Hellobee Boards


October 2015 Moms!

  1. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    @MamaBear87: I don't know how you do it without AC!

    We had a few "cool days" (which in Texas means 80's right now) but we swung right back into the 90's and it is so miserable!

  2. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: Ahh, congrats!!! She is beautiful and I love her name! Hope you are doing well!

  3. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @Mrs. Goose: Thanks! Will have to check these out.

  4. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @jodyblair: Leggings are definitely going to be a closet staple for these last few weeks and even post-baby. Last year we had a crazy snowstorm that basically shut down the city (Calgary) in early September, so have to be prepared for just about anything. Just trying to get away with not having to find jackets that fit over the belly as long as possible. Doesn't help that the DH isn't a big guy so I can't even steal from his closet.

  5. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @MamaBear87: Fingers crossed for you. I know even with our milder Canadian temps I've been hot all the time, so can only imagine what it's like so much further south.

    Not knowing anything about good sleeping temps for babies I bought one of those Gro-eggs that glows a different colour so you know if it's good for baby or not. Very interesting. What DH and I thought was ok was about 5 (C) over what we anticipated. Good to know - will have to carefully control the thermostat over the winter so it doesn't get too warm.

  6. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @mrsjenbug: Oh my gosh! And I thought that a handful of your "cool" days up here was bad... Hoping the weather shifts for you soon.

  7. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: Congrats! Great choice on the name! I didn't know you were thinking Cordelia, that's on our shortlist! She is beautiful, congratulations!!!

  8. cranberry

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: Congratulations! She's beautiful. So exciting

    @HyattsMom: I've noticed a lot more swelling in my hands and feet in the past week or so, even though the temperatures have dropped some here (high of 80). Just a little while longer...

    @jodyblair: I'm feeling the same exact way- going back and forth between wanting LO here now, and wanting to just enjoy this last bit of time as just a family of 3 with DH and DD1.

    @renee0106: Yay for being head down!

  9. cranberry

    apricot / 305 posts

    At my appointment yesterday (36 weeks 4 days), they said I was 4 cm dialated, 80%-90% effaced, -2 station, and that I was having contractions although I didn't feel them. My OB made the decision to send me to Labor and Delivery to see if I was in active labor. After monitoring for about 5 hours, they decided to send me home since the contractions are still irregular.

    However, my OB scheduled an induction for me for this Friday night (I'll be 37 weeks on Friday). Although she did say I could cancel it at anytime and it was up to me. From what I understand, she suggested an induction because the baby might be growth restricted because her stomach is measuring smaller than the 5th percentile, I'm GBS positive, and I'm concerned about making it to the hospital in time to start the GBS antibiotics since I'm not feeling the contractions I'm having now and I didn't feel them with DD1 until I was pretty far along and DD1 was born pretty soon after that. So, now I'm trying to decide whether to do the induction on Friday or not, or whether I should wait a bit longer. My DH thinks we should do the induction. We really need to pick a name in the next two days just in case!

    As a side note, we moved DD1 (almost 27 months) to a big girl bed last night so we can move her crib to the baby's room and she did great! She slept all night and in the morning she got up and got some books from her bookshelf to read in bed until I came to get her. Such a relief! I was really worried about that.

  10. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @cranberry: Wow!!! You could have a baby this weekend, so exciting! Hopefully it's a quick and relatively painless delivery And awesome that you've already made so much progress!

    I had my 38w apt today, I'm only 1cm dilated and she said while the head is really low nothing else indicates labor is imminent so she gave me the go ahead to go to the wedding. If anything happens they will fax over all my info to the out of town hospital. But FX I make it there and back without a baby in tow

  11. cranberry

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Charm54: So glad you got the go-ahead to go to the wedding this weekend! Hopefully your baby stays put just a little while longer for you.

  12. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @cranberry: wow a baby by this weekend! so exciting! how far are you from the hospital?

  13. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @cranberry: wow!! Sounds like your body is ready! Good luck with the induction if you decide to go that route, I would imagine it would go well since you are so favorable. Even just your OB breaking your water might help your contractions! That's super exciting

    @Charm54: glad you are able to go to the wedding!! I hope you make it there and back ok and the baby waits to stay put until you get home

  14. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @cranberry: FX all goes well. You never know - even with an induction it could still end up taking a while so maybe better safe than sorry in the hospital where the GBS can be managed. Even if it's just for peace of mind if nothing else.

