I'm mostly a lurker on here, but I'm really struggling at the moment and wondered if others have gone through something similar. My husband and I have always gotten along really well, we parented well together when our daughter was first born a year ago. We've had a very difficult year, I had a stroke at 8 weeks postpartum (though thankfully I've recovered fully) and then was diagnosed with Graves disease at 4 months postpartum (that is under control as of very recently). On top of that, we have been living with my parents for the last year and a half because we returned from living overseas for several years, my husband couldn't find a job for 8 months, and then when he finally did find one I gave birth and had the stroke shortly after. So it's been a lifesaver having my parents around, but understandably it hasn't been great for our marriage. My husband is working now but not earning enough to support us. We live in a very expensive city and we could probably scrape by renting an apartment, but it would be very tough. I stay at home with our one year old right now because I've had a year of maternity leave, but also because it's been something that's important to me. Anyway, our main problem seems to be weekends. We get along okay during the week, I have my routine during the day which works fine and he helps in the evenings. But every single weekend we are at each other's throats. He always seems to want to do things differently with our daughter, we're constantly telling each other what to do and getting defensive. Our daughter is still on two naps so I have to keep things moving if everything is going to get done between the two naps (I also EP which doesn't help), and he sees me as uptight and rigid. I guess I am, but I sort of feel like I have to be to get everything done. I just don't know how to fix this, I end up feeling like I hate him every single weekend but I know I don't really. Does anyone have any advice?