I just thought of a new thing for me to worry about. I'm not pregnant yet but I semi-recently made the discovery that I struggle to breathe frequently during the night. It terrifies my wife and she wakes me up to get me breathing again. I have just been dealing with this all of my life so I didn't bother talking to my doctor about it pre-ttc. It didn't occur to me until just now that this is going to affect my baby who will also not be getting oxygen! Women without pre-existing sleep apnea also can develop it in pregnancy.

Does anyone have experience with sleep apnea during pregnancy?
Did you have it before getting pregnant?
Did you develop preeclampsia?
Did you wear a cpap?

Dr.Google informed me that this could increase my chances of my baby needing to be in the nicu by close to 50%.

Losing weight pre-pregnancy is really the only suggestion but that isn't what my issue is. So I have no idea how to decrease the health risks. Obviously I'll have to talk to my doctor but please share your experiences!