  15. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @Charm54: FX for you making it to the wedding this weekend! I was a bridesmaid this past weekend (@ 35 wks) and it was definitely exhausting but I was so happy to have made it through. I'm sure there will be some game-time decisions about traveling, but you'll do great either way.

  16. cranberry

    apricot / 305 posts

    @hilsy85: @NovBaby1112: @HyattsMom: Thanks!

    @hilsy85: It will probably take me 45 minutes to get to the hospital (a little less if DH drops me at the door, or a little more if its rush hour). It's not far, but it's in the city so it can take a little while. We will probably also need a few extra minutes to drop DD1 off somewhere on the way...

  17. renee0106

    cherry / 197 posts

    I went into Labor and Delivery last night to get checked. I had quite a bit of leaking so I called the on-call Dr. and she said to just go get checked. It was negative for amniotic fluid so they sent me home. It's probably for the better since I'm just 37w2d, but I was a little disappointed. My BP was high while I was there so they're making me go back to the Dr. today to get it checked again. I told them it was just high because I was in a hospital but they didn't seem to care.

  18. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @renee0106: oh wow! well glad everything was okay, but I'm sure that was a little disappointing! These last few weeks are just miserable!

  19. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @renee0106: Hope all goes well today. Better to have it checked just in case. As my doctors have told me - there's no such thing as overreacting when you're pregnant, so always get checked out if something feels amiss. Definitely starting to count down now.

  20. renee0106

    cherry / 197 posts

    @HyattsMom: Thanks! I felt dumb going in and being sent home, but you're right that there's no such thing as overreacting when pregnant. I tend to always underreact, so I felt weird going in.

  21. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @renee0106: You're welcome! Has your BP been fairly consistent throughout? If it's been consistent and then there was even a bit of a spike they might have wanted to just make sure it wasn't a sign of something else happening too. I felt like a total dummy when I went in for ligament pain. I also tend to underreact (especially when it comes to medical issues), but this pregnancy is teaching me that sometimes it's better to just get checked out, even if it's just for peace of mind, and that every pregnancy/pregnant woman is different so there is no "one size fits all" diagnosis a lot of the time.

  22. renee0106

    cherry / 197 posts

    @HyattsMom: It has generally been normal throughout this entire time, but was high a couple times. I just think it was high because I was nervous about being in the hospital. Hopefully it'll be back to normal today.

  23. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @cranberry: wow, you're so close already! Did you decide about the induction?

    @Charm54: I'm glad you get to go to the wedding.

    I'm trying to keep the "I could have the baby anytime" thoughts out of my head for now so I don't get too impatient. Once I hit 38 weeks I'll probably start doing a few old wives tales things to get labor started. I'm still having crazy amounts of BH with some real contractions sprinkled in. I'm 19 days away from my due date, which is incredible. I spent years trying to get here. It almost doesn't seem real now that it's happening.

    Does anyone have any plans for some pampering before baby? I'm getting my hair cut today, and have plans for one or two foot massages and a pedicure in the next couple of weeks. DH has been encouraging me to do as much for myself as possible. He's been real caring and attentive this entire pregnancy. I'm trying to soak up as much leisurely alone time as I can since I know these days are limited. I also want he and I to go out on one more nice date. Maybe we will this weekend. He works so much that it's hard to get out without worrying about the phone ringing.

    We hung up the prints in the nursery yesterday so it's completely finished. It didn't need to be because she'll sleep in our room for a couple months most likely. But I really like decorating and wanted to do it. I'm pleased with how it turned out.

  24. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: so exciting! Would love to see pics of the nursery. I definitely agree with treating yourself as much as possible the last few weeks!! Leisure time will be cut way down once that baby is on the outside

  25. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @renee0106: Oh no - hope your BP is okay today. These last few weeks of waiting are so tough!

    @Mrs. Pickle: It is SO NUTS that our babies will be here so soon. I said to DH last night - within the next 2 weeks, our lives will be changed all over again. Seems surreal. I'm trying to enjoy this time...DD is going to daycare 3x a week and it's so nice to have some time to myself. I had a haircut yesterday, pedicure this morning, and I think I'm going to go down to the beach and read before picking DD up at 4

  26. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: Can't believe we're all in the last few weeks now. I tend to be a worrier and am superstitious (thanks to a mother who bred that into me - she didn't buy any baby stuff until 2 weeks before her due date with me just in case), so just trying to stay positive that everything is going to go well. I've been doing some pampering for sure - 2 weeks ago it was pedicure, hair cut and eyebrow waxing; last weekend it was a manicure... will need to book some more activities for when I'm off work and can go during the day.

