Hellobee Boards


September 2014 Mummas - Come out where ever you are!

  1. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @London Mama: good luck!!

  2. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    Thanks @gingerbebe and @London mama it ended up working out okay... My parents decided to fly up for Easter weekend, so I will have them with me until Monday and my DH realized Monday is a bank holiday in the UK (where he is headed) so he doesn't have to fly out until Monday evening. So I am still alone for the rest of the week and had to move my gender/anatomy ultrasound a week later but overall, it ended up decently okay. I definitely plan to pamper myself that week! Maybe get a facial and totally binge watch my favorite shows with yummy takeout!! Thanks for the suggestions.

    @London mama how did the work reveal go?

    @gingerbebe did you get your fasting results back yet? fingers crossed!

  3. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @pancakes how did your appointment go?

  4. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @London Mama: Good luck! I remember being so nervous telling my boss last time.

    I had my 16 week appt today (a week early). The doctor couldn't find the hb with the doppler (maybe partly because the heating system was so loud?), so she wheeled in the u/s machine and there was baby, upside down. She saw the heartbeat right away and it measured at 172, so everything looks good! This was my 3rd u/s, so I am getting spoiled, I guess although I probably shouldn't have them at every visit! I wanted to schedule my a/s, but wonderful military clinics only schedule 4 weeks out, so I have to call back Wednesday afternoon. I'm hoping they can get me in on the 28th! So close, but so far away!

  5. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @psw27: Oh yeah, I forgot. My fasting result came back at 88, so the stupid sandwich definitely was the culprit. BUT I got all this gestational diabetes stuff in the mail from my HMO the same day I got my results, so I'm a bit peeved. The range is 60-94, and I "failed" the last time at 96, so I hope my doctor will stop razzing me now that I got an 88. I realize they are treating me as high risk and I have a lot of diabetes risk factors from my family history, but I just hate the feeling of everyone ASSUMING I have it.

    My doctor was like I hope you pass so we can leave you alone for a few months, but you will have to retake the 3 hour test in the 3rd trimester. Its like his way of saying "if you don't have it now, I'm pretty sure you're going to have it later."

  6. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @pancakes hooray for a good appointment! Were you freaking out when they didn't hear the heartbeat right away? So fun to see the LO 3 times already

    @gingerbebe that's awesome you passed! Sheesh. All of this cause of a sandwich! I am dreading the 3 hour test.. my doc mentioned it this morning and I groaned, even though it is 10 weeks away at least!

  7. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    Updating the appointment list (I think this is most recent, I had to go back a few pages! Sorry if I missed the most recent!)

    September mamas
    9/3 brownbear (#1)
    9/3 tequiero21 (#3)
    9/5 mrs.hawk71 (#1)
    9/6 torchwood (#1)
    9/7 mrs. jump rope (#2)
    9/9 georgiegirl83 (#1)
    9/11 psw27 (#1)
    9/11 coprtopmom (#2)
    9/12 lindy (#1)
    9/13 gingerbebe (#1)
    9/14 pancakes (#2)
    9/17 farawayviolet (#1)
    9/17 littlebit (#1)
    9/19 Weagle (#2)
    9/20 boogs (#2)
    9/21 gksj (#1)
    9/22 lattelove (#1)
    9/24 London Mama (#2)
    9/26 sweetiepie (#1)

    3/25 SweetiePie (13w4d)
    4/1 Gingerbebe (16 week appt)
    4/3 LittleBit (16 week appt)
    4/18 Torchwood (anatomy scan!)
    4/24 Gingerbebe (anatomy scan)
    4/25 psw27 (20w appt)
    4/29 psw27 (anatomy scan)
    4/30 LittleBit (20w anatomy scan)
    5/27 psw27 (24w appt)

  8. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @psw27: I don't know if it was because I didn't have as much MS to deal with, but the 3 hour went much better than my 1 hour did. That was a surprise. DH came with me and we brought books and our laptops and our portable wi-fi hotspot. We watched a hockey game and DH did some work. Since the blood draws are every hour, it breaks it up a bit. Get there as soon as the lab opens and pack a quick snack for afterwards. I brought half a cheese sandwich, some sour fruit, and some water. That stupid drink is so stinkin' sweet you wont want anything sugary for the rest of the day.

  9. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: Glad you got your results back! I knew that pesky sandwich was the problem! Why do you have to do a three hour in the third tri? I thought it was only a one hour test then?

