Did pooping hurt? How long until it made you not want to cry? A week post-op tomorrow, and I'm still taking Percocet a few times a day (my incision still hurts a lot), and I know that's binding things up, as well as an iron pill (my iron levels plummeted fast after). I'm taking stool softeners, and so far I've pooped 3 times and every time has left me crying hard (gas pain still hurts a ton, too, and peeing, to a lesser extent).

Is this normal? Is it the Percocet? I do for a follow-up tomorrow and it's pretty much at the top of my questions list, but I'm wondering how normal it is. It hurt after I had E, after a second degree tear on top of an episiotomy, but nothing like this. This has been the worst part of the recovery, by far...