Hellobee Boards


October 2015 Moms!

  1. jodyblair

    kiwi / 611 posts

    @Treytonsmom2011: sorry to hear you're not feeling well, but it does sound like baby could be making an appearance soon!

    @hilsy85: thigh cramps sound super uncomfortable!

    So I had a TON of Braxton hicks contractions all afternoon. We had a busy day, but nothing out of the ordinary and I've had plenty of water today. I tried timing them to see if there was any pattern but my 2 year old made that pretty much impossible. Is there such a thing as too many Braxton hicks? I started to get a little worried, but they weren't really painful, just uncomfortable. So weird.

  2. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @2littlepumpkins: I read dilation doesn't mean as much as effacement, so I wouldn't stress there. Baby being super low is good sign!

    @jodyblair: I started getting lots of BHs around 36/37 weeks and then over the last week or so they turned into more painful BHs or contractions or whatever you want to call them lol. My dr wasn't concerned when I said I was getting them a lot

    @Treytonsmom2011: wow! Sounds like baby could be here soon then, that's a lot of progress in a week! I'm going to ask my dr to strip my membranes tomorrow and I'm hoping she does...

    @hilsy85: no inner thigh cramps here but that doesn't sound fun!! I swear these last few weeks are just so miserable and painful!

  3. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    @hilsy85: Yes! I had the thigh pain/cramps with my last pregnancy too and it's been so uncomfortable both times. And the baby is so low, I can feel her hitting my cervix way more than I'd like to, especially at night!

  4. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    @hilsy85: I have them too! So uncomfortable!

    Baby boy is so low and has his hands by his face (by ultrasound) that I feel like he is punching my bladder. Oy!

  5. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @jodyblair: I asked my dr at my 35 week appointment if there is a such thing as too many braxton hicks and she told me no. She said eventually they'll just turn into the real thing. I have them all the time and was pretty concerned about them around 33/34 weeks. It's not uncommon for me to have them every 5 minutes even when sitting down.

  6. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @NovBaby1112: thanks, that's encouraging! I just can't understand how I'm not dilating at all when in her words, he's "definitely in my crotch!" Lol. I am waddling and struggling to waddle at that! I also had my dd on her due date (labored a couple days before) even though I only remember being at 1 the week I had her, so maybe I just don't make much progress in advance. Just hoping that doesn't mean another super long labor.

  7. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    Had my 39w apt today...I was dilated to 1cm (was 0.5 last week so a bit more progress). She also said the head was much lower, my cervix was softer and in a better position. She stripped my membranes which I thought would be super painful (my BFF had it done last week and said it was awful) but it was just uncomfortable and didn't take her long. we'll see if it does anything. I've been cramping ever since but she told me that would happen.

  8. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @2littlepumpkins: my DD was also born very close to her due date....so I was expecting the same or earlier this time which is just making me too antsy!

    @Charm54: oh I hope it helps!! good luck! glad to hear it isn't super painful..

    Had a slightly disappointing 38w appointment. Still only 1.5cm and 60% effaced, baby is -2 station. So really no progress from last week despite all the cramps and contractions. Trying to just stay positive that it'll happen when it happens....also, my Dr didn't want to strip my membranes bc I had to get bloodwork done today and she didn't want to do it before getting the results back, but she said next week we can. So pretty uneventful!

  9. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Charm54: @NovBaby1112: exciting ladies! Sounds like whenever it does happen for you, it will happen quickly!

    I am excited about my 37 week appt on Friday, but also not expecting much. We are going away this weekend about 2.5 hours away from home, so would be great if she stayed in while we're gone

  10. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: I'm with you on so many BHs, but my doctor told me after 34 weeks to just ignore them unless they get really crazy since they won't stop labor at that point.

    @hilsy85: baby was all up in my cervix yesterday. Don't get the cramps but shooting pains I can commiserate with.
    Brave lady going so far at 37 weeks!

    @2littlepumpkins: @Charm54: @NovBaby1112: Hopefully youre all getting close!!!

    I feel like time is dragging at this point....35 weeks and I'm just so tired and winded all the time. She feels super low some days but I can still feel her in my ribs so I guess she likes to stretch out. Doing some maternity pics today and saw the Foo Fighters last night! Was so exhausted by the end but it was a good show and other than being startled a couple times baby actually seemed to like it.

