40 weeks DH & I settled in hoping for a blue moon baby! He did massage and I went to bed around 10:20. I had just fallen asleep and felt a big pop. I told DH I thought my water just broke and he totally thought I was kidding. I went to the bathroom to make sure I hadn't peed on my pants and saw there was fluid tinged with blood. I told DH I was probably fine but should go to hospital to get checked out anyways. The hospital is only 5 minutes away and when we got here I was having mild contractions. We went up to l&d, a nurse checked me and I was at a 2.5...contractions got strong fast every 5 minutes to a t. This was around 11:00 and I was begging for an epidural. By 12, they were so strong I had the urge to push and things got crazy. Nurse checked me and I was at a 6.5. The anesthesiologist couldn't get there in time because 30 minutes later I was at an 8. I pushed from 105 and he was born at 155am. Pushing was so hard and he had a hard time coming out. I ended up with my ob having to cut me and third degree tears and a LOT of stitches. He just came so fast!!! We are happy and healthy and he is 6 lbs 14 oz of angel!