I have some questions about sleep...Biggest issues in a nutshell -- really hard to GET to sleep, but once he's asleep, does pretty well so I'm afraid of change, haha.

Right now, my 10-week-old nurses to sleep and sleeps in a RNP. Lately we've been getting a good 6-8 hour stretch from him at night, so I'm a bit terrified of changing anything we're doing. But I'm also afraid that he'll start having sleep associations (mainly re: the nursing to sleep and RNP) that will be hard to change. Also, he still won't take a paci at this point, if that's relevant.

First, if your baby slept in a RNP, when did you transition them out of it? I'd like him to sleep in the bassinet and then in the crib. Sometimes he'll sleep in the bassinet for naps. I'm a little afraid to try at night, because again, I'm afraid to mess up the night sleep. But I know we'll have to move him at some point!

Two, the mythical drowsy but awake. When did this start working for you (if it did)? He has only ever been nursed to sleep, like out cold, for naps and nighttime. I don't mind terribly, EXCEPT for the fact that sometimes it can take an hour plus. But I'm not even sure how to even attempt drowsy but awake, because (so far) if I don't put him down fully asleep, he wakes up and cries. Is this a real thing? Does it actually ever work? ha

Three, right now we get in bed around nine, and he falls asleep usually by 10 or 11. I know at some point we should move his bedtime earlier. It would also be nice to have some time to ourselves after he's asleep. But I'm a little nervous about that because selfishly I like his long sleep coinciding with when I'm asleep. He can be tough to get back down after his long stretch, so I'm worried he'll start waking for the day at 3 or 4 a.m. if we manage to get him down earlier.

Anyway, that's a lot, but if you have any tips on any of this, I would very much welcome them!