  11. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @hilsy85: Re: the cramping, I don't have it on the inner thighs but every now and then I get it on the outer/butt area, and it goes away when I change position or whatever but for that moment it hurts a lot!! It's been getting worse over the past maybe three weeks? Hope you have a fun trip!

    @MamaBear87: Definitely with you on the time dragging thing! The concert sounds like a nice night out though!

  12. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    Ah, up at 5 AM starving...I don't want to gain a million pounds at the end! I really would love some sleep before little one makes his appearance but between the heartburn and being hungry (not to mention the huge bump) I'm not sure a lot of sleep is possible.

    These babies are getting so close!

  13. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @mrsjenbug: I can commiserate No matter how exhausted I am when I go to bed, I'm always up a few times during the night. Not long to go now though, and then we'll all be wishing for even those 4 hour stints

  14. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    @HyattsMom: I was thinking the same thing! I guess it's just nature's way of getting me ready. I was working 12+ hour days when I was pregnant with LO#1 and I think I fell asleep out of sheer exhaustion so I didn't have this the first time. Hope you get a nap (I hope I do too haha)

  15. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @NovBaby1112: you're farther than I am! It's frustrating though...I thought too with all of those contractions I would be farther along too. Hopefully the membrane stripping helps both of us move things along

    @hilsy85: hopefully baby stays put!! It wasn't super fun traveling last weekend but it wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be. Stop for lots of pee breaks

    @MamaBear87: how cool!! Baby's first concert! Enjoy your night out

    @mrsjenbug: I had a couple of weeks where I just couldn't sleep. For some reason it's been getting better the past week or so,maybe because I'm so exhausted that I just crash at night.

    So last night i had a ton of cramping...so much that I told Dh we should go to bed early just in case. I was half expecting to wake up at 4am with strong contractions but of course I slept like a baby until 8am and woke up to only mild cramping

    I did lose my mucous plug this morning though! With DD I only lost it in the hospital mid-labor so I don't know what this means. Hopefully labor is around the corner but I know it can still be days away....

  16. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @Charm54: sounds like it's gonna be sooner rather than later, fingers crossed!!

  17. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    Every time I think I've lost all of my mucous plug I lose another big chunk! How much is up there?! When I compared my 37 to 38 week photo I could tell she's dropped some. I'm interested to see if I've made anymore progress at my appointment tomorrow. If I have I'm going to ask about a sweep. I'm not at the point where I feel like I need to get the baby out right now, but I am starting to get a little anxious about labor.

  18. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: with DD it came out in one giant chunk mid labour. It was slightly terrifying lol.

    Today I've been losing it slowly all day long, though the biggest piece was the first one this morning. I wish I knew what it meant! FX you've made some progress, GL tomorrow!

  19. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @Charm54: @Mrs. Pickle: exciting! Sounds like you guys might go pretty soon here! I've only lost a tiny chunk so far, after that one day and haven't lost any more since

  20. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: Exciting! Sounds like it's getting closer to go-time for you!

  21. HyattsMom

    grape / 85 posts

    @Charm54: Definitely sounds like things are progressing. FX for you.

  22. renee0106

    cherry / 197 posts

    Anyone else having trouble telling between contractions and just movement? I'm wondering if I've even felt contractions yet and have been confusing movement for contractions.

    I guess I'll just hope that when I really get contractions they'll feel a lot different and I'll know to start timing.

  23. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @renee0106: movement I can usually see through my belly, like I will see a big lump roll from one side to the other, and it gets hard. But contractions, at least the minor ones I've felt so far, are an entire tightening of the belly and have been accompanied by cramping and back pain too

  24. renee0106

    cherry / 197 posts

    @NovBaby1112: Thanks! That's helpful! I think I'm usually seeing movement on my belly so I guess they're probably not contractions. Oh well, wishful thinking.

  25. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @renee0106: I've been experiencing three different things.

    1. A hard lump on half of my stomach - baby movement.
    2. My entire stomach gets extremely hard - Braxton hicks.
    3. My entire stomach gets tight and it's accompanied by cramping or back pain - contraction.

  26. renee0106

    cherry / 197 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: Thanks! I really thought I was having real contractions, but I haven't had any back pain and maybe only mild cramping. So I guess it's just braxton hichs or movement lately.

  27. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @renee0106: I don't have very many real contractions. The last couple weeks really mess with your mind!

