yes, mine is a bit more acid reflux as it comes right up my throat. Horrible! Spicy food is a no no at the moment.

  36. bunnylovesbear

    kiwi / 600 posts

    @cmbknyc: it's only happened to me once so far that I can remember, and I was eating hot fudge by the spoonful from the jar, so I totally deserved it! Lol.

  37. mrskoloa

    cherry / 242 posts

    Ladies, can we talk baby gear? I've been trying to figure out what I want and I'm so stuck on strollers right now. After debating between the Uppababy Cruz with Maxi Cosi Mico AP car seat and the Britax B-Agile Travel System with B-Safe carseat, I think we're going to go with the Britax simply because of cost. YES the UB is so pretty, but I think the Britax folds easier and is lighter, plus it will be half of the cost.

    Anything you guys have been debating about?

    I'm also considering using this summer to sew all sorts of baby stuff, like fitted sheets, Boppy covers, blankets, etc. etc.

  38. hellocupcake

    persimmon / 1171 posts

    @Mrs tartan: No fair, DH and our entire immediate family is anti-team green It makes it so much harder to stick it out. Plus I read an article today about how you the mom mourned the gender that was missing. It made me so sad to think that for the next few months I will have images of what LO will be like with a little sister only to end up with a little brother or vice versa. So hard. I guess we'll see May 27 when I get my ultrasound and see how strong I am. Good luck to you!

    @bunnylovesbear: this is the only strong holding me to team green. I can imagine hearing my husband announce the gender and it makes me so excited to think of how amazingly special that moment could be.

    @mrskoloa: I'm no help with baby gear. We were gifted all big ticket items, most of which were Graco brand. We didn't really use any of it. We held her most of the time and she coslept so the stroller and crib are basically untouched. The car seat was the only thing we did use and plan to use it this time around too.

  39. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @mrskoloa: I am super torn! I have researched a ton and I finally narrowed it down to the Baby Jogger City Select, The Baby Jogger City Versa, and the Britax B-ready. We will get the Maxi-Cosi mico AP. I like that the Select and the B-ready can convert to doubles but I'm wondering if that's necessary when this is our first one. The Versa's stay can flip around to be forward or rear facing. So many choices!

  40. mrskoloa

    cherry / 242 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: I don't think britax is compatible with maxi cosi!

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