Looking for any and all ideas - I’m out of em!

DS is 18 months, still not sleeping through the night. His preference would be to nurse through the night like a newborn right next to me. Have tried various sleep training over the past year including CIO and sleep sense. They seem to work for 4-6 weeks but then are derailed by illness or teething or god knows what and then back to repeated wakings. Naps are good, approx 1.5 -2 hours, bedtime routine starts between 7 and 730.

I’m back to work now and I’m tired, really tired. It’s acffecting my ability to work and I’m willing to try anything. Last night he cried/called for mama for well over an hour until I caved. At which point I brought him to our bed and he nursed/fussed around every couple hours until morning. Brutal.
