Hellobee Boards


September 2014 Mummas - Come out where ever you are!

  1. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @sweetiepie thanks for the advice! I will do some browsing later.
    And I totally agree on the its not winter, its not spring weather. It is currently snowing here, so it is hard to imagine buying pastel pants and capris right now - let alone wearing them! Weather limbo + pregnancy = hard!

    Good job on the registry. I've done nothing... oops.

  2. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @SweetiePie: I started one online and have added a couple items. I'm 99% sure we're going with the Britax B-Agile travel system.

  3. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @psw27: Haha, I literally just started on Saturday night at 9pm. So I'm not that far ahead of you And it was really because I got so much good info that motivated me. If I hadn't met with 3 pregnant/new moms within a 24 hour period, I probably wouldn't have started mine either.
    All you need is that little nudge and trust me, you won't be able to stop!

    @Littlebit: I'm between that, the Uppababy Mesa + Vista, and the Orbit. They all have their own merits. I think I just need to see them all in person. Right now its based on mom recommendations and research.

  4. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    Oh, and I'm telling my supervisor in one hour that I'm pregnant. Eek! So nervous but excited to get it off my chest! I have 2 appointments side-by-side (Mon & Tues) next week and I figure that they either already have figured it out OR think I'm interviewing. So I might as well just come clean.

  5. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @SweetiePie: ohhh! Good luck!

  6. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @Littlebit: Whew, already done. I had my weekly one-on-one with him and I just slipped it in at the end. He seemed genuinely happy but he's a guy, so also a little awkward. So we talked for about 5 minutes about his kids and how far along I am and boy/girl...the usual small talk. Then that was it! So, no asking about my future plans - I'm just curious now on how/when to have that conversation. I want to leave late July/early August, so maybe if they don't ask before then, I'll tell them at the end of May? Give them all of June & July to offboard me and onboard/train someone else. That seems pretty fair.

  7. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: @psw27: Felt fine after I finished crying. Guess I just needed to get it out of my system!

    @SweetiePie: We went and did BRU and Target registries at... 8 weeks I think? Something ridiculously early. We just wanted to have some fun doing something baby related! And it kept me focused on being positive and believing we were really having a baby, not worrying about another m/c. I also made an Amazon one. They're actually pretty much complete, though I'm still changing and adding/deleting things, which I expect will continue pretty much for the next 5 months. It's just so much fun! Thankfully DH is just interested enough to make me happy, but doesn't care so much that we argue about what to pick.

    And UGH! I've had next to no nausea, and what little I had is long gone, but I still heave at the most unexpected times! Apparently I can't handle any form of bodily waste, human or otherwise. My FIL has a baby cow that he's bottle feeding, and we went to see it, and it peed while we were there and I almost lost it. Then the other day I was in the bathroom and had to leave when DH went to pee. And today we came home to find that the dog had pooped on the floor (she had an upset stomach, because she NEVER does that), and I had to go out on the porch and make DH clean it up and spray before I could go inside. Public restrooms are always iffy, because people so frequently don't flush/clog them/pee on the seat, all of which set me off heaving. And since I'm peeing ALL the time, I have used a ton of public restrooms lately. Oy. Oh well. If that's really my biggest complaint about pregnancy, I guess I'm doing alright.

  8. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    @SweetiePie: glad the talk with your supervisor went well!

    I'm considering telling my colleagues today, I told my manager last week but haven't announced to the team yet. But for some reason I'm feeling really paranoid this week (even looked for dopplers online last night) and now I'm thinking maybe I'll wait until after my appointment on Tuesday. I guess 15 weeks is that in-between stage where you don't feel as terrible as you did in the first tri but don't feel enough movement to feel really pregnant. I can't wait for the belly to pop so I actually look pregnant rather than fat!

  9. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @sweetiepie glad it went well! I thought telling my boss would be so awkward but he was really nice about it too!

    @torchwood makes sense to be grossed out by that stuff! My dog was gagging in the middle of the night and I was convinced he threw up so I woke up DH to deal with it... I didn't want to risk it!

    @London mama did you end up telling them? I totally understand the paranoia -- anytime I feel "too good" or nothing I'm sure something is wrong. I think it directly correlates to how long its been since I went to doctor -- I'm fine the week or 2 after since I hear the HB or see an ultrasound then the last 2 weeks I'm worried again since its been a while since I heard everything was going well. So neurotic.