    Working on the nursery too - I'm also in the "need to hang things on the walls" boat. Baby shower is in just over a week so will try to get it done by then so guests can peek at the nursery. So far it's just the dogs who are interested in it.

  27. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: that sounds so relaxing, I'd love to get a pedi this weekend. yay for the nursery being finished, pics!!

    I had my 37 week appointment today and I'm 1.5cm dilated and 50% effaced, not as much as I was hoping especially considering all those contractions the other night, but at least it's some progress from last week. My dr did say the head was super low and could feel it right there!

  28. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    I'm definitely going to try to get a pedicure in the next couple of weeks. It's getting so close, I feel like there's just a couple of things that have to be ready before she comes, it just all seems so daunting right now. It's not helped by the fact that our whole house is having pretty bad allergy problems and LO isn't sleeping.

    I know some of you have been through it before but I thought I would add that I was 0cm (almost 100% effaced) at my 40 week appointment last time and I went into labor completely on my own and it was pretty quick! So it can still happen anytime! I feel like this LO has been moving further down and is probably pretty close to fully engaged. I have my next appointment Monday morning so we'll see what she says. I also should be getting my GBS results back in the next couple of days.

  29. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: so jealous of the pampering! Maybe I will try and get a massage this weekend...

    Hard to believe that these babies are so close (or already here!!!)

  30. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @NovBaby1112: @hilsy85: Here you go. I just took a few photos to write a blog post. After getting everything in the room I decided I needed a changing pad cover to match the crib sheet, so the plain one will be my backup.

  31. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: Your nursery looks so great! Nice work!

    I'm jealous of all you ladies that get to set up your nurseries... we have been waiting to move and now have a date of Sept 30 which has been pushed back multiple times (I'll be 38+0). I am not big on decorating but I'll just be grateful to have a crib set up in the baby's room! Hope to get everything unpacked quickly once the move is over with.

  32. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: OMG gorgeous!! Love love love it! So sweet for baby girl

  33. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: fun to have a space set up!
    @shellio: we're planning on moving in early 2016, so we're not setting anything up either! DD2 will be in our room and we have the changing pad and her diaper/clothes station set up.... and that's about it. we'll set up the swing, etc around the house, but other than that... feels anticlimatic and i feel a *little* bad, but i figure it's a waste to put the work in when i know we're gonna be gone soonish! i would rather put my energy into decorating for christmas when the time comes. ha.

  34. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    @shellio: @birdofafeather: we are moving to a new city around when baby will be 6ish weeks old so we just set up the mini crib and changing table in our room...does feel a little anticlimactic but I suppose they'll never know (and my daughter slept in our room for almost 6 months anyway).

    @mrs pickle: such a cute nursery!

  35. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @shellio: @NovBaby1112: @birdofafeather: @mrsjenbug: thank you!

    I'm glad I have an appointment tomorrow. I'm suspicious that baby might have flipped transverse! I'm used to feeling a hard lump on my right side where her butt is, but now I can also feel one on the left side at the same time. I really hope it isn't her head, but I have no clue what it could be if it isn't.

  36. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: I thought the same when I had my last ultrasound, because I could feel lo on both sides at the same time, but it turned out one lump was his butt and the other is the legs/limbs. Now I can kind of tell because one is bigger than the other. Hope your dd is just doing the same! Also, your nursery looks great!

  37. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @2littlepumpkins: that's reassuring, and thanks!

  38. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @birdofafeather: Oh no, moving again? You just moved, didn't you? I hope the next one is a local move instead of cross country (if I remember correctly?).

    @mrsjenbug: Yeah I just figure, they won't remember. We have never really kept our babies in our room but I'm excited for each of my kids to have their own room on the same floor as us - that's why we're moving, all 4 BR upstairs! Can't wait.

  39. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @shellio: We set up but it's a shared room, opposite sexes and different ages, so not quite as fun (for me, more work!) and we're gonna move again anyway..

    @birdofafeather: we're planning to move back to our old town then too! Waiting for our lease to run out... Not as much a fan of this area.

  40. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @BelugaBean: same here with the pedi...maybe on dd's first preschool day Monday.

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