  10. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    [:heart:] September mamas [:heart:]
    9/3 brownbear (#1)
    9/3 tequiero21 (#3)
    9/5 mrs.hawk71 (#1)
    9/6 torchwood (#1)
    9/7 mrs. jump rope (#2)
    9/9 georgiegirl83 (#1)
    9/11 psw27 (#1)
    9/11 coprtopmom (#2)
    9/12 lindy (#1)
    9/13 gingerbebe (#1)
    9/14 pancakes (#2)
    9/17 farawayviolet (#1)
    9/17 littlebit (#1)
    9/19 Weagle (#2)
    9/20 boogs (#2)
    9/21 gksj (#1)
    9/22 lattelove (#1)
    9/24 London Mama (#2)
    9/26 sweetiepie (#1)

    [:heart:] Appointments [:heart:]
    3/25 SweetiePie (13w4d)
    3/31 Mrs. Jump Rope (17w1d)
    4/1 Gingerbebe (16 week appt)
    4/3 LittleBit (16 week appt)
    4/10 Mrs. Jump Rope (anatomy scan!)
    4/18 Torchwood (anatomy scan!)
    4/24 Gingerbebe (anatomy scan)
    4/25 psw27 (20w appt)
    4/29 psw27 (anatomy scan)
    4/30 LittleBit (20w anatomy scan)
    5/27 psw27 (24w appt)

  11. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: The 1 hour is a threshold test. If you fail the 1 hour, you gotta come back for the 3 hour. I failed my first 1 hour (at 10.5 weeks!), so they made me take the 3 hour at 13 weeks. It was here that I "failed" the fasting by 2 points. So since my bloodwork looks wonky on paper they are going to make me retake the 3 hour in the 3rd trimester.

  12. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: ohhhhh! Okay, I got it now! Sorry!

  13. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    Thanks everyone. My boss wasn't over the moon, he is very professional and congratulated me but I could tell he wasn't thrilled. I'm based in the UK where maternity leave is much longer and he is not looking forward to having to find a replacement for 6-12 months. Oh well, not much I can do about it, whether he likes it or not it's happening. But I'm pretty sure I'm already taken off the list for promotion this year, it's the price to pay for trying to combine career and family...

    Have you had any negative repercussions of starting a family at work?

  14. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    Sorry to hear it didn't go super well @London mama Can they legally take you off the promotion list just because you are going on leave? I mean, I know they can find other "reasons" but that seems unfair.

  15. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    My doctor e-mailed me back re: my fasting results.

    "Glucose fasting came back normal. Attagirl gingerbebe!"


  16. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @gingerbebe haha love it. Glad she/he is on your side. I hope he told the rude clerk the news too

  17. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: love it!

    Has anyone bought anything yet? At this point in my first pregnancy I had a small stash of gender neutral items stored away. I haven't bought anything yet this time!

  18. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @mrs. jump rope not a thing! I am still kind of in the "is this really happening" stage I think!

  19. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I bought a My Brest Friend on an Amazon lightning sale the other day for $20. It is in some bright pink floral design, which is definitely not gender neutral, but its not like I or my kid is going to care. DH opened the box and was like "uh, your breast thing is here." I was like "Huh? OHHHH MY BREST FRIEND!" and he gave me this look like "yeah, cuz THAT makes sense." I also have 2 onesies - one for our favorite sports team and one for the branch of the military DH used to serve in, but I got those as gifts for DH on his birthday. We also have a 4-pack of Aden & Anais swaddles I bought years ago before our first miscarriage.

  20. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @psw27: seriously! It hit me this morning that I'm 16w pregnant which means I've only for 23 more weeks to go. That sure lot a fire under my ass. Guess whose house is clean? It's almost time to move my studio!!

    As far as gear goes, I've been putting it off. I don't know where to store anything and am banking on having the nursery empty so I can dump stuff in there. I really don't want bottles in my pantry for the next 5 months.

  21. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I've purchased one boy outfit and one girl outfit! Also, my diaper bag. Other than that - nope! My mom on the other hand - totally different story!

    Uhhhhh, so my husband and I are throwing down hard over boy names. He refuses to budge from the one name he loves - Wyatt. I don't hate it, but I don't love it. I don't think it's fair that I'm the only one doing any compromising. He's also passing along his middle name (which is just a middle initial - it can't stand for anything!!) and I am so annoyed! I feel like I'm getting steamrolled over every aspect of the boys name...and I'm starting to seriously dread the thought of having a boy. I'm hoping it's a girl so we don't have to keep arguing for 6 months. I feel kind of awful admitting that, but it's the truth

  22. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @mrs. jump rope ahhh 23 weeks does not sound like a lot considering 16 have already gone by!! and babies come early sometimes. Crap. I feel like I really need to go order nursery furniture soon! That stuff can take like 12-20 weeks to arrive and we haven't even browsed yet.