  10. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    @PSW27: I hadn't thought about it but you're so right about being more worried the further out from your last appointment you are, it's been almost three weeks since my last appt so I'm entering that "can't wait for my appt next week stage".

    I haven't told my colleagues yet but we've had a crazy busy day so far so don't want to add to the team stress, so I'll probably leave it for tomorrow. I'm the team manager globally so will have a ton of questions to answer when I do tell them. They may think it's an April fools joke anyway if I say something today!

  11. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @psw27: I was JUST telling my boss that the first two weeks after an appointment I feel great! And then the paranoia sets in and I'm a nervous wreck the next two weeks. My 16 week appt is Thursday and I CAN'T WAIT to hear that heartbeat!

  12. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Hi all. Rainy day here, so everything's gray and gloomy. I'm just coming off a 4 day weekend (took Friday off for the wedding, yesterday we had a work holiday). Coming back to work after a long cozy weekend with DH is always depressing. DH works from home most of the time, so he likes having me around and I would loooooove not to work right now!

    We have our 16 week appointment today! No ultrasound planned for today I think, just a regular check up with my OB, who I haven't seen since 8 weeks (my check ups alternate between him and my NP). I think everything's fine - my tummy feels fuller as of this weekend and I heard baby on doppler the other night. I also had MS this weekend (seriously, its 16 weeks now kiddo, give it rest) so that was an unwelcome sign that things are still okay I guess.

    Wedding was great, albeit cold and rainy. Everything was beautiful. Found out another friend of mine is 12 weeks pregnant, so that was neat. I lasted about 5 hours and left basically as soon as dessert was served. We literally left on the 2nd shuttle with all the parents and old people, but I was pooped and they ran out of bottled water (which was the only non-alcoholic drink they had). The menu was vegetarian, which is fine, except DH can't eat cheese and a long list of vegetables due to some health issues and intolerances, so he basically ate 10 rolls, some squash, and cake for dinner. We had to order him a burger once we got back to the hotel and then we crashed.

  13. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @little bit @London mama glad you guys do it too! This morning I flipped the calendar and thought "oh good, 24 days until my next appointment..." I love hearing the HB too! I might try to record it on my phone next time.

    @gingerbebe glad the wedding was fun! 4 day work weeks often feel longer than 5 day weeks to me! Good luck at your appointment!

  14. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @London Mama: @Littlebit: I swore I wouldn't even use a doppler, then was so paranoid I was set to buy one if my cousin hadn't loaned me hers. And then I swore I'd at least limit how often I use it, and I check it every day. I make it quick, but still, not what I had planned! But I keep getting nervous all of a sudden. I need to feel some consistent movement!

  15. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Hi all. Appointment went fine. Doctor checked the heartbeat, got me scheduled for my next few appointments, and told me everything I'm going through is basically normal. Got a bunch more blood tests and labs done and I still have to re-take the 3 hour glucose test at 28 weeks, but I knew that.

    Feeling queasy today - which is super annoying. Waiting on my 3rd Zofran Rx to get prepared for pick up! Seriously, what gives man. Its also dark and stormy today, which for me means I'm ready for bed. I get sooooo tired and sleepy when its dark out.

    I have my anatomy scan on April 24th, but I'm thinking about maybe doing a private one this weekend because it seems so far away. I think I'm getting bored or restless or something - I keep looking at babymoon vacations (which we technically shouldn't be spending money on) and thought about getting the private scan so I can buy stuff. Yawn. Anyone else?

  16. farawayyama

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @Torchwood: I was the same - totally against it. Then I got an awful stomch bug and the whole time desperately wanted one to check baby was ok. It was such a relief the next time I was at the midwife's to finally hear the beat again!

  17. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Had a bleh day. I'm just still SO tired all the time, and had a headache. And I'm feeling fat. When I wear cute maternity clothes, I feel like I really do look pregnant and cute, but when I'm wearing raggedy stuff (which is mostly all I'm wearing since I'm still painting the house every day) I just feel fat. DH swears I do really look pregnant all the time. Not sure if he just knows he's supposed to say that, or if he actually means it, but it's good to hear. Looking forward to getting done painting so I can stop with the paint clothes, and getting enough bigger that I really feel like no one can mistake that I'm pregnant.

  18. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Torchwood: I still check every day too :X

    @gingerbebe: glad your appt went well! Let us know if you schedule a private scan! I'm impatient and would want one too!

