Hellobee Boards


October 2015 Moms!

  1. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @shellio: congrats on a baby girl!!! You will do great!

    @gerijeni: welcome and congrats!!! Hope you find some peace with telling your coworkers. It's kind of an awkward thing to put out there (at least it was for me!) but I think we usually prepare ourselves for the worst. It will be okay!!

    @NurseDMB: oh my goodness!! Adorable!!!

  2. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    I'm a late joiner too. I have been lurking since I found out I was pregnant...at 5 weeks, but I was worried to jinx it I guess, if that makes sense? I'll be a first time mama and I am really excited, but was really anxious just about everything in the beginning.

    Location: Ontario, Canada
    EDD: October 7th
    I'm 15 weeks today! Just had my second midwife appointment and it went well and I am now feeling much more relaxed. So we told the rest of extended family and I told my female coworkers at school in the classrooms beside mine. I work in a kindergarten classroom.

    I think I have a little bump now!

  3. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @Mrs. Goose: welcome and congrats!!! I completely understand the jinx feeling. I waited until after my first ultrasound at 8 weeks to join. I'm also a first time mom! Kind of crazy this is really happening! Ha! glad you've joined us!

  4. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @Mrs. Goose: welcome and congrats!! We are due date twins.

  5. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    @2littlepumpkins: woo! It's all very exciting now!

    We got so many messages with love from our extended family who live sprinkled around the world.

  6. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    @Bea: I have to post things all in one next time. Thank you! My mum and sister said worrying never goes away, but mine is a lot more manageable now.

  7. natalie403

    grape / 91 posts

    Sorry I have been MIA, I've been super anxious even though I'm at the 14w mark... been trying to avoid the internet. I had weird sensations starting the other night... felt like pressure up there (sort of like a UTI?) no pain or spotting but it was noticeable enough and came back the next day that I messaged my doctor. I went for a urine culture yesterday and waiting on results. Anyone else have similar sensations? I'm bad at explaining it but a UTI was the only thing I could liken it to...

  8. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @natalie403: I thought I was developing a UTI last week, too. That feeling has gone away though.

  9. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @Mrs. Goose: Welcome!

  10. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @NurseDMB: So cute. I love that announcement!

  11. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @gerijeni: Welcome.

  12. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    October 2015 Mamas
    September 27: Rainbow Sprinkles (#3)
    October 1: daymare (#1)
    October 3: charm54 (#2)
    October 5: novbaby1112 (#2)
    October 6: Mrs. Pickle (IF #1), renee0106 (#1)
    October 7: 2littlepumpkins (#2), Mrs. Goose (#1)
    October 9: cranberry (#2), Gerijeni (#1)
    October 11: belugabean (#2)
    October 12: treytonsmom2011 (#2)
    October 14: natalie403 (IF & #1), shellio (#3)
    October 15: hilsy85 (#2) , JustJules (#1), babycanuck (IF & #1)
    October 16: jodyblair (#2), bluestriped bee (IF #1 w/ Twins)
    October 17: mrsjenbug (#2)
    October 19: Bea (#1)
    October 20: JessKass (#2)
    October 21: Glimmersnaps (#3)
    October 22: NurseDMB (#2)
    October 25: Willow (#1)
    October 28: Snickers (#2)
    November 2: birdofafeather (#2)

    Let me know if any of you are team green or if you found out the gender already.

  13. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @birdofafeather: Ultrasound tech said they think they saw something that made them believe that one of the twins is a boy. I need to tell the DH what your dr said about how girl parts might be swollen at this point.

  14. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    @natalie403: I had that weird kind of feeling last week too and it was hard to describe. I was monitoring my pee for changes and I haven't felt it this week. Took a urine test at midwife yesterday so I guess they will let me know if there is anything. I also did try to up my liquid intake and make sure I went to the washroom a lot (because you're supposed to empty your bladder a lot to help fix it apparently). So I basically had water or something close at hand at all times, including some lemon juice in it or cranberry juice. I have been taking a probiotic with my prenatal everyday and apparently that can help keep your good bacteria up to help prevent UTIs. Hopefully it's just a weird thing you are experiencing that goes away.

  15. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @natalie403: I had a UTI at the beginning of the pregnancy and have worried about it coming back, but despite weird pressures like that so far, nothing. Hoping to avoid them...

  16. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @bluestriped bee: when do you find out for sure?

  17. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @gerijeni: @Mrs. Goose: welcome!!

    @NurseDMB: adorable! Your son is so cute!

  18. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @2littlepumpkins: I have an OB appointment at 18 weeks and 22 weeks. Hoping we'll find out during one of those appts.

  19. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @bluestriped bee: we are TG!

  20. natalie403

    grape / 91 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I'm glad I'm not crazy for having this feeling... It was just so noticeable to me even though it wasn't painful.

