So it's finally time to sell my beloved UppaBaby Vista with rumble seat and piggy back board and Combi Twin Sport because they don't fit our needs anymore Now that our kids are 4 and almost 2, it's time to change it up to a stroller we only use occassionally.

I'd love a sit and stand stroller such as the Joovy Caboose or Baby Trend Sit n Stand, but it looks like both of them have only a seat pad for the second seat, not a full seat with sides. Wagon Jr. loves to choose between sitting and standing, but a lot of times when we're out and about with our single umbrella stroller he whines to be able to sit. He gets tired a lot and sometimes wants to climb into the stroller to sleep, and I DON'T want to take that option away from him so I need a tandem sit and stand that has somewhat of a full seat in the back for the older child.

Any ideas??