    @Torchwood: how many more rooms to paint? I feel ya on the fat thing

    I jumped on a scale this morning for the first time since before Christmas, and I'm up 5lbs. I gained a TON of weight with Chloe so maybe I shouldn't compare, but is 5lbs normal for 17 weeks? Maybe my MS really was worse this time around?

    I got the stomach flu on Monday and was throwing up 3-4x/hour most of the day. DH came home to help me, then he caught the bug! He's finally back to work today. Chloe had it over the weekend. Oh my gosh, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I've never felt so awful. Even my CS recovery was easier!

  19. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    I'm also feeling fat! I've definitely put on weight, and there are some TTC lbs too, but just look chubby rather than preggo. Fingers crossed the belly pops soon.

    Told my team members in my local office I'm expecting and they were very excited for me. Not like my boss who (jokingly) said 'how could you let this happen?'. I haven't announced to the rest of the department or to the rest of my team in other locations yet, will wait until after my appt next week.

    For those of you who have told work, do you feel like they are being more accommodating? Eg working from home, not pushing you as hard, offering to help out?

  20. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: At my appointment yesterday (16 weeks), I was only up .9 pounds from my last appointment at 10.5 weeks. I think that's great for me because I started off pregnancy overweight, so I know they don't want me to gain a whole lot. Also, I've noticed lately I can't eat a lot at once or I get sick. But if I don't eat right when I need to, I also get sick. So basically I have to eat all the time.

  21. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: um.... I gained like 8 lbs or so. I'm 17 weeks lol. Much more than I gained with the twins.

    @London Mama: not working this time around, but with my last pregnancy, they were very very accommodating. I asked to quit traveling and they were ok with that. I also worked from home, but we agreed to that arrangement before I got pregnant. I was very lucky to have cool bosses. But they were able to give me work that didn't require me to be at the office.

  22. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: o no! Did u get the flu shot? I didn't and my hubby was so paranoid cuz he heard some pregnant lady died and lost her unborn baby cuz of the flu. Sorry not to scare u.

  23. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Torchwood: awww I'm sure to him, u r the most beautiful pregnant woman ever! U can also take out the word pregnant lol.

  24. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @tequiero21: I did but I also had the stomach flu. They're unrelated.

  25. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @London Mama: My job has been very good about my pregnancy, but I sorta work on the "mom floor" and just about everyone here has kids, male or female. I got the worst of morning sickness at the busiest time of year for our office, so I told them very early - like 5 weeks. My 2nd level supervisor's wife is also pregnant at the moment, so he's super understanding.

  26. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @tequiero21: For the record, the "stomach flu" isn't the flu. The flu is respiratory. A shot wouldn't have kept her from getting sick, and there's no risk of loss (that I know of?) from a normal stomach bug.

  27. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: @Torchwood: oops just read the flu.

  28. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: At this point there aren't actually any more full rooms to paint (that we'll do before we move in), just trim and doors. Basically just several (5+) doors and the trim in the bathroom, hall, and living room. We'll paint the kitchen and nursery (and trim in both) after moving in. So really there's not a ton left right now, thankfully. And glad you're feeling better! Nothing is worse than a stomach bug, especially when it's not just one person dealing with it.

    I was up 5 pounds from my first appointment (7 or 8 weeks?) to my second (13 weeks?). Though the nurse wasn't very precise and was all, "eh, close enough," and pretty sure that added at least a pound. I haven't weighed in a bit, but I'm up at least a pound or two since then, maybe a little more. I feel like I'm probably going to gain a little more than I'm supposed to, but if it continues at roughly the same rate I won't be way over or anything. I guess I'll see how it looks at my appointment after my anatomy scan. And I'll be eating a LOT healthier once we're moved and not eating out/fast food most nights.

    @tequiero21: Aww, thanks.

  29. Mrs.Hawk71

    cherry / 172 posts

    @gingerbebe: We had a private scan done at a little over 15 weeks along and it was so worth it!

  30. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @torchwood @London mama I think I've gained about 9-10 lbs so far (17w today!) but I am not really showing yet. I expected to gain a few extra pounds because I went from running 20+ miles a week to currently doing about 6 plus some low impact work outs. I knew I would gain a few when I toned down the distance running so I try not to get too upset about it but I do feel quite chubby though and I'm ready for my bump to be a real bump!!

