Hi Bees - I'm relatively new to the boards but have been hanging around the site since late in my pregnancy last year. And now, rather predictably, I have a sleep question.
LO is 7.5 mos and sleeps in a crib in the same room as me due to space constraints. She is still nursing 1-2 times per night, which is not a problem for me. I think at least one night feeding is necessary for my supply right now. However, she wakes frequently, often every two hours, and doesn't fall asleep independently, either at the beginning of night, during wakings, or for naps. Our bedtime routine is bath, lotion, diaper and jammies, nursing, sleep sack, holding and singing, down in the crib, patting or hand resting on her till she's asleep/nearly asleep.
She's become increasingly mobile in the last month, and now once she's in the crib, she cries, rolls, and scoots all over trying to get me to pick her back up instead of falling asleep, and it's more of the same during night wakings. I was hoping to slowly extinguish the patting/touching/standing next to her, but now that she can move, she's gone crazy pants. It's gone from a 5 minute process to taking an hour or more to get her to sleep.
I'm thinking some form of sleep training is necessary now to get her to 1) fall asleep on her own in the crib (before she can really crawl, or, good lord, stand up), and 2) not wake up so frequently.
I'm hesitant to do full extinction CIO for a few reasons, but mainly I think it would be really hard for me to keep it up since I'm going to be right in the room watching her sob, at least in the middle of the night. Plus it seems like it will be really confusing for her that sometimes I do come pick her up and nurse her, and sometimes just leave her to cry.
Anyone have ideas or experience for sleep training while room sharing?
How have folks dealt with the inconsistency of sometimes responding to baby's cries when it's time to nurse, but then ignoring them other times?
Any and all ideas appreciated!