There have been a few issues recently on the Classifieds that we wanted to address:

* In one case, a user said they would buy an item on the Classifieds, but then didn't respond to wall postings and/or invoice requests. How long should a seller "hold" the item for the potential buyer before relisting?

* In a number of others cases, potential buyers have expressed interest or asked questions about an item - but then not responded when the seller answered them. Should the seller be obligated to hold the item for the interested buyers?

To addresses these issues, we thought we'd pull together a few guidelines!

1) If a potential buyer says they'll take an item (or otherwise "claim" it), they have 24 hours to respond to an invoice request from the seller. If they don't, it's totally ok if the seller decides to relist the item.

2) If someone expresses interest or asks questions about an item, that doesn't obligate the seller to hold the item for them.

3) In general, choosing a buyer is at the complete discretion of the seller. If you trust someone to follow through on the purchase, then maybe that's more important to you than the amount of money someone's offering. It's totally up to the seller.

3) In general, sellers are asked to go with the first buyer who says that they'd like to buy an item. But if you have concerns that the buyer may not follow through on the purchase (based on your own experience or that of others), please discreetly let them know on their wall. Then you can post on the Classifieds listing that you're still accepting offers.

4) If someone wants to buy an item if it meets a certain criteria, they can post, "SOLD IF [CRITERIA]". So for example, if you're buying a toddler outfit, you could post, "Sold if size 3T!"

What do you guys think - do these guidelines sound ok? Let us know what you think!