  31. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    So just felt the baby in a really definite way for the first time. Every other time it's been so quick I just wasn't sure, But this was 5 or 6 little bumps or something in a row, in a very "yep, no way that's gas" way. On the one hand, hooray! It's so cool and all that. On the other, honestly? It's a *little* creepy. I think it's just so far outside of one's normal experience. In what other circumstance is it a GOOD thing to have something alive iside of you and wiggling around and leeching your body's resources?! So it's weird. I feel a little guilty for even feeling that way, but pretty sure it's a normal feeling. Plus, I really am excited. It's just not quite the way I'd always pictured it.

  32. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    @Torchwood: great feeling isn't it? But you're right it's a bit freaky, it's like having a little alien inside you.

    So what I was saying the other day about just looking fat isn't true anymore, something's happened over the past few days and I definitely look pregnant now! Yesterday I was in a meeting at work and everyone was trying to sneak looks at my belly, apparently my belly is now a hot topic of conversation around the water cooler. I feel much more pregnant as well, like my bump is much bigger than last week. Which is great and also a little worrying as I'm not even half way yet!

    Happy Friday everyone!

  33. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Hey repeat moms: When is a good time to go on a babymoon? We weren't going to do one, but DH is pressing for us to go to Hawaii for a week in July (when I will be about 29-30 weeks). We have a small window for a long weekend over Memorial Day weekend when I will be smaller, but I don't know if I'd want to bother going to Hawaii for 3 days on the ground (we're flying from the West Coast so its just 5 hours away).

    Doctor says anything before 36 weeks is fine and he reminded me that our health system has facilities in Hawaii so we'd be fine if anything happened.

    How uncomfortable are you at 30 weeks?

    I'm still mulling over the financial part of this too, so nothing's decided. I'm going to go unpaid for a few months while on maternity leave and DH will take a pay cut at the same time because we'll be moving over to his health insurance, so money will be tighter for a while. Plus, we're thinking of flying to see DH's family over Christmas when the baby is 3 months old (long story), which will be extra travel costs. So I'm not convinced that its the best use of our finances right now.

    That said, DH raises the point that I'm really not dealing well with the stress/exhaustion of work right now, and I usually get burned out right about July every year (June is rough). He thinks by the time I'm 3rd trimester, huge, and dealing with 110 degree heat, I'm going to want to kill someone if I don't take a vacation.


  34. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Torchwood: it's is a strange, wonderful feeling. I loved the moments when I was alone and could have "conversations" with Chloe. If I put my hand on my belly she'd nudge me, and it felt like it was just the two of us.. It was like our special bonding time lol

    @gingerbebe: I went to the beach at 27/28w with Chloe and was fairly uncomfortable during the car ride (8hours). I was as happy as could be floating in the pool but did find it a little difficult to get out of a beach chair! It was also got and I was starting to swell, so I spent evenings with my legs up and ice packs on my feet. It was a GREAT trip, though, and I was prepared to go back this summer (at 34 weeks) but my OB said no.

  35. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @Gingerbebe: I flew from TX to VA at 27 weeks and it was fine...but it was also in the winter, and I haven't experienced how summer heat might affect swelling and that sort of thing...obviously the earlier you travel the more likely you are to be comfortable. If you can get up and walk around a lot during the flight that will definitely help.

  36. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @London Mama: I keep thinking it feels like snakes moving. Which makes no sense. My mom says the heartbeat is wrong for a reptile, so it must be an alien. And hooray for having a "real" belly!

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I'm really looking forward to getting to the point where I can emotionally connect the movement feelings with the fact that we're having a baby. Right now that emotional aspect just isn't there.

  37. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Also, non-first time mom's, were any of you team green the first time? The anatomy scan is less than 2 weeks away (!!!), and I'm kinda nervous. For one thing, I think the temptation will be very high to give in and find out the sex, and I know I'll really, really regret it if we do. But mostly I'm wondering how likely it is that we'll somehow find out by accident. I think I've heard that they'll tell you to look away whenever there's a chance you'll see anything? But what if baby were to move unexpectedly and give us a shot, or they see what it is and slip and say "he" or "she." Does anyone know if that happens really, or if I'm just being silly?

  38. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    @Torchwood: we were team green with LO nr 1 and will be again. I like the surprise of not knowing and I wouldn't be buying a lot of gender specific items anyway.

  39. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    I am so, so sore tonight. Chloe and I went to a cousins brid shower today & I hardly ever sat down. I ran around and chased Chloe for over two hours & tonight my body is aching.

    I wish I wasn't too tired to soak in the tub!

  40. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    Just popping in to say hello! Hope everyone had a good weekend! Feeling a lot of flutters lately, which is fun (and also odd!)

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