  28. renee0106

    cherry / 197 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: yes they do! I just want to quit thinking about it!

  29. Treytonsmom2011

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @renee0106: Honestly, you will know when you have legit contractions vs BH or movement....@Mrs. Pickle: is totally right. BH typically aren't painful but your entire stomach will get very tight/hard and then relax, contractions usually have the same tightening/hardness but will feel more like cramping. My contractions are always accompanied by back cramping/pain that wraps around to the front before tightening my whole stomach. Braxton Hicks can also be painful but don't usually have the cramping/back pain with them.

  30. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    Gahhh I'm freaking out a bit. I just got a call from my dr and apparently I have low platelet counts...I guess it's common during pregnancy and they see it a lot, but if my level is below a certain level at delivery, I may not be able to get an epidural I have to have them rechecked next week. I'm just hoping my levels are high enough that I can get an epi!!

  31. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @NovBaby1112: eek! Fingers crossed they go up!

    Had my 37 week appt, no change from last week. But my doctor seems to think very strongly that I will go into labor before 39 weeks, which of course means I'm sure I will go late! She said we could try stripping my membranes next week, and I think I will schedule some accupuncture or reflexology at 38.5. Also I'm GBS negative,w hich is good!

    @2littlepumpkins: ugh that sounds like when I have sciatic pain. That stinks too!

  32. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @NovBaby1112: eta how do they know? did they draw blood?

  33. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @NovBaby1112: oh no!! I hope they're high enough for you at delivery. There's a small chance I might not get an epi either (depends if there is enough staff)...but I am trying to not even think about that as a possibility since my epi with DD was so glorious. FX for you!

    Dh and I are heading out to dinner and a movie with another couple...when we made plans earlier in the week I didn't think we'd make it, but here we are, still pregnant! It will be nice to get out one last time with Dh though. Hopefully I can make it through the movie without falling asleep

  34. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @NovBaby1112: oh goodness! I hope they go up!

    I had my 38 week appointment this morning and I haven't made much progress since last week. I'm still feeling pretty good so I'm not too disappointed. I'm setting myself up mentally to go past my due date. Anything before then will be a nice surprise.

  35. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Charm54: sounds fun! DH and I are going on a date this weekend and we have tentative plans for next weekend with BIL and his fiancé if baby hasn't come. We're trying to enjoy these last couple weeks before parenthood as much as we can.

  36. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @hilsy85: yea they drew blood. They did it at the beginning of pregnancy (and they were normal) and at the end. Hoping they go up too!! That's exciting your dr thinks you will go a little early!!

    @Charm54: hope you guys have a nice night out!! That's crazy you might not be able to get one either! Hopefully that's not the case

    @Mrs. Pickle: thanks I hope so too. Glad you are feeling well, not too much longer!

  37. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    Last day of work done. Still trying to lose this congestion, runny nose, and cough...Hopefully by this weekend!

    @NovBaby1112: That's crappy. I didn't know there was a situation where you wouldn't be able to get one...

    I'm looking forward to having some relaxing time. Made it to Friday and my husband getting home soon! I feel like after Monday I won't mind baby coming any time, but I don't expect to go early or on time. I also want to have a movie/dinner date beforehand though and to get some cleaning and cooking done.

    We're close!

  38. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @renee0106: my belly gets hard pretty much all over when its a BHs, and makes my back hurt. Baby moving is hard spots and sharper pains from her jabbing my cervix, ribs, or just a tender spot. Although she's getting so big sometimes I can't tell for sure…

    @Mrs. Pickle: @Charm54: You could be close! Exciting!

    @NovBaby1112: Oh NO! Hope your numbers come up. Be terrible for the option of epi to be gone.

    @Mrs. Goose: Enjoy being off work! Don't spend all your time cooking and cleaning tho!

    Hoping Sunday comes soon…36 weeks seems so much closer to the end than 35 plus 5. I think baby girl has now rotated to face down, which is good, but scared me this morning since I couldn't feel her moving as much. Have been drinking mass quantities of ice water all day to reassure myself.

    Hope everyone is still feeling ok and excited to meet babies soon!!

  39. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    I'm so over pregnancy right now...I'm done work this coming Wednesday and I really want this guy out!!

  40. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    DH and I had a date night last night (probably our last for awhile)...now bring on baby boy! Full day of cleaning (and watching football, I have been informed ).

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