  23. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @littlebit I'm sorry I don't think it is fair he is giving you set rules but expects you to compromise! When do you find out gender? Its sad you have to dread a particular gender just to get the fights to stop but I would feel the same way!

  24. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @psw27: well, I'm leaning toward a section so I'd deliver at 39 weeks! That's only 23 weeks away!

    @Littlebit: we've been arguing over boy names since 2010. I like Blake, he hates it. If this is a boy, I told him it's being named Blake unless HE comes up with a better idea. Seriously, three years and we can't agree on one name for a boy.

  25. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @psw27: @Mrs. Jump Rope: I can't even think about "how much time I have left" because I'M STILL DEALING WITH FLIPPING MORNING SICKNESS!! Its not every day anymore, but the last 2-3 days, its been harsh enough where Zofran isn't really even helping that much. Are you kidding me? I'm 15w3d!!

    I think I want to start buying stuff (even though I'm anti-stuff and I really expect to receive most of our crap from family) because this pregnancy has just not been fun at all. I want something FUN to do darn it! I feel like if we had a gender, we'd be able to buy some cute things and think about a theme for the bedding or something like that.

    Sorry about the name fights. My DH is just so laid back about names. I think its because everyone in his family has pretty bland Irish/English sounding names that it was never that big of a deal. The moms generally picked a name they liked, the dads were fine with it, and that was that. (The nicknames however, get intense, so we needed to make any name we picked could easily be hacked into a cute nickname). We basically picked our names a long time ago for a boy and a girl and it was totally drama-free. I just kinda threw out a girl's name and a nickname based on that name and DH was like I love it! For a boy, I had this sense that God wanted me to name our son a particular name and shared it, along with a nickname suggestion to DH, who also gave it a thumbs up. So that's that. I don't know what we'll do if we have 3 kids, but I imagine it will be along the same lines.

  26. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @psw27: Not til April 30th. We keep saying we're not going to discuss it anymore until the scan, but then one of us will randomly bring it up and the bomb goes off.

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I love the name Blake! It's adorable! Stupid men

    I was annoyed in the beginning, but now I'm kind of hurt over it. I mean, does carrying and birthing this thing not amount to anything? And he keeps guilt tripping me with 'it's my first born son' crap. Well, it's my first born son too! And unlike him, I've been dreaming of baby names since I was a kid. To completely take that opportunity away from me sucks. I am more than willing to compromise but I basically feel like I have no say and that seriously bums me out.

  27. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Littlebit: You know, not to pull this card, but....

    My friend had her heart set on a name for her son and her DH was okay with it, but wasn't sure if it was THE name. He was hung up on another name, AND it was a non-negotiable that their son carry would carry her FIL's first name as the middle name. So my friend was sort of annoyed because the middle name was claimed by her FIL and their son was going to carry the dad's last name too. The name she wanted was a family name on HER side of the family so she thought it was pretty fair, but her DH just wouldn't commit to it.

    At the end of the day, she went into labor assuming that once her husband saw her go through labor and birth a giant baby that he was going to be so overcome and awestruck by her that he was probably going to let her name him whatever she wanted. She labored for 36 hours and eventually got a C-section and when the baby came she basically said "this is his name." And he was like "okay." And everything was history.

  28. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    September mamas
    9/3 brownbear (#1)
    9/3 tequiero21 (#3)
    9/5 mrs.hawk71 (#1)
    9/6 torchwood (#1)
    9/7 mrs. jump rope (#2)
    9/9 georgiegirl83 (#1)
    9/11 psw27 (#1)
    9/11 coprtopmom (#2)
    9/12 lindy (#1)
    9/13 gingerbebe (#1)
    9/14 pancakes (#2)
    9/17 farawayviolet (#1)
    9/17 littlebit (#1)
    9/19 Weagle (#2)
    9/20 boogs (#2)
    9/21 gksj (#1)
    9/22 lattelove (#1)
    9/24 London Mama (#2)
    9/26 sweetiepie (#1)

    3/25 SweetiePie (13w4d)
    3/31 Mrs. Jump Rope (17w1d)
    4/1 Gingerbebe (16 week appt)
    4/3 LittleBit (16 week appt)
    4/10 Mrs. Jump Rope (anatomy scan!)
    4/14 SweetiePie (16w3d)
    4/15 SweetiePie (16w4d - anatomy scan)
    4/18 Torchwood (anatomy scan!)
    4/24 Gingerbebe (anatomy scan)
    4/25 psw27 (20w appt)
    4/29 psw27 (anatomy scan)
    4/30 LittleBit (20w anatomy scan)
    5/27 psw27 (24w appt)

  29. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    Hi all,
    Back from vacation and getting caught up. Hope everyone is well!

