A few years ago when I was pg with 2 I brought up sterilization to DH. He was like "noooo! It is terrifying! I can't!" I got mad because I felt like the onus should be on him since I've had two babies, a D/C, and back surgery due to a messed up epidural. It really made me mad that he so quickly said no.

After we had 2 the issue went dormant while we considered a third. Since then we've decided to adopt a 3rd when we are a little older. I just feel that I do not want to add another bio baby to the world (for various reasons, including political, financial, biological, age etc.) So I tell him last night I'm ready for a tubal. And he's like "what? Why not me get a vas?" I'm like, my decision doesn't include you. I don't want to have more bio kids. It means a lot to me that I never be pregnant again, so I'm going to ensure that doesn't happen. Well hubby's wheels start turning and he's like, "you mean even if I were not in the picture...." I'm like, no, that's not what I mean... I just am ready to go forward with something permanent for my own peace of mind. And then he's all like "this should be a joint decision....you don't need to get that invasive surgery.... please let me get a vas...!" I think somehow I hurt his feelings....!

So January 1 it will be a rush to the gyn and urologist and whoever gets there first can get their "virtue signalling" points for being willing to get sterilized!

Husbands are frequently strange.