Hellobee Boards


October 2015 Moms!

  1. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @mamabolt: So sorry for your loss. Praying for you.

  2. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mamabolt: I am so sorry Thinking of you.

  3. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @mamabolt: I am so sorry for your loss

  4. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    @mamabolt: I'm so sorry for your loss.

  5. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @mamabolt: So sorry for your loss

  6. mamabolt

    nectarine / 2797 posts

    @Bea: @hilsy85: @NovBaby1112: @BelugaBean: @NurseDMB: and ladies on previous page I can't reply @, thank you so much for your kind words.

  7. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @Bea: how did your appt on Wed go? Hope all is well!

  8. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @NovBaby1112: really well! Baby was perfect and measuring ahead a few days!! He/she was kicking like crazy! I am just in awe!

  9. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @Bea: so glad to hear!

  10. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    @2littlepumpkins: yeah they just give you your risk but aren't answers (even the Verify, Panorama, etc.). All of these tests are screening...the only diagnostic tests are CVS and amniocentesis.

  11. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrsjenbug: I thought they were actually analyzing dna fragments from the fetus though--how is there room for error? is it because it can get mixed up with the mom's dna? sorry for the questions, I intend to ask my OB this at our next appt as well!

  12. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    @hilsy85: it does look for cell free DNA but there is room for error...this recent "info" statement from the society for MFM talks about this and about how this is especially true for low risk women. https://www.smfm.org/publications/193-cell-free-dna-screening

  13. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @mamabolt: I'm so sorry for your loss.

  14. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    I had my appointment today at 14 weeks, 1 day. I heard the heartbeat for the first time so now I feel like I'm more officially in the second trimester since everything checked out today! Anatomy scan is May 15 but we have an elective ultrasound on Saturday to hopefully see the gender!

  15. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    Sorry, I've been MIA on these boards since I last posted. Last Monday, I went back into the hospital for hyperemesis and they were giving me meds to treat it but they weren't working and I was still throwing up. Finally on the 3rd day, they gave me a patch that goes behind the ears and that helped a lot. I was released from the hospital on the 4th day (Thursday). Right now, everything is working. My appetite is somewhat back. The Drs tell me that week 12 is the peak of the hormones. Let's hope that is true.

  16. jodyblair

    kiwi / 611 posts

    @bluestriped bee: Good to hear you're getting your appetite back! Hopefully the meds continue to work.

    @BelugaBean: We have our elective ultrasound this weekend too! I'm getting pretty nervous

  17. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    @jodyblair: I'm actually nervous too. I feel like I'm indifferent to what the sex is but I'm worried that I'll have gender disappointment. I know DH wants another girl but I think that's mostly because he feels like he knows about having a girl.

    @bluestriped bee: Glad your appetite is back, at least a little bit! I hope things only get better from here for you!

  18. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @BelugaBean: yay for hearing he heartbeat!! Our anatomy scan is the 14th so we have ours at pretty much the same time!

    @bluestriped bee: oh my goodness, sounds so frustrating and miserable. Thankfully you should be getting to feel some relief soon.

    @jodyblair: good luck with your u/s! So excited to find out what everyone is having!

  19. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    My bump is getting pretty noticeable! Still so dang tired. At 16 weeks, I should be over the fatigue! Anatomy scan is schedule for May 4. YAY!

  20. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @BelugaBean: exciting you will find out so soon! Yay for hearing the HB

    @bluestriped bee: you poor thing! Hope you feel loads better soon as you enter the second tri!

    @jodyblair: goodluck this weekend! So soon!

  21. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: my bump is getting there too...a few people at work have commented who didn't know I was pregnant, so I guess it's better than the "is she or isn't she" stage! My anatomy scan is May 4 too!

  22. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I hope you continue to feel better!

    @jodyblair: @jodyblair: eek exciting!! Can't wait to find out what you're having!

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: I am also SO tired...and I've been having headaches every afternoon evening.

    SO hard to not shop like crazy for baby girl.. I am trying to hold off until after 20 weeks though, or at least til we get our new dresser in!

  23. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @hilsy85: baby girl clothes are so cute! I was worried about boy clothes bc I wasn't sure what to expect or how to even dress a boy in the style I like, but I was pleasantly surprised to find some simple, cute boy stuff

  24. jodyblair

    kiwi / 611 posts

    @NovBaby1112: You can definitely find some really cute baby boy stuff. It's a little harder to shop for, but I love dressing our 2 year old.
    @hilsy85: I've been having a lot of headaches too. Have you found anything that really helps? My normal go to is Advil, but obviously not while pregnant, and Tylenol doesn't seem to help much. I've even tried peppermint oil which doesn't really help either. Any suggestions?

  25. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @jodyblair: I am trying to avoid tylenol regularly...the one time i took it it did help. Just trying to keep hydrated, and I think sleep helps (and I am always so tired now a days). Would love to hear other suggestions though! I will ask my OB when I see her next week .

