We seriously need help. By the end of summer, our LO (33 months now) was successfully potty trained… day and night. However, since last week he has been consecutively peeing in his bed at night. He typically is really good about getting up and telling us he needs to pee…but each day last week (and still going on to this morning), he wakes around 5 in the morning to tell us he peed in bed. I was thinking back to any changes that could have happened and I concluded 2 things.

1. My FIL lives overseas majority of the time but came for a 4 day visit 2 weeks ago. LO LOVES him and they spent a lot of time together. LO wasn't completely heartbroken after he left but the peeing in bed started a couple days after….

2. It's been cooler at night so we added a fleece blanket on top of his baby blanket that he always sleeps with….could he be too warm/comfortable/relaxed that he doesn't get up to pee?

We had some sleep regression since October…and it has finally gone back to normal with the addition of a baby gate outside of his door. I seriously need some suggestions from the hive because changing sheets daily half awake and prego is not fun! I change the sheets while DH changes LO. last thing… i implemented a 3 box reward chart but it doesn't seem like LO understands the concept fully yet…I don't mind doing laundry but doing a load each day is a tad much…