    @Mrs. Goose: I put cranberry juice on our grocery list for today as a precaution!! I will definitely up my liquid intake too!!

    @2littlepumpkins: Did they put you on antibiotics for it? I know it's common to get them I just wish they would call with my results already cause I'm impatient!!! I hope yours doesn't come back!

  21. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @gerijeni: Haha yes! They're definitely like cats!

  22. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @Bea: @bluestriped bee: @NovBaby1112: thanks ladies

  23. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @natalie403: I had a uti around 8 weeks and was given antibiotics. Gross, but I noticed a weird smell to my urine.

  24. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    Lots of girls so far! I'm still feeling strongly that I'm having another boy, we find out in 2 weeks!

  25. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @natalie403: Yup. I am terrified of getting them because antibiotics give me a lot of trouble... I'm way more worried about that than the uti itself, although those aren't pleasant either. Aside from the one that may have come back right around when I got pregnant, the other two I've had this year (and first two ever) have involved bloody urine. Freaks me out!

  26. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well.

    I had a UTI at 8 weeks when I went to the ER, they put me on something i couldn't take so I just drank a lot in the hopes it would go away.

    Right now I'm seeing the RE weekly - I'm coming up on week 4 of sick leave thanks to hyperemesis, down 25 lbs from pre-preg (not the way I wanted to lose weight). She says the baby is fine, but I sure the hell am not. I keep praying that I'll start to feel better but she said I might just be like this for the rest of the pregnancy. Boo. I'm taking 2x diclectin every 4 hours which knocks me out most of the time, but if I don't take it I'm sick as a dog.

  27. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @babycanuck: Ugh, I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. Are you still throwing up even though you are on medication.

    I'm now on the anti-nausea patch that goes behind my ear. It's apparently prescribe for people with motion sickness. When I was in the hospital, taking oral medication made me throw up.

  28. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    @bluestriped bee: If I take one, I'm guaranteed to get sick. If I take the two every four hours I'm okay, though I feel disgusting all of the time. The RE doesn't want me on zofran because she said they don't have enough "studies" on it, even though it worked for me, so I'm doing my best to take the meds on time all the time. Right now I'm living on blue koolaid slushies.

  29. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @babycanuck: So sorry. I think I may have said this before but I had to cancel on a new job start date because of the issues I was/am having with my stomach, and the bleeding in early pregnancy. It was incredibly frustrating to watch the world just going by and be stuck in bed. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be needing that medicine every four hours. I'm really pulling for you to start feeling better soon, so you get to enjoy this pregnancy.

  30. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @babycanuck: I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. I can't imagine how stressful that must be! Sending you lots of good luck!

    Things have been going okay here - totally exhausted - I pretty much collapse on the couch once dd is in bed at 7pm.

    I got my maternity leave approved which is exciting! My last day of work is June 22. It works out perfect to have the summer off (I'm a teacher) then my official leave will start in Sept instead of going back to school in the fall. Time is flying by!!

  31. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @Charm54: That's really exciting! I also got work leave approved this week - really I just told them what I wanted and they were fine with it but it feels good to look forward to it. I originally told them I would start leave on my due date but then thought, I don't want them to be counting on me being here right up until the last minute. So I asked to change the date to 38.5 weeks. Also, I got the thumbs up to come back to part time work and I'm SO SO SO excited about that! Still haven't talked logistics but I am just relieved to have it out there.

  32. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @shellio: oh nice!!! You'll enjoy that bit of time off before baby...I'm keeping DD home from daycare with me this summer but am going to start sending her 3x a week in September to get a few "me" days before the craziness of baby comes!

    I would love to be able to go back part time. That really would be the ideal world!

  33. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @shellio: congrats on your baby girl!

  34. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: Thanks! I'm relieved not to have to come up with another boy name

  35. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    So I definitely have a baby bump. Not huge but I sucked in my belly (like I did pre-pregnancy) and the bump is still there. It definitely makes me feel better that it's a bump! It's so surreal that I'm actually pregnant.

    Anyone pre-pregnancy used to suck in their belly like at the pool or the beach to make us have a flatter tummy? Now try it while pregnant.

  36. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @bluestriped bee: woohoo! I keep meaning to post to the bump thread. I'll have to get a new pic.

  37. jodyblair

    kiwi / 611 posts

    It's a boy! I'm looking forward to DS having a brother so close in age and getting to reuse all my favorite outfits

  38. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    @jodyblair: Congratulations!

    I posted in the gender thread too, but we found out at our elective scan yesterday that we're having another girl! She's also measuring a week ahead in length so I might have another tall LO in my future!

  39. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @jodyblair: congrats! That list needs more blue.

  40. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @jodyblair: Congrats on your boy!! so exciting your DS will have a little bro!

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