Hellobee Boards


On a scale of 1-10, how bad is your pregnancy fever?

  • poll: Pregnancy fever?
    1--Pregnancy is the worst! : (18 votes)
    24 %
    2 : (9 votes)
    12 %
    3 : (4 votes)
    5 %
    4 : (1 votes)
    1 %
    5 : (5 votes)
    7 %
    6 : (2 votes)
    3 %
    7 : (4 votes)
    5 %
    8 : (10 votes)
    13 %
    9 : (9 votes)
    12 %
    10--Give me a bump NOW!! : (14 votes)
    18 %
  1. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    0!!! I'm 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I'm not interested in being pregnant for a LONG time.

  2. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    -10?? But seriously. I never want to be pregnant again. I am so miserable and have been the entire 9 months!! Or 27 months since I've done it 3 times? I.am.done.

  3. stiletto_mom

    persimmon / 1183 posts

    Three years ago I was at an 8. But as the time gets closer to TTC, I'd say I'm at a 3 right now. Some cold feet.

  4. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Can negative infinity be an option?

  5. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    1. We're planning to TTC#2 starting in December and I DREAD being pregnant again. UGH.

  6. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    I'm 14 weeks right now and I couldn't be more excited to meet my baby, but at this point I never want to be pregnant again! I guess I haven't got to the good parts like feeling it kick or having a bump, but my first trimester was soooo difficult.


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