    I had an appt with my ob today and all is perfect. Measured spot on to the day (13w4d).
    She also shared my 1st trimester blood draw results and they are very low risk for Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18, which is a relief - more so the Trisomy 18 since I'm a carrier.
    I got a blood draw for cell free DNA testing as well, just to be extra sure - but thank goodness she thinks an amnio isn't necessary! I've been so afraid that I'd have to have one.

    Also recommended the early anatomy scan at 16 weeks, so that is scheduled.

    We also finally told our parents and friends on Sunday and it was so liberating! Its been so hard keeping it a secret and avoiding them. My parents are happy and excited. My MIL was nuts - like screaming and crying. You'd think they won the Power Ball. I guess it was nice but also sorta like...get a grip! I think its the tip of the iceberg for her obsession so hopefully it stays under control.

  30. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @psw27: Only slightly freaked...after 2 m/cs and then 2 of my closest girlfriends having very traumatic pregnancies, I just sort of feel prepared for anything at this point!

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I ordered a few thing from the Janie and Jack sale a couple weeks ago for DD and snuck in a gender neutral pumpkin onesie and cap for baby. DD said, "Let's take them out so the baby can look at them."

    @Littlebit: I have been amazed at how many of my friends' husbands have been picky/stubborn about names, INCLUDING my own! He is super opinionated and we don't really have the same taste. He basically picked LO's name, and if we have a boy he wants a III since he's a Jr so I'm like, so nice that I'm carrying this baby and can't name it what I like. Argh!

  31. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @sweetiepie: hooray for good news! why do they recommend an early anatomy scan?

  32. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @Pancakes: All related to being a carrier of trisomy 18. I'm having way more testing and scans done to be extra sure. I wouldn't make any decisions based on it, but I'd want to be prepared.
    It's already a low chance based on the results we've already received, but they're being extra cautious.

  33. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    @psw27: going back to my job situation, there's no official list for promotions, I guess I was referring to his mental or unofficial list. I think it's safe to say I'm no longer going to be put forward, my guess is that they'll wait to see if I come back after mat leave and if I do they'll consider me the following year. I work for an investment firm in a very male dominated environment, most people here have a wife that stay at home to look after the kids and the house.

  34. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @London Mama: That stinks. Would you considered taking a shorter maternity leave if you thought it would help your career?

    I was a teacher when DD was born and my principal was not-so-secretly happy about it at all (probably bc I was about 6 weeks pregnant when I interviewed). When I came back from mat leave to finish out the school year, he said to me, "You're not going to be pregnant again next year, are you?" Let's just say that made my decision not to go back to work much easier.

  35. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @London mama ahh I understand completely. My husband works in finance as well and most of the wives stay at home. There is a lot of pressure on him to work constantly. I was about ready to spit last week when his boss talked to me about how I should just stay home and his wife stays home and they have a nanny 3 days a week and it is not "that expensive." ($180 US per day...) I was like sheesh -- here I am stressing over daycares that are $80 per day! Must be nice to be loaded up with cash...

  36. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @pancakes are you feeling okay now? Glad you are mentally prepared, I would have been freaking out!

    @gingerbebe are you feeling a little better? I can't believe you are still getting bad MS. I definitely still get nauseous occasionally but nothing unmanageable.

    @sweetiepie congrats on a great appointment! and telling your family finally, so exciting!

  37. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @psw27: I ate a huge fried chicken patty burger with fries for lunch yesterday and that actually helped a lot. I have no idea why but this entire pregnancy, the best cure for my MS is some kind of fried chicken + white carb. Thank God I don't have gestational diabetes (yet).

    Last night DH was laughing hysterically when I was modeling My Brest Friend for him. I was saying how I wish it came with a plastic tray that fit over the top so I could eat off of it on the couch. He actually thought that was a hilariously brilliant idea. I was like "why dont we make these for kids and messy eater husbands!" (Ahem, DH.) He said he would totally use one.

  38. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @gingerbebe yummm. I had fries for lunch yesterday too and they were sooo good. (with a turkey club -- broke the no deli meat and bacon rule, again. whatever. haha)

    I haven't seen this brest friend thing yet, I better check it out!

  39. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    @Pancakes: the minimum I can take is six months, there is no daycare for babies under six months here. I've thought a lot about my priorities and although work is important to me family always comes first and for the next few years my career will have to take a backseat. Or I'll just have to get a nanny and a stay at home husband!

  40. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @gingerbebe: @psw27: I made Pioneer Woman's oven roasted potatoes tonight and they really hit the spot except I followed her instructions to NOT undersalt them and I may have over salted them a bit. Oops! Sorry baby!

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