  26. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    I had my second appointment and everything went well. I definitely breathed a huge sigh of relief and it made me so much more invested in this baby. the baby is measuring 5-6 days ahead, but the PA said the doctor doesn't usually change the date unless it's consistently ahead and after the anatomy scan, but since i was traveling prior to that by myself, i think baby's just measuring ahead. I'm personally going with a due date of November 1 for my own sanity, so if we could update the list, that would be great!

    my MIL and SIL got us/R some books about being a bis sister, new baby, etc so i think DH and I will tell her tonight and start talking to her about it. i doubt it will sink in until baby is here, but it will be nice to start prepping her!

    I feel like a blob now and I'm up some pounds significantly, so i'm really feeling the need to get moving and be in shape like i was last pregnancy! it's just way harder fitting it in and getting the motivation with a toddler.

    @jodyblair: @hilsy85: regular chiropractic care really helped a ton with headaches i was getting. it can be pricey, but there are affordable prenatal providers and I think it's a good investment in your health!

  27. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @jodyblair: I've been taking Tylenol when I have a bad headache. A cold wash clothe over the eyes/neck also helps, and just closing my eyes and resting , but obviously that's only possible when LO goes to bed.

    @birdofafeather: so happy to hear everything went well!! What a relief that must have been. I'm feeling very blah too, but there's just not enough hours in the day to work out!

  28. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @birdofafeather: so glad for you!! My MIL did the same with the books. Dd really doesn't have a clue what's going on but I'm ok with that for now.

  29. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @birdofafeather: I am so so glad for you!!! That's awesome news. And I hear you on feeling like a blob--I was up 5lbs or so at my 12wk appt from my starting weight (which was 1-2lbs higher than my "happy" weight")--with LO1 I only gained .5lbs the whole first tri!! I am hoping it evens out...

  30. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    Hope everyone here starts to feel better soon now that we're all approaching/entering 2nd tri!! We got our gender results this week and found out we are having a little girl! I'm excited and really thought I had zero preference... but I'm also feeling very anxious about it and somehow wishing it was a 3rd boy. I think I just know what to expect with boys and am used to thinking about boy stuff... but every baby is different no matter what the gender so it is just a new, fun personality to get to know. Looking forward to hearing more good news from all you ladies as the anatomy scans roll in!

  31. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @shellio: you will love having a little girl! congrats! I think the unexpected is always a bit scary, but you will get used to it I'm sure!

    So far girls are def taking the lead!

  32. gerijeni

    pea / 15 posts

    Late joining, but such a lovely supportive group, I sure would like to join in! I've returned to various forums since becoming pregnant looking for answers to questions and as a passive reader have been taken aback by the frequent squabbles and cattiness. Hello bee is such a welcome exception! Here goes...

    Location: Kansas City, MO

    EDD: 10/9

    How far along: 14 weeks

    First child? Yes, a girl

    First doctor appointment: By coincidence had an annual at 5 weeks that turned into a prenatal visit.

    Any symptoms so far? First trimester lots of nausea (but magnesium helped). Fatigue too (to the point where sometimes I'd drop or spill something and go "meh, I'll get it later" and then would lay down for a nap instead). Periodic crying (more like inexplicable bawling!) Smelling superpowers. Now I feel great and have started exercising again. Hope everyone else feels better soon too - for me it took about 3 weeks of gradually feeling better and better until one day I realized I felt like me again.

    Who have you told? Everyone but my coworkers. I'm the only female employee at my company, and am worried about how it will be taken.

  33. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @gerijeni: Welcome! Glad you've joined us.

  34. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @shellio: congrats on the baby girl!

    @gerijeni: welcome and congrats!

  35. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @shellio: congrats!!! I know what you mean--I am also a little apprehensive about a girl after having a boy, but I think it will be great!

  36. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @gerijeni: congrats and welcome!

  37. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @shellio: Congrats on the girl!

    @gerijeni: Welcome!!

  38. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    Had our NT scan yesterday! Nuchal fold measured 1.1 mm, everything seemed to go well, just waiting on the bloodwork results. Baby's heartbeat was 168.

    I told the tech I swore I thought I saw a penis between the legs and she said "that's funny, I thought I did too, but I don't like to take a guess at this point since girl parts can still be swollen and look like a boy"

    I've been convinced I'm having another boy though, even though when the baby popped up on the ultrasound screen, I suddenly felt girl. But I'm still convincing myself its another boy.

    I can't believe I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow, it's going by fast!

  39. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    I also think I may use this picture collage of my son for the FB announcement but not sure yet.. It was so hard to get pictures because he hardly ever sits still anymore

  40. gerijeni

    pea / 15 posts

    @NurseDMB: What a cutie!!! My sister always joked that when her son was that age it was like taking pictures of a cat. Most of the time he was just a blur. But you've caught some good poses!

    @shellio @rainbow sprinkles @hilsy85 @nursedmb: Thanks for making me feel welcome!

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